Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats' Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial

This is a Dem pile on. A fraction of the protesters got out of hand and Dems and RINO's are jumping at the opportunity to attack president Trump. That's all that's going on here. When Pelosi and Schumer liken the protest to the attack on Pearl Harbor just how FAKE this faux rage is comes into focus.
The insanity of Wednesday cannot be overstated.

No president has ever gotten their supporters to attack the Capitol in an effort to overturn an election.

LOL Nancy Pelosi is that you? Dem drama queen alert ^^^
You're just saying that because you're a tRump fan. Preventing him from running for public office again is important.

It would also save a ton of money. If convicted the US saves a $1 million annual budget, a $250,000 annual pension, and another $150,000 for staff, plus the cost of review for the national archives.
Excellent point.
The impeachment stupidity is already dead on arrival..... in the Senate.

Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats' Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial


Democrats are expected to introduce a new impeachment resolution next week, but if they were hoping for a quick approval of the resolution and a Senate trial before Trump leaves office, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell effectively threw cold water on the idea.

According to a memo obtained by the Washington Post, the Senate “will not reconvene for substantive business until Jan. 19, which means the earliest possible date that impeachment trial proceedings can begin in the Senate is the day before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated.”


No that doesn't.

It only stops an impeachment trial for right now.

The democrats can start their impeachment proceedings now.

When the senate gets back the democrats will be controlling the senate.

Since Schumer has been calling for trump to be impeached along with Pelosi, I'm sure he will take up the case in the Senate. This time without any republican preventing it from happening.

If you ask me, mcconnell is making a big mistake. Right now he has the majority. He can control that impeachment trial just as he did the first one. Now, if he waits until he loses control, he can't do anything to stop the trial or witnesses or any evidence from being presented.

Or maybe that is exactly what mcconnell wants to happen.

The purpose for this impeachment is to make sure that trump can't run for public office again and can't have any of the benefits that ex presidents enjoy for the rest of their lives.

We will have to wait to see what the democrats do.

Straight from the Turtle's mouth...

“Although the Senate will hold two pro forma sessions next week, on Jan. 12 and Jan. 15, it is barred from conducting any kind of business during those days — including ‘beginning to act on received articles of impeachment from the House’— without agreement from all 100 senators. With a cadre of Trump-allied senators in the Republican conference, that unanimous consent is highly unlikely.”
If you ask me, mcconnell is making a big mistake. Right now he has the majority. He can control that impeachment trial just as he did the first one. Now, if he waits until he loses control, he can't do anything to stop the trial or witnesses or any evidence from being presented.

Or maybe that is exactly what mcconnell wants to happen.

The purpose for this impeachment is to make sure that trump can't run for public office again and can't have any of the benefits that ex presidents enjoy for the rest of their lives.

You are correct about establishing the rules of the impeachment trial. Once adopted by a simple majority they would be pretty firmly set.
And it would take at least 60 votes to change any of them. If they delay until January 20th, it would only take 50 votes to set the impeachment rules.

Also, if the Trial is scheduled before January 20th, the chief justice of the supreme court has to preside. If they wait until after, it becomes like any other impeachment, where they could actually hold the trial by the senate judiciary committee, and their findings voted on by the full senate. Such a trial would not hold the senate "hostage", they could continue working while only the justice committee was occupied with the trial.
An impeachment would be a disaster for both parties. Nothing worse than reminding the American People about what your priorities have been as they are dealing with shutdowns, and lost hope. "Hey, to hell with you, we need to impeach this guy before he gets away!"

Morbid really.

Notice how Biden dodged the question put to him about impeachment? Why isn't the media addressing this lack of commitment on his part?

As for the GOP. They are finished for years anyways, the best they can do is hold onto as many seats as possible. They are going to learn first hand how to rule when you have the power. Dems are going to show them a thing or two. All while MSM and Big Tech sit and watch, applaud where possible, and Americas enemies influence even more.
You're just saying that because you're a tRump fan. Preventing him from running for public office again is important.

It is important to the libs, because they are fearful of Trump. An anti-Trump Republican is an easy race for the D's in 2024
An impeachment would be a disaster for both parties. Nothing worse than reminding the American People about what your priorities have been as they are dealing with shutdowns, and lost hope. "Hey, to hell with you, we need to impeach this guy before he gets away!"

