Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Oh please watch the video. He barely pushed the guy. You make it sound a lot worse than it was but that's what racists do to justify killing an unarmed black man.

That is not true.

He put his hands on the man and pushed him. That's assault and battery right there, not including the robbery.

Doesn't justify being shot dead if he was running from the cop unarmed, but we don't know those facts yet.

Robbery? Its theft, and simple assault plus theft is two MMs.
I don't understand the problem.

Bad guy robbed a store, cop shot bad guy, bad guy is dead. Now more bad people want to loot stores, give the cops more bullets, and make it looter season(duck season, rabbit season, looter season)...:lol:

Seriously, if people won't police themselves, then set a curfew, and if people break it, lock them up.

Since when is a kid shoplifting make them a "bad guy" and that means they must be killed and not get a trial?

If a white kid shoplifted and was jaywalking in the middle of the street and had an altercation with a black officer and while surrendering was shot dead by the black officer, would you blindly back the black officer?

I know the answer but I am just seeing if you will tell the truth.

First of all this was not a kid, he was 18, and I don't care if he was black, white, yellow, red or brown, when you walk into a store and strongarm the attendant, just to steal some cigars, I would have no problem if a cop of any color shot him.

I will re-iterate I don't care if it was a man or woman, or what the color is, of the cop or the perp. If the man would have acted like a human to start with, then I might give a shit. Thing is, he didn't.

Now a question back at you, would you turn in one of your own kids if the police was looking for them? Because I would, and they sure as hell know I would, but I raised my kids to be respectful.

I know the answer but I am just seeing if YOU will tell the truth.
Oh please watch the video. He barely pushed the guy. You make it sound a lot worse than it was but that's what racists do to justify killing an unarmed black man.

That is not true.

He put his hands on the man and pushed him. That's assault and battery right there, not including the robbery.

Doesn't justify being shot dead if he was running from the cop unarmed, but we don't know those facts yet.

The lovers of the Constitution don't care if proper steps are taken, when it happens to be against a black man. Everyone (including blacks and other minorities) are entitled to a trial, not to be executed without representation. I guess some have forgotten that part of the Constitution.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

The cop wasn't even aware that Brown had been in that mart stealing (if indeed he did that).
That is not true.

He put his hands on the man and pushed him. That's assault and battery right there, not including the robbery.

Doesn't justify being shot dead if he was running from the cop unarmed, but we don't know those facts yet.

Doesnt matter what its called. He didnt even come close to hurting the guy.

It is still assault and battery. If you even so much as put a finger on someone if they don't wish to be touched, that's battery. Working in health care, I've witnessed that personally. It's assault as well, because he pushed the guy he was robbing.

We need to call it for what it is: Assault, battery, and robbery. Regardless of skin color it's wrong and should not be tolerated, justified, or excused,

The store owner touched him first. So technically he assaulted Brown first if we want to play semantics.
Shoplifting and jay walking are really not a good description of strong-armed, pushing a little clerk and assaulting a police officer.

Ferguson has one less thug. They've got plenty more from the looks of things.

Oh please watch the video. He barely pushed the guy. You make it sound a lot worse than it was but that's what racists do to justify killing an unarmed black man.
Your judgement was seriously compromised with "shoplifting and jaywalking". That bird along with "gentle giant" has flown.

The only shreds of evidence point to shoplighting & jaywalking thus far. IF the ALLEGED store video hasn't been tampered with, IF Michael Brown was walking in the street.
Since when is a kid shoplifting make them a "bad guy" and that means they must be killed and not get a trial?

If a white kid shoplifted and was jaywalking in the middle of the street and had an altercation with a black officer and while surrendering was shot dead by the black officer, would you blindly back the black officer?

I know the answer but I am just seeing if you will tell the truth.
Shoplifting and jay walking are really not a good description of strong-armed, pushing a little clerk and assaulting a police officer.

Ferguson has one less thug. They've got plenty more from the looks of things.

Oh please watch the video. He barely pushed the guy. You make it sound a lot worse than it was but that's what racists do to justify killing an unarmed black man.

