Mexicrats want a $15 minimum wage to make life easier for illegal aliens

Where is one going to live on 16-20K/year in NY or LA?
You try it first and let us know how it works out.

I tried living on $1.45 in 1970 and couldn't provide for a very good living so I decided to become more productive and make more money.

It was my problem to fix, not somebody else. I fixed it without the filthy ass government making my employer pay me more money.

By the way, the best way to get out of poverty is to not vote for Liberals and their failed economic policies. For instance, all these dumbasses voted for that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama and all that got them was increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.
Your opinion is noted. However, it has more to do with lowering our tax burden by solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner.

Labor with an income pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

The right wing has no valid economic arguments or you would have presented them already.

It is simply, easier And more convenient to solve for simple poverty in our First World economy since we can Never compete with the Third World on Labor issues.
Who's doing the solving? The government? The lazy and unmotivated deserve poverty. Fuck 'em.
Not the private sector. The Romans already proved, Government solves all problems.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, is more cost effective than our current regime.
If you want to model the US after Rome, you’ve been reading the wrong history books.
lol. Government solves problems, not the private sector.
I tried living on $1.45 in 1970 and couldn't provide for a very good living so I decided to become more productive and make more money.

It was my problem to fix, not somebody else. I fixed it without the filthy ass government making my employer pay me more money.

By the way, the best way to get out of poverty is to not vote for Liberals and their failed economic policies. For instance, all these dumbasses voted for that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama and all that got them was increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.
Your opinion is noted. However, it has more to do with lowering our tax burden by solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner.

Labor with an income pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

The right wing has no valid economic arguments or you would have presented them already.

It is simply, easier And more convenient to solve for simple poverty in our First World economy since we can Never compete with the Third World on Labor issues.
Who's doing the solving? The government? The lazy and unmotivated deserve poverty. Fuck 'em.

Socialism is being lazy and unmotivated and thinking that you are entitled to have somebody else pay your bills.
lol. right wing, laissez-fair laziness is a model example.
Which has zero to do with being 22 and only being able to flip burgers.
special pleading is only relevant to the right wing.
You're missing the point entirely.
Those jobs were stepping stones in my youth and they taught the value of hard work.
Kids now days look at mowing grass as beneath them.
If you want even more proof we have to many mexicans I can get my yard cut,edged,weed eated and blown for five bucks more than I charged 40 years ago.
too bad; it costs fifteen an hour in our first world economy, or unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
Where is one going to live on 16-20K/year in NY or LA?
You try it first and let us know how it works out.
As an Individual, it is much easier at that price point than the current price point. And, Labor needs capital to circulate to upgrade their skills, and skill sets on a continual basis.
The influx of uneducated trespassers and the inability of some minorities to value education for an entire generation should not be rewarded with the tax dollars of legal citizens and those who studied instead of partying.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Who are you going to hire at fifteen an hour?
They are already working at $9.00/hour.
The issue is to prevent the next generation from suffering the same fate by, you know, taking their education seriously.
I tried living on $1.45 in 1970 and couldn't provide for a very good living so I decided to become more productive and make more money.

It was my problem to fix, not somebody else. I fixed it without the filthy ass government making my employer pay me more money.

By the way, the best way to get out of poverty is to not vote for Liberals and their failed economic policies. For instance, all these dumbasses voted for that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama and all that got them was increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.
Your opinion is noted. However, it has more to do with lowering our tax burden by solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner.

Labor with an income pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

The right wing has no valid economic arguments or you would have presented them already.

It is simply, easier And more convenient to solve for simple poverty in our First World economy since we can Never compete with the Third World on Labor issues.
Who's doing the solving? The government? The lazy and unmotivated deserve poverty. Fuck 'em.
Not the private sector. The Romans already proved, Government solves all problems.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, is more cost effective than our current regime.
If you want to model the US after Rome, you’ve been reading the wrong history books.
lol. Government solves problems, not the private sector.
That’s why we shouldn’t allow legislation that turns the US into a global free for all.
too bad; it costs fifteen an hour in our first world economy, or unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
Where is one going to live on 16-20K/year in NY or LA?
You try it first and let us know how it works out.
As an Individual, it is much easier at that price point than the current price point. And, Labor needs capital to circulate to upgrade their skills, and skill sets on a continual basis.
The influx of uneducated trespassers and the inability of some minorities to value education for an entire generation should not be rewarded with the tax dollars of legal citizens and those who studied instead of partying.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Who are you going to hire at fifteen an hour?
They are already working at $9.00/hour.
The issue is to prevent the next generation from suffering the same fate by, you know, taking their education seriously.
Capitalism. Why aren't employers paying illegals, fifteen an hour now?
Your opinion is noted. However, it has more to do with lowering our tax burden by solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner.

Labor with an income pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

The right wing has no valid economic arguments or you would have presented them already.

