President and CEO of Hewlett Packard and former Republican candidate for governor of California, Meg Whitman, said she will vote for Hillary.

Mr. Trump suffered another snub later Tuesday when Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. executive Meg Whitman, a prominent Republican, put her support behind Mrs. Clinton. She criticized Mr. Trump for taking reckless, uninformed positions on the economy, immigration, foreign policy and other issues. “Donald Trump’s demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character,” she said in a statement.​

New Rough Patch for Trump Campaign Roils Republicans as Defections Grow

Another sane Republican decides she cannot support the National Embarrassment, dead-war-hero-family-insulting, crazy Birfer Trump.
Maybe the Hillary campaign can ask a bunch more closet liberals who's opinions we could give a shit about.

Because losing votes is what matters to you.
Honestly, I don't give a flying-fuck what Meg Witman thinks.

Hillary believes that the military is too militant, and shouldn't look so scary. This is why she and the Clinton Administration refused to give us armored vehicles while I was stationed in Somalia, even though every other country had the common-sense to give them to their troops. Benghazi was just a more recent example of this stupidity. Hillary makes bad choices.....and Meg Witman's endorsement isn't going to convince me otherwise.
We will have every right to bitch.

The Republican base went Full Retard and nominated the most unqualified person to run for President in at least 100 years.

What a bizarre shitshow the Republican Party has become.

The least qualified candidate in 100 years got elected in 2008, so that criteria is pretty much useless.
Shit, we lost Meg Whitman. It's over guys pack it in. It was a good run :rolleyes:
This is an example why most woman can't be trusted.
Gentlemen, have your family vote by mail so you can check their ballots before they are returned.
I'm starting to think that a few years ago the GOP must have done something to piss thin skinned Donald off and this entire campaign of his is to get revenge on the GOP.
Like I said in another thread - not all Republicans are pro America.
I suspect there will be more GOP'ers outing themselves....Trump has done great things for the Republican Party in his short tenure....

The very definition of a RINO outing RINOs. The GOP is nothing more or less than completely absurd.
I love how the RINOs hate Trump....

I love how you guys have embedded yourselves into a political party that I disagree with and have rotted it from the inside. You should totally throw out half your party because they don't agree with you on absolutely everything. Wingnuts vs pussies, sounds awesome, Democrats win.
I'm not a GOP'er.....but one thing is for sure, you fascist liberals will absolutely,despise the Republican Party after were finished fixing it....:lol:

Average and low information Republican voters were touting D. Trump as the American economic savior, claiming a businessman could "run" the country better than people that actually understand, follow the constitution, and reach consensus with people that they can't dictate their will upon with the power of "the boss" but now-----but now that self-made businessperson after self-made businessperson is lining up against the authoritarian businessperson/leader of the Republican party, many Republicans are poo-pooing the very business people they were touting as being "better" at "running" government. whyizthat?

"To vote Republican out of party loyalty alone would be to endorse a candidacy that I believe has exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division. Donald Trump's demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character," ~ Meg Whitman



Great new Reuters poll shows me beating "Other" badly by 26%!! "Other" has absolutely no chance! Should drop out!
LOL Meg Whitman outsources jobs by the thousands but yet the left adores her because she supports Clinton
The better question is, how on earth can someone who formerly claims to have been a Republican suddenly support Hillary Clinton ?

I can understand a party member who is so upset about who the nominee is, but then to publicly endorse and help the other side, and of all people the fucking Clinton's ??!!

She's nothing more than a traitor in my book.

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