Moody's Predicts Democrat Landslide

Well that settles it!

Why even bother to hold an election?

Bingo....This is just another political ploy on the part of democrat operatives to convince GOP voters they have no chance and should just stay home on election day...
Same shit. Different flies.

You sure think poorly of Republican voters.
Hey. three million stayed home in 2012. Because these closed minded hacks could not STAND to vote for a Mormon, scuttled the election by taking their ball and going home....These fucking far right wing Pentecostal bible thumpers gave us 4 more years of Obama. They could not see beyond their own religious prejudice for the good of the country....Lo and behold, a few polls ( what if the election were held today)were taken 6 months to a year into Obama II and they all indicated that either the election would have been much closer or Romney would have won

The turnout myth comes from a statistic that has been endlessly repeated: Mitt Romney got fewer votes than John McCain in 2008. This isn't quite true (Mr. Romney this week eked past the McCain totals), and in any event it is somewhat irrelevant. The Romney vote count reflects a nationwide voter turnout that was down nearly five percentage points from 2008. What matters is how the GOP did in the battleground states.

And there? Mr. Romney beat Mr. McCain's numbers in every single battleground, save Ohio

The GOP Turnout Myth
Oh...I get it.. Because the fact is accepted and repeated, that makes it a non fact....
Amazing how that works....
Anybody who predicts who's going to win without even knowing who the nominees are is totally fulla crap. The one to watch is Nate Silver, they haven't been wrong, and haven't provided their prediction yet.
There are demographic trends that say the Republicans have a tough hill to climb. That's a fact and it doesn't take Nate Silver to recognize it.

Yeah, it's going to be a Dem landslide like the Dems predicted with the 2014 midterms. :clap2:

True, it's PROGRESSIVE/LIBERAL policy that created the worlds largest middle class. CONservative/GOP policy that is destroying it though!
Thank you for the predictable partisan response if it's your intent to post the standard liberal talking points in a response please find someone else there are many people here who will love to get into dueling talking points exchange with you I'm not one of them.

Partisan? Hint NAME ONE POLICY conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history?

How about just ONE policy from GOP the past 40 years that benefited the bottom 90% of US?

Pretend like it's "partisan" Bubs, when CONSERVATIVES are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history!!!

You mean starting with Jimma Carter? Or how about Oblahblah? Name one thing those two numbskulls did that wasn't a massive fuckup.
I predict a Dem landslide, too. Voter fraud is awesome.

Without myths and fairy tales, what would the right wing EVER have? lol
Without the myths and fairy tales of the left, we'd have freedom and peace, and a system that worked.

You mean like SS that keeps nearly half of seniors out of poverty? A left idea, righties fought it

Medicare that GREATLY increased medical care of seniors, and gave them affordable insurance? A left idea, righties fought it

Ending slavery? A left idea, righties fought it

Union rights? A left idea, righties fought it

Civil rights? A left idea, righties fought it

Min wage? A left idea, righties fought it

Righties LOVE the poor who shout "freedom" lol

Ha ha ha. Last I checked Abraham Lincoln wasn't a Democrat, and the KKK resided with the Democrats.
Voter fraud? One word two syllables......A CORN.

That's how the fraudster we have for president got elected.
shows the value of Bush, Rubio, and Kasich

we have to have OH and FL for the GOP
"we"?....You are as far left as Obama.....
YouGOP are as far right as Fred Phelps. I am mainstream, you are reactionary far right.
You are main stream all right. Main stream liberal....
You side with the libs. You post lib....You are a lib..

In REALITY that means GOOD GOV'T POLICY that works. Unlike CONservative policy!
Works? For whom?....Please.

Bottom 90% of US, you know policies like SS, Medicare, union rights, unemployment insurance, union rights, etc

But PLEASE give me just ONE policy CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history?
Well that settles it!

Why even bother to hold an election?

Bingo....This is just another political ploy on the part of democrat operatives to convince GOP voters they have no chance and should just stay home on election day...
Same shit. Different flies.