Morbid really.

Notice how Biden dodged the question put to him about impeachment? Why isn't the media addressing this lack of commitment on his part?

As for the GOP. They are finished for years anyways, the best they can do is hold onto as many seats as possible. They are going to learn first hand how to rule when you have the power. Dems are going to show them a thing or two. All while MSM and Big Tech sit and watch, applaud where possible, and Americas enemies influence even more.
Well shocked Canadian this is one of the few times we are going to agree. It is monumentally stupid to try this shit at this point. Biden is smart enough to know this, to bad Pelosi was stupid enough to let this genie out the bottle. Sincerely stupid move in the long run. Way to torch what ever political capital gained. WTF?
The impeachment stupidity is already dead on arrival..... in the Senate.

Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats' Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial


Democrats are expected to introduce a new impeachment resolution next week, but if they were hoping for a quick approval of the resolution and a Senate trial before Trump leaves office, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell effectively threw cold water on the idea.

According to a memo obtained by the Washington Post, the Senate “will not reconvene for substantive business until Jan. 19, which means the earliest possible date that impeachment trial proceedings can begin in the Senate is the day before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated.”

It’s not at all surprising. The next best thing is Trump simply being impeached twice and only managing to serve one term lol. What a pathetic reputation to leave behind.
The impeachment stupidity is already dead on arrival..... in the Senate.

Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats' Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial


Democrats are expected to introduce a new impeachment resolution next week, but if they were hoping for a quick approval of the resolution and a Senate trial before Trump leaves office, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell effectively threw cold water on the idea.

According to a memo obtained by the Washington Post, the Senate “will not reconvene for substantive business until Jan. 19, which means the earliest possible date that impeachment trial proceedings can begin in the Senate is the day before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated.”


Not a problem at all! The House of Representatives impeached President's Grants Secretary of War after he left office and the SENATE went ahead and held the trial while he was out of office.

Leaving office on the 20th does not protect Trump from impeachment in the House, conviction in the Senate or the vote after conviction to disqualify Trump from ever holding elected office again.
The impeachment stupidity is already dead on arrival..... in the Senate.

Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats' Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial


Democrats are expected to introduce a new impeachment resolution next week, but if they were hoping for a quick approval of the resolution and a Senate trial before Trump leaves office, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell effectively threw cold water on the idea.

According to a memo obtained by the Washington Post, the Senate “will not reconvene for substantive business until Jan. 19, which means the earliest possible date that impeachment trial proceedings can begin in the Senate is the day before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated.”

He can call them in any time he wants.


But with a 50-50 congress, until Biden is president, Pense decides ties

Irrelevant since the trial in the Senate can start AFTER Trump is out of office.
Yep, you're jumping for joy, whoa hold on a minute, can be taken up with the new senate, lol
If Trump is no longer POTUS, what would be the purpose of attempting to impeach him? Petty political gamesmanship?

If conviction is achieved in the Senate, the Senate is then allowed to vote on disqualifying Trump from ever holding public office again. I bet many Republican Senators would LOVE to prevent Trump from running for President in 2024 and this is the way to do it.
The impeachment stupidity is already dead on arrival..... in the Senate.

Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats' Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial


Democrats are expected to introduce a new impeachment resolution next week, but if they were hoping for a quick approval of the resolution and a Senate trial before Trump leaves office, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell effectively threw cold water on the idea.

According to a memo obtained by the Washington Post, the Senate “will not reconvene for substantive business until Jan. 19, which means the earliest possible date that impeachment trial proceedings can begin in the Senate is the day before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated.”

He can call them in any time he wants.

If you read the article you would have learned that he SHUT DOWN the senate meetings up to the 20th for the specific reason for preventing the Senate Trial.

I read the article last night and yes he can suspend all meetings in senate but it can be taken up with the new senate.

If by chance he was impeached he would lose the right to run for office again and secret service lifetime protection not to mention his pension which he claims he doesn't need. I want him to lose his and family lifetime protection. I don't think he'll run again and if he does the repubs that have turned against him will not ever vote for him in 2024, they have had enough.

