Millions of Trump voters just basically voted to cut their pay.

I truly believe having to give 2 weeks notice is an infringement upon a persons freedom. Unnecessary and goes against liberty.

Where is it written that 2 weeks notice is required? It's customary, not a requirement.

Yeah but, many places use past employer references to select a new employee. Not given proper notice to one of your last employers could determine if you get that new job your really wanted.

So it's a benefit for the employee not to leave their employer in a lurch, not a requirement. I know the last place I worked, I handed them a letter saying I was leaving effective immediately and I left.

Years after I was hired at my current job where I've been the last 22 years, my employer and I were having a discussion about employees as we were looking for one at the time. He told me one of the reasons he hired me was because my impressive references. Sure, I had various problems with the jobs I've had in the past; that's why I left in the first place. But they all gave me a good reference because I did a good job while there, and did give them proper notice when I left.

Employers kind of have to watch what they say when giving references so they don't get sued for something. One of the most often used questions is "If I don't hire Ray from Cleveland, and you have a job opening at your business, would you hire him back?" A lot depends on the answer they get. If you just walk off the job giving your former employer the finger, you know how they are going to answer that question.

Which lead us back to my original point. Notice is customary, not a requirement. BTW, I wasn't planning on seeking further employment, I retired.
Obama's $10 Trillion debt has done more damage to the economy that anyone dared to dream
No, it was pretty much expected. After Bush passed the Bust tax cuts costing trillions in revenue and the GOP helped business move millions of jobs to China and close over 43,000 factories which cost trillions more, and the unpaid for wars costing trillions, the US lost all that revenue. When you knock all the revenue from the US government, the only way it could still run in by borrowing. And Republicans blocked anything Obama tried to do to raise revenue or pay down the debt.

You would have to be a total tard to not know that. Not only was the history fairly recent, but Republicans boasted about doing it.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans held millions of Republicans who lost their jobs under their GOP leadership hostage and that president couldn't let Republicans suffer because he was president for all Americans. Even when they wanted him destroyed. He is better than they are, obviously.

He is better than they are, obviously.

As proven by the destruction of the Democrat Party under his watch, obviously.

One has nothing to do with the other Stretch

Republicans were mean and did bad things that hurt the people.
Obama was nice and did good things that helped the people.

That's why the Democrat Party has been decimated since Obama took office.
Because he did such a super awesome job.


One has nothing to do with the other.

Dean-----> Obama is better than the Republicans, obviously.

Todd------> Which is why the Dems have been decimated since he took office.

ClosedCaption-----> Obama's awesomeness has nothing to do with Dems getting crushed nationwide.

Which lead us back to my original point. Notice is customary, not a requirement. BTW, I wasn't planning on seeking further employment, I retired.

I agree with you totally, but on some applications they do have a requirement for proper notice. That doesn't mean you have to give one, just that you agreed to.

I walked off one job in my life. That's when I was very young on my first real full-time job. Couldn't find another for anything, albeit was the Reagan recession and jobs were scarce. But from that point forward, I promised myself I would never do something that stupid again, and I never did, although there were several times where I was very close. :badgrin::badgrin:
Anyone that accepts a salaried position and doesn't ask if there may be more than 40 hours a week, is just dumb. And even dumber if they haven't figured it into their salary demands.
I truly believe having to give 2 weeks notice is an infringement upon a persons freedom. Unnecessary and goes against liberty.

Where is it written that 2 weeks notice is required? It's customary, not a requirement.

Yeah but, many places use past employer references to select a new employee. Not given proper notice to one of your last employers could determine if you get that new job your really wanted.

So it's a benefit for the employee not to leave their employer in a lurch, not a requirement. I know the last place I worked, I handed them a letter saying I was leaving effective immediately and I left.

Years after I was hired at my current job where I've been the last 22 years, my employer and I were having a discussion about employees as we were looking for one at the time. He told me one of the reasons he hired me was because my impressive references. Sure, I had various problems with the jobs I've had in the past; that's why I left in the first place. But they all gave me a good reference because I did a good job while there, and did give them proper notice when I left.

Employers kind of have to watch what they say when giving references so they don't get sued for something. One of the most often used questions is "If I don't hire Ray from Cleveland, and you have a job opening at your business, would you hire him back?" A lot depends on the answer they get. If you just walk off the job giving your former employer the finger, you know how they are going to answer that question.

What if the company has a no re-hire policy?
You can't possibly know that as you already admitted you never tried.....

