Michele Obama / Hollywood uses military as Props for Oscars.

The Military in general, being used as props at the request of Hollywood Producer. If you can't see that, nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. As Retired Military, I find it very disrespectful.

You may have been active duty, but you were never Honor Guard. We got asked to appear all over the place...parades, sporting events, to open conferences, etc. There's nothing disrespectful about it.

You just hate this President so anything that is associated with him in any way shape or form (including his wife) is inherently "bad" in your book.

ODS...there is no cure.

I don't hate Obama or his wife.

I don't like what they are doing to this country, but I don't know them well enough to hate them personally.

Hate, like Love, is a very strong emotion and should be used only very rarely.

As Honor Guard, you were there presenting the Flag during the National Anthem or honoring a fallen soldier or other person. ( I had several people who worked for me on Honor Guard and I know when they were on duty and what they did. ) You were never sent out to stand behind a person in Full Uniform to just smile and be a backdrop because a TV Show Producer requested you.

Evidently you, if you were ever truly Honor Guard, didn't understand why you were sent to the places you were sent.

Honor Guard is not the same as Aides-de-Camp.
WTF? So, paying tribute by having military members there is now considered a "prop"?

I guess Obama used all those cops and firemen last week behind him as "props" too?

Ever think that maybe, just maybe, some of those "props" are starting to see the bullshit the right has been feeding them for decades, and maybe they are ok with being there?
So, let me ask:

You right wingers who are angry about this (yep, another on the very long 'angry list'), let me ask you, are you angry that the NFL uses active duty military folks, in uniform, to aid in promoting their product of sports entertainment? The NFL and Hollywood both make billions by entertaining us. They do so with millionaires getting paid by our consumer dollars, to live a fantasy for a job. Both are full of Obama supporters (Hollywood actors, mostly african american athletes).

Do you right wingers plan to show your outrage in the 2013 NFL season for them using military guys to promote their product?
A quick Google search will find thousands of photo-ops of former First Ladies and members of the military.

At the Oscars? Or Emmy's? Or any other stupid Hollywood event?

No one was "at the Oscars". Michelle Obama appeared on a live feed from the White House.

But even if they were "at the Oscars", no one has been able to explain to me how that would be "disrespectful".

I have NEVER seen or heard of any First Lady involving herself with Hollywood like this. But of course, she and her husband most likely get a huge amount of donations from them, so i'm not surprised.
At the Oscars? Or Emmy's? Or any other stupid Hollywood event?

No one was "at the Oscars". Michelle Obama appeared on a live feed from the White House.

But even if they were "at the Oscars", no one has been able to explain to me how that would be "disrespectful".

I have NEVER seen or heard of any First Lady involving herself with Hollywood like this. But of course, she and her husband most likely get a huge amount of donations from them, so i'm not surprised.

You've heard of Laura Bush, right?

Did you squeel with the same outrage when she was featured on the Oscars telecast?
No one was "at the Oscars". Michelle Obama appeared on a live feed from the White House.

But even if they were "at the Oscars", no one has been able to explain to me how that would be "disrespectful".

I have NEVER seen or heard of any First Lady involving herself with Hollywood like this. But of course, she and her husband most likely get a huge amount of donations from them, so i'm not surprised.

You've heard of Laura Bush, right?

Did you squeel with the same outrage when she was featured on the Oscars telecast?

Big difference between taking part in a "what movies mean to me" segment and presenting the award for best picture.

But the Obama's relish their celebrity status and Hollywood friends, so good for them. It's not like the country is suffering while they hob-knob with the rich and famous.
I have NEVER seen or heard of any First Lady involving herself with Hollywood like this. But of course, she and her husband most likely get a huge amount of donations from them, so i'm not surprised.

You've heard of Laura Bush, right?

Did you squeel with the same outrage when she was featured on the Oscars telecast?

Big difference between taking part in a "what movies mean to me" segment and presenting the award for best picture.

