Michelle Obama's Disdain for Whites

Your ancestors already got their free shit by stealing. They built the system which allows you to benefit from their thievery.
OH DO TELL! What did my ancestors steal, navel gazer?

Land, money, resources, labor etc
Land, money, resources, labor?

Do tell! What land? I grew up poverty, so what money and labor?
Whites in poverty still have white privilege. Basically you are lazy if youre a poor white.
And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing you did. So don’t have an attitude. But we must expand our moral imaginations to understand and empathize with all people who are struggling, not just black folks who are struggling -- the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender person, and yes, the middle-aged white guy who you may think has all the advantages, but over the last several decades has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change, and feels powerless to stop it. You got to get in his head, too.
The part you highlighted was a reference to the lazy white people that are upset over Black progress. You have to read between the lines on that one.
Read a history book....assuming you can read something that complex.
My ancestors are in history books!?

Yes unless you belong to some tribe no one has ever heard of.
Tell me the history of Vikings in America.
After Leif left of course.
Stop deflecting and make your point boy.
Me deflecting? Your the one claiming my ancestors stole land and money and you don't even know who they were.
Of course i do. They were white.
Whites in poverty still have white privilege. Basically you are lazy if youre a poor white.
Yeah, whites are hired and get college preference because of their race.
Keep telling yourself that.
I'm still waiting to hear about which parcels of land and what bank accounts I can lay claim to due to my skin color.

Because you think asking stupid questions is a point being made. Im waiting for you to flat out deny that whites have an advantage when they are the majority.

Go ahead, go full retard instead of flirting with it
Blacks get priority in hiring.
Blacks get priority in college placement.

Try to deny it.
Whites got those things for 400 years legally with zero competition. Stop whining even it it was true.
Hey Weatherman,

Please tell us that being part of the group in power has no advantages. Pleeeeaassse!
Racist thinks people live by skin color.

Come one Weatherman....Stop flirting with mental illness and let everyone know there is no advantage to being part of the race in power.

Just like the Pigs in Animal Farm had no advantages right? RIGHT?
Hey Weatherman,

Please tell us that being part of the group in power has no advantages. Pleeeeaassse!
Racist thinks people live by skin color.

Come one Weatherman....Stop flirting with mental illness and let everyone know there is no advantage to being part of the race in power.

Just like the Pigs in Animal Farm had no advantages right? RIGHT?
How come you can't tell me what advantage I have?
A Conversation on Race

Question: How come, after half a century of Reparations (War on Poverty; Great Society, Affirmative Action) why can't Blacks in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore etc. etc.--name a Democrat run rotting city in the North....how come after all these years of Reparations, can't Blacks in Democrat run cities--FEED THEMSELVES.

You Brothers are blaming the wrong whites...best start looking at the Democrats...who have put your vote in their hip pocket for 50 years...if you ever hope to have the Black Race really participate in the American Dream.

Democrats pay you to sit on a porch....Republicans would generate real jobs...if you want one. A chance at self-reliance...if you want any of that.
My ancestors are in history books!?

Yes unless you belong to some tribe no one has ever heard of.
Tell me the history of Vikings in America.
After Leif left of course.
Stop deflecting and make your point boy.
Me deflecting? Your the one claiming my ancestors stole land and money and you don't even know who they were.
Of course i do. They were white.
What a racist loon.
Hey Weatherman,

Please tell us that being part of the group in power has no advantages. Pleeeeaassse!
Racist thinks people live by skin color.

Come one Weatherman....Stop flirting with mental illness and let everyone know there is no advantage to being part of the race in power.

Just like the Pigs in Animal Farm had no advantages right? RIGHT?
How come you can't tell me what advantage I have?
You've already been told. Youre just pretending it isnt true which practically no one believes.
Yes unless you belong to some tribe no one has ever heard of.
Tell me the history of Vikings in America.
After Leif left of course.
Stop deflecting and make your point boy.
Me deflecting? Your the one claiming my ancestors stole land and money and you don't even know who they were.
Of course i do. They were white.
What a racist loon.
Are you denying they werent white?
Yeah, whites are hired and get college preference because of their race.
Keep telling yourself that.
I'm still waiting to hear about which parcels of land and what bank accounts I can lay claim to due to my skin color.