You sure think poorly of Republican voters.
Hey. three million stayed home in 2012. Because these closed minded hacks could not STAND to vote for a Mormon, scuttled the election by taking their ball and going home....These fucking far right wing Pentecostal bible thumpers gave us 4 more years of Obama. They could not see beyond their own religious prejudice for the good of the country....Lo and behold, a few polls ( what if the election were held today)were taken 6 months to a year into Obama II and they all indicated that either the election would have been much closer or Romney would have won

The turnout myth comes from a statistic that has been endlessly repeated: Mitt Romney got fewer votes than John McCain in 2008. This isn't quite true (Mr. Romney this week eked past the McCain totals), and in any event it is somewhat irrelevant. The Romney vote count reflects a nationwide voter turnout that was down nearly five percentage points from 2008. What matters is how the GOP did in the battleground states.

And there? Mr. Romney beat Mr. McCain's numbers in every single battleground, save Ohio

The GOP Turnout Myth
Oh...I get it.. Because the fact is accepted and repeated, that makes it a non fact....
Amazing how that works....

So NO you can't refute the FACT that in EVERY battleground stayts except ONE, Romney did better than McSame?

Nope, a lie repeated like tax cuts bring in more revenues (the right wing myth), or tax rates are number one factor of a vibrant economy, or increasing Min Wage will destroy the economy, ARE not "facts" Bubs, just MORE right wing myths. See how it works?
Voter fraud? One word two syllables......A CORN.

That's how the fraudster we have for president got elected.

Obama was elected by over 350 electoral votes. Obama won florida, virgina, south Carolina(first term!), Co, Iowa and Ohio...Obama would of still won if he lost Florida and Virgina!!! I find it highly doubtful "acorn" could pull of such a mind blowing win.

George Bush only got 285 electoral votes the second time! lol

Obama is the real deal.
Anybody who predicts who's going to win without even knowing who the nominees are is totally fulla crap. The one to watch is Nate Silver, they haven't been wrong, and haven't provided their prediction yet.
There are demographic trends that say the Republicans have a tough hill to climb. That's a fact and it doesn't take Nate Silver to recognize it.

Yeah, it's going to be a Dem landslide like the Dems predicted with the 2014 midterms. :clap2:


True, it's PROGRESSIVE/LIBERAL policy that created the worlds largest middle class. CONservative/GOP policy that is destroying it though!
Thank you for the predictable partisan response if it's your intent to post the standard liberal talking points in a response please find someone else there are many people here who will love to get into dueling talking points exchange with you I'm not one of them.

Partisan? Hint NAME ONE POLICY conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history?

How about just ONE policy from GOP the past 40 years that benefited the bottom 90% of US?

Pretend like it's "partisan" Bubs, when CONSERVATIVES are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history!!!

You mean starting with Jimma Carter? Or how about Oblahblah? Name one thing those two numbskulls did that wasn't a massive fuckup.

Bingo....This is just another political ploy on the part of democrat operatives to convince GOP voters they have no chance and should just stay home on election day...
Same shit. Different flies.

You sure think poorly of Republican voters.
Hey. three million stayed home in 2012. Because these closed minded hacks could not STAND to vote for a Mormon, scuttled the election by taking their ball and going home....These fucking far right wing Pentecostal bible thumpers gave us 4 more years of Obama. They could not see beyond their own religious prejudice for the good of the country....Lo and behold, a few polls ( what if the election were held today)were taken 6 months to a year into Obama II and they all indicated that either the election would have been much closer or Romney would have won

The turnout myth comes from a statistic that has been endlessly repeated: Mitt Romney got fewer votes than John McCain in 2008. This isn't quite true (Mr. Romney this week eked past the McCain totals), and in any event it is somewhat irrelevant. The Romney vote count reflects a nationwide voter turnout that was down nearly five percentage points from 2008. What matters is how the GOP did in the battleground states.

And there? Mr. Romney beat Mr. McCain's numbers in every single battleground, save Ohio

The GOP Turnout Myth
Oh...I get it.. Because the fact is accepted and repeated, that makes it a non fact....
Amazing how that works....

So NO you can't refute the FACT that in EVERY battleground stayts except ONE, Romney did better than McSame?

Nope, a lie repeated like tax cuts bring in more revenues (the right wing myth), or tax rates are number one factor of a vibrant economy, or increasing Min Wage will destroy the economy, ARE not "facts" Bubs, just MORE right wing myths. See how it works?

If 2012 happened with the same demographics as in 1980 the republicans would of won ~350 electoral votes. Sadly, for the loserterian this isn't the 1980's and our country has changed!
I predict a Dem landslide, too. Voter fraud is awesome.

