Mob chases Zimmerman

Just amazing

they didn't fixate this much on OJ Simpson when he was acquitted for killing his wife and her friend

I guess because they were WHITE

some of you are sick with this Zimmerman case...

none of you should be proud about it

O.J.'s in prison now. Did you notice that?

Not for the murder of his wife, try being honest for once in your life.
I have no sympathy for him. He is a murderer and he got off scot free. His girlfriend and her brother are idiots for having anything to do with him. He is a murderer. I feel sorry for the child, that's all.
Scott. And he was found not guilty, you are not our Lord and have no authority to override our legal system. Get over yourself, princess.
Not okay. No, I'm no fan of his. But vigilante justice (in my opinion) is no kind of justice at all.

And there were innocents along (the girlfriend and her child).

George Zimmerman fled Miami after someone threatened there was a huge bounty on his head.

Zimmerman taped an interview last Tuesday with Univision and Fusion, and then took his girlfriend, her kid and his brother to the beach. While they were catching some rays, people noticed him, started harassing him, and then someone shouted out George had a $10,000 bounty on his head.

We're told it freaked him out and they all retreated to the hotel, but the crowd followed them.

Those who think he should maybe go somewhere that everybody doesn't recognize him on sight may have the right idea.

A bounty on his head? That would be wrong. Vigilante justice is wrong.

you helped bring this about.

assuming his guilt b/c you were told he was a white man that murdered a black child, was wrong.

but then tools like you, just kept it going and going
I don't think the left/Progressives will be happy until they start A RACE war in this country...what better way for Obama and his comrades in arms to step in and STEP ON US?

Just look at this article put out by the left wing hate site Salon

Salon Writer: ‘White Thuggery Marches On, Mowing Down Black Folks’ -Time for Violent Response?

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, February 20, 2014, 8:56 AM

Marley Lion was killed in Charleston, South Carolina, at around 4 am on June 16, 2012.
He was 17.
morley lion
His life and death has been ignored by the national media.
Marley was white. His killers were black.

Unlike Trayvon Martin, Marley Lion was shot in cold blood.
There was no fight. He did not approach the thugs who murdered him.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

But forget the facts…
Salon Writer Brittney Cooper called for a violent response against what she believes is an epidemic of white on black violence in this country.

How much more are black people in this country supposed to take?

Salon Writer: ?White Thuggery Marches On, Mowing Down Black Folks? -Time for Violent Response? | The Gateway Pundit

people evidently need to get PREPARED for what they are trying to stir up here
These people are horrible and want to bring our country
I have no sympathy for him. He is a murderer and he got off scot free. His girlfriend and her brother are idiots for having anything to do with him. He is a murderer. I feel sorry for the child, that's all.
Scott. And he was found not guilty, you are not our Lord and have no authority to override our legal system. Get over yourself, princess.

He was found not guilty.


He is a killer and a murderer.
I have no sympathy for him. He is a murderer and he got off scot free. His girlfriend and her brother are idiots for having anything to do with him. He is a murderer. I feel sorry for the child, that's all.
Scott. And he was found not guilty, you are not our Lord and have no authority to override our legal system. Get over yourself, princess.

He was found not guilty.


He is a killer and a murderer.

He is not a murderer. Just saying something doesn't make it so, of course we have been trying to explain this to progressives for years.
The girlfriend has to be an idiot and she is putting her child in danger just being around that murderer.

He must not have his gun with him or he would have been much more brave.
I have no sympathy for him. He is a murderer and he got off scot free. His girlfriend and her brother are idiots for having anything to do with him. He is a murderer. I feel sorry for the child, that's all.
Scott. And he was found not guilty, you are not our Lord and have no authority to override our legal system. Get over yourself, princess.

He was found not guilty.


He is a killer and a murderer.

What the ##$$%%@ do you think not guilty means,it means every time,that the defendant is innocent of the crime they were charged with.

We've got the hateful dishonest knee jerk mob here pretending the other mob is beneath them.

Anyone buying it?
Some people think Hillary Clinton murdered someone. I guess that makes it so.
Not okay. No, I'm no fan of his. But vigilante justice (in my opinion) is no kind of justice at all.

And there were innocents along (the girlfriend and her child).

Those who think he should maybe go somewhere that everybody doesn't recognize him on sight may have the right idea.

Maybe that will be a lesson in life for him. Stop seeking attention all the time, you just might get it.

so b/c of your actions, he can't relax on the beach, b/c he's outside and that's attention getting.

He's a murderer. He doesn't deserve any peace.

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