I am 6'4 350 and built like a damn brick outhouse, I don't have to touch somebody to strongarm them. Much less someone half my size and twice my age. You do not act like that in public and the sob deserved what he got.

Race has nothing to do with it, only to racists who try to label everyone else as such, does race factor into the equation.
I heard the ANIMALS and filth are now looting the store that Brown robbed.

Fuck you. I am proud to fight for civilization!

You call going against the Constitution civilization? You sound like the people in Alabama back in the 50's when the schools were integrated......very civilized.
Oh please watch the video. He barely pushed the guy. You make it sound a lot worse than it was but that's what racists do to justify killing an unarmed black man.

That is not true.

He put his hands on the man and pushed him. That's assault and battery right there, not including the robbery.

Doesn't justify being shot dead if he was running from the cop unarmed, but we don't know those facts yet.

Robbery? Its theft, and simple assault plus theft is two MMs.

Wrong. The guy was HUGE. Now....if that were your store...and your daughter or son working there and a big hulking thug pushed your kid around while STEALING, bet you would be singing a different tune. Theft is being sneaky and stealing. Pushing people or strong arming them while STEALING is robbery. At least, it is to me.
Oh please watch the video. He barely pushed the guy. You make it sound a lot worse than it was but that's what racists do to justify killing an unarmed black man.
Your judgement was seriously compromised with "shoplifting and jaywalking". That bird along with "gentle giant" has flown.

The only shreds of evidence point to shoplighting & jaywalking thus far. IF the ALLEGED store video hasn't been tampered with, IF Michael Brown was walking in the street.
You've got to be joking, right?! The video is conclusive, forensics will answer the rest. I think we can give jay walking a pass except as probable cause to stop the suspect. Toxicology reports will likely be interesting too.
Doesnt matter what its called. He didnt even come close to hurting the guy.

It is still assault and battery. If you even so much as put a finger on someone if they don't wish to be touched, that's battery. Working in health care, I've witnessed that personally. It's assault as well, because he pushed the guy he was robbing.

We need to call it for what it is: Assault, battery, and robbery. Regardless of skin color it's wrong and should not be tolerated, justified, or excused,

The store owner touched him first. So technically he assaulted Brown first if we want to play semantics.

Oh please. Eye roll.

At this point, I hope the whole shitload of thugs in that town get arrested and thrown in a slammer for a good long while.
The store clerk had the right to try and prevent a theft. Yeah, I know this is over some peoples' heads, but it's true, and no amount of dumbass spin is going to change that. There is no law stating that big fat assed black thugs get to help themselves to whatever strikes their fancies and walk off with it unhindered. I know this runs contrary to 'street lawyer' morons and their idiotic legal theories, but stealing really is illegal! Fact!
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There elements to crimes; one of the elements required for strong arm, in my state at least, is missing in the video. And after thinking about it, I applaud the store owner/manager for not putting his face, or his brother in law's second cousin's best friend's face on camera. The alleged friend of the officer's wife scrounging for media attentionis dceplorable.

As I have written previously, I know very few adults that have not at some time in their lives, done something that might be stretched, and defined as a felony.
That is not true.

He put his hands on the man and pushed him. That's assault and battery right there, not including the robbery.

Doesn't justify being shot dead if he was running from the cop unarmed, but we don't know those facts yet.

Robbery? Its theft, and simple assault plus theft is two MMs.

Wrong. The guy was HUGE. Now....if that were your store...and your daughter or son working there and a big hulking thug pushed your kid around while STEALING, bet you would be singing a different tune. Theft is being sneaky and stealing. Pushing people or strong arming them while STEALING is robbery. At least, it is to me.

The store owner/manager started the confrontation, and Michael Brown was not a thug. The St. Louis Police confirmed he had no criminal record DAYS ago:

Michael Brown had no criminal record, police say

Michael Brown had no criminal record - St. Louis Business Journal

Hundreds of stories reporting this FACT, online.
I don't understand the problem.