It is simply, easier And more convenient to solve for simple poverty in our First World economy since we can Never compete with the Third World on Labor issues.
Who's doing the solving? The government? The lazy and unmotivated deserve poverty. Fuck 'em.
Not the private sector. The Romans already proved, Government solves all problems.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, is more cost effective than our current regime.
If you want to model the US after Rome, you’ve been reading the wrong history books.
lol. Government solves problems, not the private sector.
That’s why we shouldn’t allow legislation that turns the US into a global free for all.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for being unemployed is not a free for all.
Where is one going to live on 16-20K/year in NY or LA?
You try it first and let us know how it works out.
As an Individual, it is much easier at that price point than the current price point. And, Labor needs capital to circulate to upgrade their skills, and skill sets on a continual basis.
The influx of uneducated trespassers and the inability of some minorities to value education for an entire generation should not be rewarded with the tax dollars of legal citizens and those who studied instead of partying.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Who are you going to hire at fifteen an hour?
They are already working at $9.00/hour.
The issue is to prevent the next generation from suffering the same fate by, you know, taking their education seriously.
Capitalism. Why aren't employers paying illegals, fifteen an hour now?
Would you?
Just because you have an Illegal in your household doesn’t give you the right to demand all Americans abide by your point of view.
Education is the path to success, not planting the seeds of another welfare generation.
Who's doing the solving? The government? The lazy and unmotivated deserve poverty. Fuck 'em.
Not the private sector. The Romans already proved, Government solves all problems.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, is more cost effective than our current regime.
If you want to model the US after Rome, you’ve been reading the wrong history books.
lol. Government solves problems, not the private sector.
That’s why we shouldn’t allow legislation that turns the US into a global free for all.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for being unemployed is not a free for all.
Unemployment is $13.00/hour or more depending on your pre-unemployed salary.
UI is not available for trespassers.
As an Individual, it is much easier at that price point than the current price point. And, Labor needs capital to circulate to upgrade their skills, and skill sets on a continual basis.
The influx of uneducated trespassers and the inability of some minorities to value education for an entire generation should not be rewarded with the tax dollars of legal citizens and those who studied instead of partying.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Who are you going to hire at fifteen an hour?
They are already working at $9.00/hour.
The issue is to prevent the next generation from suffering the same fate by, you know, taking their education seriously.
Capitalism. Why aren't employers paying illegals, fifteen an hour now?
Would you?
Just because you have an Illegal in your household doesn’t give you the right to demand all Americans abide by your point of view.
Education is the path to success, not planting the seeds of another welfare generation.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum is merely a cost of living adjustment for Labor. Unemployment compensation for being unemployed solves simple poverty.
Not the private sector. The Romans already proved, Government solves all problems.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, is more cost effective than our current regime.
If you want to model the US after Rome, you’ve been reading the wrong history books.
lol. Government solves problems, not the private sector.
That’s why we shouldn’t allow legislation that turns the US into a global free for all.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for being unemployed is not a free for all.
Unemployment is $13.00/hour or more depending on your pre-unemployed salary.
UI is not available for trespassers.
I am advocating for one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage; and, foreign nationals may have some form of unemployment compensation included with a visa fee, along with catastrophic health care.
If you want to model the US after Rome, you’ve been reading the wrong history books.
lol. Government solves problems, not the private sector.
That’s why we shouldn’t allow legislation that turns the US into a global free for all.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for being unemployed is not a free for all.
Unemployment is $13.00/hour or more depending on your pre-unemployed salary.
UI is not available for trespassers.
I am advocating for one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage; and, foreign nationals may have some form of unemployment compensation included with a visa fee, along with catastrophic health care.
You are discussing legal immigrants.
Minimum Wage is more complicated because different regions, even in one State, have different costs of living.
lol. Government solves problems, not the private sector.
That’s why we shouldn’t allow legislation that turns the US into a global free for all.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for being unemployed is not a free for all.
Unemployment is $13.00/hour or more depending on your pre-unemployed salary.
UI is not available for trespassers.
I am advocating for one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage; and, foreign nationals may have some form of unemployment compensation included with a visa fee, along with catastrophic health care.
You are discussing legal immigrants.
Minimum Wage is more complicated because different regions, even in one State, have different costs of living.
No, it isn't. We need to put an upward pressure on wages simply Because we have a First World economy not a Third World economy.
That’s why we shouldn’t allow legislation that turns the US into a global free for all.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for being unemployed is not a free for all.
Unemployment is $13.00/hour or more depending on your pre-unemployed salary.
UI is not available for trespassers.
I am advocating for one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage; and, foreign nationals may have some form of unemployment compensation included with a visa fee, along with catastrophic health care.
You are discussing legal immigrants.
Minimum Wage is more complicated because different regions, even in one State, have different costs of living.
No, it isn't. We need to put an upward pressure on wages simply Because we have a First World economy not a Third World economy.
There are a multitude of areas in the US devoid of wealthy people.
Why would anyone with money build a city in the middle of a wasteland of upward mobility?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for being unemployed is not a free for all.
Unemployment is $13.00/hour or more depending on your pre-unemployed salary.
UI is not available for trespassers.
I am advocating for one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage; and, foreign nationals may have some form of unemployment compensation included with a visa fee, along with catastrophic health care.
You are discussing legal immigrants.
Minimum Wage is more complicated because different regions, even in one State, have different costs of living.
No, it isn't. We need to put an upward pressure on wages simply Because we have a First World economy not a Third World economy.
There are a multitude of areas in the US devoid of wealthy people.
Why would anyone with money build a city in the middle of a wasteland of upward mobility?
to improve resource management.
Unemployment is $13.00/hour or more depending on your pre-unemployed salary.
UI is not available for trespassers.
I am advocating for one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage; and, foreign nationals may have some form of unemployment compensation included with a visa fee, along with catastrophic health care.
You are discussing legal immigrants.
Minimum Wage is more complicated because different regions, even in one State, have different costs of living.
No, it isn't. We need to put an upward pressure on wages simply Because we have a First World economy not a Third World economy.
There are a multitude of areas in the US devoid of wealthy people.
Why would anyone with money build a city in the middle of a wasteland of upward mobility?
to improve resource management.
Can you elaborate?
Are you talking water, electricity, gas?
Are you asking government to force businesses to upgrade less desirable communities across the land?
I am advocating for one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage; and, foreign nationals may have some form of unemployment compensation included with a visa fee, along with catastrophic health care.
You are discussing legal immigrants.
Minimum Wage is more complicated because different regions, even in one State, have different costs of living.
No, it isn't. We need to put an upward pressure on wages simply Because we have a First World economy not a Third World economy.
There are a multitude of areas in the US devoid of wealthy people.
Why would anyone with money build a city in the middle of a wasteland of upward mobility?
to improve resource management.
Can you elaborate?
Are you talking water, electricity, gas?
Are you asking government to force businesses to upgrade less desirable communities across the land?
I am saying we could build new cities with modern infrastructure, built in.