Because you think asking stupid questions is a point being made. Im waiting for you to flat out deny that whites have an advantage when they are the majority.

Go ahead, go full retard instead of flirting with it
Blacks get priority in hiring.
Blacks get priority in college placement.

Try to deny it.
Whites got those things for 400 years legally with zero competition. Stop whining even it it was true.
There r less than 15,000 thousand of my mother's people left, the gov. Nor Mr. And Mrs. Hope n change give two fucks. They continue to hold our land n make huge profits off the resources, land that they gave to my family. Michelle understands? Lmao
Hey Weatherman,

Please tell us that being part of the group in power has no advantages. Pleeeeaassse!
Racist thinks people live by skin color.

Come one Weatherman....Stop flirting with mental illness and let everyone know there is no advantage to being part of the race in power.

Just like the Pigs in Animal Farm had no advantages right? RIGHT?
How come you can't tell me what advantage I have?

Because you arent denying it
I'm still waiting to hear about which parcels of land and what bank accounts I can lay claim to due to my skin color.

Because you think asking stupid questions is a point being made. Im waiting for you to flat out deny that whites have an advantage when they are the majority.

Go ahead, go full retard instead of flirting with it
Blacks get priority in hiring.
Blacks get priority in college placement.

Try to deny it.
Whites got those things for 400 years legally with zero competition. Stop whining even it it was true.
I always ignore self defeating advice from white people but nice try.
Hey Weatherman,

Please tell us that being part of the group in power has no advantages. Pleeeeaassse!
Racist thinks people live by skin color.

Come one Weatherman....Stop flirting with mental illness and let everyone know there is no advantage to being part of the race in power.

Just like the Pigs in Animal Farm had no advantages right? RIGHT?
How come you can't tell me what advantage I have?
You've already been told. Youre just pretending it isnt true which practically no one believes.
How you spend your life.
Michelle, is playing the race card......8 years ago. However should she decide to pull that card out today, not only would it be justified, but necessary....yaw fucked over her daughters, her husband, her relatives, her clothes, her looks, her hair....you name it, you white hating bitches attacked.....she's not Mother Theresa...she's a sista who I hope writes a book calling all you white bastards out, with a race card on the cover.
Po me. Us black folk be so oppressed by da white man.

Every time a black person throw shade on you maggots, you get a hair up your ass.....must be some truth to it, else you'd move on.
First full blown attack on Obama.....a black guy breaks into his own gotdamn house cause he lost his keys, cops are called and he gets arrested....Obama called this whole ordeal stupid....from that point on, Fox news, Rush the lush and white people had a fuckin field day tearing this brother apart......Trump on the other hand can say just about anything to attack a mf and white love him, because....he's an outsider, white and stupid like they are.....correct me if I'm wrong.....BUT DO WHITE PEOPLE REALLY TREASURE AND ADMIRE IGNORANCE?
First full blown attack on Obama.....a black guy breaks into his own gotdamn house cause he lost his keys, cops are called and he gets arrested....Obama called this whole ordeal stupid....from that point on, Fox news, Rush the lush and white people had a fuckin field day tearing this brother apart......Trump on the other hand can say just about anything to attack a mf and white love him, because....he's an outsider, white and stupid like they are.....correct me if I'm wrong.....BUT DO WHITE PEOPLE REALLY TREASURE AND ADMIRE IGNORANCE?
No, we treasure our superiority and privilege.
First full blown attack on Obama.....a black guy breaks into his own gotdamn house cause he lost his keys, cops are called and he gets arrested....Obama called this whole ordeal stupid....from that point on, Fox news, Rush the lush and white people had a fuckin field day tearing this brother apart......Trump on the other hand can say just about anything to attack a mf and white love him, because....he's an outsider, white and stupid like they are.....correct me if I'm wrong.....BUT DO WHITE PEOPLE REALLY TREASURE AND ADMIRE IGNORANCE?

According to a PPP survey of Trump supporters:

-65% think President Obama is a Muslim, only 13% think he’s a Christian.

-59% think President Obama was not born in the United States, only 23% think that he was.

-24% think Antonin Scalia was murdered, just 42% think he died naturally, another 34% are unsure.

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