"Moderate" Turkey islamic jihad


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Why is Turkey in NATO?

Israel Foils Hamas Terror Attack Directed by Turkey.
Foundation for Defense of Democracies. July 21, 2024.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced on July 21 that the Shin Bet internal security service had foiled a major terrorist attack orchestrated from Turkey. The attack was planned by the Hamas cell at Birzeit University in the West Bank, at the direction of Hamas headquarters in Turkey. Five terrorists were captured by the police’s Gideonim elite unit. According to Katz, they were “planning to carry out a terrorist attack in Israel with the military training, weapons and thousands of dollars they had acquired.” The terrorist cell was led by Mahmoud Anjatz, a resident of the village of Kharbatha Bani Harith, who recruited four others under the banner of “Kutla Islamia,” an Islamist student group. At the time of their capture, an M-16 rifle was seized, along with tens of thousands of dollars provided to the terrorists following coordination by high-ranking Hamas officials in Turkey, the Shin Bet investigation concluded.
The 'catch 22' on this is for America to decide whether the 'Jihad' is more or less egregious than losing Turkey.

There's no doubt that Turkey was becoming America's loose cannon in Nato for years now. It' been barely tolerable for the US but the Zionist regime has now raised the issue over the top with it's genocide in Gaza.

America will have to ignore it's loose cannon for at least as long as it takes for Bibi to create the greater zionist state.

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