Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white

Yet the police don't seem to be afraid of them.

Really? The shot 13 of them, killed 4.

They are members of a gang that have given a green light to murder cops, they just participated in a massive gunfight - and the cops don't fear for their lives enough to restrain the men physically or have guns trained on them.

On the other hand - cops sure seem to be afraid of black guys running away.


I know of several incidents of black rioters murdering cops, can you show any white or Mexican bikers killing cops?

Yeah, we knew you couldn't...
Yet the police don't seem to be afraid of them.

Really? The shot 13 of them, killed 4.

They are members of a gang that have given a green light to murder cops, they just participated in a massive gunfight - and the cops don't fear for their lives enough to restrain the men physically or have guns trained on them.

On the other hand - cops sure seem to be afraid of black guys running away.


I know of several incidents of black rioters murdering cops, can you show any white or Mexican bikers killing cops?

Yeah, we knew you couldn't...

No Biker gangs are just misunderstood nice boys who carry chains and knives just in case someone needs a tow or maybe to cut the crust off someones sandwich

You are ignoring responses and just parroting your points. He pointed out that the cops shot 13 of them and killled 4.

That's not a soft response. THat's not coddling.

Sorry Corny, Once again you're seeing me say something in your mind.

Who said anything about soft responses or coddling? Me? Or the voices again?

Your comments about "nice boys" is obviously a complaint that the cops aren't being as harsh with the bikers as with the rioters.

Pointing out that bikers were shot and killed is strong evidence that your point was wrong.

Your focus on wording is obviously a disingenuous dodge.
Yet the police don't seem to be afraid of them.

Really? The shot 13 of them, killed 4.

They are members of a gang that have given a green light to murder cops, they just participated in a massive gunfight - and the cops don't fear for their lives enough to restrain the men physically or have guns trained on them.

On the other hand - cops sure seem to be afraid of black guys running away.


I know of several incidents of black rioters murdering cops, can you show any white or Mexican bikers killing cops?

Yeah, we knew you couldn't...
Yet the police don't seem to be afraid of them.

Really? The shot 13 of them, killed 4.

They are members of a gang that have given a green light to murder cops, they just participated in a massive gunfight - and the cops don't fear for their lives enough to restrain the men physically or have guns trained on them.

On the other hand - cops sure seem to be afraid of black guys running away.


I know of several incidents of black rioters murdering cops, can you show any white or Mexican bikers killing cops?

Yeah, we knew you couldn't...

No Biker gangs are just misunderstood nice boys who carry chains and knives just in case someone needs a tow or maybe to cut the crust off someones sandwich

You are ignoring responses and just parroting your points. He pointed out that the cops shot 13 of them and killled 4.

That's not a soft response. THat's not coddling.

Sorry Corny, Once again you're seeing me say something in your mind.

Who said anything about soft responses or coddling? Me? Or the voices again?

Your comments about "nice boys" is obviously a complaint that the cops aren't being as harsh with the bikers as with the rioters.

Pointing out that bikers were shot and killed is strong evidence that your point was wrong.

Your focus on wording is obviously a disingenuous dodge.

Bikers being called misunderstood nice boys has nothign to do with soft response or coddling.

I'm only responsible for what I say, not what you think I mean when I say something. Great strawman logic tho...bit of stretch as usual
Really? The shot 13 of them, killed 4.

I know of several incidents of black rioters murdering cops, can you show any white or Mexican bikers killing cops?

Yeah, we knew you couldn't...
Really? The shot 13 of them, killed 4.

I know of several incidents of black rioters murdering cops, can you show any white or Mexican bikers killing cops?

Yeah, we knew you couldn't...

No Biker gangs are just misunderstood nice boys who carry chains and knives just in case someone needs a tow or maybe to cut the crust off someones sandwich

You are ignoring responses and just parroting your points. He pointed out that the cops shot 13 of them and killled 4.

That's not a soft response. THat's not coddling.

Sorry Corny, Once again you're seeing me say something in your mind.

Who said anything about soft responses or coddling? Me? Or the voices again?

