Misconception Faith vs. Reason

rtwngAvngr said:
Loki, so everything you know about science, your religion, you verified on your own? I call bullsnap.
Unfounded presumption followed by bullshit conclusion. Keep up the excellent batting record.

rtwngAvngr said:
Oh. and loki, when you get up every morning you don't assume some basic things are the way they were the day before?
I do make assumptions of some basic things, but those assumptions are based in evidence, not unfounded assertions.

rtwngAvngr said:
You're an idiot if that's true.
You're an idiot if your daily functions are premised upon the unfounded assertions of superstitions.
LOki said:
Unfounded presumption followed by bullshit conclusion. Keep up the excellent batting record.
So set me straight, captain. You verified the accuracy of the periodic table of elements? And you calculated the speed of light on your own? etc. etc. Suuuuuuure you did.
I do make assumptions of some basic things, but those assumptions are based in evidence, not unfounded assertions.
They're only evidence after you have affirmed them anew, when first rising in he morning you're going on faith.
You're an idiot if your daily functions are premised upon the unfounded assertions of superstitions.

So now you jump to superstitions. You're a fake. A fraud, possessing an average intellect, but knowing lots of words.
rtwngAvngr said:
So set me straight, captain. You verified the accuracy of the periodic table of elements? And you calculated the speed of light on your own? etc. etc. Suuuuuuure you did.
Everything I know about the periodoc table of elements, and the speed of light, and my level of certainty in that knowledge, is evidence based and confirmed by myself. Yes.

What is your point? Is it to establish that uncertainty is faith? If so, present your argument--demonstrate. Is it to establish that no-one can function within a reality that they are uncertain of? If so, present your argument--demonstrate. Is it your point to establish that that no certainty is possible and thus certainty is meaningless, therefore everything we call certainty is baseless in evidence, thus faith? If so, present your argument--demonstrate.

rtwngAvngr said:
They're only evidence after you have affirmed them anew, when first rising in he morning you're going on faith.
Why don't you just speak for yourself. You are certainly presenting this on the premise that you consider it to be self-evident, it's not, so I'll ask you to demonstrate it, even thought I have no fear that you will.

rtwngAvngr said:
So now you jump to superstitions.
Yes. I said superstition, what of it?

rtwngAvngr said:
You're a fake.
A fake what? You can't even toss out an insult without it being baseless.

rtwngAvngr said:
A fraud,...
A fraudulent what? More unsupported baseless assertion--you are truly charming.

rtwngAvngr said:
...possessing an average intellect,...
Presented as an indictment against me, as if I had claimed otherwise.

rtwngAvngr said:
...but knowing lots of words.
As well as being possessed of the sanguine self-assurance to use them, despite the consternation such use of polysyllabic vocabulary is to those enjoying the bliss appurtentant to below-average intelligence.:D
LOki said:
Everything I know about the periodoc table of elements, and the speed of light, and my level of certainty in that knowledge, is evidence based and confirmed by myself. Yes.

What is your point? Is it to establish that uncertainty is faith? If so, present your argument--demonstrate. Is it to establish that no-one can function within a reality that they are uncertain of? If so, present your argument--demonstrate. Is it your point to establish that that no certainty is possible and thus certainty is meaningless, therefore everything we call certainty is baseless in evidence, thus faith? If so, present your argument--demonstrate.

Why don't you just speak for yourself. You are certainly presenting this on the premise that you consider it to be self-evident, it's not, so I'll ask you to demonstrate it, even thought I have no fear that you will.

Yes. I said superstition, what of it?

A fake what? You can't even toss out an insult without it being baseless.

A fraudulent what? More unsupported baseless assertion--you are truly charming.

Presented as an indictment against me, as if I had claimed otherwise.

As well as being possessed of the sanguine self-assurance to use them, despite the consternation such use of polysyllabic vocabulary is to those enjoying the bliss appurtentant to below-average intelligence.:D

I'll let clay pick up from here. You're like an intellectual tarbaby, you're wasting scarce petroleum.
rtwngAvngr said:
I'll let clay pick up from here. You're like an intellectual tarbaby, you're wasting scarce petroleum.
You are so thoroughly affirming--it's so rewarding!
LOki said:
You are so thoroughly affirming--it's so rewarding!

No. You're just an idiot.

You say you've confirmed the speed of light? Quit lying.
It's the same thing on every forum where. You have these self elected, pseudo intellectuals that talk down to everyone. They claim to have the "truth" embodied in their mindset of open-minded progression of discerning thought, yet they end up making absolute asses of themselves.

Pride creates such delusional thought and state-of-mind with these folks.

They literally have scales embedded over the eyes of their minds, and can't see the forest for the trees.

