Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white

Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

As white leaders don't identify with, or excuse or champion these thugs, there is no need for them to thus distance themselves.

They dont denounce it either. Must be because they dont care or looking for a payday. Why condone it with silence?

If Romney came out and said something moronic like, "My son looks like those cossacks", then he would need to do something to walk it back.

SInce neither he, nor any other "white leaders" have done anything like that, they don't.

I agree, thats why I didnt ask anything about walking back. I asked where are the white leaders to tell whites this is not acceptable behavior

I answered that. As white leaders don't have a history of identifying with, or defending white criminals, the situation is different.

You are trying to draw similarities that are not there.

The problem here is that you refuse to admit that the behavior of black leaders, such as Obama (my son would look like Martin) does make demanding them denounce criminal behavior a reasonable response.

While the "white leaders" do not behave in that fashion.

Trayvon was a criminal? Do you mean he wasnt a criminal but could've been? And Obama defended a criminal but not really?

Sitting on top of a man and beating him in the face while he screams for helps is a crime.

It is revealing that you managed to not realize that.

Obama, a black leaders, identified with him.

"White Leaders" don't do that.

THe similarities you are trying to draw exist only in your mind.


Wow. How old is that picture? 1950s? 1960s?
Yet the police don't seem to be afraid of them.

Really? The shot 13 of them, killed 4.

They are members of a gang that have given a green light to murder cops, they just participated in a massive gunfight - and the cops don't fear for their lives enough to restrain the men physically or have guns trained on them.

On the other hand - cops sure seem to be afraid of black guys running away.


I know of several incidents of black rioters murdering cops, can you show any white or Mexican bikers killing cops?

Yeah, we knew you couldn't...
Yet the police don't seem to be afraid of them.

Really? The shot 13 of them, killed 4.

They are members of a gang that have given a green light to murder cops, they just participated in a massive gunfight - and the cops don't fear for their lives enough to restrain the men physically or have guns trained on them.

On the other hand - cops sure seem to be afraid of black guys running away.


I know of several incidents of black rioters murdering cops, can you show any white or Mexican bikers killing cops?

Yeah, we knew you couldn't...

No Biker gangs are just misunderstood nice boys who carry chains and knives just in case someone needs a tow or maybe to cut the crust off someones sandwich

You are ignoring responses and just parroting your points. He pointed out that the cops shot 13 of them and killled 4.

That's not a soft response. THat's not coddling.
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white - Vox


Over the weekend, a shootout between three rival biker gangsat a bar in Waco, Texas, left at least nine gang members dead and 18 others hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds.

It was a huge, devastating tragedy. The New York Times reported that law enforcement sources called it "the worst violence in the Waco area since the siege on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead."

With the Waco incident, we got just the news — not the racial pathology
Those who are using what happened in Waco to start conversations about stereotypes and media biases against black people aren't complaining about the tenor of this weekend's media coverage. They're saying something a little different: thatby being pretty reasonable and sticking to the facts, this coverage highlights the absurdity of the language and analysis that have been deployed in other instances, when the accused criminals are black.

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?" #stuffthemedianeversays

Hey @CNN and @FoxNews: Are you gonna talk about white on white crime tonight. Waco is plagued with biker gang violence.

I blame Sons of Anarchy for glorifying white-on-white biker gang violence. #Waco #TwinsPeakShooting

Where are Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich when their country needs them? This white violence must cease!!! #StopWhiteOnWhiteCrime

Another line of commentary that's predictable in media coverage and commentary surrounding violence involving black people has to do with black cultural pathology.

Politicians and pundits are notorious for grasping for problems in African-American communities — especially fatherlessness — to explain the kind of violence that, when it happens in a white community, is treated as an isolated crime versus an indictment of an entire racial group's way of life.

Has Rand Paul blamed the fatal shooting in Waco on the "lack of fathers," for in that community, yet?

Yeah.....they don't cover it when it's blacks doing this. 34 murders in Baltimore since the riots. No coverage.
Yea I know that but wheres the discussions on the white race?? Fatherless homes? They even put threats out on the police. No biggie.

  1. This is extremely rare
  2. It was gang fight, not a riot, they were not looting and burning
  3. They did not put hits on the police, you're lying.

Biker gangs are scum, bunch of meth dealers. No one defends them the way Obama and Sharpton defend thugs burning down Ferguson.

Rare? Who cares? I asked where are the white leaders?

