Minimum wage

What about people with problems where getting a better job isn't an option?

People with concentration problems, people with mental problems, people with learning difficulties, the list is endless.

Getting a better job (or a JOB) is always an option, just depends on how hungry you get if nobody stuffs your mouth with free food.

Is it? Do you know what it's like having problems that you can't just solve by studying more? Some people can't take in as much as others, how are they going to compete? Oh, they should just be thrown out and live in the cold under a bridge because they were born with a brain that isn't as good as someone else's?

Where do you people get off?
you mean life isn't fair?


No, not really. I mean that fairness should come from certain quarters. Govt shouldn't be going around choosing arbitrarily. All kids should be given the same opportunities, like education. What they make of that education is something quite different.

And yet you want to tell those kids what to study if it's "good for society"

I'm really sure you don't get it.

You need certain professions, so you make sure there are enough places for people to enter those professions, you need less of something, you have less places available for those professions. Kind of makes sense. I mean, like I said, you could have everyone studying to do dry stone walling, but what's the point?

Then if you have such courses that lead towards certain jobs you give them the skills they need to do that job.

I'm not sure why anyone would have a problem with such a thing.

You seem to think everyone can and should be able to study for what they want to study for, regardless of whether they can get into it or not.
Getting a better job (or a JOB) is always an option, just depends on how hungry you get if nobody stuffs your mouth with free food.

Is it? Do you know what it's like having problems that you can't just solve by studying more? Some people can't take in as much as others, how are they going to compete? Oh, they should just be thrown out and live in the cold under a bridge because they were born with a brain that isn't as good as someone else's?

Where do you people get off?
you mean life isn't fair?


No, not really. I mean that fairness should come from certain quarters. Govt shouldn't be going around choosing arbitrarily. All kids should be given the same opportunities, like education. What they make of that education is something quite different.

And yet you want to tell those kids what to study if it's "good for society"

I'm really sure you don't get it.

You need certain professions, so you make sure there are enough places for people to enter those professions, you need less of something, you have less places available for those professions. Kind of makes sense. I mean, like I said, you could have everyone studying to do dry stone walling, but what's the point?

Then if you have such courses that lead towards certain jobs you give them the skills they need to do that job.

I'm not sure why anyone would have a problem with such a thing.

You seem to think everyone can and should be able to study for what they want to study for, regardless of whether they can get into it or not.
^^^^^^. Wow, fascism 101
it's up to you to find out what skills will bring the best price in the marketplace and then get the training you need to perform those skills

A society is strong when people have the freedom to be and do what they want
Do you want to live in a country where you are told that you have to be a plumber because the country needs plumbers or would you rather make your own choices

The individual always trumps society

Right, so a kid at the age of 12 decides what skills he needs, but the school he goes to doesn't provide those skills, then what?

A society is strong when people get to choose, but too much choice doesn't make society stronger, you still need people to do certain things. Is society strong when people get conscripted? Sure, but they don't have the choice, do they?

I'm not talking about telling people to be a plumber. Hey, I want to be a multi billionaire, but the job vacancy for that one is taken by someone else. So where's my choice? Oh, the choice is there, I can choose to pursue something, that doesn't mean there's going to be room for me. Plenty of kids apply for schools they can't get into because others are better, so they have to do something they don't want to do. That's life.

What I'm talking about is saying "hey, we need 50,000 kids to study to be a plumber this year, and 2,000 to be engineers, you can apply to be an engineer, but if you don't make it, there are plenty of available spaces in plumbing"

You say the individual trumps the society, yet it doesn't. You can't say whatever the hell you want, society makes rules that you have to abide by or go to prison, how is this the individual trumping society exactly?

The right go on and on and on about how the left are destroying morals, morals are about society not the individual. Give me a break.

no kid at 12 knows what skills he needs and when he decides what skills he needs he then can find a place to get training in those skills
it isn't rocket science

Man you do like mixing your metaphors don't you? Rules or laws are a completely different matter than individual responsibility.

we are a country based on individual liberties and the responsibilities that go along with those liberties we are not and never will be a collective

Ah ha. No kid knows what they need for the rest of their life. So it's up to the adults then? It's up to people who know what skills are needed in society to go out there and make sure it happens.

