Men are trash that's what these idiots think of your husbands, sons, fathers & brothers

This is so infuriating, and if you’re a person who is celebrating this kind of attitude, please punch yourself in the face. In fact, please just jump off a cliff, because you make the world a worse place.
'Men Are Trash.' That's What These Idiots Think Of Your Husbands, Sons, Fathers, And Brothers.

These are the same type of people who make rape claims when it did not happen.
These are the women who will make your sons, fathers, uncles live within their own prison which is bein petrified to be a man. Being gay won't save you from this bs either.

You have destroyed the normal live of both men and women when we are go through the life of chasing that woman, gone are the days where boys have a girl they want to go after, gone are the days of a normal man , woman dating scenes while growing up.

The feminazis have destroyed everything normal for the boys of our futures.

payback is coming for you in spades and you all don't even see it coming yet.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Explain your premise. Simply stating it doesn't mean shit.
And women wonder about the use of pre-nups, mail order brides and an unwillingness by men to talk to women except as required for employment and other necessary tasks.
I am confused, don't liberals normally tell us to pass out free condoms to kids as young as 12?
No, it’s conservatives who want to deny young people the means to avoid unwanted pregnancies and protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases.

It is the "conservatives" who are incredibly obsessed with sex. I never would have thought that these sex weirdos would gain this sort of power.

It's wise to teach the kids to protect themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancies. These morons just tell kids that they are like chewed gum on the floor if they have sex. How stupid and ignorant some people are, and its the kids who are going to suffer for the adults' stupidity.
Anybody remember Emmet Till who was convicted in the court of public opinion based on a woman's false accusations? I wonder what would happen today if a similar case arose? Would the left side with the white woman or the black man?
You sound like a fucking idiot. Emmett Till was murdered for supposedly flirting with a white broad when he was 14. There would be no side because its not a crime to flirt with someone.
America Ferrera hit the nail on the head. We witnessed the epitome of angry white male entitlement tantrum. Both from Kav and the repub senators.

Actress: Disturbed by 'angry white man tantrum' - CNN Video

Ooooh an actress...who cares what some nobody actress blabbers about?

You are nobody trash. You are the one who blabbers as befitting a ignorant Trump supporter.

It's annoyingbee....who thinks I give two shits what she says lol

Nobody listens to whoever the nobody actress the racist sourced. Well except you and the racist. Besides it's CNN aka fake news central

Now run along annoyingbee you may get swatted
Youre just jealous because the only attention you get is on this board. If people saw you in person they would be disgusted by your appearance.

How many ratings do you have, racist?

You've never seen me, stop using your lying whore's tactics of making fact less allegations. You look as fcking stupid as she does.
Ratings? What do ratings have do to with what I said? Youre a nobody and thats why you arent on TV. No one wants to hear what you have to say. This actress on the other hand was invited on TV due to her importance to the public.
America Ferrera hit the nail on the head. We witnessed the epitome of angry white male entitlement tantrum. Both from Kav and the repub senators.

Actress: Disturbed by 'angry white man tantrum' - CNN Video

Ooooh an actress...who cares what some nobody actress blabbers about?

You are nobody trash. You are the one who blabbers as befitting a ignorant Trump supporter.

It's annoyingbee....who thinks I give two shits what she says lol

Nobody listens to whoever the nobody actress the racist sourced. Well except you and the racist. Besides it's CNN aka fake news central

Now run along annoyingbee you may get swatted
Youre just jealous because the only attention you get is on this board. If people saw you in person they would be disgusted by your appearance.

That was a low blow.
She asked for it. No one told her to comment on my post about what the actress said.
Anybody remember Emmet Till who was convicted in the court of public opinion based on a woman's false accusations? I wonder what would happen today if a similar case arose? Would the left side with the white woman or the black man?
You sound like a fucking idiot. Emmett Till was murdered for supposedly flirting with a white broad when he was 14. There would be no side because its not a crime to flirt with someone.

Actually, she accused him of what nowadays would be called "sexual harassment". So the question is, who would the left side with? Does the slogan #believeWomen still apply when the accused is black?
And women wonder about the use of pre-nups, mail order brides and an unwillingness by men to talk to women except as required for employment and other necessary tasks.
Women only wonder whats your problem if you have to do all that and youre afraid to talk to women. Dealing with women is easy. You just have to know what to say and when to say it. You also need to know when not to say something and let body language and eye contact do your talking for you.
Anybody remember Emmet Till who was convicted in the court of public opinion based on a woman's false accusations? I wonder what would happen today if a similar case arose? Would the left side with the white woman or the black man?
You sound like a fucking idiot. Emmett Till was murdered for supposedly flirting with a white broad when he was 14. There would be no side because its not a crime to flirt with someone.

Actually, she accused him of what nowadays would be called "sexual harassment". So the question is, who would the left side with? Does the slogan #believeWomen still apply when the accused is black?
Flirting has never been sexual harassment. Women absolutely love flirting. You just dont know the difference because you are developmentally delayed in that department.
Ooooh an actress...who cares what some nobody actress blabbers about?

You are nobody trash. You are the one who blabbers as befitting a ignorant Trump supporter.

It's annoyingbee....who thinks I give two shits what she says lol

Nobody listens to whoever the nobody actress the racist sourced. Well except you and the racist. Besides it's CNN aka fake news central

Now run along annoyingbee you may get swatted
Youre just jealous because the only attention you get is on this board. If people saw you in person they would be disgusted by your appearance.

How many ratings do you have, racist?

