Million MAGA March next Weekend

As a Trump voter two times, I feel that the organizers should not have labeled it as a "million" person march.

There have been million-person marches for other causes, too, but the turnout was never a million.

Failing to get a million participants will only give the Dem puppet media an opportunity to ridicule President Trump more.

Of course, IF a million do show up, the Dem media will give a much lower estimation.

President Trump made enemies of the media (refused to attend the Washington Correspondents' dinner; called the media an enemy of the people; put reporters like that obnoxious CNN "reporter" in his place, etc.). So the media are gloating over his apparent defeat. Of course, if he had won, the media would have been all over fraud charges.
Well, look back at Europe, 80 years ago. This kind of thing isn't unprecedented.

Look at Obama, the Kenyan socialist pig. Schools taught kids to sing about him like the Great Leader. That filthy piece of shit was the cult leader.

Trump is just a successful businessman and real americans love a a successful businessman.

You two dopes have it all wrong
Notice how Trump voters use a lot of vulgarity and just plain crass language in their posts..more than most anyway.
Fucking A.
As a Trump voter two times, I feel that the organizers should not have labeled it as a "million" person march.

There have been million-person marches for other causes, too, but the turnout was never a million.

Failing to get a million participants will only give the Dem puppet media an opportunity to ridicule President Trump more.

Of course, IF a million do show up, the Dem media will give a much lower estimation.

President Trump made enemies of the media (refused to attend the Washington Correspondents' dinner; called the media an enemy of the people; put reporters like that obnoxious CNN "reporter" in his place, etc.). So the media are gloating over his apparent defeat. Of course, if he had won, the media would have been all over fraud charges.

Well, it is being held at the exact same time in about 40 cities. So, a mill divided by 40 is 25k.
Meh, it may be a bit of a stretch but not much.
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The MAGA army will not take this cheating by the fascist pigs in the Democrat party.

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats are trying to force upon us. Fight for Trump and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs.

Lol oh your cultist worship of that moron is truly pitiful. It’s always amazing when people are not smart enough to realize they are in a cut.

Now I understand how so many people followed Jim Jones to their death. These cult45 zombies are fucking brain-dead.

70 million people voted for that moron. I will go to my grave never fully understanding why. It’s the biggest cult in human history.

I was amazed that almost 60,000 voted for Kanye. But after 4 years of embarrassment, the fact that 70 million wanted more is pathetic.
Exactly how fucked in the head are you? Where did I say they shouldn't have First Amendment rights??

By being a Democrat, you baby-killing skank. Thats how. Democrats and their pigs on the Left squash free speech every which way they can

Fascist simple can't comprehend what free speech and freedom of the press means.

The Free Press is not required to print, carry or publish the Kings speech or his supporters speech. If they were required to print the Kings speech they would not be free.
There were more people celebrating the Biden victory in DC on Saturday than will show up for this whinefest in support of the worst president in this nation’s history.
Here trumpers your march reminds me of this march!
Why is that? Because your hatred for a pro American president robs you of all your ability for rational
thought (assuming you have any)?
I voted out the anti-American authoritarian wannabe, and voted in a real American president.

Your hatred of the Constitution is what propels these marches and the lies about voter fraud. You all hate anything that resounds in true democracy.
I couldn't agree more. Pretty silly that the op would use them to pass the word of the rally along, though.
You'll have to cite that. I saw nothing in the OP about Daily Storm.

It wasn't in the OP. It was the 8th post and I quoted it in my post.

I voted out the anti-American authoritarian wannabe, and voted in a real American president.

Your hatred of the Constitution is what propels these marches and the lies about voter fraud. You all hate anything that resounds in true democracy.
I'm not responsible for your mental breakdown. The right certainly doesn't "hate" the Constitution and that's
pure paranoid idiocy. No one has "lied" about the voter fraud which is so abundantly clear .
And calling Joe Biden, a life long resident of the DC swamp, and a corrupt puppet for China and Russia, a "real American president" is just too absurd to even contemplate.

Joe's been on the corporate gravy train for decades and I guess that's why real progressive
voters detest him. Go see someone about your sick delusions. They are unhealthy...for the nation.
if a man hasn't found a cause to die for, he isn't worth living, as MLK said. Trump supporters would die for Trump, while liberals won't lift a doggone finger for Sleepy Joe!

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