Michelle Obama's Disdain for Whites

Michelle is upset because whites and a Vulcan exposed her true identity.


Sweet! Race card gets pulled yet again.
No such thing as a race card. If there is it has white privilege stamped on it.

Your ancestors already got their free shit by stealing. They built the system which allows you to benefit from their thievery.
OH DO TELL! What did my ancestors steal, navel gazer?

Land, money, resources, labor etc
So why do you live here, if you think that way?
First full blown attack on Obama.....a black guy breaks into his own gotdamn house cause he lost his keys, cops are called and he gets arrested....Obama called this whole ordeal stupid....from that point on, Fox news, Rush the lush and white people had a fuckin field day tearing this brother apart......Trump on the other hand can say just about anything to attack a mf and white love him, because....he's an outsider, white and stupid like they are.....correct me if I'm wrong.....BUT DO WHITE PEOPLE REALLY TREASURE AND ADMIRE IGNORANCE?
No, we treasure our superiority and privilege.
The only thing you nuts are superior in is ignorance. I've never seen a race so head strong on just being plain stupid. You and your race are an embarassment to your legacy, your linage and your race. Anything that is stupid, you support...never seen nothing like it in my life...if its white, stupid and conservative, you nuts rally behind it...absolutely amazing and scary.....I am 1000% certain, Trump is gonna be your punishment from the Gods.....hold on nut bags, its gonna get interesting and you nuts will have no one to blame but your privileged selves....
First full blown attack on Obama.....a black guy breaks into his own gotdamn house cause he lost his keys, cops are called and he gets arrested....Obama called this whole ordeal stupid....from that point on, Fox news, Rush the lush and white people had a fuckin field day tearing this brother apart......Trump on the other hand can say just about anything to attack a mf and white love him, because....he's an outsider, white and stupid like they are.....correct me if I'm wrong.....BUT DO WHITE PEOPLE REALLY TREASURE AND ADMIRE IGNORANCE?

According to a PPP survey of Trump supporters:

-65% think President Obama is a Muslim, only 13% think he’s a Christian.

-59% think President Obama was not born in the United States, only 23% think that he was.

-24% think Antonin Scalia was murdered, just 42% think he died naturally, another 34% are unsure.
What % hoped scalia was murdered?
Land, money, resources, labor etc
Land, money, resources, labor?

Do tell! What land? I grew up poverty, so what money and labor?
Whites in poverty still have white privilege. Basically you are lazy if youre a poor white.
Yeah, whites are hired and get college preference because of their race.
Keep telling yourself that.
I'm still waiting to hear about which parcels of land and what bank accounts I can lay claim to due to my skin color.
the Connecticut tribe of crackas from England
No such thing as a race card. If there is it has white privilege stamped on it.

Your ancestors already got their free shit by stealing. They built the system which allows you to benefit from their thievery.
OH DO TELL! What did my ancestors steal, navel gazer?

Land, money, resources, labor etc
So why do you live here, if you think that way?
Because i want to. Why do you live here?
Back in 1906, W.E.B. DuBois, a famous Black educator & social reformer said:

"Blacks are going to have to realize that white people are not responsible for that everything that goes wrong in their lives."

DuBois, and the rest of America too...are still waiting.

But you are and if that nigga was alive today, he'd do a retraction.....white people single handidly made Obama's 8 years in the white house a living hell....and there is no denying it...own it and shut the fuck up.

The cocksucker would have been impeached if he didn't have a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free RACE Card.

You just make sure you pay your taxes so your POTUS can retire in style or you will be dealt with.

Can you believe this shit.....this white racist roach eating, vomit smelling white pile of shit calls Obama a cocksucker.....while on day one, these racist fucks have been swinging off his nuts just get a rise.....so glad these bitches are gonna be a minority someday....its time this country heals.
Obama doesn't deserve to wipe my ass. He is the worst president ever. I'm glad Carter got to see another president that is worse than him, before he dies.
First full blown attack on Obama.....a black guy breaks into his own gotdamn house cause he lost his keys, cops are called and he gets arrested....Obama called this whole ordeal stupid....from that point on, Fox news, Rush the lush and white people had a fuckin field day tearing this brother apart......Trump on the other hand can say just about anything to attack a mf and white love him, because....he's an outsider, white and stupid like they are.....correct me if I'm wrong.....BUT DO WHITE PEOPLE REALLY TREASURE AND ADMIRE IGNORANCE?
No, we treasure our superiority and privilege.
Steve come to grips that southern crackas are inbred mutant albinos
Back in 1906, W.E.B. DuBois, a famous Black educator & social reformer said:

"Blacks are going to have to realize that white people are not responsible for that everything that goes wrong in their lives."

DuBois, and the rest of America too...are still waiting.

But you are and if that nigga was alive today, he'd do a retraction.....white people single handidly made Obama's 8 years in the white house a living hell....and there is no denying it...own it and shut the fuck up.

The cocksucker would have been impeached if he didn't have a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free RACE Card.

You just make sure you pay your taxes so your POTUS can retire in style or you will be dealt with.

Can you believe this shit.....this white racist roach eating, vomit smelling white pile of shit calls Obama a cocksucker.....while on day one, these racist fucks have been swinging off his nuts just get a rise.....so glad these bitches are gonna be a minority someday....its time this country heals.
Obama doesn't deserve to wipe my ass. He is the worst president ever. I'm glad Carter got to see another president that is worse than him, before he dies.

southern crackas are inbred mutant albinos
Back in 1906, W.E.B. DuBois, a famous Black educator & social reformer said:

"Blacks are going to have to realize that white people are not responsible for that everything that goes wrong in their lives."

DuBois, and the rest of America too...are still waiting.