Bad guy robbed a store, cop shot bad guy, bad guy is dead. Now more bad people want to loot stores, give the cops more bullets, and make it looter season(duck season, rabbit season, looter season)...:lol:

Seriously, if people won't police themselves, then set a curfew, and if people break it, lock them up.

Since when is a kid shoplifting make them a "bad guy" and that means they must be killed and not get a trial?

If a white kid shoplifted and was jaywalking in the middle of the street and had an altercation with a black officer and while surrendering was shot dead by the black officer, would you blindly back the black officer?

I know the answer but I am just seeing if you will tell the truth.

First of all this was not a kid, he was 18, and I don't care if he was black, white, yellow, red or brown, when you walk into a store and strongarm the attendant, just to steal some cigars, I would have no problem if a cop of any color shot him.

I will re-iterate I don't care if it was a man or woman, or what the color is, of the cop or the perp. If the man would have acted like a human to start with, then I might give a shit. Thing is, he didn't.

Now a question back at you, would you turn in one of your own kids if the police was looking for them? Because I would, and they sure as hell know I would, but I raised my kids to be respectful.

You'd turn them in knowing they'd be shot?
I know the answer but I am just seeing if YOU will tell the truth.

You'd turn them in knowing they'd be shot?
The store clerk had the right to try and prevent a theft. Yeah, I know this is over some peoples' heads, but it's true, and no amount of dumbass spin is going to change that. There is no law stating that big fat assed black thugs get to help themselves to whatever strikes their fancies and walk off with it unhindered. I know this runs contrary to 'street lawyer' morons and their idiotic legal theories, but stealing really is illegal! Fact!

Stealing is illegal? Since when? So is towering over someone and intimidating them into giving something to you illegal also? Would that be considered stealing?
It is still assault and battery. If you even so much as put a finger on someone if they don't wish to be touched, that's battery. Working in health care, I've witnessed that personally. It's assault as well, because he pushed the guy he was robbing.

We need to call it for what it is: Assault, battery, and robbery. Regardless of skin color it's wrong and should not be tolerated, justified, or excused,

The store owner touched him first. So technically he assaulted Brown first if we want to play semantics.

Oh please. Eye roll.

At this point, I hope the whole shitload of thugs in that town get arrested and thrown in a slammer for a good long while.

Oh please what? Regardless of what terminology you want to apply the clerk escalated the situation and could have possibly been hurt. That is the only reason you see any violence. Then the police try to link that to the kid getting shot. Pathetic and sleazy.
The store owner touched him first. So technically he assaulted Brown first if we want to play semantics.

Oh please. Eye roll.

At this point, I hope the whole shitload of thugs in that town get arrested and thrown in a slammer for a good long while.

Regardless of what terminology you want to apply the clerk escalated the situation and could have possibly been hurt.

Now wait a minute, please. You're saying the clerk who was robbed escalated the situation, instead of the thug who walked in, stole cigars, and brazenly tried to get away? I think what escalated the situation was the thug stealing the clerk's merchandise.
The way Mike Brown behaved in the video is acceptable behavior in the negro community
Robbery? Its theft, and simple assault plus theft is two MMs.

Wrong. The guy was HUGE. Now....if that were your store...and your daughter or son working there and a big hulking thug pushed your kid around while STEALING, bet you would be singing a different tune. Theft is being sneaky and stealing. Pushing people or strong arming them while STEALING is robbery. At least, it is to me.

The store owner/manager started the confrontation, and Michael Brown was not a thug. The St. Louis Police confirmed he had no criminal record DAYS ago:

Michael Brown had no criminal record, police say

Michael Brown had no criminal record - St. Louis Business Journal

Hundreds of stories reporting this FACT, online.

Brown was stealing, of coarse the store owner would try to stop him, JEEZ! Thing is, with this video, if the owner had shot Brown, then there would be no outcry at all from anyone.

And who cares if he had a criminal record, first of all, do they report juvenile offences on them in the state of MO. Secondly, a criminal starts somewhere, I could care less if he had a criminal record, at the time he was shot, he was a criminal, and that is now apparent, no matter what anyone says, the man stole around 50 bucks of cigars, and it cost him his life, to bad, so sad, good riddance.

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