Modern day democrat lynching

another thread started to bash black people.
How so? Are you mad because I showed you how racist your party is? If you cared you would try to do something about it. Instead your party fights against any idea to curtail abortion.

No, she clearly said this thread was started to bash blacks. You started it correct? Not any party...
It's the democrat party that supports the killing of innocent babies.
Republicans stopped the democrats kkk from lynching years ago. Well we are trying to stop the way they are doing it know.
In fours days more black babies are aborted than all blacks that were lynched by the democrats kkk in history. I hope they are proud of themselves, this is the worst kind of racism ever. What are they worried most about? A confederate flag!
Please tell me exactly what the KKK and the Confederate Flag have to do with abortion. Is it Blacks ONLY that are getting abortions? Is there a reason why they are getting abortions? What separates the abortions of Blacks from Whites, Red, Brown, or any other race? And, what do abortions have to do with racism?

Can you explain any of this so that it makes sense? Also, what do abortions have to do with a political party? Is one political party giving permission to those having abortions, and the other political isn't? Please provide facts and data to support your claim. Please give numbers, political agendas as they pertain to abortions, and also the total number of abortions by race. In addition, please provide the stats on abortions concerning the political party affiliation. Thanks.
Learn to read and how to comprehend what you read. I explained myself clearly.
Republicans stopped the democrats kkk from lynching years ago. Well we are trying to stop the way they are doing it know.
In fours days more black babies are aborted than all blacks that were lynched by the democrats kkk in history. I hope they are proud of themselves, this is the worst kind of racism ever. What are they worried most about? A confederate flag!

Honestly, who do you expect to convince with a post like that. You'll predictably get nodding heads among your fellow republicans. But you could say almost anything and get the same reply.

Do you think black folks are gonna buy your bullshit?
It is the democrat party that supports abortion.

The democratic party supports a woman's right to choose for herself. As do most women.

Protecting a woman's right to make her own decisions isn't 'lynching' anyone. Again, do you honestly expect to convince black folks with your steaming turd of an argument? Because your rhetoric seems tailor made to appeal to your own ilk.

And turn pretty much everyone else off.
I don't think anyone with a critically-thinking head on his shoulders is going to buy the crap both the Right and the Left politicians and pawns peddle on a daily basis.

As for koshergrl, I don't think she even made an attempt to try and find out what my stance is on abortion. Then again, this is koshergrl, and she's not exactly one to find answers first before making rash judgments and posts. By all means Kosher, ask me personally what I think about abortion. At the same time, try asking me what I think about both the Right and Left parties, like I've been doing since I joined this messageboard. :lol: In short, you have nothing, so you resort to pathetic, petty attacks and baseless bullshit which is just par for the course regarding your history here.

Back to the issue at hand, the mindsets behind slavery 200 years ago was different from both the mindsets of the political Left and Right of modern America. Also, lynching is not abortion, and abortion is not killing. In my personal opinion, abortion of the unborn child is wrong, because the right of the child to live should circumvent the right of the mother to kill. Obviously this is an incredibly sensitive issue, and even now I haven't really made up my mind about it, but it's complicated stuff. Typically it has been left-leaning groups that champion the right to abort unborn children. They have offered that right to all women, whether black or not. While I don't agree with the Left on this, I don't particularly see them herding up pregnant black women and forcing abortions on them. I do know that pregnant black women, as well as other pregnant women, are afforded the opportunity to terminate their unborn children. Do I think it's wrong? Yes. Are more black women terminating their pregnancies than non-black women? Perhaps; I don't know.
Republicans stopped the democrats kkk from lynching years ago. Well we are trying to stop the way they are doing it know.
In fours days more black babies are aborted than all blacks that were lynched by the democrats kkk in history. I hope they are proud of themselves, this is the worst kind of racism ever. What are they worried most about? A confederate flag!

Honestly, who do you expect to convince with a post like that. You'll predictably get nodding heads among your fellow republicans. But you could say almost anything and get the same reply.

Do you think black folks are gonna buy your bullshit?
It is the democrat party that supports abortion.

The democratic party supports a woman's right to choose for herself. As do most women.

Protecting a woman's right to make her own decisions isn't 'lynching' anyone. Again, do you honestly expect to convince black folks with your steaming turd of an argument? Because your rhetoric seems tailor made to appeal to your own ilk.

And turn pretty much everyone else off.
As science progresses won't be long before a fetus is proven to be a living being. And you're kind will be known and loved like the slave owners are now.
Republicans stopped the democrats kkk from lynching years ago. Well we are trying to stop the way they are doing it know.
In fours days more black babies are aborted than all blacks that were lynched by the democrats kkk in history. I hope they are proud of themselves, this is the worst kind of racism ever. What are they worried most about? A confederate flag!
Please tell me exactly what the KKK and the Confederate Flag have to do with abortion. Is it Blacks ONLY that are getting abortions? Is there a reason why they are getting abortions? What separates the abortions of Blacks from Whites, Red, Brown, or any other race? And, what do abortions have to do with racism?

