Meet the grandmother florist...being crushed by hate filled gays...

From Wikipedia....

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1

That whole free exercise part is hard to do when the fucking government is telling you what you must do against your religious, participating in a gay wedding by providing flowers for it....

If your religious beliefs prevent you from running a business then why must the entire nation bend to your religious beliefs when only you have a problem?

Or are you advocating that your religious Sharia law should be the norm and that everyone must obey your religion first and foremost?
Hey fellow Democrats, if social conservatives voted consistently Democrat, and they were the ones preventing gays from equal rights and badmouthing black people on a daily basis while flying confederate flags... would you still vote Democrat? I'd be a staunch republican! How about you all?

social conservatives can't vote for democrats,because the democrat party is the party of racism and killing unborn babies.......and the democrats are the ones destroying blacks....why would they want to be members of the racist democrat party..........
Will you admit that it's social conservatives that oppose gay marriage and the LGBT movement? Will you admit that it's social conservatives that fly the confederate flag and defend the intentions of the confederacy? Will you admit that it's social conservatives who condemn minorities on a daily basis?

social,conservatives don't condemn minorities....the democrats actually imprison minorities through their policies...

sure. Social,conservatives oppose gay marriage...soooo...they also oppose sex out of to the confederate flag...ask them.....they don't fly it to support slavery, they fly it in opposition to anti freedom lefties....they will tell you the democrats during the civil war....they flew that flag in support of the right to own slaves....democrats love to own people...
funny...I didn't see that quote from her....but make this seem right you assholes have to lie......

and they are sinners, as we all are, and not necessarily evil....allowing this woman to be destroyed over one flower that is fucking evil.........
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
You can't understand that what these homos are doing is fascist.

if possible.I would like to keep the argument clean...homos isn't a good way to do that......they can disregard you when you say hat...

pointing out the truth in this situation reveals them for the assholes they are.....
I use the term homo in relation to the term hetero. I refuse to comply with the hijacking of the word gay. My choice. No disparagement intended.
Hey fellow Democrats, if social conservatives voted consistently Democrat, and they were the ones preventing gays from equal rights and badmouthing black people on a daily basis while flying confederate flags... would you still vote Democrat? I'd be a staunch republican! How about you all?

social conservatives can't vote for democrats,because the democrat party is the party of racism and killing unborn babies.......and the democrats are the ones destroying blacks....why would they want to be members of the racist democrat party..........
Will you admit that it's social conservatives that oppose gay marriage and the LGBT movement? Will you admit that it's social conservatives that fly the confederate flag and defend the intentions of the confederacy? Will you admit that it's social conservatives who condemn minorities on a daily basis?

social,conservatives don't condemn minorities....the democrats actually imprison minorities through their policies...

sure. Social,conservatives oppose gay marriage...soooo...they also oppose sex out of to the confederate flag...ask them.....they don't fly it to support slavery, they fly it in opposition to anti freedom lefties....they will tell you the democrats during the civil war....they flew that flag in support of the right to own slaves....democrats love to own people...
Wow they've really done a number on you... :lmao:
her legal bills fighting for her religious freedom will be in the millions......if she fights...but again.....why should those blacks have fought when all they had to do was sit at the back of the bus, or drink at separate water fountains or attend democrat segregated schools........after all...what was the big deal....right? same with this old lady....why should she fight for her religious freedom...right? just because it is enshrined in the Bill Of Rights....right?

Where does the BoR say that little old ladies can discriminate against Gays?

the First Amendment. freedom of Religion...........

Doesn't say anything at all about little old ladies being allowed to discriminate against gays.

didn't see anything at all that said killing babies was okay....yet you democrats seem to do that a lot.......

So you just admitted that she doesn't have a right to discriminate against gays.

Might as well as ask the mods to close your thread now since you have nothing left to whine about.


You can't read can you....the Bill of Rights actually states she has the freedom to practice her religion without government actually says that right in the fucking Amendment...any new law cannot change that basic freedom. if you make a law that violates that accomodation laws...they are in fact violations of the first Amendment if religious grounds are the basis of refusal,of service
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
You can't understand that what these homos are doing is fascist.

if possible.I would like to keep the argument clean...homos isn't a good way to do that......they can disregard you when you say hat...

pointing out the truth in this situation reveals them for the assholes they are.....
I use the term homo in relation to the term hetero. I refuse to comply with the hijacking of the word gay. My choice. No disparagement intended.