They really are at angst when it comes to open debate, yet they embrace it as though they are its greatest advocate.
If you get enough of them together on a forum, they will generally take-over the forums. They'll will hit you will there precious nuggets of wisdom, diced with pin pricks of enmity that they can't possible disguise.
You can't miss it. Just watch for those that basically, talk-down-to-you. As much as they try, their posts just reek of, "Oh God, I'm so smart!". Open debate is defined on their terms.........."I must win." "I can never be wrong.".
One moment, life is precious, the next moment, Euthanasia and abortions is mechanically and unemotionally the only way. All things are yea and nay, then next moment.......it's save the whales, and kill the unborn........all in the same breath.

Talk about corks being washed in the waves of the sea of ethics, or not having any foundation...........whew!

Its the old life boat all over again. One too many folks to save, throw out the pregnant lady. What good does she give to the betterment of society. Besides she's carrying a blob called a Fetus, that's just going to become a useless doper, and what contribution to society is that. Just more strain on the food chain.

Oh my god, poor old three-legged frogs..........poor things!
I adhere to unconditional love, not selective love. :)

I even love pseudo intellectuals or self deluded pseudo intellectuals, but I do try to avoid them. They give off bad Karm. lol
rtwngAvngr said:
No. You're just an idiot.

You say you've confirmed the speed of light? Quit lying.
Do it again! Do it again!
Eightball said:
It's the same thing on every forum where. You have these self elected, pseudo intellectuals that talk down to everyone.
This is what you perceive of me; electing myself (to an unnamed position), psuedo intellectual (without providing criteria of actual intellectual, except perhaps, use of a vocabulary limited to that of a 3rd grader) and, talking down to everyone (asserted from the position of refusing to rise to the occaision)? This is it?

You would rather I sketched concepts out to you in crayon, use tiny words, short little idea bites, pre-digested and worked out for you--speak to you like like you were a child? In failing to do this I speak down at you?

I am afraid I must disagree.

Eightball said:
They claim to have the "truth" embodied in their mindset of open-minded progression of discerning thought, yet they end up making absolute asses of themselves.
Have I made this claim--or is this yet another unfounded accusation leveled by yet another "self-elected" character judge?

Eightball said:
Pride creates such delusional thought and state-of-mind with these folks.
Look whose talking about being delusional in pride. You falsely indict the pride of others, without the tiniest increment of modesty regarding your unfounded qualification to make such indictment.

Eightball said:
They literally have scales embedded over the eyes of their minds, and can't see the forest for the trees.
Again, hypocritical, baseless accusation.

Eightball said:
They really are at angst when it comes to open debate, yet they embrace it as though they are its greatest advocate.
I am certainly not one of the advocates for closing debate because the words being used are too big, the sentences too long, and those who are using them are just prideful posers at intellect.

Eightball said:
If you get enough of them together on a forum, they will generally take-over the forums. They'll will hit you will there precious nuggets of wisdom, diced with pin pricks of enmity that they can't possible disguise.
Worse though, than those prideful in their intellect, are those who are prideful in their stupidity; they too will hit you with their precious nuggets of sanctimoniuosly humble wisdom, diced with bluntly resentful enmity at those they percieve to be smarter than they are---enmity that they can't possibly disguise.

Eightball said:
You can't miss it. Just watch for those that basically, talk-down-to-you. As much as they try, their posts just reek of, "Oh God, I'm so smart!".
Just as the pridefully stupid cannot resist asserting, "You think you're so smart."

Eightball said:
Open debate is defined on their terms.........."I must win." "I can never be wrong.".
Just like the pridefully stupid.

Eightball said:
One moment, life is precious, the next moment, Euthanasia and abortions is mechanically and unemotionally the only way.

All things are yea and nay, then next moment.......it's save the whales, and kill the unborn........all in the same breath.

Talk about corks being washed in the waves of the sea of ethics, or not having any foundation...........whew!

Its the old life boat all over again. One too many folks to save, throw out the pregnant lady. What good does she give to the betterment of society. Besides she's carrying a blob called a Fetus, that's just going to become a useless doper, and what contribution to society is that. Just more strain on the food chain.

Oh my god, poor old three-legged frogs..........poor things!
Perhaps you perceive this because an intellectual holds the postion that open debate is actually open, rather than closed to the self-righteously held opinions-as-fact that the pridefully stupid demand, in their sense embargo hissy fit, must be valid.

Eightball said:
I adhere to unconditional love, not selective love. :)

I even love pseudo intellectuals or self deluded pseudo intellectuals, but I do try to avoid them. They give off bad Karm. lol
You can love others no more than you love yourself--it's so fortunate for those others that your love is unconditional.
Loki, how did you know eightball was talking about you? You just outed yourself, nitwit!:rotflmao:
rtwngAvngr said:
Loki, how did you know eightball was talking about you? You just outed yourself, nitwit!:rotflmao:
Of course I am not at all surprised that you should post your opinion without fact checking for support of your assertion. You should, just once, try backing up your assertions and accusations with evidence or valid argument--see if that works for you at all.

