More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Making shit up is not a valid way to debate an issue, unless you are a modern politician, of course.

I didn't make up a thing. This behavior has been duly noted ad nauseum.

Says the man who can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.
I didn't make up a thing. This behavior has been duly noted ad nauseum.

Says the man who can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.
Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov joins Principia Scientific International Principia Scientific Intl

Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov
March 2, 2012 in scientists
Tags: ice age, principia scientific international
Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov–head of the space research laboratory of the Russian Academy of Science’s Pulkovo Observatory and of the International Space Station’s Astrometria project says “the common view that man’s industrial activity is a deciding factor in global warming has emerged from a misinterpretation of cause and effect relations.”
has interesting views that defy science such as CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

you fail. Last time I looked Russia is still on the planet.
I didn't make up a thing. This behavior has been duly noted ad nauseum.

Says the man who can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.
here's another link. The Next Grand Minimum To examine the social and economic impacts of the next Grand Solar Minimum 8211 See About

"Has the Sun gone to sleep?
Posted on November 16, 2014 by Russ Steele
Here is a BBC Video discussing the possibility of a Maunder Minimum:
Check out the video link HERE.
Following are excerpts from the video, thanks to Ice Age Now:
“Scientists are saying that the Sun is in a phase of ‘solar lull’ – meaning that it has fallen asleep – and it is baffling them.
“Something is happening to the solar activity on the surface of the sun: It’s declining…fast.
Whatever measurement you use, it’s coming down. Solar peaks are coming down.
“Richard Harrison is head of space physics at the Rutherford-Appleton laboratory in Oxfordshire. He says the rate at which solar activity is falling mirrors a period in the 17th century where sunspots virtually disappeared.
“The Maunder Minimum of course was period when we saw almost no sunspots for decades, and it was a really dramatic period when we saw really cold winters in the northern hemisphere, where you had a kind of a mini-ice age."
I didn't make up a thing. This behavior has been duly noted ad nauseum.

Says the man who can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.

pfft! science! We all know smoking doesn't cause cancer. Science deniers with science degrees exist
Says the man who can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.

pfft! science! We all know smoking doesn't cause cancer. Science deniers with science degrees exist
Says the man who can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.

pfft! science! We all know smoking doesn't cause cancer. Science deniers with science degrees exist
Im laughing my balls off.............again!!!!!

Turns out, the k00ks are making their pronouncements based upon......ready for this........hundreths of ONE DEGREE:2up::gay::gay::gay::gay:

Scientists balk at 8216 hottest year 8217 claims Ignores Satellites showing 18 Year 8216 Pause 8217 8211 We are arguing over the significance of hundredths of a degree 8211 The 8216 Pause 8217 continues Climate Depot
TWO ONE HUNDREDTHS of ONE DEGREE C. That's 0.02 deg C...

When you take into account that 95% of the devices used to measure it are only accurate to 0.5 deg C and the other 5% are accurate to 0.1 deg C. you begin to understand that the alarmist whoopla is total bull shit as the margin of error is 100 times what the rise is.

The point is this. There is over 100 Trillion dollars at stake that the communists and one world government people are using these useful idiots to allow them to steal from us.

THIS IS A FUCKING SCAM! Stupidity should be painful... and when its to late for these fools it will be.
Says the man who can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.

pfft! science! We all know smoking doesn't cause cancer. Science deniers with science degrees exist

meh......the "climate scientists" are a relative handful who preach this shit. Tens of thousands of Phd and Masters scientists call bullshit on it:ack-1:. So.....unless somebody can find me evidence that ALL of these 30,000+ scientists are on the "BIG OIL" payroll..............:2up:

Anyway......bottom line is......and the reason this thread is spectacularly ePiC is that the dopes still haven't made their case.............nobody is caring about global warming in 2014. EVERY poll shows it.:boobies::boobies::up:
Says the man who can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.
Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov joins Principia Scientific International Principia Scientific Intl

Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov
March 2, 2012 in scientists
Tags: ice age, principia scientific international
Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov–head of the space research laboratory of the Russian Academy of Science’s Pulkovo Observatory and of the International Space Station’s Astrometria project says “the common view that man’s industrial activity is a deciding factor in global warming has emerged from a misinterpretation of cause and effect relations.”
has interesting views that defy science such as CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

you fail. Last time I looked Russia is still on the planet.

PSI? Really? You realize, of course, that that so-called scientific organization was founded by a so-called legal analyst and so-called science writer who has no standing in the scientific or legal profession, right? And the PSI is not an accredited scientific organization but is actually a front organization that was founded for the purpose of promoting "slaying the dragon", a silly denier book that isn't worth the paper it is printed on, and that its founder, John O'Sullivan, doesn't actually have a degree in law or in journalism, right? PSI is a denier organization posing as something it most certainly is not. If this is the kind of blatant, wreckless dishonesty we can always expect from you deniers, you really should pack up your ball and go home, because you people have completely lost it.