Yeah they were only shooting, stabbing and killing. No biggie

Police said they did, but you dont even believe it because white people would never do that
We don't have white leaders that excuse this behavior like you do with Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama. Sorry you are a failure on this.
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white - Vox


Over the weekend, a shootout between three rival biker gangsat a bar in Waco, Texas, left at least nine gang members dead and 18 others hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds.

It was a huge, devastating tragedy. The New York Times reported that law enforcement sources called it "the worst violence in the Waco area since the siege on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead."

With the Waco incident, we got just the news — not the racial pathology
Those who are using what happened in Waco to start conversations about stereotypes and media biases against black people aren't complaining about the tenor of this weekend's media coverage. They're saying something a little different: thatby being pretty reasonable and sticking to the facts, this coverage highlights the absurdity of the language and analysis that have been deployed in other instances, when the accused criminals are black.

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?" #stuffthemedianeversays

Hey @CNN and @FoxNews: Are you gonna talk about white on white crime tonight. Waco is plagued with biker gang violence.

I blame Sons of Anarchy for glorifying white-on-white biker gang violence. #Waco #TwinsPeakShooting

Where are Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich when their country needs them? This white violence must cease!!! #StopWhiteOnWhiteCrime

Another line of commentary that's predictable in media coverage and commentary surrounding violence involving black people has to do with black cultural pathology.

Politicians and pundits are notorious for grasping for problems in African-American communities — especially fatherlessness — to explain the kind of violence that, when it happens in a white community, is treated as an isolated crime versus an indictment of an entire racial group's way of life.

Has Rand Paul blamed the fatal shooting in Waco on the "lack of fathers," for in that community, yet?

Biker gangs? That is SO 1950s. Grow up fellas.
Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

As white leaders don't identify with, or excuse or champion these thugs, there is no need for them to thus distance themselves.

They dont denounce it either. Must be because they dont care or looking for a payday. Why condone it with silence?

If Romney came out and said something moronic like, "My son looks like those cossacks", then he would need to do something to walk it back.

SInce neither he, nor any other "white leaders" have done anything like that, they don't.

I agree, thats why I didnt ask anything about walking back. I asked where are the white leaders to tell whites this is not acceptable behavior

I answered that. As white leaders don't have a history of identifying with, or defending white criminals, the situation is different.

You are trying to draw similarities that are not there.

The problem here is that you refuse to admit that the behavior of black leaders, such as Obama (my son would look like Martin) does make demanding them denounce criminal behavior a reasonable response.

While the "white leaders" do not behave in that fashion.

Trayvon was a criminal? Do you mean he wasnt a criminal but could've been? And Obama defended a criminal but not really?
Obama said trayvon could've been his son.
^^^ Everyone listen up...Murder is not the same as a riot. I know thats complicated but two thumbs is here to help
What about all the murders since the riot. Hell nine killed in Chicago is like a normal friday afternoon. You are an idiot.
No one was killed in Fergueson or Baltimore. News all over.

Game over

So, you are trying to compare apples and rat turds? :eek:

Ferguson was a race riot with massive property damage.

Baltimore was a race riot with massive property damage.

Waco was a gang fight with no property damage and no one involved other than the white and Mexican gangs fighting over turf.

Are you going to also point out that no one was wearing a leather vest in Baltimore also?

Because 9 people dead and 190 arrested with hundreds of weapons confiscated seems a little more extreme...just sayin

They found chains, knives and brass knucks and not one of them had their back broken on the way
I'm sure their pants were worn around their waist, not around their knees.
Are you going to also point out that no one was wearing a leather vest in Baltimore also?

I have no idea if anyone wore a leather vest in Baltimore, nor is it in any way relevant.

You're just a racist, desperately trying to mold an isolated criminal act into something it is not, to excuse bad behavior by rioters,

Because 9 people dead and 190 arrested with hundreds of weapons confiscated seems a little more extreme...just sayin

They found chains, knives and brass knucks and not one of them had their back broken on the way

Again, good riddance to the dead, and may the arrested serve long terms.

NOW go after the fucks in Baltimore, I want 1000 arrests there - with jail terms.

What you want doesnt matter. No one died in Baltimore and you cried for days.

9 die here, 190 arrests and hundreds of weapons taken and you go "Yeah but Baltimore!!!"
Small businesses were destroyed in Baltimore. Innocent people's livelihoods were destroyed. 9 thugs killed by each other, then the rest of the thugs sitting in jail with million dollar bonds. You would shit all over yourself if the blacks that rioted got one million dollar bonds. You fail again.
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white - Vox


Over the weekend, a shootout between three rival biker gangsat a bar in Waco, Texas, left at least nine gang members dead and 18 others hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds.