You can't impeach someone who is no longer the President, this is blatant partisan politics that will only anger a 75 million voter base.

I personally do not see him running in 2024 as the party will fight it and he will be 78 by then, when he will be slowing down.

Congress can and has impeached individuals who no longer hold public office. President Grant's Secretary of War was impeached in 1876 AFTER he had left office. The Senate then held a trial, but did not achieve a conviction in the final vote.
The impeachment stupidity is already dead on arrival..... in the Senate.

Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats' Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial


Democrats are expected to introduce a new impeachment resolution next week, but if they were hoping for a quick approval of the resolution and a Senate trial before Trump leaves office, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell effectively threw cold water on the idea.

According to a memo obtained by the Washington Post, the Senate “will not reconvene for substantive business until Jan. 19, which means the earliest possible date that impeachment trial proceedings can begin in the Senate is the day before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated.”

I am not absolutely sure Biden will be inaugerated-----

The dems have set it up to make any hit him look like the trumps people which may or may not be the case at this point.

Once this happens their will be a major power grab and lots of CHANGES that the american would never agree to without the seizure of power.
You can't impeach someone who is no longer the President, this is blatant partisan politics that will only anger a 75 million voter base.

They aren't planning to do that. They plan to have articles of impeachment by wednesday, a week before Trump leaves office.

You didn't read the article...., this is about the SENATE not being open for anything up to the 20th.

Does not matter. The Senate can convict Trump AFTER he is out of office. If the Senate does convict Trump, then they can vote on whether to disqualify Trump from EVER hold an elected office again. You only need a simple majority to disqualify someone from ever holding public office again.
Yep, you're jumping for joy, whoa hold on a minute, can be taken up with the new senate, lol
If Trump is no longer POTUS, what would be the purpose of attempting to impeach him? Petty political gamesmanship?

If conviction is achieved in the Senate, the Senate is then allowed to vote on disqualifying Trump from ever holding public office again. I bet many Republican Senators would LOVE to prevent Trump from running for President in 2024 and this is the way to do it.
This is probably their real game....

Trump won the election and they fear him returning to office.
If conviction is achieved in the Senate, the Senate is then allowed to vote on disqualifying Trump from ever holding public office again. I bet many Republican Senators would LOVE to prevent Trump from running for President in 2024 and this is the way to do it.
Trump won't be running in 2024. Too old.
If conviction is achieved in the Senate, the Senate is then allowed to vote on disqualifying Trump from ever holding public office again. I bet many Republican Senators would LOVE to prevent Trump from running for President in 2024 and this is the way to do it.
Trump won't be running in 2024. Too old.
He's in good shape----by most old politican standards

I fear the left and communists hate of him along with other terrorist supporters like iran--I worry about Trump surviving the next 4 years.
The ignorance of people never amaze me, here is what the CONSTITUTION say about the impeachment process:

From Cornell Law school

The impeachment provisions of the Constitution839 were derived from English practice, but there are important differences. In England, impeachment had a far broader scope. While impeachment was a device to remove from office one who abused his office or misbehaved but who was protected by the Crown, it could be used against anyone—office holder or not—and was penal in nature, with possible penalties of fines, imprisonment, or even death.840 By contrast, the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office.

Impeachment was a device that figured from the first in the plans proposed to the Convention; discussion addressed such questions as what body was to try impeachments and what grounds were to be stated as warranting impeachment.841 The attention of the Framers was for the most part fixed on the President and his removal, and the results of this narrow frame of reference are reflected in the questions unresolved by the language of the Constitution.

bolding mine




That is what Impeach process is all about is to remove upon conviction a person from an elective office, and never run for the office again. Impeachment and conviction process only applies to those who are in office.

Richard Nixed resigned to avoid the developing Impeachment that was going to pass on him, it was then dropped, because he was no longer in office.

The Clinton impeachment process was all partisan politics since his dumb sexual dalliance was never "high crimes and misdemeanors, bribery or treason" level offence.

Again, Grant's Secretary of War was impeached AFTER he left office! Nixon was not impeached after he resigned because they chose not to pursue it and because NIXON was not allowed to run for a 3rd term as President at a later date.

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