The Bogus Law and Journalism Credentials of John O Sullivan
Says the man who can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.
here's another link. The Next Grand Minimum To examine the social and economic impacts of the next Grand Solar Minimum 8211 See About

"Has the Sun gone to sleep?
Posted on November 16, 2014 by Russ Steele
Here is a BBC Video discussing the possibility of a Maunder Minimum:
Check out the video link HERE.
Following are excerpts from the video, thanks to Ice Age Now:
“Scientists are saying that the Sun is in a phase of ‘solar lull’ – meaning that it has fallen asleep – and it is baffling them.
“Something is happening to the solar activity on the surface of the sun: It’s declining…fast.
Whatever measurement you use, it’s coming down. Solar peaks are coming down.
“Richard Harrison is head of space physics at the Rutherford-Appleton laboratory in Oxfordshire. He says the rate at which solar activity is falling mirrors a period in the 17th century where sunspots virtually disappeared.
“The Maunder Minimum of course was period when we saw almost no sunspots for decades, and it was a really dramatic period when we saw really cold winters in the northern hemisphere, where you had a kind of a mini-ice age."

Give it up.
It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.

pfft! science! We all know smoking doesn't cause cancer. Science deniers with science degrees exist

meh......the "climate scientists" are a relative handful who preach this shit. Tens of thousands of Phd and Masters scientists call bullshit on it:ack-1:. So.....unless somebody can find me evidence that ALL of these 30,000+ scientists are on the "BIG OIL" payroll..............:2up:

Anyway......bottom line is......and the reason this thread is spectacularly ePiC is that the dopes still haven't made their case.............nobody is caring about global warming in 2014. EVERY poll shows it.:boobies::boobies::up:

You really should stop drinking sterno, dude.
It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.

pfft! science! We all know smoking doesn't cause cancer. Science deniers with science degrees exist

meh......the "climate scientists" are a relative handful who preach this shit. Tens of thousands of Phd and Masters scientists call bullshit on it:ack-1:. So.....unless somebody can find me evidence that ALL of these 30,000+ scientists are on the "BIG OIL" payroll..............:2up:

Anyway......bottom line is......and the reason this thread is spectacularly ePiC is that the dopes still haven't made their case.............nobody is caring about global warming in 2014. EVERY poll shows it.:boobies::boobies::up:


logic is

ask scientists who do not major in climate science

about climate science?

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.

pfft! science! We all know smoking doesn't cause cancer. Science deniers with science degrees exist

meh......the "climate scientists" are a relative handful who preach this shit. Tens of thousands of Phd and Masters scientists call bullshit on it:ack-1:. So.....unless somebody can find me evidence that ALL of these 30,000+ scientists are on the "BIG OIL" payroll..............:2up:

Anyway......bottom line is......and the reason this thread is spectacularly ePiC is that the dopes still haven't made their case.............nobody is caring about global warming in 2014. EVERY poll shows it.:boobies::boobies::up:


logic is

ask scientists who do not major in climate science

about climate science?


indeed...........clearly all dummies!!!:2up::biggrin::biggrin:

But in terms of logic..........we'd like to see a link in this thread that displays a shred of evidence that the "climate scientists" science is mattering in the real world!!!

Thread is something absurd like 375 pages and still not a single link..............ghey.
I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.

pfft! science! We all know smoking doesn't cause cancer. Science deniers with science degrees exist

meh......the "climate scientists" are a relative handful who preach this shit. Tens of thousands of Phd and Masters scientists call bullshit on it:ack-1:. So.....unless somebody can find me evidence that ALL of these 30,000+ scientists are on the "BIG OIL" payroll..............:2up:

Anyway......bottom line is......and the reason this thread is spectacularly ePiC is that the dopes still haven't made their case.............nobody is caring about global warming in 2014. EVERY poll shows it.:boobies::boobies::up:


logic is

ask scientists who do not major in climate science

about climate science?

When the facts and other scientific disciplines call bull shit on alarmist drivel, you throw out the appeal to authority.

This type of crap is priceless. Tell me, does climate science have to obey known Physics? Mathematical principals? Thermal Dynamic Laws?

Moron... Other disciplines and review by them IS SCIENCE!
It doesn't matter whether I can tell the difference or not. I've told you how the AGW cult defines them.

I rest my case. Congratulations.
really, you should rest your case. That weight you've been carrying of stupid has to be heavy. See, we see your stupid daily on here, it pours from you, so the case must be full. Please, rest that case of stupid and move on.

Excuse me, but I am not the one here denying what every scientific organization on the planet recognizes as fact. You are. So yes, I do rest my case.
Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov joins Principia Scientific International Principia Scientific Intl

Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov
March 2, 2012 in scientists
Tags: ice age, principia scientific international
Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov–head of the space research laboratory of the Russian Academy of Science’s Pulkovo Observatory and of the International Space Station’s Astrometria project says “the common view that man’s industrial activity is a deciding factor in global warming has emerged from a misinterpretation of cause and effect relations.”
has interesting views that defy science such as CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

you fail. Last time I looked Russia is still on the planet.

PSI? Really? You realize, of course, that that so-called scientific organization was founded by a so-called legal analyst and so-called science writer who has no standing in the scientific or legal profession, right? And the PSI is not an accredited scientific organization but is actually a front organization that was founded for the purpose of promoting "slaying the dragon", a silly denier book that isn't worth the paper it is printed on, and that its founder, John O'Sullivan, doesn't actually have a degree in law or in journalism, right? PSI is a denier organization posing as something it most certainly is not. If this is the kind of blatant, wreckless dishonesty we can always expect from you deniers, you really should pack up your ball and go home, because you people have completely lost it.

The Bogus Law and Journalism Credentials of John O Sullivan
sure poindexter! Let's see that lab experiment from alll your societies that actually validate their claims. See I have again given you mine. All of his from you is just more stupid. [email protected].
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