It was a huge, devastating tragedy. The New York Times reported that law enforcement sources called it "the worst violence in the Waco area since the siege on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead."

With the Waco incident, we got just the news — not the racial pathology
Those who are using what happened in Waco to start conversations about stereotypes and media biases against black people aren't complaining about the tenor of this weekend's media coverage. They're saying something a little different: thatby being pretty reasonable and sticking to the facts, this coverage highlights the absurdity of the language and analysis that have been deployed in other instances, when the accused criminals are black.

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?" #stuffthemedianeversays

Hey @CNN and @FoxNews: Are you gonna talk about white on white crime tonight. Waco is plagued with biker gang violence.

I blame Sons of Anarchy for glorifying white-on-white biker gang violence. #Waco #TwinsPeakShooting

Where are Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich when their country needs them? This white violence must cease!!! #StopWhiteOnWhiteCrime

Another line of commentary that's predictable in media coverage and commentary surrounding violence involving black people has to do with black cultural pathology.

Politicians and pundits are notorious for grasping for problems in African-American communities — especially fatherlessness — to explain the kind of violence that, when it happens in a white community, is treated as an isolated crime versus an indictment of an entire racial group's way of life.

Has Rand Paul blamed the fatal shooting in Waco on the "lack of fathers," for in that community, yet?

The pictures look so much better on T.V. when the thugs are looting liquor stores or pharmacies. :D
Are you going to also point out that no one was wearing a leather vest in Baltimore also?

I have no idea if anyone wore a leather vest in Baltimore, nor is it in any way relevant.

You're just a racist, desperately trying to mold an isolated criminal act into something it is not, to excuse bad behavior by rioters,

Because 9 people dead and 190 arrested with hundreds of weapons confiscated seems a little more extreme...just sayin

They found chains, knives and brass knucks and not one of them had their back broken on the way

Again, good riddance to the dead, and may the arrested serve long terms.

NOW go after the fucks in Baltimore, I want 1000 arrests there - with jail terms.

What you want doesnt matter. No one died in Baltimore and you cried for days.

9 die here, 190 arrests and hundreds of weapons taken and you go "Yeah but Baltimore!!!"
Small businesses were destroyed in Baltimore. Innocent people's livelihoods were destroyed. 9 thugs killed by each other, then the rest of the thugs sitting in jail with million dollar bonds. You would shit all over yourself if the blacks that rioted got one million dollar bonds. You fail again.
Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

I can tell! You really say you're anti gang when you have a biker bar at a family resturant
Twin peaks is a biker bar?
So who exactly do whites who would rather follow than lead themselves consider to be "leaders of the white community"?​
Unlike you guys, we don't have "race leaders". That would be racist.
We also don't need a race baiter
So who exactly do whites who would rather follow than lead themselves consider to be "leaders of the white community"?​
Unlike you guys, we don't have "race leaders". That would be racist.
It always amuses me when you pretend a bon fire party is a riot.

And it always amuses me how you keep on assuming that I am black just because I say positive things about blacks and because I'm not a weak ass racist piece of shit like yourself ^_^​
Nothing racist in his comments, your racism is noted.
Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

I can tell! You really say you're anti gang when you have a biker bar at a family resturant
Twin peaks is a biker bar?

And a family restaurant apparently....
Yet the police don't seem to be afraid of them.

Really? The shot 13 of them, killed 4.

They are members of a gang that have given a green light to murder cops, they just participated in a massive gunfight - and the cops don't fear for their lives enough to restrain the men physically or have guns trained on them.

On the other hand - cops sure seem to be afraid of black guys running away.


I know of several incidents of black rioters murdering cops, can you show any white or Mexican bikers killing cops?

Yeah, we knew you couldn't...
Yet the police don't seem to be afraid of them.

Really? The shot 13 of them, killed 4.

They are members of a gang that have given a green light to murder cops, they just participated in a massive gunfight - and the cops don't fear for their lives enough to restrain the men physically or have guns trained on them.

On the other hand - cops sure seem to be afraid of black guys running away.


I know of several incidents of black rioters murdering cops, can you show any white or Mexican bikers killing cops?

Yeah, we knew you couldn't...

No Biker gangs are just misunderstood nice boys who carry chains and knives just in case someone needs a tow or maybe to cut the crust off someones sandwich

You are ignoring responses and just parroting your points. He pointed out that the cops shot 13 of them and killled 4.

