More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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You are aware that

a) once doesn't make a pattern
b) 2013 isn't over yet
c) AWG is about global climate, not US weather.
d) 2012 show as record acres burned and 2011 shows as record tornades.

So, are you saying that climate change ended in 2012?

Hey s0n....what can I say? My shit clearly displays that the bomb throwing from the AGW k00ks is gay. The crusader nutters were the ones who projected ALL the graphs going up, up, up......not me!!:D:D

And anybody with half a brain can clearly see........extreme weather's been going on for a long, long, long, long, long, long, long time!! The k00ks would have you think that it all started recently!!

Another link which decimates the k00ks >>>>

Chronology of Extreme Weather

From this graph I gather that you think if the government takes a higher percentage of the GDP in taxes, that's a good thing.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Better than the Bushwacker's crushing debt.

No it isn't. IF Bush's debt is so bad, then why aren't you whining constantly about Obama's debt? He's already piled 50% more debt that Bush.

Only if you believe that debt is caused by dates. I believe that it's caused by policies. All of our debt stems from his policies.
Yep, it's only a matter of time until the IPCC and the AGW cult are totally exposed and discredited.

Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

You are aware that

a) once doesn't make a pattern
b) 2013 isn't over yet
c) AWG is about global climate, not US weather.
d) 2012 show as record acres burned and 2011 shows as record tornades.

So, are you saying that climate change ended in 2012?

It's pretty common nature for people chasing what they want to be true to extrapolate the present into the future. That's the basic cause if the housing boom, and the stock markets occasional foolishness.

Yep, it's only a matter of time until the IPCC and the AGW cult are totally exposed and discredited.

Bripat.......doesn't matter if they are exposed or not. No effect on things in the real world. They represent a fringe market of energy for one single reason: it is a vehicle for wealth redistribution and has zero to do with climate change.

By energy will be 10% of the energy market MAX!!!!

And the climate nutters will still think they are winning then ( those that are still alive:D). As Ive illustrated in the pages of this thread to devastating effect.....fossil fuels will dominate for decades and decades.

Like the thread title says..........WINNING:rock::rock::rock::rock:
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You are aware that

a) once doesn't make a pattern
b) 2013 isn't over yet
c) AWG is about global climate, not US weather.
d) 2012 show as record acres burned and 2011 shows as record tornades.

So, are you saying that climate change ended in 2012?

It's pretty common nature for people chasing what they want to be true to extrapolate the present into the future. That's the basic cause if the housing boom, and the stock markets occasional foolishness.

Wrong. Government credit inflation is the cause of financial panics. It always has been. They idea that people all of a sudden get "greedy" and cause these panics is laughable. Only Keynesian numbskulls believe in such fairy tales.

You have yet to demonstrate any competence in these areas. In fact, Michael Mann's Hockey Stick fraud was partly the result of his incompetence with statistics.

The IPCC gets a lot of grief from those uneducated in climate science because they treat all new data as adding to the information that is available to help us understand the problem. Denialists find it convenient to treat all new information as evidence for their denial.

In other words, all the documents the IPCC produces are little more than propaganda.

This will not end quickly or amicably. But it will continue down this now predictable path.

Yep, it's only a matter of time until the IPCC and the AGW cult are totally exposed and discredited.

I encourage people like you to continue your ranting. I think that it has relegated denialists to the lunatic fringe in the minds of most of the electorate.
Better than the Bushwacker's crushing debt.

No it isn't. IF Bush's debt is so bad, then why aren't you whining constantly about Obama's debt? He's already piled 50% more debt that Bush.

Only if you believe that debt is caused by dates. I believe that it's caused by policies. All of our debt stems from his policies.

ROFL! Bush's spending accounted for less than 5% of the budget, so how is he responsible for 100% of the deficit?

When is Obama ever going of be responsible for the result of any of his policies?

When are people like you going to stop sucking his dick?
Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!
Der Spiegel published this article today:
Umbau des Uno-Klimarats: Klimabericht des IPCC Arbeitsgruppe 2 - SPIEGEL ONLINE
It`s a long article and I won`t quote & translate the whole thing, just the main points

The IPCC decided to no longer publish lengthy reports after a disappointing meeting. Because hardly any of the international press and other invited guests showed up at their 25th meeting in Batumi Georgia.
Internal, behind closed doors IPCC discussions have been leaked to the press. In it the IPCC fears that irreparable damage had been done to it`s credibility when it allowed the publication of reports that were largely based on "grey information".
Any future reports will be more limited in scope to minimize the chance of more glaring errors and what critics called the "Muenchausen effect"
In the German language the "Muenchausen" effect is a term borrowed from a children`s fairy tale book about Baron Muenchausen, a liar or somebody that exaggerates.
Turns out that independent scientists had submitted over 55000 papers outlining errors in the last report to the IPCC .

