Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white

Nope you just are quick to remind everyone to keep their eyes on the blacks because the biker gang only had a shootout and blacks stole Toilet Paper.

You honestly expected whites to be the pile of shit racists that you are, and you don't know how to react now that you find they aren't...

LMAO....What, I found out that racist dont exist? Um ok

You actually believe your own lies, don't you?

Silly fool. Mainstream society condemns criminals - only YOU and your fellow racists excuse violence because of skin color.

If only you could point out the lie I told I can see the error in my ways.

I'll just place this in the its different pile. Where white riots are "celebrations" and not white shootouts are "brawls"

And no one wondered about Rock Music as being to blame. weird
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white - Vox


Over the weekend, a shootout between three rival biker gangsat a bar in Waco, Texas, left at least nine gang members dead and 18 others hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds.

It was a huge, devastating tragedy. The New York Times reported that law enforcement sources called it "the worst violence in the Waco area since the siege on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead."

With the Waco incident, we got just the news — not the racial pathology
Those who are using what happened in Waco to start conversations about stereotypes and media biases against black people aren't complaining about the tenor of this weekend's media coverage. They're saying something a little different: thatby being pretty reasonable and sticking to the facts, this coverage highlights the absurdity of the language and analysis that have been deployed in other instances, when the accused criminals are black.

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?" #stuffthemedianeversays

Hey @CNN and @FoxNews: Are you gonna talk about white on white crime tonight. Waco is plagued with biker gang violence.

I blame Sons of Anarchy for glorifying white-on-white biker gang violence. #Waco #TwinsPeakShooting

Where are Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich when their country needs them? This white violence must cease!!! #StopWhiteOnWhiteCrime

Another line of commentary that's predictable in media coverage and commentary surrounding violence involving black people has to do with black cultural pathology.

Politicians and pundits are notorious for grasping for problems in African-American communities — especially fatherlessness — to explain the kind of violence that, when it happens in a white community, is treated as an isolated crime versus an indictment of an entire racial group's way of life.

Has Rand Paul blamed the fatal shooting in Waco on the "lack of fathers," for in that community, yet?

The best thing about the white thugs? They just kill each other,they dont burn down communities.
If blacks would stick to killing each other I'd even pitch in for the ammo. Hell,where can I send some money for the biker ammo fund?
Shit,better yet we can get the bikers to fight ghetto negroes and and we can put it on PPV and have a perpetual ammo fund.
Black culture seems devastated by crime and it's effects. As you libs admit with your discussions recently about the way incarceration contributes to fatherlessness.

White culture does not seem devastated by crime and it's effects. Such instances do seem more like isolated crimes and not social problems.

That being said, I would be surprised if those dead and arrested, hell, all the bikers are not more likely to be the children of single mothers than law abiding whites.

One of the major differences is that these were gangs of white and Hispanic bikers shooting each other - not looting and burning down buildings, Of course I condemn them, everyone does. And I condemn the DNC news media for calling them "clubs" rather than "gangs." They are gangs, and violent ones.

But this was a gang fight, not a riot.

So when do we march in support of those poor bandidos and cossacks?
I'm sure it's just because they had a bad childhood and they're just misunderstood.
I cant believe those dirty pigs were there waiting to harass those innocent club members? Whats next the boy scouts?
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white - Vox


Over the weekend, a shootout between three rival biker gangsat a bar in Waco, Texas, left at least nine gang members dead and 18 others hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds.

It was a huge, devastating tragedy. The New York Times reported that law enforcement sources called it "the worst violence in the Waco area since the siege on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead."

With the Waco incident, we got just the news — not the racial pathology
Those who are using what happened in Waco to start conversations about stereotypes and media biases against black people aren't complaining about the tenor of this weekend's media coverage. They're saying something a little different: thatby being pretty reasonable and sticking to the facts, this coverage highlights the absurdity of the language and analysis that have been deployed in other instances, when the accused criminals are black.

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?" #stuffthemedianeversays

Hey @CNN and @FoxNews: Are you gonna talk about white on white crime tonight. Waco is plagued with biker gang violence.

I blame Sons of Anarchy for glorifying white-on-white biker gang violence. #Waco #TwinsPeakShooting

Where are Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich when their country needs them? This white violence must cease!!! #StopWhiteOnWhiteCrime

Another line of commentary that's predictable in media coverage and commentary surrounding violence involving black people has to do with black cultural pathology.

Politicians and pundits are notorious for grasping for problems in African-American communities — especially fatherlessness — to explain the kind of violence that, when it happens in a white community, is treated as an isolated crime versus an indictment of an entire racial group's way of life.

Has Rand Paul blamed the fatal shooting in Waco on the "lack of fathers," for in that community, yet?

The best thing about the white thugs? They just kill each other,they dont burn down communities.
If blacks would stick to killing each other I'd even pitch in for the ammo. Hell,where can I send some money for the biker ammo fund?
Shit,better yet we can get the bikers to fight ghetto negroes and and we can put it on PPV and have a perpetual ammo fund.