Yes, the US is a country based on individual liberties and responsibilities. That doesn't mean society should completely break down. It doesn't mean that certain people should take a position of power and direct society towards a common goal. It seems you're confusing individual liberty for anarchy. Education is important for society, there's a reason mass education is compulsory in most countries that can afford it, because individuals do better and society does better. You want individual responsibility, but unwilling to teach the skills that kids will need in order to exercise this responsibility. It's bizarre.
we already have education in this country and it's the politicians who fuck it up

You want to do something good for society then get rid of social promotion and grading on a curve and accept the reality that some people fail and that soon er or later each person has to decide what it is he or she will do.

I don't know about you but I don't want anyone telling me what to do for the rest of my life because some asshole on high says it's good for society

The problem is nothing you're saying is going to be able to be backed up with any evidence, is it? Hence why you didn't bother to back what you said up.

The thing is, I can prove that some social engineering actually has worked and had a positive effect. You look at places in the US with less positive social engineering and you end up with places like Louisiana and Mississippi where nothing seems to ever get better.

You don't want someone telling you what to do? But it happens anyway, go figure. You think you've got all this freedom of choice, and yet... you don't.

It's not the government's job to use it's ham handed social engineering on the populace. The only thing the government was meant to do was to protect the rights of the people.

And the fact that we don't have the freedom of choice we should is the problem but you can't seem to understand that can you?
Getting a better job (or a JOB) is always an option, just depends on how hungry you get if nobody stuffs your mouth with free food.

Is it? Do you know what it's like having problems that you can't just solve by studying more? Some people can't take in as much as others, how are they going to compete? Oh, they should just be thrown out and live in the cold under a bridge because they were born with a brain that isn't as good as someone else's?

Where do you people get off?
you mean life isn't fair?


No, not really. I mean that fairness should come from certain quarters. Govt shouldn't be going around choosing arbitrarily. All kids should be given the same opportunities, like education. What they make of that education is something quite different.

And yet you want to tell those kids what to study if it's "good for society"

I'm really sure you don't get it.

You need certain professions, so you make sure there are enough places for people to enter those professions, you need less of something, you have less places available for those professions. Kind of makes sense. I mean, like I said, you could have everyone studying to do dry stone walling, but what's the point?

Then if you have such courses that lead towards certain jobs you give them the skills they need to do that job.

I'm not sure why anyone would have a problem with such a thing.

You seem to think everyone can and should be able to study for what they want to study for, regardless of whether they can get into it or not.

The market will decide that not the fucking government.
The more the need the higher the incentive to enter that field. The government doesn't have to interfere at all

and you seem to think you have the right to tell people what they have to study and what jobs they have to take
one anecdote deserves another. only lousy capitalists cannot emulate Henry Fords historical example.
do you know the difference between an anecdote and an analogy?

And you wonder why you can't get a good paying job
you only have fallacy; that "proves" it is only crony capitalism.

if you don't like the idea of working for someone else then start your own fucking business. But you won't because you don't want to be responsible for your own success or failure

At least there are more people in this country who will work who want to work and still have the integrity and self worth not to want to have others support them than there are lazy fucking leeches like you
everyone is responsible for their success or failure; not everyone can get bailout from daddy or Uncle Sam.

the only lazy leaches, are the ones with nothing but fallacy instead of the hard work required for an argument.
that's exactly what you want.

You want us to make it possible for you never to work again by giving you almost 30K a year for choosing not to work

you don't call that a bailout?

Tell you what since you still live with your mama have her pay you 14 an hour to dribble semen all over her couch
i could call it, a deferred, capital gain. only the right wing, never gets it.
Minimum wage in Pa is $7.25 and its hard to find a job that pays it.....$9.00 is what most pay to start some $10.00

Almost any entry level job in TX pays $9, unless you're an illegal in an under the table job.

As many times as I've had simple fast food orders fucked up, I think entry level people need a knot yanked in their asses sometimes.

maybe some intrepid, entrepreneur, will incorporate Google translate as part of their customer service, for customers who may be from out of State.
do you know the difference between an anecdote and an analogy?