Actually, yes I can. I work in a Union shop, in a job classification that's basically protected by State regulations. The only place UP I could go, is a bid position that I gave no interest in bidding to. There are more than sufficient people below me to ensure I'd still be there, even in a reduction. Next May I become wage and job protected.

I can stay in this position for the next 35 years and just do what I've done for the last 16 years.

I never had any interest in progressing past this level of employment. I'm quite content where I am. Why would I rock that boat?
I would never take a wage or job protected position....I'm just not a slave....

I love what I do, and could care less who I do it for......I am always looking to progress to anywhere I desire to progress to.....

If it works for you, I am good with that....but realize, one size does not fit all....
It is simple: he is a goldbricking slacker. He does the bare minimum to not get shit-canned, and hides behind the skirts of a union if anyone calls him on it.
No, it was pretty much expected. After Bush passed the Bust tax cuts costing trillions in revenue and the GOP helped business move millions of jobs to China and close over 43,000 factories which cost trillions more, and the unpaid for wars costing trillions, the US lost all that revenue. When you knock all the revenue from the US government, the only way it could still run in by borrowing. And Republicans blocked anything Obama tried to do to raise revenue or pay down the debt.

You would have to be a total tard to not know that. Not only was the history fairly recent, but Republicans boasted about doing it.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans held millions of Republicans who lost their jobs under their GOP leadership hostage and that president couldn't let Republicans suffer because he was president for all Americans. Even when they wanted him destroyed. He is better than they are, obviously.

He is better than they are, obviously.

As proven by the destruction of the Democrat Party under his watch, obviously.

One has nothing to do with the other Stretch

Republicans were mean and did bad things that hurt the people.
Obama was nice and did good things that helped the people.

That's why the Democrat Party has been decimated since Obama took office.
Because he did such a super awesome job.


One has nothing to do with the other.

Dean-----> Obama is better than the Republicans, obviously.

Todd------> Which is why the Dems have been decimated since he took office.

ClosedCaption-----> Obama's awesomeness has nothing to do with Dems getting crushed nationwide.


You think repeating it makes it logical? Wrong, you can't explain what one has to do with the other and to compensate you beg the question and provide lol's.

Weak sauce
Anyone that accepts a salaried position and doesn't ask if there may be more than 40 hours a week, is just dumb. And even dumber if they haven't figured it into their salary demands.

That's what gets me. Most employers tell you what the jobs about right from the beginning. Yet people take these jobs and then complain about the hours, the money, the benefits and other issues that were discussed well ahead of time. Well if you didn't like the job the employer offered you, WTF did you take it in the first place?

I guess there are just some people I'll never understand. Kind of like those people that move by the airport, and then complain about the noise, or people that move down the street from industry, and then complain about the trucks driving up and down the street.
"Pretend to pay me I pretend to work.". My dadtaught me these words.I had the ecstasy of walking off 3 jobs without notice. 3 of the very very best days of my life.
Anyone that accepts a salaried position and doesn't ask if there may be more than 40 hours a week, is just dumb. And even dumber if they haven't figured it into their salary demands.

That's what gets me. Most employers tell you what the jobs about right from the beginning. Yet people take these jobs and then complain about the hours, the money, the benefits and other issues that were discussed well ahead of time. Well if you didn't like the job the employer offered you, WTF did you take it in the first place?

I guess there are just some people I'll never understand. Kind of like those people that move by the airport, and then complain about the noise, or people that move down the street from industry, and then complain about the trucks driving up and down the street.

Most employers today hire and then add workload without raising pay.
Which lead us back to my original point. Notice is customary, not a requirement. BTW, I wasn't planning on seeking further employment, I retired.

I agree with you totally, but on some applications they do have a requirement for proper notice. That doesn't mean you have to give one, just that you agreed to.

I walked off one job in my life. That's when I was very young on my first real full-time job. Couldn't find another for anything, albeit was the Reagan recession and jobs were scarce. But from that point forward, I promised myself I would never do something that stupid again, and I never did, although there were several times where I was very close. :badgrin::badgrin:

Yep, I always made it a personal policy to have the new job before I left or gave notice on the old one. It's smart but not required as the other poster said.
"Pretend to pay me I pretend to work.". My dadtaught me these words.I had the ecstasy of walking off 3 jobs without notice. 3 of the very very best days of my life.

So that's where you learned you low values. If you agree to do a job and agree to the pay, you're obligated to do the job to the best of your ability. If you took a job thinking otherwise you're nothing but a fraud.
OK you are full of bs.....I am obligated to do the job. The better the pay, the more productive I am. The less pay, the less productivity. The employer knows this and expects this. I walked off 3 jobs with no notice. Very empowering...very fulfilling.

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