In that problem here then......
I wonder how many "poor old ladies" you social conservatives used to demonize blacks during the civil rights movement. :cool: are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
You can't understand that what these homos are doing is fascist.

if possible.I would like to keep the argument clean...homos isn't a good way to do that......they can disregard you when you say hat...

pointing out the truth in this situation reveals them for the assholes they are.....
Lol keeping the argument clean? Does that mean you guys will avoid comparing gays to pedophiles, condemn them to burn in hell, and demand that they be treated as second class citizens? :rofl:
Homosexuality and pedophilia are legit comparisons in that both are sex drives that can't result in procreation. No one is demanding homos be treated as second class. The argument is against them being treated as special and privileged.
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to provide. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:
The child molester down the street was nice and wonderful to a him/her when he/she visited the candy store until he/she wanted to buy in bulk some of the candy store to give school children as they passed by.

See how that goes? are was democrats, moron, using nightsticks, firehouses, bombs and hanging....the republicans supported the civil rights guys have to is the only way you can get by.....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
You can't understand that what these homos are doing is fascist.

if possible.I would like to keep the argument clean...homos isn't a good way to do that......they can disregard you when you say hat...

pointing out the truth in this situation reveals them for the assholes they are.....
Lol keeping the argument clean? Does that mean you guys will avoid comparing gays to pedophiles, condemn them to burn in hell, and demand that they be treated as second class citizens? :rofl:
Homosexuality and pedophilia are legit comparisons in that both are sex drives that can't result in procreation. No one is demanding homos be treated as second class. The argument is against them being treated as special and privileged.

Above is a social conservative for you. You should ask him what he thinks about black people next. :cool:
For fucks sake, I'm against the whole being able to force a business to serve anyone for any reason in the first place, but the reality is she broke the law and got fined for it. I'm so sick and tired of political bullshit being spewed without even knowing the damn laws being talked about...

"Before filing the lawsuit, the Attorney General’s Office had sent a letter to Stutzman asking her to comply with Washington law, which prohibits businesses from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation.

Had she agreed to no longer discriminate, the Attorney General’s Office would not have filed suit, and Stutzman would not have paid any costs, fees or penalties." ~ Judge rules on penalties fees for Richland florist in same-sex marriage case - Covington-Maple Valley Reporter#

RCW 49.60.030 (1) "
1) The right to be free from discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability is recognized as and declared to be a civil right. This right shall include, but not be limited to:"


(1) (f) "The right to engage in commerce free from any discriminatory boycotts or blacklists. Discriminatory boycotts or blacklists for purposes of this section shall be defined as the formation or execution of any express or implied agreement, understanding, policy or contractual arrangement for economic benefit between any persons which is not specifically authorized by the laws of the United States and which is required or imposed, either directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, by a foreign government or foreign person in order to restrict, condition, prohibit, or interfere with or in order to exclude any person or persons from any business relationship on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, or national origin or lawful business relationship: PROVIDED HOWEVER, That nothing herein contained shall prohibit the use of boycotts as authorized by law pertaining to labor disputes and unfair labor practices; and"

~ RCW 49.60.030 Freedom from discrimination Declaration of civil rights.

She broke the law and that is why she was fined and ORDERED to serve gay weddings. After the fact, saying she disagrees with the law in place on a religious basis, does not, in fact, change the law. Sorry, she was in the wrong, she has the right to fight to have said law changed, no problem, but she still broke the law and was fined for it.
From Wikipedia....

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1

That whole free exercise part is hard to do when the fucking government is telling you what you must do against your religious, participating in a gay wedding by providing flowers for it....

If your religious beliefs prevent you from running a business then why must the entire nation bend to your religious beliefs when only you have a problem?

Or are you advocating that your religious Sharia law should be the norm and that everyone must obey your religion first and foremost? doesn't prevent her from running a business, as the original post points out...she served this gay couple all,of the time...for years........she just can't serve a gay wedding....just like a Muslim baker can't add pork....and sharia law possible in this country because again...the first amendment.......

congress,shall make mono law respecting an establishment of religion...and Sharia law is all encompassing, from the state.....just ask it cannot be would violate the First Amendment....
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
You can't understand that what these homos are doing is fascist.

if possible.I would like to keep the argument clean...homos isn't a good way to do that......they can disregard you when you say hat...

pointing out the truth in this situation reveals them for the assholes they are.....
Lol keeping the argument clean? Does that mean you guys will avoid comparing gays to pedophiles, condemn them to burn in hell, and demand that they be treated as second class citizens? :rofl:
Homosexuality and pedophilia are legit comparisons in that both are sex drives that can't result in procreation. No one is demanding homos be treated as second class. The argument is against them being treated as special and privileged.

