Men are trash that's what these idiots think of your husbands, sons, fathers & brothers

This is so infuriating, and if you’re a person who is celebrating this kind of attitude, please punch yourself in the face. In fact, please just jump off a cliff, because you make the world a worse place.
'Men Are Trash.' That's What These Idiots Think Of Your Husbands, Sons, Fathers, And Brothers.

These are the same type of people who make rape claims when it did not happen.
These are the women who will make your sons, fathers, uncles live within their own prison which is bein petrified to be a man. Being gay won't save you from this bs either.

You have destroyed the normal live of both men and women when we are go through the life of chasing that woman, gone are the days where boys have a girl they want to go after, gone are the days of a normal man , woman dating scenes while growing up.

The feminazis have destroyed everything normal for the boys of our futures.

payback is coming for you in spades and you all don't even see it coming yet.

Oh enough of this men have it so tough. Men run most Fortune 500 companies. They hold most points of power in government. Men have it pretty good in this country. Take your shit and shove it.

Maybe mothers should worry more about making sure their children never do such a thing and if they see it, stop it. The fact is a man has no business touching a woman unless she says yes. Too many women are assaulted and the men get away with it.
-------------------------------------------- 'FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES ' oh look at that , BusyBee gives examples of things that makes no difference to 99 and 9 tenths of men and women in The USA . Adult Women that are assaulted should report the crimes as every ADULT should report crimes BusyBee . And if these women don't act as Adult women and report in a responsible adult manner , well feck the Dummy women BusyBee . As far as government Pwicks , hey , you elect them BustBee .

Again you have determined what a woman who is assaulted should do. If they don't do it then they are lying. What Dr Ford is receiving is why many women don't report it. You are the dummy.

The fact that white men hold the majority of power in this country shows how good it is to be a white male.
America Ferrera hit the nail on the head. We witnessed the epitome of angry white male entitlement tantrum. Both from Kav and the repub senators.

Actress: Disturbed by 'angry white man tantrum' - CNN Video

Ooooh an actress...who cares what some nobody actress blabbers about?
I dont see you being interviewed on TV for your thoughts. She is obviously way more important to the public than you are. So to answer your question...millions of her fans care.
This is so infuriating, and if you’re a person who is celebrating this kind of attitude, please punch yourself in the face. In fact, please just jump off a cliff, because you make the world a worse place.
'Men Are Trash.' That's What These Idiots Think Of Your Husbands, Sons, Fathers, And Brothers.

These are the same type of people who make rape claims when it did not happen.
These are the women who will make your sons, fathers, uncles live within their own prison which is bein petrified to be a man. Being gay won't save you from this bs either.

You have destroyed the normal live of both men and women when we are go through the life of chasing that woman, gone are the days where boys have a girl they want to go after, gone are the days of a normal man , woman dating scenes while growing up.

The feminazis have destroyed everything normal for the boys of our futures.

payback is coming for you in spades and you all don't even see it coming yet.

Oh enough of this men have it so tough. Men run most Fortune 500 companies. They hold most points of power in government. Men have it pretty good in this country. Take your shit and shove it.

Maybe mothers should worry more about making sure their children never do such a thing and if they see it, stop it. The fact is a man has no business touching a woman unless she says yes. Too many women are assaulted and the men get away with it.
-------------------------------------------- 'FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES ' oh look at that , BusyBee gives examples of things that makes no difference to 99 and 9 tenths of men and women in The USA . Adult Women that are assaulted should report the crimes as every ADULT should report crimes BusyBee . And if these women don't act as Adult women and report in a responsible adult manner , well feck the Dummy women BusyBee . As far as government Pwicks , hey , you elect them BustBee .

Again you have determined what a woman who is assaulted should do. If they don't do it then they are lying. What Dr Ford is receiving is why many women don't report it. You are the dummy.

The fact that white men hold the majority of power in this country shows how good it is to be a white male.
------------------------------------------------ poor widdle supposedly adult women . And then girls should be reporting to Parents or other adults , cops , yada , yada . We have or had an American society with LAWS and Rules and procedures for reporting criminal acts but the poor widdle adult women don't want to be responsible adults from what i read in this thread BBee.
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America Ferrera hit the nail on the head. We witnessed the epitome of angry white male entitlement tantrum. Both from Kav and the repub senators.

Actress: Disturbed by 'angry white man tantrum' - CNN Video

Ooooh an actress...who cares what some nobody actress blabbers about?

You are nobody trash. You are the one who blabbers as befitting a ignorant Trump supporter.

It's annoyingbee....who thinks I give two shits what she says lol

Nobody listens to whoever the nobody actress the racist sourced. Well except you and the racist. Besides it's CNN aka fake news central

Now run along annoyingbee you may get swatted
looks like 'ford' can't prove her 36 year old accusations and thats ALL that really matters in this charade unless we use third world law and rules BBee.
America Ferrera hit the nail on the head. We witnessed the epitome of angry white male entitlement tantrum. Both from Kav and the repub senators.

Actress: Disturbed by 'angry white man tantrum' - CNN Video

Ooooh an actress...who cares what some nobody actress blabbers about?

You are nobody trash. You are the one who blabbers as befitting a ignorant Trump supporter.

It's annoyingbee....who thinks I give two shits what she says lol

Nobody listens to whoever the nobody actress the racist sourced. Well except you and the racist. Besides it's CNN aka fake news central

Now run along annoyingbee you may get swatted
Youre just jealous because the only attention you get is on this board. If people saw you in person they would be disgusted by your appearance.
All these white boys whining about how everyone hates them. Its pathetic. Stop raping women and then being surprised when that woman shows up at the most inopportune time and fucks your world up.