That's not a soft response. THat's not coddling.

Sorry Corny, Once again you're seeing me say something in your mind.

Who said anything about soft responses or coddling? Me? Or the voices again?
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white - Vox


Over the weekend, a shootout between three rival biker gangsat a bar in Waco, Texas, left at least nine gang members dead and 18 others hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds.

It was a huge, devastating tragedy. The New York Times reported that law enforcement sources called it "the worst violence in the Waco area since the siege on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead."

With the Waco incident, we got just the news — not the racial pathology
Those who are using what happened in Waco to start conversations about stereotypes and media biases against black people aren't complaining about the tenor of this weekend's media coverage. They're saying something a little different: thatby being pretty reasonable and sticking to the facts, this coverage highlights the absurdity of the language and analysis that have been deployed in other instances, when the accused criminals are black.

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?" #stuffthemedianeversays

Hey @CNN and @FoxNews: Are you gonna talk about white on white crime tonight. Waco is plagued with biker gang violence.

I blame Sons of Anarchy for glorifying white-on-white biker gang violence. #Waco #TwinsPeakShooting

Where are Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich when their country needs them? This white violence must cease!!! #StopWhiteOnWhiteCrime

Another line of commentary that's predictable in media coverage and commentary surrounding violence involving black people has to do with black cultural pathology.

Politicians and pundits are notorious for grasping for problems in African-American communities — especially fatherlessness — to explain the kind of violence that, when it happens in a white community, is treated as an isolated crime versus an indictment of an entire racial group's way of life.

Has Rand Paul blamed the fatal shooting in Waco on the "lack of fathers," for in that community, yet?

Yeah.....they don't cover it when it's blacks doing this. 34 murders in Baltimore since the riots. No coverage.

No Coverage? What, were you at the location of 34 murders and want to tell us something?
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white - Vox


Over the weekend, a shootout between three rival biker gangsat a bar in Waco, Texas, left at least nine gang members dead and 18 others hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds.

It was a huge, devastating tragedy. The New York Times reported that law enforcement sources called it "the worst violence in the Waco area since the siege on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead."

With the Waco incident, we got just the news — not the racial pathology
Those who are using what happened in Waco to start conversations about stereotypes and media biases against black people aren't complaining about the tenor of this weekend's media coverage. They're saying something a little different: thatby being pretty reasonable and sticking to the facts, this coverage highlights the absurdity of the language and analysis that have been deployed in other instances, when the accused criminals are black.

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?" #stuffthemedianeversays

Hey @CNN and @FoxNews: Are you gonna talk about white on white crime tonight. Waco is plagued with biker gang violence.

I blame Sons of Anarchy for glorifying white-on-white biker gang violence. #Waco #TwinsPeakShooting

Where are Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich when their country needs them? This white violence must cease!!! #StopWhiteOnWhiteCrime

Another line of commentary that's predictable in media coverage and commentary surrounding violence involving black people has to do with black cultural pathology.

Politicians and pundits are notorious for grasping for problems in African-American communities — especially fatherlessness — to explain the kind of violence that, when it happens in a white community, is treated as an isolated crime versus an indictment of an entire racial group's way of life.

Has Rand Paul blamed the fatal shooting in Waco on the "lack of fathers," for in that community, yet?

Yeah.....they don't cover it when it's blacks doing this. 34 murders in Baltimore since the riots. No coverage.

No Coverage? What, were you at the location of 34 murders and want to tell us something?

Thanks for acknowledging the validity of my statement.
Obviously you didn't hear about cuz the media ignored it.

34 Murders in Baltimore in 30 days

In the 30 days since Freddie Gray died, 34 people have been murdered in Baltimore,
according to The Baltimore Sun. The city has seen more than 160 non-fatal
shootings, a 60 percent increase from this time last year, and a 40 percent
jump in homicides. Most of the latter happened in the Baltimore Police
Department’s Western district—the same area where Gray was arrested. “What
we’ve seen over the past few weeks will not be tolerated,” said Mayor Stephanie
Rawlings-Blake. “I want to assure the community that every available resource
will be utilized to make our community safer.”This is the same Mayor who assured the American people who watched that " we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that”. Meanwhile they cost the city more than $9 million dollars in damages, and countless businesses have been damaged or destroyed.

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Baltimore police city and community concerned over surge in violence - Baltimore Sun
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