But the Obama's relish their celebrity status and Hollywood friends, so good for them. It's not like the country is suffering while they hob-knob with the rich and famous.

Only in your mind and the minds of hate infested folks like yourself is that a "difference."
You've heard of Laura Bush, right?

Did you squeel with the same outrage when she was featured on the Oscars telecast?

Big difference between taking part in a "what movies mean to me" segment and presenting the award for best picture.

But the Obama's relish their celebrity status and Hollywood friends, so good for them. It's not like the country is suffering while they hob-knob with the rich and famous.

Only in your mind and the minds of hate infested folks like yourself is that a "difference."

You've heard of Laura Bush, right?

Did you squeel with the same outrage when she was featured on the Oscars telecast?

Big difference between taking part in a "what movies mean to me" segment and presenting the award for best picture.

But the Obama's relish their celebrity status and Hollywood friends, so good for them. It's not like the country is suffering while they hob-knob with the rich and famous.

Only in your mind and the minds of hate infested folks like yourself is that a "difference."

Some of you guys sound like you wouldn't even acknowledge that apples are different from oranges if a rightwinger claimed it was so.
Big difference between taking part in a "what movies mean to me" segment and presenting the award for best picture.

But the Obama's relish their celebrity status and Hollywood friends, so good for them. It's not like the country is suffering while they hob-knob with the rich and famous.

Only in your mind and the minds of hate infested folks like yourself is that a "difference."

Scoreboard from 12/02/12:
Si(GH) 24; Amelia(DMQ) 24; Warbler(FP3) 22; Catz(FH) 10; NLT(HFH) 15; El Magnifico(F) 14

last updated 2/26/13 Nice to know that El Magnifico is an Expert on the various "Breeds of Lesbians" and on what recruiters ask. :D

Oh, I forgot to say hello, Welcher Pete.
Last edited:
I guess the Flame Zone isn't enough attention for the Girls. :lol:
Scoreboard from 12/02/12:
Si(GH) 24; Amelia(DMQ) 24; Warbler(FP3) 22; Catz(FH) 10; NLT(HFH) 15; El Magnifico(F) 14

last updated 2/26/13 Nice to know that El Magnifico is an Expert on the various "Breeds of Lesbians" and on what recruiters ask. :D

Still welching, I see. :thup:
I have NEVER seen or heard of any First Lady involving herself with Hollywood like this. But of course, she and her husband most likely get a huge amount of donations from them, so i'm not surprised.

You've heard of Laura Bush, right?

Did you squeel with the same outrage when she was featured on the Oscars telecast?

Big difference between taking part in a "what movies mean to me" segment and presenting the award for best picture.

But the Obama's relish their celebrity status and Hollywood friends, so good for them. It's not like the country is suffering while they hob-knob with the rich and famous.

Ah, that sweet wingnut bitterness with a hint of jealousy....:)
You've heard of Laura Bush, right?

Did you squeel with the same outrage when she was featured on the Oscars telecast?

Big difference between taking part in a "what movies mean to me" segment and presenting the award for best picture.

But the Obama's relish their celebrity status and Hollywood friends, so good for them. It's not like the country is suffering while they hob-knob with the rich and famous.

Ah, that sweet wingnut bitterness with a hint of jealousy....:)

Yep...very much so.
The Military in general, being used as props at the request of Hollywood Producer. If you can't see that, nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. As Retired Military, I find it very disrespectful.

You may have been active duty, but you were never Honor Guard. We got asked to appear all over the place...parades, sporting events, to open conferences, etc. There's nothing disrespectful about it.

You just hate this President so anything that is associated with him in any way shape or form (including his wife) is inherently "bad" in your book.

ODS...there is no cure.

I don't hate Obama or his wife.

I don't like what they are doing to this country, but I don't know them well enough to hate them personally.

Hate, like Love, is a very strong emotion and should be used only very rarely.

As Honor Guard, you were there presenting the Flag during the National Anthem or honoring a fallen soldier or other person. ( I had several people who worked for me on Honor Guard and I know when they were on duty and what they did. ) You were never sent out to stand behind a person in Full Uniform to just smile and be a backdrop because a TV Show Producer requested you.

