More Birth Control = Fewer Abortions

The Democratic Party is very busy replacing replacing middle class taxpaying Americans with third world welfare moochers.
The Racist Democrats even brag that these poor uneducated people will future majority of Americans.
When they are, those poor and uneducated people will be able to force everyone to pay for every desire.
Let Planned Parenthood start handing it out, make use of that taxpayer money they receive
That shit-brained little woman-hater pigpence took care of that already, 'cause he's so "holy" in his own eyes that he can't stand any woman whose life he cannot control.

Here's an idea. All the women can refuse to sleep with men until they agree to fully fund birth control.

I'm sure I've heard that idea before.
The Democratic Party is very busy replacing replacing middle class taxpaying Americans with third world welfare moochers.
The Racist Democrats even brag that these poor uneducated people will future majority of Americans.
When they are, those poor and uneducated people will be able to force everyone to pay for every desire.

Bingo! like in Venezuela
No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.

Does this mean that I don't have to pay for "abstinence education"? School vouchers? I don't have to pay extra to provide services to institutions that are tax-exempt? I don't have to pay for wars that I don't approve of? I don't have to pay for trump's travels? I don't have to pay when some government employee does something that results in a huge judgment against the level of government that employed this idiot? Great to hear. I've been "raped" enough.
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and showed to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Fuck, if we sterilize every stupid liberal(redundant statement) then by God, there wont be stupid people anymore whining about how unfair life is, while stealing my money to give to a worthless fucking liberals who have Obamaphones and EBT Cards.

Typical liberal voter....

Wow, and idiot-gram wrapped in ignorance and decorated with hate. Why not respond to the evidence and not express your usual and predictable ignorance?
No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.

Does this mean that I don't have to pay for "abstinence education"? School vouchers? I don't have to pay extra to provide services to institutions that are tax-exempt? I don't have to pay for wars that I don't approve of? I don't have to pay for trump's travels? I don't have to pay when some government employee does something that results in a huge judgment against the level of government that employed this idiot? Great to hear. I've been "raped" enough.

We are not discussing birth control paid by taxes.
Let Planned Parenthood start handing it out, make use of that taxpayer money they receive
That shit-brained little woman-hater pigpence took care of that already, 'cause he's so "holy" in his own eyes that he can't stand any woman whose life he cannot control.

Here's an idea. All the women can refuse to sleep with men until they agree to fully fund birth control.

I'm sure I've heard that idea before.

Ahem. So have I. However, it goes against everything we know about human nature, human sexuality, human emotions, and human hormones.
You don't think that all these guys who have ED want Viagra because they want to make a beautiful baby, do you? At least the commercials for ED treatments that feature grey-haired guys seem to indicate that they don't want to have sex for reproductive purposes.
Let's try bringing this back to the point.
Fncceo and a couple of others seem to be in favor of sexual abstinence. That is fine if you can raise your children--female AND male--to respect that. I know some can, but it seems even the best intentions by the best raised young people are sometimes defeated by curiosity, hormones and the pleasure of it. Statistically, calling someone promiscuous and shaming them for having sex when they may not be prepared to have a child is not effective in cutting down on unwanted teen pregnancies. Free and easy access to contraception along with good information on how to use it is.
To me, it just seems sensible that people who oppose abortion would want to do everything possible to PREVENT unwanted pregnancies to begin with.
Where is the error in my thinking there?
Let Planned Parenthood start handing it out, make use of that taxpayer money they receive
That shit-brained little woman-hater pigpence took care of that already, 'cause he's so "holy" in his own eyes that he can't stand any woman whose life he cannot control.

Here's an idea. All the women can refuse to sleep with men until they agree to fully fund birth control.

I'm sure I've heard that idea before.

Ahem. So have I. However, it goes against everything we know about human nature, human sexuality, human emotions, and human hormones.
You don't think that all these guys who have ED want Viagra because they want to make a beautiful baby, do you? At least the commercials for ED treatments that feature grey-haired guys seem to indicate that they don't want to have sex for reproductive purposes.

It makes no difference what they want it for. It has nothing to do with birth control.
Let Planned Parenthood start handing it out, make use of that taxpayer money they receive
That shit-brained little woman-hater pigpence took care of that already, 'cause he's so "holy" in his own eyes that he can't stand any woman whose life he cannot control.

Here's an idea. All the women can refuse to sleep with men until they agree to fully fund birth control.

I'm sure I've heard that idea before.

Ahem. So have I. However, it goes against everything we know about human nature, human sexuality, human emotions, and human hormones.
You don't think that all these guys who have ED want Viagra because they want to make a beautiful baby, do you? At least the commercials for ED treatments that feature grey-haired guys seem to indicate that they don't want to have sex for reproductive purposes.

Are you unfamiliar with the origin of your handle?
What affliction does birth control treat?


Preventing unwanted pregnancy among both married and unmarried persons, treating such medical conditions such ovarian cysts, preventing pregnancies when medical conditions make pregnancy unsafe. Ask the AMA and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It's not up to the government to comment on "promiscuity," and the implication that husbands and wives are being promiscuous when they have relations is totally ridiculous.
It is important to note here that males do not get pregnant. so it is women who have to deal with problems relating to our ability to get pregnant. It is disingenuous to ignore this obvious fact.
Yeah pump that birth control into your mouths heighten that cancer ate even more it's proven to cause breat cancer esp. Duuuuuh.
Are you unfamiliar with the origin of your handle?
Obviously not. But the idea is not relevant to this discussion. See my post at #47.
What affliction does birth control treat?