You've never seen me, stop using your lying whore's tactics of making fact less allegations. You look as fcking stupid as she does.
Ratings? What do ratings have do to with what I said? Youre a nobody and thats why you arent on TV. No one wants to hear what you have to say. This actress on the other hand was invited on TV due to her importance to the public.

Never heard of her and you probably hadn't either until you saw it on CNN why would anyone give a shit what she spews?

Now stop your infantile BS. Annoying twatwaffle
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Anybody remember Emmet Till who was convicted in the court of public opinion based on a woman's false accusations? I wonder what would happen today if a similar case arose? Would the left side with the white woman or the black man?
You sound like a fucking idiot. Emmett Till was murdered for supposedly flirting with a white broad when he was 14. There would be no side because its not a crime to flirt with someone.

Actually, she accused him of what nowadays would be called "sexual harassment". So the question is, who would the left side with? Does the slogan #believeWomen still apply when the accused is black?
Flirting has never been sexual harassment. Women absolutely love flirting. You just dont know the difference because you are developmentally delayed in that department.

Where da white wimmins at? Remember that BS, asslips?

Blacks are horrible with their comments and it's not flirting and no we don't like it.
You are nobody trash. You are the one who blabbers as befitting a ignorant Trump supporter.

It's annoyingbee....who thinks I give two shits what she says lol

Nobody listens to whoever the nobody actress the racist sourced. Well except you and the racist. Besides it's CNN aka fake news central

Now run along annoyingbee you may get swatted
Youre just jealous because the only attention you get is on this board. If people saw you in person they would be disgusted by your appearance.

How many ratings do you have, racist?

You've never seen me, stop using your lying whore's tactics of making fact less allegations. You look as fcking stupid as she does.
Ratings? What do ratings have do to with what I said? Youre a nobody and thats why you arent on TV. No one wants to hear what you have to say. This actress on the other hand was invited on TV due to her importance to the public.

Never heard of her and you probably hadn't either until you saw it on CNN why woykd2I give a shit what she spews?

Now stop your infantile BS. Annoying twatwaffle
Youve heard of her unless you sleep under a rock. Like I said youre just jealous because she is young and pretty and you are old and ugly.
Anybody remember Emmet Till who was convicted in the court of public opinion based on a woman's false accusations? I wonder what would happen today if a similar case arose? Would the left side with the white woman or the black man?
You sound like a fucking idiot. Emmett Till was murdered for supposedly flirting with a white broad when he was 14. There would be no side because its not a crime to flirt with someone.

Actually, she accused him of what nowadays would be called "sexual harassment". So the question is, who would the left side with? Does the slogan #believeWomen still apply when the accused is black?
Flirting has never been sexual harassment. Women absolutely love flirting. You just dont know the difference because you are developmentally delayed in that department.

Where da white wimmins at? Remember that BS, asslips?

Blacks are horrible with their comments and it's not flirting and no we don't like it.
You must have talked to some Black guys that dont know whats up. You dont have to say anything to a white women. All you have to do is make eye contract. She does all the rest.
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All these white boys whining about how everyone hates them. Its pathetic. Stop raping women and then being surprised when that woman shows up at the most inopportune time and fucks your world up.

Kav didn’t rape her. Is that what you are referring to? Or do you think all white people are rapists? Please elaborate.
Kav tried his best to rape Ford and there are others he raped that may come out. No wonder he didnt want an FBI investigation.

If only you could prove that....or the lying bitch. But nope

The lying bitch in these circumstances probably is kavanaugh. Remember roy moore and his lies? These guys do these things. Then they lie if asked about it.
All these white boys whining about how everyone hates them. Its pathetic. Stop raping women and then being surprised when that woman shows up at the most inopportune time and fucks your world up.

Kav didn’t rape her. Is that what you are referring to? Or do you think all white people are rapists? Please elaborate.
Kav tried his best to rape Ford and there are others he raped that may come out. No wonder he didnt want an FBI investigation.

If only you could prove that....or the lying bitch. But nope

The lying bitch in these circumstances probably is kavanaugh. Remember roy moore and his lies? These guys do these things. Then they lie if asked about it.

Roy Moore was recent this took place 36 yrs ago. False equivalency
All these white boys whining about how everyone hates them. Its pathetic. Stop raping women and then being surprised when that woman shows up at the most inopportune time and fucks your world up.

Kav didn’t rape her. Is that what you are referring to? Or do you think all white people are rapists? Please elaborate.
Kav tried his best to rape Ford and there are others he raped that may come out. No wonder he didnt want an FBI investigation.

If only you could prove that....or the lying bitch. But nope

The lying bitch in these circumstances probably is kavanaugh. Remember roy moore and his lies? These guys do these things. Then they lie if asked about it.

Roy Moore was recent this took place 36 yrs ago. False equivalency

People came out against roy moore for things that occurred decades ago.

Why do you want to protect people who sexually assault others? Are victims supposed to remain silent so that these criminals can have careers?
Leftist American women seem to have painted themselves into a corner when it comes to their future action
Left loons have always irritated me....this past week my contempt for them has reached the stratosphere.

Their mob rule to destroy a man and his family over a fact less allegation was gut wrenching to watch.

I have zero use for any leftist...none. To hell with them and their disgusting tactics. I'm not the only one either I'm seeing it on social media and conversations. Hell even our teen daughters have made comments about them.

I hope to god this backfires on the democrats big time at the midterms.
I will be voting all republicans, and my son will too. He is more liberal since he is young, but what the democrats did last week turned him over. Thank you liberals, and i believe you turned million over to the right last week.

When 14 and 15 year old children recognize what's going on it speaks volumes

15 year olds could probably run Congress better than the petulant children in it now.

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