Evidently you, if you were ever truly Honor Guard, didn't understand why you were sent to the places you were sent.

We went where we were requested. That included just standing on stage looking pretty.

You have yet to explain how this is disrespectful.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFW9CK9EWGQ]Ronald Reagan Coin Toss at Super Bowl XIX - YouTube[/ame]
I see that I am not the only person with a connection to the military who found this offensive and for the same reasons I had.

Michelle Obama slammed for using military as 'props' during Oscars | The Daily Caller

Statist propaganda:’ Michelle Obama slammed for using military as ‘props’ during Oscars appearance

First lady Michelle Obama is under fire after she appeared as a long-distance award presenter on the Oscars Sunday evening, flanked by active-duty American service members.

The well-dressed members of the military stood attentively behind the first lady inside the White House as she presented the award for best picture to the movie “Argo.”

But the use of those service members has left some of her critics fuming.

Jennifer Rubin, a conservative columnist for The Washington Post, noted that Michelle Obama didn’t even acknowledge the military during her appearance:

She declared of the Best Picture nominees, “They reminded us that we can overcome any obstacle if we dig deep enough and fight hard enough and find the courage within ourselves.” Alas, none of the films nor her aides reminded her to mention the military, not those personnel behind her nor those serving overseas, an odd omission for the White House that nevertheless was pleased to have them arrayed behind her like, well, set decoration.

Rubin wrote that the military personnel were used as nothing more than “props” for the first lady to “intrude” on American entertainment.

“Should our troops be used as Michelle’s Oscar props?” wondered conservative radio host Laura Ingraham Monday morning.

And a man who was once responsible for all public relations in the Department of Veterans Affairs said the use of the military may have crossed an ethical line.

Ed Timperlake — a former Marine fighter pilot who served as an assistant secretary in the Department of Veterans Affairs under President George H.W. Bush — told The Daily Caller in an interview Monday that using the military as “window dressing” for a commercial event almost certainly “crossed the line” into “statist propaganda.”

“I thought it was unseemly,” said Timperlake, recounting his reaction while watching the Oscars. “I think the use of the service members crossed the line.”

“Putting her up on the stage to award an Oscar is fine. However, putting uniformed military behind her is coming up, maybe perhaps crossing the line where you’re using active duty military in their dress uniform as a prop … for commercial purposes,” Timperlake said.

Military regulations prohibit “the wearing of a military uniform during or in connection with the furtherance of any political or commercial interests,” according to the Department of Defense.

And although the Pentagon may make special exceptions to Hollywood for public relations purposes, Timperlake explained, the first lady’s use of the military went beyond anything he would have supported as a senior administration official.

“America should be a little bit concerned, if not more concerned,” he suggested. “When you focus on the first lady with military members behind her that have nothing whatsoever to do with the event other than to essentially provide window dressing — which is harsh, but true — I think they were up against, if not crossing the line and that’s a slippery slope I don’t think America wants to be on.”

The fact that Michelle Obama did not acknowledge the attending service members only serves to emphasize the criticism, Timperlake said.

“That means they were just there for show. It’s even worse. It takes it to a different level. She didn’t even justify [it],” he said. “They were just there for the visuals.”

Kristina Schake, the first lady’s communications director told reporters in a statement Monday night that “[t]he Academy Awards approached the First Lady about being a part of the ceremony. As a movie lover, she was honored to present the award and celebrate the artists who inspire us all — especially our young people — with their passion, skill and imagination.”

UPDATE: The first lady’s office told TheDC Monday night that the service members were White House military social aides who worked at the Governor’s Dinner earlier in the evening. They are officers with military assignments elsewhere in the Washington area and assist the White House as needed.

And I see the White House is trying to use the same excuse as presented by the Lefties here.

I don't expect this article to change the minds of those who are defending Obama's mis-use of the military. You guys are in too deep.

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