Preventing unwanted pregnancy among both married and unmarried persons, treating such medical conditions such ovarian cysts, preventing pregnancies when medical conditions make pregnancy unsafe. Ask the AMA and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It's not up to the government to comment on "promiscuity," and the implication that husbands and wives are being promiscuous when they have relations is totally ridiculous.
It is important to note here that males do not get pregnant. so it is women who have to deal with problems relating to our ability to get pregnant. It is disingenuous to ignore this obvious fact.

No facts are being ignored and we are not talking about government commenting on promiscuity.

We are talking about private businesses not wanting to pay for insurance plans for their employees that cover birth control.
Don't you believe a private company has the right to purchase the products they want and not to be forced by the government to purchase products they don't want.
What affliction does birth control treat?


Preventing unwanted pregnancy among both married and unmarried persons, treating such medical conditions such ovarian cysts, preventing pregnancies when medical conditions make pregnancy unsafe. Ask the AMA and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It's not up to the government to comment on "promiscuity," and the implication that husbands and wives are being promiscuous when they have relations is totally ridiculous.
It is important to note here that males do not get pregnant. so it is women who have to deal with problems relating to our ability to get pregnant. It is disingenuous to ignore this obvious fact.

No facts are being ignored and we are not talking about government commenting on promiscuity.

We are talking about private businesses not wanting to pay for insurance plans for their employees that cover birth control.
Don't you believe a private company has the right to purchase the products they want and not to be forced by the government to purchase products they don't want.
Thank you for continuing to turn this thread. I'd prefer an answer to my question.
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

They need to hand that shit out like candy on Halloween night!!!
Of course then they'd have no excuse for having welfare babies so no cash for them.
What affliction does birth control treat?


Preventing unwanted pregnancy among both married and unmarried persons, treating such medical conditions such ovarian cysts, preventing pregnancies when medical conditions make pregnancy unsafe. Ask the AMA and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It's not up to the government to comment on "promiscuity," and the implication that husbands and wives are being promiscuous when they have relations is totally ridiculous.
It is important to note here that males do not get pregnant. so it is women who have to deal with problems relating to our ability to get pregnant. It is disingenuous to ignore this obvious fact.

No facts are being ignored and we are not talking about government commenting on promiscuity.

We are talking about private businesses not wanting to pay for insurance plans for their employees that cover birth control.
Don't you believe a private company has the right to purchase the products they want and not to be forced by the government to purchase products they don't want.
Thank you for continuing to turn this thread. I'd prefer an answer to my question.

Which question was that? I believe I have addressed all your issues.
What affliction does birth control treat?


Preventing unwanted pregnancy among both married and unmarried persons, treating such medical conditions such ovarian cysts, preventing pregnancies when medical conditions make pregnancy unsafe. Ask the AMA and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It's not up to the government to comment on "promiscuity," and the implication that husbands and wives are being promiscuous when they have relations is totally ridiculous.
It is important to note here that males do not get pregnant. so it is women who have to deal with problems relating to our ability to get pregnant. It is disingenuous to ignore this obvious fact.

No facts are being ignored and we are not talking about government commenting on promiscuity.

We are talking about private businesses not wanting to pay for insurance plans for their employees that cover birth control.
Don't you believe a private company has the right to purchase the products they want and not to be forced by the government to purchase products they don't want.
Thank you for continuing to turn this thread. I'd prefer an answer to my question.

Which question was that? I believe I have addressed all your issues.
To me, it just seems sensible that people who oppose abortion would want to do everything possible to PREVENT unwanted pregnancies to begin with.
Where is the error in my thinking there?

Preventing unwanted pregnancy among both married and unmarried persons, treating such medical conditions such ovarian cysts, preventing pregnancies when medical conditions make pregnancy unsafe. Ask the AMA and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It's not up to the government to comment on "promiscuity," and the implication that husbands and wives are being promiscuous when they have relations is totally ridiculous.
It is important to note here that males do not get pregnant. so it is women who have to deal with problems relating to our ability to get pregnant. It is disingenuous to ignore this obvious fact.

No facts are being ignored and we are not talking about government commenting on promiscuity.

We are talking about private businesses not wanting to pay for insurance plans for their employees that cover birth control.
Don't you believe a private company has the right to purchase the products they want and not to be forced by the government to purchase products they don't want.
Thank you for continuing to turn this thread. I'd prefer an answer to my question.

Which question was that? I believe I have addressed all your issues.
To me, it just seems sensible that people who oppose abortion would want to do everything possible to PREVENT unwanted pregnancies to begin with.
Where is the error in my thinking there?

As long as it's voluntary I don't have a problem.
If a company wants to do something about unwanted pregnancies, that's fine.
If they don't and the government comes in, throws a yoke around their necks and forces them, that's not fine.
Fewer abortions is not good for Planned Parenthood.

Fewer baby body parts for sale means lower profits.

You make a very good point.

It's a money / numbers game.

Planned Parenthood has a vested interest in handing out cheap, low grade birth control, generic cheap ass condoms, etc. . . along with the message that sex is ok even before you are in a committed / responsible relationship (if it feels good do it) and when the condoms break or you forget your pills and the inexpensive birth control fails? No worries. . . we have an abortion for you!

That'll be $450.00 please.

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