Above is a social conservative for you. You should ask him what he thinks about black people next. :cool:
That has nothing to do with my post.
Race and sexuality are completely different issues so stop digging yourself a hole with attempted comparisons.
Where does the BoR say that little old ladies can discriminate against Gays?

the First Amendment. freedom of Religion...........

Doesn't say anything at all about little old ladies being allowed to discriminate against gays.

didn't see anything at all that said killing babies was okay....yet you democrats seem to do that a lot.......

So you just admitted that she doesn't have a right to discriminate against gays.

Might as well as ask the mods to close your thread now since you have nothing left to whine about.


You can't read can you....the Bill of Rights actually states she has the freedom to practice her religion without government actually says that right in the fucking Amendment...any new law cannot change that basic freedom. if you make a law that violates that accomodation laws...they are in fact violations of the first Amendment if religious grounds are the basis of refusal,of service

BZZZT Wrong again!

Public accommodation laws regulate commerce. If you want to go into business you agree to abide by state commerce regulations. If those regulations conflict with your religious beliefs then no one is forcing you to be in business.

If your religion forbids alcohol then no one is forcing you to open a bar. But if you did open a bar you would have to serve alcohol to everyone who came in the door. You can't discriminate and choose not to serve alcohol to gays because they violates your religious beliefs.

Were you home schooled or did you just sleep through social studies 101?
She was nice and wonderful to them until one day when she revealed that she thought they were evil and would spend an eternity burning in hell, and then refused them a service she was legally bound to provide. But hey didn't you conservatives raise a bunch of money for her? So see everyone wins. :rofl:
The child molester down the street was nice and wonderful to a him/her when he/she visited the candy store until he/she wanted to buy in bulk some of the candy store to give school children as they passed by.

See how that goes?
Wow comparing people who are gay to child molesters. Do you realize how despicable that is Gracie? If you said that to a gay person's face you shouldn't be surprised at what happens next. :cool:
You can't understand that what these homos are doing is fascist.

if possible.I would like to keep the argument clean...homos isn't a good way to do that......they can disregard you when you say hat...

pointing out the truth in this situation reveals them for the assholes they are.....
Lol keeping the argument clean? Does that mean you guys will avoid comparing gays to pedophiles, condemn them to burn in hell, and demand that they be treated as second class citizens? :rofl:
Homosexuality and pedophilia are legit comparisons in that both are sex drives that can't result in procreation. No one is demanding homos be treated as second class. The argument is against them being treated as special and privileged.

Above is a social conservative for you. You should ask him what he thinks about black people next. :cool:
That has nothing to do with my post.
Race and sexuality are completely different issues so stop digging yourself a hole with attempted comparisons.
No it actually helps out a point I made earlier. Tell 2aguy what you think about black people for me. Would you?
Northern elitist republicans supported blacks. Who do they vote for again these days?

It's amusing you can't get past that what this woman did was illegal.
You can't understand that what these homos are doing is fascist.

if possible.I would like to keep the argument clean...homos isn't a good way to do that......they can disregard you when you say hat...

pointing out the truth in this situation reveals them for the assholes they are.....
Lol keeping the argument clean? Does that mean you guys will avoid comparing gays to pedophiles, condemn them to burn in hell, and demand that they be treated as second class citizens? :rofl:
Homosexuality and pedophilia are legit comparisons in that both are sex drives that can't result in procreation. No one is demanding homos be treated as second class. The argument is against them being treated as special and privileged.

Above is a social conservative for you. You should ask him what he thinks about black people next. :cool:

actually he is wrong on an important point...homosexual sex is not illegal if the people engaging in it are of age and are both consenting......pedophilia is an illegal act because it involves,minors who cannot give consent in the relationship...
Sexual orientation means being forced to serve pedophiles in the name of pedophilia. That's wrong no matter how you try to rationalize it. Sometimes laws are passed in haste. Like Dred Scott.
and YES , of course we want her to take it to court 'EverCurious' !! Course its a shame that lefties don't believe in Free Association or Freedom of Religion .

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