Without myths and fairy tales, what would the right wing EVER have? lol
Without the myths and fairy tales of the left, we'd have freedom and peace, and a system that worked.

You mean like SS that keeps nearly half of seniors out of poverty? A left idea, righties fought it

Medicare that GREATLY increased medical care of seniors, and gave them affordable insurance? A left idea, righties fought it

Ending slavery? A left idea, righties fought it

Union rights? A left idea, righties fought it

Civil rights? A left idea, righties fought it

Min wage? A left idea, righties fought it

Righties LOVE the poor who shout "freedom" lol

Ha ha ha. Last I checked Abraham Lincoln wasn't a Democrat, and the KKK resided with the Democrats.

Let me guess, Abe was a CONservative? Oh wait, no he was a PROGRESSIVE/LIBERAL (you know that whole Executive Branch dictator thing the Emancipation Proclamation????lol)

Good job Bubs, WANTING to conflate party with ideology even though parties switched several times the last 100+ years, lol

Abe FOUGHT the CONservative CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa remember Bubba? You know TODAY'S GOP BASE???

Dissatisfaction and disgust with Obama is at record highs among the American public. Yet the delusional partisans think the Dems are heading for a landslide. Reminds me of someone who said "liberalism is a metal disease."

Obama is heading to be like another Carter, another skunk of the Democrat part nobody wants to be associated with. But at least with Carter he may have been a horrible president yet he did well and helped a lot of people, after Americans threw his ass out. I predict when Obama leaves, he will continue to incite decisiveness and riots and pit Americans against one another along racial and economic lines.
Dissatisfaction and disgust with Obama is at record highs among the American public. Yet the delusional partisans think the Dems are heading for a landslide. Reminds me of someone who said "liberalism is a metal disease."

Obama is heading to be like another Carter, another skunk of the Democrat part nobody wants to be associated with. But at least with Carter he may have been a horrible president yet he did well and helped a lot of people, after Americans threw his ass out. I predict when Obama leaves, he will continue to incite decisiveness and riots and pit Americans against one another along racial and economic lines.

Your inability to advance ANYTHING other than right wing memes based on BS is noted Bubba

I predict a Dem landslide, too. Voter fraud is awesome.

Without myths and fairy tales, what would the right wing EVER have? lol
Without the myths and fairy tales of the left, we'd have freedom and peace, and a system that worked.

You mean like SS that keeps nearly half of seniors out of poverty? A left idea, righties fought it

Medicare that GREATLY increased medical care of seniors, and gave them affordable insurance? A left idea, righties fought it

Ending slavery? A left idea, righties fought it

Union rights? A left idea, righties fought it

Civil rights? A left idea, righties fought it

Min wage? A left idea, righties fought it

Righties LOVE the poor who shout "freedom" lol

Ha ha ha. Last I checked Abraham Lincoln wasn't a Democrat, and the KKK resided with the Democrats.

Southern Democrats were conservatives that wanted to hold onto the policies of the past.
Democrats love to talk about election probabilities because it is the perfect distraction from the abysmal job Obama has done, and how completely corrupt and incompetent is their leading candidate Hillary. So nice to not have to think about anything except counting electoral votes. So simple! Just the way they like it.
Dissatisfaction and disgust with Obama is at record highs among the American public. Yet the delusional partisans think the Dems are heading for a landslide. Reminds me of someone who said "liberalism is a metal disease."

Obama is heading to be like another Carter, another skunk of the Democrat part nobody wants to be associated with. But at least with Carter he may have been a horrible president yet he did well and helped a lot of people, after Americans threw his ass out. I predict when Obama leaves, he will continue to incite decisiveness and riots and pit Americans against one another along racial and economic lines.

Your inability to advance ANYTHING other than right wing memes based on BS is noted Bubba


The list is long but I'll start with one.
After Carter's disastrous presidency and and bad presidency and horrible policies emboldening the Russians to invade Afghanistan, Reagan came and his policies brought down the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall.

And dont get me started with Oblahblahblah. He's Carter on steroids.
Democrats love to talk about election probabilities because it is the perfect distraction from the abysmal job Obama has done, and how completely corrupt and incompetent is their leading candidate Hillary. So nice to not have to think about anything except counting electoral votes. So simple! Just the way they like it.

Their lead candidate Hillary is already under federal criminal investigation. Ha ha ha.

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