Memo to Conservatives: Republicans Aren’t Your Friends


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
By Matthew Vadum (Bio and Archives ) Friday, February 7, 2014

Glad to see that someone is speaking up about the RINOS. This is the comment that caught my eye and seems to get right to the point -

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are so dangerously out of touch and out of control nowadays in part because other Republicans have allowed them to get that way. Boehner and McConnell regard conservatives as a nuisance to be overcome, co-opted, subverted, and if necessary, eliminated

I'm sure the Dems are pleased with this. Now, will the average Little Guy/Gal American realize what's going on and start electing “independent conservatives”? Those who aren't hooked by the nose to the national GOP?Read more @ Memo to Conservatives: Republicans Aren?t Your Friends

And then I found this Doug Ross @ Journal: AND THEN THERE WERE THREE: Meet John Boehner's Challengers in the OH-8 Republican Primary at Doug Ross @ Journal blog and it gives me lots of hope we'll see that last of this idiot next January. See, WE THE PEOPLE DO have a chance to change things IF WE GET ACTIVE!!! :clap2::clap2:
I think it's a fair assumption that the moderate wing of the gop has been as odds with us rw's for quite some time
but it's hilarious how far to the right these rino's move when they come back home
and how far to the left they move when back in dc.
conservatives don't have that problem
I get a kick out of far right reactionaries acting like they are responsible conservatives.

Not hardly.

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