I'm sure the families ducking the gun fire thought the same thing

Would ya just look at all those fine upstanding mexicans and white boys.
I think I recognize a few of em from my church.

You liberals are some stupid MFs.
White people dont give a shit about these people,other than we hope they get shot either by a rival gang or the cops,while you stupid fucks canonize every career criminal negro who gets his dumbass shot by the cops.

I didnt ask if you gave a shit about them I asked where is the roundtables about the problem with white culture?

No use of the phrase White on White crime?

Broken families?

Even the news called this a brawl....with guns! Wheres the tear gas!

No one claimed they are "waging war on the police" after attacking and putting hits out? Oh god, but let one black person say "please dont shoot me in the back" and you go all "You HATE THE POLICE!!! You're waging WAR on them"
No Biker gangs are just misunderstood nice boys who carry chains and knives just in case someone needs a tow or maybe to cut the crust off someones sandwich

Nice try, racist.

Biker gangs are meth slinging scumbags. No one defends them.

No one.

Why arent you wondering about their broken families? What happened to the cultural shaming you're such a fan of?

Because we dont give a shit about their broken mexican/white boy families any more than we give a shit about broken negroe families. FUCK EM!!! Throw the assholes in prison or shoot em.
Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

I can tell! You really say you're anti gang when you have a biker bar at a family resturant
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white - Vox


Over the weekend, a shootout between three rival biker gangsat a bar in Waco, Texas, left at least nine gang members dead and 18 others hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds.

It was a huge, devastating tragedy. The New York Times reported that law enforcement sources called it "the worst violence in the Waco area since the siege on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead."

With the Waco incident, we got just the news — not the racial pathology
Those who are using what happened in Waco to start conversations about stereotypes and media biases against black people aren't complaining about the tenor of this weekend's media coverage. They're saying something a little different: thatby being pretty reasonable and sticking to the facts, this coverage highlights the absurdity of the language and analysis that have been deployed in other instances, when the accused criminals are black.

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?" #stuffthemedianeversays

Hey @CNN and @FoxNews: Are you gonna talk about white on white crime tonight. Waco is plagued with biker gang violence.

I blame Sons of Anarchy for glorifying white-on-white biker gang violence. #Waco #TwinsPeakShooting

Where are Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich when their country needs them? This white violence must cease!!! #StopWhiteOnWhiteCrime

Another line of commentary that's predictable in media coverage and commentary surrounding violence involving black people has to do with black cultural pathology.

Politicians and pundits are notorious for grasping for problems in African-American communities — especially fatherlessness — to explain the kind of violence that, when it happens in a white community, is treated as an isolated crime versus an indictment of an entire racial group's way of life.

Has Rand Paul blamed the fatal shooting in Waco on the "lack of fathers," for in that community, yet?

The best thing about the white thugs? They just kill each other,they dont burn down communities.
If blacks would stick to killing each other I'd even pitch in for the ammo. Hell,where can I send some money for the biker ammo fund?
Shit,better yet we can get the bikers to fight ghetto negroes and and we can put it on PPV and have a perpetual ammo fund.

I'm sure the families ducking the gun fire thought the same thing

Would ya just look at all those fine upstanding mexicans and white boys.
I think I recognize a few of em from my church.

You liberals are some stupid MFs.
White people dont give a shit about these people,other than we hope they get shot either by a rival gang or the cops,while you stupid fucks canonize every career criminal negro who gets his dumbass shot by the cops.

I didnt ask if you gave a shit about them I asked where is the roundtables about the problem with white culture?

No use of the phrase White on White crime?

Broken families?

Even the news called this a brawl....with guns! Wheres the tear gas!

No one claimed they are "waging war on the police" after attacking and putting hits out? Oh god, but let one black person say "please dont shoot me in the back" and you go all "You HATE THE POLICE!!! You're waging WAR on them"

So tell me dumbass..when was the last time a biker riot was in the news? And how many businesses were burned down while they were killing each other?
Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

I can tell! You really say you're anti gang when you have a biker bar at a family resturant

I think we've discovered your think twin peaks is a family restaurant.
Did your daddy take you to family titty bars as a kid?
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white - Vox


Over the weekend, a shootout between three rival biker gangsat a bar in Waco, Texas, left at least nine gang members dead and 18 others hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds.

It was a huge, devastating tragedy. The New York Times reported that law enforcement sources called it "the worst violence in the Waco area since the siege on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead."

With the Waco incident, we got just the news — not the racial pathology
Those who are using what happened in Waco to start conversations about stereotypes and media biases against black people aren't complaining about the tenor of this weekend's media coverage. They're saying something a little different: thatby being pretty reasonable and sticking to the facts, this coverage highlights the absurdity of the language and analysis that have been deployed in other instances, when the accused criminals are black.

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?" #stuffthemedianeversays

Hey @CNN and @FoxNews: Are you gonna talk about white on white crime tonight. Waco is plagued with biker gang violence.