Kav didn’t rape her. Is that what you are referring to? Or do you think all white people are rapists? Please elaborate.
Kav tried his best to rape Ford and there are others he raped that may come out. No wonder he didnt want an FBI investigation.

Would you bet your life on that?
All these white boys whining about how everyone hates them. Its pathetic. Stop raping women and then being surprised when that woman shows up at the most inopportune time and fucks your world up.

Kav didn’t rape her. Is that what you are referring to? Or do you think all white people are rapists? Please elaborate.
Kav tried his best to rape Ford and there are others he raped that may come out. No wonder he didnt want an FBI investigation.

If only you could prove that....or the lying bitch. But nope
Kav stepped on his own dick by claiming to be a choir boy. He will still get confirmed because the repubs are dirty subhuman excrement.

Only assholes deal in absolutes.
This is so infuriating, and if you’re a person who is celebrating this kind of attitude, please punch yourself in the face. In fact, please just jump off a cliff, because you make the world a worse place.
'Men Are Trash.' That's What These Idiots Think Of Your Husbands, Sons, Fathers, And Brothers.

These are the same type of people who make rape claims when it did not happen.
These are the women who will make your sons, fathers, uncles live within their own prison which is bein petrified to be a man. Being gay won't save you from this bs either.

You have destroyed the normal live of both men and women when we are go through the life of chasing that woman, gone are the days where boys have a girl they want to go after, gone are the days of a normal man , woman dating scenes while growing up.

The feminazis have destroyed everything normal for the boys of our futures.

payback is coming for you in spades and you all don't even see it coming yet.

Those fucking women!!! They should just STFU & accept the abuse.


You’re hysterical.
Anybody remember Emmet Till who was convicted in the court of public opinion based on a woman's false accusations? I wonder what would happen today if a similar case arose? Would the left side with the white woman or the black man?
America Ferrera hit the nail on the head. We witnessed the epitome of angry white male entitlement tantrum. Both from Kav and the repub senators.

Actress: Disturbed by 'angry white man tantrum' - CNN Video

Ooooh an actress...who cares what some nobody actress blabbers about?

You are nobody trash. You are the one who blabbers as befitting a ignorant Trump supporter.

It's annoyingbee....who thinks I give two shits what she says lol

Nobody listens to whoever the nobody actress the racist sourced. Well except you and the racist. Besides it's CNN aka fake news central

Now run along annoyingbee you may get swatted
Youre just jealous because the only attention you get is on this board. If people saw you in person they would be disgusted by your appearance.

How many ratings do you have, racist?

You've never seen me, stop using your lying whore's tactics of making fact less allegations. You look as fcking stupid as she does.
America Ferrera hit the nail on the head. We witnessed the epitome of angry white male entitlement tantrum. Both from Kav and the repub senators.

Actress: Disturbed by 'angry white man tantrum' - CNN Video

Ooooh an actress...who cares what some nobody actress blabbers about?

You are nobody trash. You are the one who blabbers as befitting a ignorant Trump supporter.

It's annoyingbee....who thinks I give two shits what she says lol

Nobody listens to whoever the nobody actress the racist sourced. Well except you and the racist. Besides it's CNN aka fake news central

Now run along annoyingbee you may get swatted
Youre just jealous because the only attention you get is on this board. If people saw you in person they would be disgusted by your appearance.

How many ratings do you have, racist?

You've never seen me, stop using your lying whore's tactics of making fact less allegations. You look as fcking stupid as she does.

Sounds like a personal attack to me. They go pretty low don't they.
America Ferrera hit the nail on the head. We witnessed the epitome of angry white male entitlement tantrum. Both from Kav and the repub senators.

Actress: Disturbed by 'angry white man tantrum' - CNN Video

Ooooh an actress...who cares what some nobody actress blabbers about?

You are nobody trash. You are the one who blabbers as befitting a ignorant Trump supporter.

It's annoyingbee....who thinks I give two shits what she says lol

Nobody listens to whoever the nobody actress the racist sourced. Well except you and the racist. Besides it's CNN aka fake news central

Now run along annoyingbee you may get swatted
Youre just jealous because the only attention you get is on this board. If people saw you in person they would be disgusted by your appearance.

That was a low blow.
Ooooh an actress...who cares what some nobody actress blabbers about?

You are nobody trash. You are the one who blabbers as befitting a ignorant Trump supporter.

It's annoyingbee....who thinks I give two shits what she says lol

Nobody listens to whoever the nobody actress the racist sourced. Well except you and the racist. Besides it's CNN aka fake news central

Now run along annoyingbee you may get swatted
Youre just jealous because the only attention you get is on this board. If people saw you in person they would be disgusted by your appearance.

How many ratings do you have, racist?

You've never seen me, stop using your lying whore's tactics of making fact less allegations. You look as fcking stupid as she does.

Sounds like a personal attack to me. They go pretty low don't they.

It's how left loons roll
This is so infuriating, and if you’re a person who is celebrating this kind of attitude, please punch yourself in the face. In fact, please just jump off a cliff, because you make the world a worse place.
'Men Are Trash.' That's What These Idiots Think Of Your Husbands, Sons, Fathers, And Brothers.

These are the same type of people who make rape claims when it did not happen.
These are the women who will make your sons, fathers, uncles live within their own prison which is bein petrified to be a man. Being gay won't save you from this bs either.

You have destroyed the normal live of both men and women when we are go through the life of chasing that woman, gone are the days where boys have a girl they want to go after, gone are the days of a normal man , woman dating scenes while growing up.

The feminazis have destroyed everything normal for the boys of our futures.

payback is coming for you in spades and you all don't even see it coming yet.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, as ridiculous as it is wrong.

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