More Free Stuff to run up the debt or taxes.

Here is one of your Libtard welfare queens and her entitlement rant.

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Do you see private interests stepping up to repair roads and airports? No. They have their own concerns.

But infrastructure is used by nearly everyone, save those survivalists who live off the grid.

Because infrastructure is used by everyone and it's constitutionally mandated, we should spend whatever it takes to maintain it. The cost of maintenance is cheap compared to the cost of replacement.

Is education a waste of your dollars? Do you think this nation can compete, let alone lead the world without an educated work force? Again, the cost of education is high, but cheap compared to the cost of ignorance.
Why would a private company provide something the government already provides for free?
Infrastructure is also not constitutionally mandated.

That's only a fraction of your dumbass claims, but it's enough to show that you deserve to be ignored.
Infrastructure most definitely is constitutionally mandated. Familiarize yourself with the document.

Article I section 8

Who's typing for you? Are you illiterate?

There's nothing in there about infrastructure, moron.
Try again. Ask for help with the big words, it's okay.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings.
Why would a private company provide something the government already provides for free?
Infrastructure is also not constitutionally mandated.

That's only a fraction of your dumbass claims, but it's enough to show that you deserve to be ignored.
Infrastructure most definitely is constitutionally mandated. Familiarize yourself with the document.

Article I section 8

Who's typing for you? Are you illiterate?

There's nothing in there about infrastructure, moron.
Try again. Ask for help with the big words, it's okay.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings.

Buildings needed by the government, not because people would like to have the government build a bridge. All the items listed are military infrastructure, not civil infrastructure.
Money, stupid. When Americans saved 10% before Raygun and now lose money, duh. Can you read, or just parrot Rush or whoever...

Yes, I understand that you're saying that money was stolen. But we need the details of the case. So Joe Blow has had his money stolen. How? From his saving account? From his wallet? How was the money accessed? When did this happen? Who did it?

Remember, every crime must have motive, means, and opportunity. You are being very vague on the means. Describe the crime you say was committed?
Taxes and fees, bad salaries and pay, giveaways to the rich and giant corps, ridiculous drug and health care prices, high college loan rates. Thanks, GOP. Read something.

Oh, you mean the government stole it. Okay, yeah, I agree. The government steals people's property. I agree with you that they should stop.
It's obvious to all but dupes that the GOP is stealing from the middle class by pandering to the rich. Duh.
I hate a govenment that wastes my tax dollars....
I hate hearing stories about people that travel to other countries and rave about the airports then come back here and feel they are in a third world country....
But spend,tax,spend more,tax more makes me sick....

Government gets plenty of revenue...
They regulate and tax people and stifle...
Because only government knows best.

You have no understanding whatsoever of what government does or what it costs.

You're unwilling to invest in your own country or your own people.

You're lucky previous generations didn't take that view.

We're paying a heavy price for what previous generations did.
Yup, Reagan's generation and Reaganist generation since. Infrastructure, nonrich, and the country going to hell...Not to mention mention Foxbots, Rushbots etc etc etc...

Weird, once people like Reagan slashed the taxes on the rich and deregulated the crap out of our nation is when you see the middle class dying. Unions and regs that protected the workers is what built our middle class.

The economy boomed after Reagan did that, moron.
And then busted with the S+L Scandal and tripling of the debt with defense spending...
Money, stupid. When Americans saved 10% before Raygun and now lose money, duh. Can you read, or just parrot Rush or whoever...

Yes, I understand that you're saying that money was stolen. But we need the details of the case. So Joe Blow has had his money stolen. How? From his saving account? From his wallet? How was the money accessed? When did this happen? Who did it?

Remember, every crime must have motive, means, and opportunity. You are being very vague on the means. Describe the crime you say was committed?
Taxes and fees, bad salaries and pay, giveaways to the rich and giant corps, ridiculous drug and health care prices, high college loan rates. Thanks, GOP. Read something.

Oh, you mean the government stole it. Okay, yeah, I agree. The government steals people's property. I agree with you that they should stop.
It's obvious to all but dupes that the GOP is stealing from the middle class by pandering to the rich. Duh.

