Minimum wage is already “livable”

Making under six figures is no dream anywhere in america...for the last 30 years. But some will try and argue it.
Says the genius. LMAO. I have been doing just those things on a hell of a lot less that 100K a year for the last 45 years or so.
Thank you. I never quite hit $100,000 (came close) but still managed to take annual cruises through Europe, the Greek Islands, Alaska, the Panama Canal, etc., etc. while ALSO saving the max into my 403B and paying the mortgage on my nice townhouse.

The people saying that less than $100,000 is lower class are just snobs.
You‘re funny in that you think someone with an income of $95,000 is living a lower-class life. What a snob!
They're spend thrifts that don't know how to budget money. My wife and I went on a guided tour of Europe with all lodging and meals for three weeks, Owned, outright, our single family home in CA, drove two late model vehicles that were paid for, had a timeshare in Tahoe, and took a two week cruise through the Panama Canal in 2006 and we didn't make 100K that year. These morons couldn't find their ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.
The people who think under 100 grand is something to be celebrated are delusional.
Now you’re moving the goal posts. I didn’t say it’s something to be celebrated. YOU said it’s lower class, and I simply give an example of the nice lifestyle one can live on under $100k.
They're spend thrifts that don't know how to budget money. My wife and I went on a guided tour of Europe with all lodging and meals for three weeks, Owned, outright, our single family home in CA, drove two late model vehicles that were paid for, had a timeshare in Tahoe, and took a two week cruise through the Panama Canal in 2006 and we didn't make 100K that year. These morons couldn't find their ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.
Yup. I know people earning $200,000 who cry that they can barely make ends meet. They probably throw away money left and right on all sorts of wasteful spending.

P.S. Panama Canal was great, wasn’t it? I got up early 5 a.m., to see us approach, and we got to the start of it just as the sun rose. Beautiful.
Yup. I know people earning $200,000 who cry that they can barely make ends meet. They probably throw away money left and right on all sorts of wasteful spending.

P.S. Panama Canal was great, wasn’t it? I got up early 5 a.m., to see us approach, and we got to the start of it just as the sun rose. Beautiful.
Me too, I was surprised the way the ships were lined up waiting for their turns to cross.
Me too, I was surprised the way the ships were lined up waiting for their turns to cross.
They opened up the bow of the ship, where the equipment is and passengers normally aren’t allowed, so we could get a great view. Served coffee and some sort of Panamanian pastries. But I think my favorite cruise was the one from Athens to Istanbul. Those islands were georgous!

I can’t believe these snobby liberals think we live like paupers because we didn’t hit the $100k mark.
Wealthy liberals when they try to relate to daily life of regular Americans:
They opened up the bow of the ship, where the equipment is and passengers normally aren’t allowed, so we could get a great view. Served coffee and some sort of Panamanian pastries. But I think my favorite cruise was the one from Athens to Istanbul. Those islands were georgous!

I can’t believe these snobby liberals think we live like paupers because we didn’t hit the $100k mark.
I've only done the Mexican Riviera, Alaska and Panama on cruises. We've gone to Mexico, Hawaii, Canada and Europe on a few occasions. I was fortunate that I was able to travel to Japan and Okinawa in my younger years--also Vietnam, not so fortunately though, courtesy of the USMC. We still enjoy traveling, but covid has put a damper on it.
I've only done the Mexican Riviera, Alaska and Panama on cruises. We've gone to Mexico, Hawaii, Canada and Europe on a few occasions. I was fortunate that I was able to travel to Japan and Okinawa in my younger years--also Vietnam, not so fortunately though, courtesy of the USMC. We still enjoy traveling, but covid has put a damper on it.
Those are all great cruises - and great travel destinations in general. And true….COVID has put a damper on my travels as well, but I’m hoping for another Alaska cruise this summer.
If you need lawn care service and get three estimates, do you always choose the highest one? How about a major plumbing project? How about a major auto repair.

Businesses don't do anything different than most of us. We choose to get the cheapest labor we can regardless how much money we have. How can you be critical of businesses when you do the exact same thing as they do?
I have given my mechanic more money than he asked for multiple times. The work he did exceeded what he charged. I have had employees. I paid well got good people who stayed. My turn over was next to zero. Training costs. Pay shit you have extreme turn over and you are just shit your self. You have a moral obligation to pay a living wage If you don't you are a scum bag. I have lived comfortably paying better than a living wage. No reason for my employees to struggle. Believe it or not there are many people out there that pay well. The clientele I get on my fishing charters typically tip 200 dollars per trip on top of a 810 fee for the trip for a catered executive charter. Those same people are unlikely to be paying their employees a shit wage and they are most of the time living a life style you can not even understand. Sometimes at the marina I take off from I see a Tiera coming down the river before the bridge opens owned by the owner of beck oil. I go over to the pump and pump his gas for him. 40 bucks for 7 minutes of work As John Wayne once said in on of his movies "I would not work for a woman. They have no generosity!" Evidently today's no generosity people are republican. Let's not forget the french revolution! They pulled this plutocracy shit. In the end not only did the slave driver maggots lose their money. They lost their fucking heads
I have given my mechanic more money than he asked for multiple times. The work he did exceeded what he charged. I have had employees. I paid well got good people who stayed. My turn over was next to zero. Training costs. Pay shit you have extreme turn over and you are just shit your self. You have a moral obligation to pay a living wage If you don't you are a scum bag. I have lived comfortably paying better than a living wage. No reason for my employees to struggle. Believe it or not there are many people out there that pay well. The clientele I get on my fishing charters typically tip 200 dollars per trip on top of a 810 fee for the trip for a catered executive charter. Those same people are unlikely to be paying their employees a shit wage and they are most of the time living a life style you can not even understand. Sometimes at the marina I take off from I see a Tiera coming down the river before the bridge opens owned by the owner of beck oil. I go over to the pump and pump his gas for him. 40 bucks for 7 minutes of work As John Wayne once said in on of his movies "I would not work for a woman. They have no generosity!" Evidently today's no generosity people are republican. Let's not forget the french revolution! They pulled this plutocracy shit. In the end not only did the slave driver maggots lose their money. They lost their fucking heads

Tipping somebody and wages are two different things. Running a fishing boat and being in manufacturing are two different things. In manufacturing you produce as good of a product as you can for the cheapest price. You can't do that paying your floor sweeper $20.00 an hour.
Those are all great cruises - and great travel destinations in general. And true….COVID has put a damper on my travels as well, but I’m hoping for another Alaska cruise this summer.
I fear covid has put an end to my cruising. I won't get a jab, so that keeps me out of Canada as well. Looks like I will be enjoying domestic travel and national parks until things change.
We've already experienced the depth of your knowledge on different subjects--go home and ask nurse wifey how you should respond now.

No, you have not even scratched the surface of my knowledge on different on the other hand have been wrong about how elections work, about math and about geography all in a less than a couple hours.

I am home, I work from home.

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