I blame Sons of Anarchy for glorifying white-on-white biker gang violence. #Waco #TwinsPeakShooting

Where are Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich when their country needs them? This white violence must cease!!! #StopWhiteOnWhiteCrime

Another line of commentary that's predictable in media coverage and commentary surrounding violence involving black people has to do with black cultural pathology.

Politicians and pundits are notorious for grasping for problems in African-American communities — especially fatherlessness — to explain the kind of violence that, when it happens in a white community, is treated as an isolated crime versus an indictment of an entire racial group's way of life.

Has Rand Paul blamed the fatal shooting in Waco on the "lack of fathers," for in that community, yet?

The best thing about the white thugs? They just kill each other,they dont burn down communities.
If blacks would stick to killing each other I'd even pitch in for the ammo. Hell,where can I send some money for the biker ammo fund?
Shit,better yet we can get the bikers to fight ghetto negroes and and we can put it on PPV and have a perpetual ammo fund.

I'm sure the families ducking the gun fire thought the same thing

Would ya just look at all those fine upstanding mexicans and white boys.
I think I recognize a few of em from my church.

You liberals are some stupid MFs.
White people dont give a shit about these people,other than we hope they get shot either by a rival gang or the cops,while you stupid fucks canonize every career criminal negro who gets his dumbass shot by the cops.

I didnt ask if you gave a shit about them I asked where is the roundtables about the problem with white culture?

No use of the phrase White on White crime?

Broken families?

Even the news called this a brawl....with guns! Wheres the tear gas!

No one claimed they are "waging war on the police" after attacking and putting hits out? Oh god, but let one black person say "please dont shoot me in the back" and you go all "You HATE THE POLICE!!! You're waging WAR on them"

So tell me dumbass..when was the last time a biker riot was in the news? And how many businesses were burned down while they were killing each other?

You guys are fascinated by fire? Like Oh there was no fire just a lot of killing.

Then show a white boy riot with fires then its all....well, they arent black....I meant...Angry...Its a celebration
So who exactly do whites who would rather follow than lead themselves consider to be "leaders of the white community"?​
Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

I can tell! You really say you're anti gang when you have a biker bar at a family resturant

I think we've discovered your think twin peaks is a family restaurant.
Did your daddy take you to family titty bars as a kid?

I think the bigger issue is claiming to be anti gang while hosting gangs so often the police just hang out there. That really says "No Gangs allowed" to me
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white - Vox


Over the weekend, a shootout between three rival biker gangsat a bar in Waco, Texas, left at least nine gang members dead and 18 others hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds.

It was a huge, devastating tragedy. The New York Times reported that law enforcement sources called it "the worst violence in the Waco area since the siege on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead."

With the Waco incident, we got just the news — not the racial pathology
Those who are using what happened in Waco to start conversations about stereotypes and media biases against black people aren't complaining about the tenor of this weekend's media coverage. They're saying something a little different: thatby being pretty reasonable and sticking to the facts, this coverage highlights the absurdity of the language and analysis that have been deployed in other instances, when the accused criminals are black.

"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?" #stuffthemedianeversays

Hey @CNN and @FoxNews: Are you gonna talk about white on white crime tonight. Waco is plagued with biker gang violence.

I blame Sons of Anarchy for glorifying white-on-white biker gang violence. #Waco #TwinsPeakShooting

Where are Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich when their country needs them? This white violence must cease!!! #StopWhiteOnWhiteCrime

Another line of commentary that's predictable in media coverage and commentary surrounding violence involving black people has to do with black cultural pathology.

Politicians and pundits are notorious for grasping for problems in African-American communities — especially fatherlessness — to explain the kind of violence that, when it happens in a white community, is treated as an isolated crime versus an indictment of an entire racial group's way of life.

Has Rand Paul blamed the fatal shooting in Waco on the "lack of fathers," for in that community, yet?
Nice try....The main stream media is biased to the left. Troll
No moron...
Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?

Uhhhh....because you shouldnt have to come out and say you're against gangs. In the white community it goes without saying.

I can tell! You really say you're anti gang when you have a biker bar at a family resturant

I think we've discovered your think twin peaks is a family restaurant.
Did your daddy take you to family titty bars as a kid?

I think the bigger issue is claiming to be anti gang while hosting gangs so often the police just hang out there. That really says "No Gangs allowed" to me
The bigger issue is a greedy restaurant manager friendly with these biker thugs who was looking at HIS bonus check from the increased sales.
That in spite of repeated warnings from local police to end the Thursday biker night
So who exactly do whites who would rather follow than lead themselves consider to be "leaders of the white community"?​

There is no "white" community.

White people are just part of the American community. Black racists like CC want to separate themselves from the mainstream, but white people are just American.
Where were the white leaders to denounce this violence?
That's a stupid fucking rhetorical question.
Whits don't have nor want the race baiting money grubbing leaders that the black community has.
If you are so God damned angry about this. DO SOMETHING....
But that will never happen. You libs thrive on misery. If you had nothing to complain about, you'd all go into a coma
Another failed attempt at trying to compare isolated white murder between thugs to the widespread rioting and murder committed by blacks. Nice try though.

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