And you wonder why you can't get a good paying job
you only have fallacy; that "proves" it is only crony capitalism.

if you don't like the idea of working for someone else then start your own fucking business. But you won't because you don't want to be responsible for your own success or failure

At least there are more people in this country who will work who want to work and still have the integrity and self worth not to want to have others support them than there are lazy fucking leeches like you
everyone is responsible for their success or failure; not everyone can get bailout from daddy or Uncle Sam.

the only lazy leaches, are the ones with nothing but fallacy instead of the hard work required for an argument.
that's exactly what you want.

You want us to make it possible for you never to work again by giving you almost 30K a year for choosing not to work

you don't call that a bailout?

Tell you what since you still live with your mama have her pay you 14 an hour to dribble semen all over her couch
i could call it, a deferred, capital gain. only the right wing, never gets it.

you don't know the definition of capital gain either
it refers to the appreciation in value of an asset

you have no assets because you are too lazy to work for any
you only have fallacy; that "proves" it is only crony capitalism.

if you don't like the idea of working for someone else then start your own fucking business. But you won't because you don't want to be responsible for your own success or failure

At least there are more people in this country who will work who want to work and still have the integrity and self worth not to want to have others support them than there are lazy fucking leeches like you
everyone is responsible for their success or failure; not everyone can get bailout from daddy or Uncle Sam.

the only lazy leaches, are the ones with nothing but fallacy instead of the hard work required for an argument.
that's exactly what you want.

You want us to make it possible for you never to work again by giving you almost 30K a year for choosing not to work

you don't call that a bailout?

Tell you what since you still live with your mama have her pay you 14 an hour to dribble semen all over her couch
i could call it, a deferred, capital gain. only the right wing, never gets it.

you don't know the definition of capital gain either
it refers to the appreciation in value of an asset

you have no assets because you are too lazy to work for any
capital gain is the gain value for our economy; trickle down can apply.
if you don't like the idea of working for someone else then start your own fucking business. But you won't because you don't want to be responsible for your own success or failure

At least there are more people in this country who will work who want to work and still have the integrity and self worth not to want to have others support them than there are lazy fucking leeches like you
everyone is responsible for their success or failure; not everyone can get bailout from daddy or Uncle Sam.

the only lazy leaches, are the ones with nothing but fallacy instead of the hard work required for an argument.
that's exactly what you want.

You want us to make it possible for you never to work again by giving you almost 30K a year for choosing not to work

you don't call that a bailout?

Tell you what since you still live with your mama have her pay you 14 an hour to dribble semen all over her couch
i could call it, a deferred, capital gain. only the right wing, never gets it.

you don't know the definition of capital gain either
it refers to the appreciation in value of an asset

you have no assets because you are too lazy to work for any
capital gain is the gain value for our economy; trickle down can apply.

The white knight is talking backwards.
everyone is responsible for their success or failure; not everyone can get bailout from daddy or Uncle Sam.

the only lazy leaches, are the ones with nothing but fallacy instead of the hard work required for an argument.
that's exactly what you want.

You want us to make it possible for you never to work again by giving you almost 30K a year for choosing not to work

you don't call that a bailout?

Tell you what since you still live with your mama have her pay you 14 an hour to dribble semen all over her couch
i could call it, a deferred, capital gain. only the right wing, never gets it.

you don't know the definition of capital gain either
it refers to the appreciation in value of an asset

you have no assets because you are too lazy to work for any
capital gain is the gain value for our economy; trickle down can apply.

The white knight is talking backwards.
Why do you believe it is not a capital gain? Are we still in the Age of Iron; do we still need a work ethic from that Age, in modern times.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation.

the right wing, has no better offer.
How about the real minimum wage is zero.
How about quit telling people what they have to do?
How about quit pricing young black men out of the job market by raising min wage?
How about quit making companies invest in labor saving devices becayse the price to hire people is too high?
How about reading a fucking econ 101 text book sometime so you wont keep repeating this shit over and over?
Lower the Corporate Tax Rate and raise the Minimum Wage. We can have compromise.
Lower the Corporate Tax Rate and raise the Minimum Wage. We can have compromise.
How about eliminate both? SOunds like my kind of compromise.

Give both the rich and poor a break. It can be done.
My suggestion would do both. Raising the min wage hurts poor people, pricing them out of the job market. Without an entry level job they cannot rise any higher.
Corporate taxes hurt workers because there is less money available to pay them.

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