Can you explain any of this so that it makes sense? Also, what do abortions have to do with a political party? Is one political party giving permission to those having abortions, and the other political isn't? Please provide facts and data to support your claim. Please give numbers, political agendas as they pertain to abortions, and also the total number of abortions by race. In addition, please provide the stats on abortions concerning the political party affiliation. Thanks.
Learn to read and how to comprehend what you read. I explained myself clearly.
My reading comprehension is fine. I read and understood every single word in your post. And, you explained absolutely NOTHING. You made blanket statements that hold no water unless you have facts and data to support them. Anyone can post such nonsense and imply certain things without data to support it. FYI - I'm well educated and my reading comprehension is fine. What is it that you think that I don't understand about your post? What is it that you think that I don't comprehend? Please explain. Thanks.

What am I not reading correctly? Care to explain?
Republicans stopped the democrats kkk from lynching years ago. Well we are trying to stop the way they are doing it know.
In fours days more black babies are aborted than all blacks that were lynched by the democrats kkk in history. I hope they are proud of themselves, this is the worst kind of racism ever. What are they worried most about? A confederate flag!
Please tell me exactly what the KKK and the Confederate Flag have to do with abortion. Is it Blacks ONLY that are getting abortions? Is there a reason why they are getting abortions? What separates the abortions of Blacks from Whites, Red, Brown, or any other race? And, what do abortions have to do with racism?

Can you explain any of this so that it makes sense? Also, what do abortions have to do with a political party? Is one political party giving permission to those having abortions, and the other political isn't? Please provide facts and data to support your claim. Please give numbers, political agendas as they pertain to abortions, and also the total number of abortions by race. In addition, please provide the stats on abortions concerning the political party affiliation. Thanks.
Learn to read and how to comprehend what you read. I explained myself clearly.
My reading comprehension is fine. I read and understood every single word in your post. And, you explained absolutely NOTHING. You made blanket statements that hold no water unless you have facts and data to support them. Anyone can post such nonsense and imply certain things without data to support it. FYI - I'm well educated and my reading comprehension is fine. What is it that you think that I don't understand about your post? What is it that you think that I don't comprehend? Please explain. Thanks.

What am I not reading correctly? Care to explain?
In four days more black babies are murdered that all lynchings. Fact
The democrat party is the party of abortion. Fact
You trying to say anything else but the truth trying to derail what I said. Shows the racism is still alive and well in the democrat party. Fact
Republicans stopped the democrats kkk from lynching years ago. Well we are trying to stop the way they are doing it know.
In fours days more black babies are aborted than all blacks that were lynched by the democrats kkk in history. I hope they are proud of themselves, this is the worst kind of racism ever. What are they worried most about? A confederate flag!
Please tell me exactly what the KKK and the Confederate Flag have to do with abortion. Is it Blacks ONLY that are getting abortions? Is there a reason why they are getting abortions? What separates the abortions of Blacks from Whites, Red, Brown, or any other race? And, what do abortions have to do with racism?

Can you explain any of this so that it makes sense? Also, what do abortions have to do with a political party? Is one political party giving permission to those having abortions, and the other political isn't? Please provide facts and data to support your claim. Please give numbers, political agendas as they pertain to abortions, and also the total number of abortions by race. In addition, please provide the stats on abortions concerning the political party affiliation. Thanks.
Learn to read and how to comprehend what you read. I explained myself clearly.
My reading comprehension is fine. I read and understood every single word in your post. And, you explained absolutely NOTHING. You made blanket statements that hold no water unless you have facts and data to support them. Anyone can post such nonsense and imply certain things without data to support it. FYI - I'm well educated and my reading comprehension is fine. What is it that you think that I don't understand about your post? What is it that you think that I don't comprehend? Please explain. Thanks.

What am I not reading correctly? Care to explain?
In four days more black babies are murdered that all lynchings. Fact
The democrat party is the party of abortion. Fact
You trying to say anything else but the truth trying to derail what I said. Shows the racism is still alive and well in the democrat party. Fact
Laughable............... just plain silly and pathetic ....... FYI - I'm NOT trying to derail anything. I'm simply asking you to provide something that would back up your claims. Anyone can make hollow baseless claims. Where are your numbers? Where is the evidence of racism? Where have you shown causes for abortions? Where have you shown blame concerning either political party? ........... You haven't shown anything. You've made blanket statements with nothing to support them.
Republicans stopped the democrats kkk from lynching years ago. Well we are trying to stop the way they are doing it know.
In fours days more black babies are aborted than all blacks that were lynched by the democrats kkk in history. I hope they are proud of themselves, this is the worst kind of racism ever. What are they worried most about? A confederate flag!