Your comments about "nice boys" is obviously a complaint that the cops aren't being as harsh with the bikers as with the rioters.

Pointing out that bikers were shot and killed is strong evidence that your point was wrong.

Your focus on wording is obviously a disingenuous dodge.

Bikers being called misunderstood nice boys has nothign to do with soft response or coddling.

I'm only responsible for what I say, not what you think I mean when I say something. Great strawman logic tho...bit of stretch as usual


Your attempt here to satirize the conservative response to black violence has a number of problems of which you are refusing to admit even when your face is rubbed in it repeatedly.

1. THe Black community has a far more serious and pervasive problem with crime than the white community.

2. Black leaders and the black community have a history of identifying with and defending black criminals.

3. "White leaders" do not have a history of identifying with and defending white criminals.

You have obviously assumed in the past, that any statements about these problems were motivated by racism.

You were incorrect.

Thus, asking black leaders to denounce the widespread violence in the black community is called for.

But as "White leaders" or the White Community does not identify with or defend white community, asking them to denounce isolated violence by white criminals is not called for.

All you are doing is showing how Willfully Ignorant you are.
Dude, once again from now on I need links from you because what you think and what happened are two different things.

For example: you think that someone is defending criminals, no people were objecting shooting an unarmed person. Just because you throw in the word criminal doesnt mean shit.
Dude, once again from now on I need links from you because what you think and what happened are two different things.

For example: you think that someone is defending criminals, no people were objecting shooting an unarmed person. Just because you throw in the word criminal doesnt mean shit.

You don't need any links. You're purposefully missing the point.

You have already tried to deny that Trevon Martin was a criminal. You libs and black leaders and the black community identified with the black criminal and defended him.

Neither cons nor "white leaders" have been acting that way, in general or specifically with regards to these bikers.

Thus, the little game you've been trying to play here is a complete failure.

All you are showing is how much you misunderstand the situation(s).
Show me ONE prominent person expressing sympathy for the frustration of these thugs, the way Obama and Sharpton did with Ferguson?

You fail again in your race baiting.

What? Oh you just tee'd up the second part....Its kinda hard to sympathize with people being treated so nicely. Like, aww man look how the cops just sat there and didnt beat them silly.

That's why some observers of the Waco tragedy have taken note of the fact that the gang members in the brawl weren't brutalized or killed by the police officers who arrested them, and actually appeared to be treated with a certain level of civility.

A writer at the blog Crooks and Liars lamented, "Check out the cell phones and smokes while they wait for the cops to process them. No rides in the paddy wagon for them. Just sit on the curb and wait until nice Mr. Policeman has a moment to process you."

That, of course, stands in contrast to what has happened in a string of high-profile cases involving the police-involved deaths of black men who, unlike the Waco bike gang members, were entirely unarmed.

LOL, at you saying the police treated them "nicely" unironically. Dumb ass nigga be buggin out.

Initially the reports just said "9 dead" and didn't mention any arrests and holy fuck did liberals run with that. Within a few hours it was immediately being compared to Ferguson and Baltimore. I'll spare you the triggering memes because you've no doubt seen them already. When pressed on the issue, leftists insisted the two situations were entirely equivocal and represented one of the clearest and most definitive case studies on police/race relations. The conclusion was inescapable: white people get away with literal chaos and mass murder but brown people get tear gassed and shot for peaceful protest.

Now that 48 hours have passed a few interesting things have come out:

At least 4 of the people killed were killed by the police
Unconfirmed eyewitness accounts are starting to suggest all of the dead were killed by police
At least 200 out of 250ish people were arrested
Charges are pending on more than 160 people, who remain in police custody
All of the people being charged are being charged under organized crime laws which carry mandatory minimums of 15 years in Texas
Less than $25,000 in property damage (est.)
Regular uniformed police had situation contained in less than 20 minutes
Lets compare this to combined effects of Ferguson and Baltimore:

Only two dead at the hands of police (1 ruled justified)
About 140 out of 2,500+ were arrested
Charges against all but about 20 were dropped
Zero rioters killed or even shot at by police
State of Emergency declared
Over one hundred million in property damage
National Guard required in both cases to end the riot
You have already tried to deny that Trevon Martin was a criminal.