The private sector would just need to move in.
You are discussing legal immigrants.
Minimum Wage is more complicated because different regions, even in one State, have different costs of living.
No, it isn't. We need to put an upward pressure on wages simply Because we have a First World economy not a Third World economy.
There are a multitude of areas in the US devoid of wealthy people.
Why would anyone with money build a city in the middle of a wasteland of upward mobility?
to improve resource management.
Can you elaborate?
Are you talking water, electricity, gas?
Are you asking government to force businesses to upgrade less desirable communities across the land?
I am saying we could build new cities with modern infrastructure, built in.

The private sector would just need to move in.
Would you want to be forced to move somewhere?
I don’t know nearly enough about Civil Engineering to discuss such legislation.
No, it isn't. We need to put an upward pressure on wages simply Because we have a First World economy not a Third World economy.
There are a multitude of areas in the US devoid of wealthy people.
Why would anyone with money build a city in the middle of a wasteland of upward mobility?
to improve resource management.
Can you elaborate?
Are you talking water, electricity, gas?
Are you asking government to force businesses to upgrade less desirable communities across the land?
I am saying we could build new cities with modern infrastructure, built in.

The private sector would just need to move in.
Would you want to be forced to move somewhere?
I don’t know nearly enough about Civil Engineering to discuss such legislation.
that is just Your codependent insecurity, right winger. we still subscribe to capitalism.

What about eminent domain for people near toxic waste sites? We could build a new city and move them in with eminent domain.
It stumps me, this pro Mexican Illegal alien agenda. Where the hell did it come from? No other group gets this degree of special treatment. What the hell makes Mexican illegals immune from international immigration laws? I know Mexicans, and most of them are just exploiting the flawed immigration system. Because they can, for no other reason. They want a better life...(Tell me, WHO DOESN'T?) They may be refugees from a slowly imploding country, yes. But as far as I am concerned, it isn't an excuse to flaunt international immigration laws. Most of them aren't targets of death squads or starving. So all this sympathy and compassion for Mexican illegals seems misplaced, as far as I can tell. I have been known to overlook stuff.
It stumps me, this pro Mexican Illegal alien agenda. Where the hell did it come from? No other group gets this degree of special treatment. What the hell makes Mexican illegals immune from international immigration laws? I know Mexicans, and most of them are just exploiting the flawed immigration system. Because they can, for no other reason. They want a better life...(Tell me, WHO DOESN'T?) They may be refugees from a slowly imploding country, yes. But as far as I am concerned, it isn't an excuse to flaunt international immigration laws. Most of them aren't targets of death squads or starving. So all this sympathy and compassion for Mexican illegals seems misplaced, as far as I can tell. I have been known to overlook stuff.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.

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