Meet the grandmother florist...being crushed by hate filled gays...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Meet the woman behind one of the attacks on religious people by intolerant gays....notice...she was a friend to these gay men on a business customer level, had made flowers for them for many years, and apparently did special arrangements for them over several years of service and according to the gays, she was friendly to them and served,them with no problem.....

then.....they asked for flowers for their wedding.....

then, she nicely and politely pointed out that her religion would not allow that one flower arrangement for them......

and now they are more than willing to burn her life to the ground, destroy her business, bury her in massive legal debt, take away her retirement and even send her to prison...........

Because she couldn't make an arrangement for their wedding......

who are the real intolerant assholes in this story......

Grandmother Florist Caught in Gay Rights Furor I m a Little Grain of Sand

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — The 70-year-old grandmother who owns a flower shop in Washington state and became a national figure for refusing to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding says she was surprised her actions gained such notoriety and had often done business with the gay couple, whom she considered friends.

She said she was friendly with customers Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed, and often sold them flowers. But when they sought to buy wedding flowers, she drew a line based on her faith.

“Rob and I had been friends for years and I waited on him and designed fun things,” she said. “We had a great relationship until the government stepped in.”

Ingersoll acknowledged that he had been friendly with Stutzman for years, but he has not done business with her since the controversy.
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to provide. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:
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She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to survive. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:

funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to survive. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:

funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool:
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to survive. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:

funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
And answer what you are really thinking once you saw the truth to the situation...these gay guys are the real assholes for doing this to this woman who was friendly and kind to them for years....what assholes..........
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to survive. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:

funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
This woman's story and every other similar story needs to be told over and over again. It needs to be told in meeting halls, bars, churches and to children right along with Little Red Riding Hood.
Irony one pulls out "lies" when the OP's title reads "CRUSHED" and further comments use the words "destroyed."

She was fined $1k, it's in the linked article. Hardly, crushed or destroyed...

She /wants/ a million dollars to take it to court based on her religious beliefs - that's a totally different animal though, and that is what people are giving her money to do.
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to survive. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:

funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.

and riding in the front of the bus was illegal, as was helping slaves escape from their democrat masters...and letting blacks sit at the lunch counter...there are a lot of things you democrats have done to minorities that have been legal...until they weren't ...after republicans made you stop....and a lot of things that were illegal....but are actually protected rights.....

and sadly....blacks bought into the democrat trick....that they were changed...had seen the light and would use government money to help them........and now....60 years would think they would relalize the democrats were lying to them......the democrats just changed tactics...not their goal to keep blacks as slaves....
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to survive. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:

funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
You can't understand that what these homos are doing is fascist.
Irony one pulls out "lies" when the OP's title reads "CRUSHED" and further comments use the words "destroyed."

She was fined $1k, it's in the linked article. Hardly, crushed or destroyed...

She /wants/ a million dollars to take it to court based on her religious beliefs - that's a totally different animal though, and that is what people are giving her money to do.

yes....she should just submit to what they want........just like the blacks should have just sat in the back of the bus......or gone to separate schools,without complaining...right?
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to survive. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:

funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
You can't understand that what these homos are doing is fascist.

if possible.I would like to keep the argument clean...homos isn't a good way to do that......they can disregard you when you say hat...

pointing out the truth in this situation reveals them for the assholes they are.....
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to survive. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:

funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.

and riding in the front of the bus was illegal, as was helping slaves escape from their democrat masters...and letting blacks sit at the lunch counter...there are a lot of things you democrats have done to minorities that have been legal...until they weren't ...after republicans made you stop....and a lot of things that were illegal....but are actually protected rights.....

and sadly....blacks bought into the democrat trick....that they were changed...had seen the light and would use government money to help them........and now....60 years would think they would relalize the democrats were lying to them......the democrats just changed tactics...not their goal to keep blacks as slaves....
You are fixating on "democrat/republican." Why is it conservative southern republicans that proudly wave the confederate flag? Why was it the south, that now votes solidly republican, that had Jim Crow laws and demanded segregation? Why was it the north, that now votes solidly Democrat, that fought against slavery and for civil rights?

Social conservatives once voted Democrat yes, now they vote exclusively republican. Social conservatives were behind slavery, segregation, and now oppression of gay people.

Social conservatives are the ones who post here everyday about how black people are dangerous, deserve to be shot, are intellectually inferior, and are a threat to white people in this country. You need to do some soul searching.
Irony one pulls out "lies" when the OP's title reads "CRUSHED" and further comments use the words "destroyed."

She was fined $1k, it's in the linked article. Hardly, crushed or destroyed...

She /wants/ a million dollars to take it to court based on her religious beliefs - that's a totally different animal though, and that is what people are giving her money to do.

yes....she should just submit to what they want........just like the blacks should have just sat in the back of the bus......or gone to separate schools,without complaining...right?
It is the gay couple refusing to submit in this situation. Should they submit, and go door to door until a florist takes pity on them?
Nope, she's more than welcome to take it to court, I have no issue with it.

That said, to say that she was crushed or destroyed by the judges ruling that it was discrimination, which is what this (sorry, not /your/) post implies, is a lie. She lost $1k, then made the personal decision NOT to sell wedding flowers at all because the judge told her she would have to sell to both gays and straights. If anyone is /destroying/ or /crushing/ her business it would be her.

Personally, I feel she has every right to take it to court, and to be completely honest, I think she has every right to deny service to anyone she wants regardless of the reason - it's her fucking business, period. BUT that is NOT what the judge ruled, so she made the choice to avoid his ruling by not selling wedding flowers at all, the choice to stop selling flowers was hers and hers alone. We'll see what the court says as to her appeals, though honestly, given today's mentality, it's not likely, sorry.
funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
You can't understand that what these homos are doing is fascist.

if possible.I would like to keep the argument clean...homos isn't a good way to do that......they can disregard you when you say hat...

pointing out the truth in this situation reveals them for the assholes they are.....
Lol keeping the argument clean? Does that mean you guys will avoid comparing gays to pedophiles, condemn them to burn in hell, and demand that they be treated as second class citizens? :rofl:
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to survive. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:

funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
You mean like not paying child support is illegal? Or trying to sell guns off the record is illegal?

Yet, liberals all think those things are ok, because those committing the crimes ended up dead? So would it be ok if this little old lady was just killed? Would you let her slide then?
According to the OP's own link the fine was just $1,000 plus $1 in court costs.

Why is that amount going to "bankrupt" her and "ruin her retirement" given that homophobes have donated $85,000 to her already?

Sounds like a crock to me!

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