Honestly, who do you expect to convince with a post like that. You'll predictably get nodding heads among your fellow republicans. But you could say almost anything and get the same reply.

Do you think black folks are gonna buy your bullshit?
It is the democrat party that supports abortion.

The democratic party supports a woman's right to choose for herself. As do most women.

Protecting a woman's right to make her own decisions isn't 'lynching' anyone. Again, do you honestly expect to convince black folks with your steaming turd of an argument? Because your rhetoric seems tailor made to appeal to your own ilk.

And turn pretty much everyone else off.
As science progresses won't be long before a fetus is proven to be a living being. And you're kind will be known and loved like the slave owners are now.

Allowing a woman to choose for herself isn't 'slavery'. It isn't 'lynching'. It isn't any of the silly, hapless bullshit that republicans tell each other when trying to convince fellow republicans.

Its a choice. And the person best suited to make it is the woman herself. Not you.
...and, sadly, voting is the illusion of choice.

When you vote for the lesser of two evils, what do you end up with?

I'll do my patriotic duty by not voting for these sons of bitches.

Lolz ... I think you are getting it ... You mention your patriotic duty is to do nothing and let it happen.

Once those who have decided to tear our country apart in attempts to provide for their own security and comfort have killed each other off ... Then perhaps we can have a fish-fry and extraordinary amounts of cold beer without being told what to do ... Or the fact that it is incredibly unhealthy.

...and, sadly, voting is the illusion of choice.

When you vote for the lesser of two evils, what do you end up with?

I'll do my patriotic duty by not voting for these sons of bitches.

Lolz ... I think you are getting it ... You mention your patriotic duty is to do nothing and let it happen.

Once those who have decided to tear our country apart in attempts to provide for their own security and comfort have killed each other off ... Then perhaps we can have a fish-fry and a few beers without being told what to do ... Or the fact that it is incredibly unhealthy.


By voting, you contribute to the problem. Both parties are corrupt. If you refuse to vote, you refuse to support their corruption. If you don't do that, either, what option is left? It's not as if we can put actions towards bringing it all down, can we?

Should the two main parties go to war, if one wins, it's still not a good thing, because it'd just be another flavor of political BS. I'd like to see people cut the bull shit, make things simple, get to the point, be transparent, and stop dicking around.
By voting, you contribute to the problem. Both parties are corrupt. If you refuse to vote, you refuse to support their corruption. If you don't do that, either, what option is left? It's not as if we can put actions towards bringing it all down, can we?

Should the two main parties go to war, if one wins, it's still not a good thing, because it'd just be another flavor of political BS. I'd like to see people cut the bull shit, make things simple, get to the point, be transparent, and stop dicking around.

What in the world would make you think you need to explain the corruption that exists in both sides ... Because I can assure you that is not necessary.
It is simple ... It is a shame you keep fighting the simplicity of it all.

By voting, you contribute to the problem. Both parties are corrupt. If you refuse to vote, you refuse to support their corruption. If you don't do that, either, what option is left? It's not as if we can put actions towards bringing it all down, can we?

Should the two main parties go to war, if one wins, it's still not a good thing, because it'd just be another flavor of political BS. I'd like to see people cut the bull shit, make things simple, get to the point, be transparent, and stop dicking around.

What in the world would make you think you need to explain the corruption that exists in both sides ... Because I can assure you that is not necessary.
It is simple ... It is a shame you keep fighting the simplicity of it all.


What are you talking about? :eusa_eh:
By voting, you contribute to the problem. Both parties are corrupt. If you refuse to vote, you refuse to support their corruption. If you don't do that, either, what option is left? It's not as if we can put actions towards bringing it all down, can we?

Should the two main parties go to war, if one wins, it's still not a good thing, because it'd just be another flavor of political BS. I'd like to see people cut the bull shit, make things simple, get to the point, be transparent, and stop dicking around.

What in the world would make you think you need to explain the corruption that exists in both sides ... Because I can assure you that is not necessary.
It is simple ... It is a shame you keep fighting the simplicity of it all.


What are you talking about? :eusa_eh:

I am talking about the patriotic duty to do nothing and letting things proceed without your input ... What are you talking about?

Last edited:
By voting, you contribute to the problem. Both parties are corrupt. If you refuse to vote, you refuse to support their corruption. If you don't do that, either, what option is left? It's not as if we can put actions towards bringing it all down, can we?

Should the two main parties go to war, if one wins, it's still not a good thing, because it'd just be another flavor of political BS. I'd like to see people cut the bull shit, make things simple, get to the point, be transparent, and stop dicking around.

What in the world would make you think you need to explain the corruption that exists in both sides ... Because I can assure you that is not necessary.
It is simple ... It is a shame you keep fighting the simplicity of it all.


What are you talking about? :eusa_eh:

I am talking about the patriotic duty to do nothing and letting things proceed without your input ... What are you talking about?



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