How is the GOP stealing from the middle class.

It's obvious to all but dupes that the GOP is stealing from the middle class by pandering to the rich. Duh.

It is obvious that the filthy ass Democrats are selling welfare to the welfare queens in exchange for political power. Filthy sonofabitches!
You have no understanding whatsoever of what government does or what it costs.

You're unwilling to invest in your own country or your own people.

You're lucky previous generations didn't take that view.

We're paying a heavy price for what previous generations did.
Yup, Reagan's generation and Reaganist generation since. Infrastructure, nonrich, and the country going to hell...Not to mention mention Foxbots, Rushbots etc etc etc...

Weird, once people like Reagan slashed the taxes on the rich and deregulated the crap out of our nation is when you see the middle class dying. Unions and regs that protected the workers is what built our middle class.

The economy boomed after Reagan did that, moron.
And then busted with the S+L Scandal and tripling of the debt with defense spending...

Nope, there was a slight recession when Bush 41 raised taxes, and then it continued to boom under Klintoon.
Money, stupid. When Americans saved 10% before Raygun and now lose money, duh. Can you read, or just parrot Rush or whoever...

Yes, I understand that you're saying that money was stolen. But we need the details of the case. So Joe Blow has had his money stolen. How? From his saving account? From his wallet? How was the money accessed? When did this happen? Who did it?

Remember, every crime must have motive, means, and opportunity. You are being very vague on the means. Describe the crime you say was committed?
Taxes and fees, bad salaries and pay, giveaways to the rich and giant corps, ridiculous drug and health care prices, high college loan rates. Thanks, GOP. Read something.

Oh, you mean the government stole it. Okay, yeah, I agree. The government steals people's property. I agree with you that they should stop.
It's obvious to all but dupes that the GOP is stealing from the middle class by pandering to the rich. Duh.

How is the GOP stealing from the middle class.
Our now flat tax that gives 99% of new wealth to the richest, defended to the death by the New BS GOP. Taxes and fees, bad salaries and pay, giveaways to the rich and giant corps, ridiculous drug and health care prices, high college loan rates. Thanks, GOP. Read something.

It's obvious to all but dupes that the GOP is stealing from the middle class by pandering to the rich. Duh.

It is obvious that the filthy ass Democrats are selling welfare to the welfare queens in exchange for political power. Filthy sonofabitches!
Blinded by bs and racism^^

Democrats are the Party of the shithead welfare queens. Disgusting, isn't it?

You know who the welfare queens are don't you? They are the ones that want to get other people to pay their bills for them because they are too sorry to do it themselves.

They hire the filthy Democrats to do the stealing for them. Despicable!
Taxes and fees,

I will join you in opposing taxes and fees. They are theft.

bad salaries and pay,

Salaries and pay involve giving people money, not taking it. I think you're confused.

giveaways to the rich and giant corps,

I will join you in opposing the government giving away money.

ridiculous drug and health care prices,

Asking a price for something is not stealing.

high college loan rates. Thanks, GOP. Read something.

Asking for interest on a loan is not stealing.

You apparentlly don't know what "stealing" means.
There has been some work on interpretation of the constitution, all approved by the SC....ay caramba, dupe.
I knew you wouldn't be able to cite the specific enumerated power in Art I, sec 8 that permits congress to enact laws to create infrastructure.
An educated population is well worth it. Of course, you don't want that.

Matty, Democrats have destroyed our educational system, 80% of big city high school kids cant even read at grade level, why are you so nice to these fucking people who are destroying our future

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you
I can't dumb it down for you any more than I have.

I agree. You couldn't give an answer any more dumb than you have already provided.

But I'm glad that you've abandoned your idiotic claim that there is some pie that is being divided up and doled out unfairly.
I can't dumb it down for you any more than I have.

I agree. You couldn't give an answer any more dumb than you have already provided.

But I'm glad that you've abandoned your idiotic claim that there is some pie that is being divided up and doled out unfairly.

Uh, no, guy, I did nothing of the sort. I just stopped wasting my time watching you suck up to the 1%.

We need to put a boot to their necks.

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