But you are and if that nigga was alive today, he'd do a retraction.....white people single handidly made Obama's 8 years in the white house a living hell....and there is no denying it...own it and shut the fuck up.

The cocksucker would have been impeached if he didn't have a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free RACE Card.

You just make sure you pay your taxes so your POTUS can retire in style or you will be dealt with.

Can you believe this shit.....this white racist roach eating, vomit smelling white pile of shit calls Obama a cocksucker.....while on day one, these racist fucks have been swinging off his nuts just get a rise.....so glad these bitches are gonna be a minority someday....its time this country heals.
Obama doesn't deserve to wipe my ass. He is the worst president ever. I'm glad Carter got to see another president that is worse than him, before he dies.

If your dumb stupid white ass think Obama's the worst...and Bush, Reagan and Bush Jr. was a prize.....can I please help you find some help? Cause your white ass is insane in the head....LOLOLOLOL....dude why don't you, pack the family and the sheep up and take a long long long vacation to Canada...I hear the fire is almost out....LOLOLOLOLOLO
But you are and if that nigga was alive today, he'd do a retraction.....white people single handidly made Obama's 8 years in the white house a living hell....and there is no denying it...own it and shut the fuck up.

The cocksucker would have been impeached if he didn't have a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free RACE Card.

You just make sure you pay your taxes so your POTUS can retire in style or you will be dealt with.

Can you believe this shit.....this white racist roach eating, vomit smelling white pile of shit calls Obama a cocksucker.....while on day one, these racist fucks have been swinging off his nuts just get a rise.....so glad these bitches are gonna be a minority someday....its time this country heals.
Obama doesn't deserve to wipe my ass. He is the worst president ever. I'm glad Carter got to see another president that is worse than him, before he dies.

southern crackas are inbred mutant albinos
Your not smart enough to wipe my ass, remember blacks don't have the IQ of the average white male. Obama is half white, so he is smart enough. Just not deserving.
But you are and if that nigga was alive today, he'd do a retraction.....white people single handidly made Obama's 8 years in the white house a living hell....and there is no denying it...own it and shut the fuck up.

The cocksucker would have been impeached if he didn't have a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free RACE Card.

You just make sure you pay your taxes so your POTUS can retire in style or you will be dealt with.

Can you believe this shit.....this white racist roach eating, vomit smelling white pile of shit calls Obama a cocksucker.....while on day one, these racist fucks have been swinging off his nuts just get a rise.....so glad these bitches are gonna be a minority someday....its time this country heals.
Obama doesn't deserve to wipe my ass. He is the worst president ever. I'm glad Carter got to see another president that is worse than him, before he dies.

If your dumb stupid white ass think Obama's the worst...and Bush, Reagan and Bush Jr. was a prize.....can I please help you find some help? Cause your white ass is insane in the head....LOLOLOLOL....dude why don't you, pack the family and the sheep up and take a long long long vacation to Canada...I hear the fire is almost out....LOLOLOLOLOLO
He doesn't deserve to wipe Bush's ass either.

The cocksucker would have been impeached if he didn't have a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free RACE Card.

You just make sure you pay your taxes so your POTUS can retire in style or you will be dealt with.

Can you believe this shit.....this white racist roach eating, vomit smelling white pile of shit calls Obama a cocksucker.....while on day one, these racist fucks have been swinging off his nuts just get a rise.....so glad these bitches are gonna be a minority someday....its time this country heals.
Obama doesn't deserve to wipe my ass. He is the worst president ever. I'm glad Carter got to see another president that is worse than him, before he dies.

southern crackas are inbred mutant albinos
Your not smart enough to wipe my ass, remember blacks don't have the IQ of the average white male. Obama is half white, so he is smart enough. Just not deserving.

You made me go there....listen, they may not be as smart as you....chuckle, chuckle, but your prized mop heads don't seem to mind at all about whats in their heads...at least not up thar...you get my point, you lice lickin fuck head?

The cocksucker would have been impeached if he didn't have a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free RACE Card.

You just make sure you pay your taxes so your POTUS can retire in style or you will be dealt with.

Can you believe this shit.....this white racist roach eating, vomit smelling white pile of shit calls Obama a cocksucker.....while on day one, these racist fucks have been swinging off his nuts just get a rise.....so glad these bitches are gonna be a minority someday....its time this country heals.
Obama doesn't deserve to wipe my ass. He is the worst president ever. I'm glad Carter got to see another president that is worse than him, before he dies.

If your dumb stupid white ass think Obama's the worst...and Bush, Reagan and Bush Jr. was a prize.....can I please help you find some help? Cause your white ass is insane in the head....LOLOLOLOL....dude why don't you, pack the family and the sheep up and take a long long long vacation to Canada...I hear the fire is almost out....LOLOLOLOLOLO
He doesn't deserve to wipe Bush's ass either.

Nobody wants to go near a white man's ass...ESPECIALLY WHITE WOMAN....CHA CHING!!!!!
You just make sure you pay your taxes so your POTUS can retire in style or you will be dealt with.

Can you believe this shit.....this white racist roach eating, vomit smelling white pile of shit calls Obama a cocksucker.....while on day one, these racist fucks have been swinging off his nuts just get a rise.....so glad these bitches are gonna be a minority someday....its time this country heals.
Obama doesn't deserve to wipe my ass. He is the worst president ever. I'm glad Carter got to see another president that is worse than him, before he dies.

southern crackas are inbred mutant albinos
Your not smart enough to wipe my ass, remember blacks don't have the IQ of the average white male. Obama is half white, so he is smart enough. Just not deserving.

You made me go there....listen, they may not be as smart as you....chuckle, chuckle, but your prized mop heads don't seem to mind at all about whats in their heads...at least not up thar...you get my point, you lice lickin fuck head?
Thanks for proving my IQ comment. Guno is one of the stupidest people on this board.

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