Allow me to suggest that my response reflects the valid assumption that he is just continuing the rampage against big words he directed at me earlier.

Evidence: <blockquote> Correct me please, but in respect, without the old "I'm the teacher-intellect", and your the subjective, incorrect, religious-one, approach is not condusive to conversation.

Yes, I know you didn't use the above words, but the theme of your response to my post carried that attitude, in my opinion.
I personally respect all sides in this debate or difference of philosophy, but I do not respect those that talk-down to others out of pride in one's intellect, creative writing, vast vocabulary.....etc. I doubt many our impressed, but instead sense that the big letter, "P",(pride?) is behind it......

I will respectfully accept what you have to offer/share as constructive much more, if, your posts towards me are laced with respect, and not haughty "I know it, you don't" emphasis.

Evidence: <blockquote>There are some unnamed folks here that are posting mammoth long responses, and using vernacular that may impress college Lit. Profs, but isn't really conducive to a layman's way of communicating/interpretting ideas/facts/theorys etc.
When a couple folks keep submitting these mammoth replies......I notice that the number of replies from others start to drop off. It just becomes a conversation between two or three who enjoy spitting out long keyboard responses.
</blockquote>I will thank you, however, for continuing to be so thoroughly affirming--it remains so rewarding.:thup:
LOki said:
Of course I am not at all surprised that you should post your opinion without fact checking for support of your assertion. You should, just once, try backing up your assertions and accusations with evidence or valid argument--see if that works for you at all.

Allow me to suggest that my response reflects the valid assumption that he is just continuing the rampage against big words he directed at me earlier.

Evidence: <blockquote> Correct me please, but in respect, without the old "I'm the teacher-intellect", and your the subjective, incorrect, religious-one, approach is not condusive to conversation.

Yes, I know you didn't use the above words, but the theme of your response to my post carried that attitude, in my opinion.
I personally respect all sides in this debate or difference of philosophy, but I do not respect those that talk-down to others out of pride in one's intellect, creative writing, vast vocabulary.....etc. I doubt many our impressed, but instead sense that the big letter, "P",(pride?) is behind it......

I will respectfully accept what you have to offer/share as constructive much more, if, your posts towards me are laced with respect, and not haughty "I know it, you don't" emphasis.

Evidence: <blockquote>There are some unnamed folks here that are posting mammoth long responses, and using vernacular that may impress college Lit. Profs, but isn't really conducive to a layman's way of communicating/interpretting ideas/facts/theorys etc.
When a couple folks keep submitting these mammoth replies......I notice that the number of replies from others start to drop off. It just becomes a conversation between two or three who enjoy spitting out long keyboard responses.
</blockquote>I will thank you, however, for continuing to be so thoroughly affirming--it remains so rewarding.:thup:

:blah2: You're truly an idiot.
rtwngAvngr said:
Your mind is an insult to rationality.
Is the reason you say this--the reason you say I'm truly an idiot--the hope I have that you, RWA, might post a legitimate and stonger argument than mine?

Or is it the reason you say these things, that you desperately need to believe I'm an irrational idiot?
LOki said:
Is the reason you say this--the reason you say I'm truly an idiot--the hope I have that you, RWA, might post a legitimate and stonger argument than mine?

Or is it the reason you say these things, that you desperately need to believe I'm an irrational idiot?

I don't "need to believe" you're an idiot; I just see plainly that you are one.
LOki said:
Without fear that you will, demonstrate.

Your little hothouse flower arguments are so convoluted they defy summary. Or else, you just don't like being identified as what you are, another run of the mill religion basher, boring in the extreme.
rtwngAvngr said:
Your little hothouse flower arguments are so convoluted they defy summary.
"...little hothouse flower arguments..." Heh. They more likely defy your feeble attention span and your etiolated reasoning. At least your unfounded assertions are becoming entertaining.

rtwngAvngr said:
Or else, you just don't like being identified as what you are, another run of the mill religion basher, boring in the extreme.
So, I present some argument contrary to your unsupported opinion-presented-as-fact, and your very best counter is a feckless dismissal; "...another run of the mill religion basher." Talk about boredom to the extreme--how predictably banal.
LOki said:
"...little hothouse flower arguments..." Heh. They more likely defy your feeble attention span and your etiolated reasoning. At least your unfounded assertions are becoming entertaining.

So, I present some argument contrary to your unsupported opinion-presented-as-fact, and your very best counter is a feckless dismissal; "...another run of the mill religion basher." Talk about boredom to the extreme--how predictably banal.

I've made my point a million times. Faith is required for the scientific viewpoint as well. your response is to lie and say you've confirmed the speed of light on your own.

To kick it up a notch, let's grant that faith is irrational, but gives hope, and thus gives people the emotional positive energy to persevere with positive, prosocial, creative behaviors, even when the reward for doing so may not be in sight. This is, objectively, quite valuable.

So, you can choose on which level you prefer to be beaten.

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