Meryl Streep's incredible comments

"Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners, and if you kick us all out, you’ll have nothing to watch except for football and mixed martial arts, which are not arts"

This comment of hers is hogwash.
Lol, here is her half assed comments. Meryl Streep Blasts Donald Trump's 'Instinct to Humiliate' in Passionate Golden Globes Speech — WATCH

Isnt it amazing how libtards just love forums where they monopolize the forum and no one can answer them back or ask them questions, like "Mrs Streep, where is your sympathy for the American Middle Class that has seen its income degrade for the past 30+ years while rich people like you have seen their income increase 40 times over?"

Oh, yeah, but it is so easy to run your mouth off from a podium when presented an award for a life time of ACTING.
She accuses Trump of mocking a disabled left wing propagandist but she took money to make a cameo appearance as herself in a movie that mocks conjoined twins.
She just gave the most amazing comments on the Golden Globes. Everyone should see it.
Yeah, amazingly disgusting. The entire show starting with the host was dedicated to bashing Trump, culminating with Streep's disgusting comments.

If you needed any confirmation that the left has totally gone nuts just watch this show. Why does the asshole bitch think people are interested in her political views and her repeating the same lies and garbage the crooked media had already used, which didn't work?

How about sticking with what people pay you to do, perform, for a change? But no, she has to throw her two cents in. Why do they all feel this urge to bow down and show their allegiance to the anti American commie Democratic party? Is the commie bitch running for office?

Class acts on the other hand were the staff of LaLa Land. They strayed away from making political statements. Although it looked like the producer wanted to mention something the last minute before they shut his mic down. LOL
She spoke truth to power. Trump is a small fraction of a man.
She's a fuckin' nobody, just a rich Hollywood commie actor living in a bubble that has no relevance to reality.
I do like her movies tho. Just wish these pricks would keep their personal feelings personal.
When I'm hired to remodel a home it doesn't come with a free copy of my political diatribe.

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