He wasnt. Period.

And here is the difference between the two sides that you refuse to see, despite having your face rubbed in it.

The Left, ie the libs and the blacks identify with and defend black criminals.

YOur denial that Treyvon "no limits nigga" Martin, who was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's chest beating him in the face while Zimmerman screamed for help was a thug and a criminal, is a fine example.

The Right and Republicans do NOT play that game. No conservatives or republicans or whites are making up bullshit excuses for these white thugs arrested or killed by police.

Thus your thread is attempting to use parallels between the two sides, that do not exist.

All you are doing is revealing how Willfully Ignorant you have managed to keep yourself.
The Left, ie the libs and the blacks identify with and defend black criminals.

How can you call it identifying with a criminal when the person you're referring to was not a criminal?

Already explained.

The lib/black denial of his crime and thugishness is the problem.

He was witnessed committing a criminal assault.

And yet you libs and blacks still defend and identify with him.

Obama said that his son would look like him.

Is any major Right leaders claiming their sons would look like the Cossacks?


THat's why cons do things like demand lib or black leaders to denounce black violence. Because they have such a history of defending it.

That's why is does NOT make sense to demand con or "white leaders" to do the same.

That's one of the reasons why black crime is identified as a black issue. Because the black community identifies with it. And because black crime is so much more of a problem in the black community of course.

This is not true with white criminals.

Wake up.
The Left, ie the libs and the blacks identify with and defend black criminals.

How can you call it identifying with a criminal when the person you're referring to was not a criminal?
He had marijuana, war gold grills, and was black. What more do you need to be considered a thug? He also got suspended for spraying graffiti on the school.

He was witnessed committed a violent, criminal assault.

Already explained.

I dont take explanations seriously, just facts and the fact is he wasnt a criminal no matter how many times you click your heels Dorothy

The fact is he was.

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"The only eyewitness to the end of the confrontation stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and punching him, while Zimmerman was yelling for help. This witness, who identified himself as "John", stated that "the guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, 'Help! Help!' and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911"."

That's the fact.

That was a crime.

A violent crime, thus justifying the label, Thug.

As previously explained, the lib/black rush to judgement, and holding to that judgement in the face of revealed truth, is defending and identifying with the black criminal.

Have you noticed that Whites, cons, Republicans are not denying the bikers to be criminals or thugs?

Have you noticed a complete lack of concern for the thugs that were gunned down by the cops?

THe problem here is you and yours.

You are the ones who are on the side of some criminals. Based on skin color.
Since people are criminals before being found guilty everyone is a criminal is your logic. Ok buddy, have fun
Since people are criminals before being found guilty everyone is a criminal is your logic. Ok buddy, have fun

A criminal is someone who commits a crime.

Martin was witnessed committing a crime.

And yet you deny the simple fact that he was a criminal.

YOu deny and defend. And identify with.

NOte how I do not do that with or for the Bikers in question.

This is the difference that you refuse to see.
Was he defending himself or committing a crime?

Well, he was found guilty of nothing so it must be a crime because hoodies and grills or something
Was he defending himself or committing a crime?

Well, he was found guilty of nothing so it must be a crime because hoodies and grills or something

Seriously? He's on top. The guy on the bottom is screaming for help. The witness says that Martin was beating Zimmerman "MMA style".

A criminal is someone who commits a crime.

Your focus on lack of a trial is just a defense mechanism for your denial.

You have spend years telling yourself that the cons/republicans/whites were bad mouthing Martin because they were racist.

We were judging him by his actions.

You were not.

YOu are denying his actions, and judging him by his skin color.

cons/republicans/whites are judging these white bikers the same as we judged Martin. By his actions.

YOu are the one making skin color based distinctions.

You and yours.
You just described a fight. If someone wins a fight does that make it a crime? Or on top makes it a crime?

Was he defending himself or committing a crime?

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