Mishandling Classified Information is now a Felony……Is Trump above the law?

Desperation setting in. From your linked article:

But there are some doubts about whether the bill Trump signed into law could be used to prosecute him, Moss said, as it's unclear whether it applies to former presidents.

His aide Kash Patel told Breitbart that Trump declassified the material before leaving office under the president's broad powers for deciding what should remain secret.

Moss said "efforts by Trump to declassify records before he left office" were another key issue that could affect whether the measures could be used to prosecute the former president.
A former president is s private citizen....not a former king.
I've seen it. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh sure you have

Gov DeSantis is also protecting children against Disney, learning about slavery or learning that their teacher has a same sex spouse

DeSantis is turning Florida into a Banana Republic
Oh sure you have

Gov DeSantis is also protecting children against Disney, learning about slavery or learning that their teacher has a same sex spouse

DeSantis is turning Florida into a Banana Republic
Any other lies?

I still don't understand why your Democrat Leader doesn't want you on a site with way more traffic.
Bradley P. Moss, a national security attorney, told Insider that Trump could face five years in prison if he's found guilty under a national security bill that he signed as president.

Trump signed the bill, which made changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, into law in January 2018.
Guilty of what?
Oh sure you have

Gov DeSantis is also protecting children against Disney, learning about slavery or learning that their teacher has a same sex spouse

DeSantis is turning Florida into a Banana Republic
Kids have no reason to be told they are racist or gay. Slavery is taught as part of our history and our struggle against the Democrat institution of slavery. Democrats don't want kids being taught real history. There is no reason for kids to 'learn' that a teacher is gay.
When you read the insane garbage the Left posts constantly.......
Do you still have any doubts there is no way back to reconciliation?
And yet you're perfectly ok with a Speaker of the House acting like a Queen as if she deserves royalty treatment.
Are you nuts....we are talking about trump committing a felony. Stay on topic. Nancy has more brains in her little finger than trump have in his fat head.

Is Trump above the law?​

Lol. I love seeing people type this ignorant shit. Its as if some people think there is actually justice in this Country :lol:
Do you remember when wearing a Tan Suit was thought to be impeachable by FoxNews.

Now stealing NuClear Codes is just the 'ignorant left, just over reacting"

Gawd you tards are fucks, Haters of the USA.

Well what we have right now is a President with a reputation of being wrong about every manor decision he ever made.

So of course that is the type of President you love because he is too damn stupid to realize he is wrong and to learn from his mistakes.
You live in a Banana Republic with a puppet dictator

You might as well move to Cuba
A puppet dictator? That would mean DeSantis has a puppet master.

DeSantis is his own man. Nobody is pulling his strings.

He is not owned like Joe Biden who Xi Jinping controls.

DeSantis has turned Florida into a Banana Republic subject to his whims and temper tantrums
DeSantis fights for my rights here in Florida. With the Democrats and Joe Biden who is suffering from dementia running this nation, I need a fighter to stand up to their idiocy.
Clearly you don’t.

Why should any of us?

Tell us what laws you have been caring about the last decade plus?

Millions of illegals pouring over our southern border, bringing human trafficking and drugs killing our kids with them

Soros back prosecutors ruining our cities because they don't enforce the law

Your politicians beholden to NO laws

"Sanctuary cities"

Welcome to your own game, played by your rules.

You will hate it.

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