Big news like this for sure will be reported in legitimate media soon. Can't wait to see it.
You are pathetic. If Der Spiegel is not a "legitimate" media then what is?
Der Spiegel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Der Spiegel is known in German-speaking countries mostly for its investigative journalism. It played a key role in uncovering many political scandals such as the Spiegel scandal in 1962 and the Flick affair in the 1980s. According to The Economist, Der Spiegel is one of continental Europe's most influential magazines
The magazine's influence is based on two pillars; firstly the moral authority established by investigative journalism since the early years and proven alive by several impressive scoops during the 1980s; secondly the economic power of the prolific Spiegel publishing house. Since 1988, it has produced the TV programme Spiegel TV, and further diversified during the 1990s. In 1994, Spiegel Online was launched.[7] It has separate and independent editorial staff from Der Spiegel. Among other things, Spiegel Verlag now publishes the monthly Manager Magazin.
As of 2010, Der Spiegel was employing the equivalent of 80 full-time fact checkers, which the Columbia Journalism Review called "most likely the world's largest fact checking operation".[8]
We have been around this bend before with the likes of the "erudite numan", "Saigon" and the rest of the MSNBC brainwashed crowd before you showed up here. So how many professional fact checkers who have a degree in the field they are assigned for by Der Spiegel does MSNBC or even CNN have for that matter...or the blogs you read?
Fact checking is what you call "denial" without even reading what the facts were. You are getting your "information" from media sources which make their living by appealing to the lowest common denominator.
I spent a little bit of time going back reading your posts which consist for the most part of worn out sound bytes and the usual shallow slogans , which are the core of the usual libtard verbal wall paper/vocabulary.
For example "conservatives live in the past" or "conservatives want to turn back the clock".
Which shows how stupid you really are.
If you could why would you not want to live in the past?
If it were possible anyone with a shred of intelligence would do so.
First they would see which lottery numbers came up and observe the present stock market...then go "live in the past" and make a killing.
"The past" that you like to ridicule has created the technology which you are unable to comprehend. You fear it and thus want to get rid of it so that you can live in the same kind of primitive environment that existed when stonehenge was built. Just like then morons like you want to punish somebody if the weather did not turn out they way you would have liked it.
It`s libtards like you that spend all their efforts to hinder real progress in every technology sector . First and foremost of course the energy sector which is the foundation of the rest of our modern technology.
Keep f-ing it up and soon you`ll be living way way back in the past.
The whole concept of our present technology was to make us independent of the weather, seasonal changes and climate changes....because we learned from the past.
Entire civilizations perished because they did not have the technology you wish to eradicate.
Morons like you want a "technology" which throws all of us right back where everything, even the energy production is totally dependent on the weather.
In the final analysis your "theory" boils down to that if we were to do what you morons say, that the climate would stay at an ideal constant.
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Yep, it's only a matter of time until the IPCC and the AGW cult are totally exposed and discredited.

Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

There's an abundance of evidence for it. The Climategate I and Climategate II files were profoundly incriminating. But it's not a conspiracy in the traditional sense. It doesn't require the participants to get together and hatch some convoluted scheme. It only requires that the participants act in their self interest. When they all see a propaganda meme for increasing their power and income, they all latch onto it independently.

I have to marvel at the way AGW cult members scoff at the idea of a conspiracy among themselves, but they are always quick on the draw to accuse skeptics of participating in some sinister conspiracy orchestrated by the fossil fuel industry.

Warmist nutburgers are constantly undermining their own arguments because they lack the ability to commit logic.
Yep, it's only a matter of time until the IPCC and the AGW cult are totally exposed and discredited.

Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

There's an abundance of evidence for it. The Climategate I and Climategate II files were profoundly incriminating. But it's not a conspiracy in the traditional sense. It doesn't require the participants to get together and hatch some convoluted scheme. It only requires that the participants act in their self interest. When they all see a propaganda meme for increasing their power and income, they all latch onto it independently.

I have to marvel at the way AGW cult members scoff at the idea of a conspiracy among themselves, but they are always quick on the draw to accuse skeptics of participating in some sinister conspiracy orchestrated by the fossil fuel industry.

Warmist nutburgers are constantly undermining their own arguments because they lack the ability to commit logic.

Here we go again. The same crap slogans over and over again.
Now it`s back to the "conspiracy theory" thing, a term that never even existed until there was that Hollywood movie with that title and in reality there is no such thing as a "conspiracy theory".
What we have instead is the herd instinct at play. They are not intelligent enough to pull off a real conspiracy else the IPCC would not have been caught that easily and so many times.
Ever notice when one libtard wordsmith comes up with some new buzzword the rest of the herd re-blokes it just like a bunch of dumb sheep.
Remember how the word "gravitas" was used for months by every democrat over and over again.
Their entire vocabulary seems to be "centrally planned" by a few spin doctors and the rest of them are simply too dumb to express themselves without it.
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Yep, it's only a matter of time until the IPCC and the AGW cult are totally exposed and discredited.

Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

Unfortunately the only cure for ignorance is education and denialists seem to have spent their lives avoiding that. Great examples why adult ignorance is mostly incurable.
No it isn't. IF Bush's debt is so bad, then why aren't you whining constantly about Obama's debt? He's already piled 50% more debt that Bush.

Only if you believe that debt is caused by dates. I believe that it's caused by policies. All of our debt stems from his policies.

ROFL! Bush's spending accounted for less than 5% of the budget, so how is he responsible for 100% of the deficit?

When is Obama ever going of be responsible for the result of any of his policies?

When are people like you going to stop sucking his dick?

Obama is fully accountable for his actions. Ending the Bush holy wars. Accomplishing what Bush could not. The end of bin Laden. Recovery from the Great Recession. Massive deficit reduction. Keeping the House from shutting down the country. The first progress in the biggest obstacle to our global competitiveness since Medicare. The defeat of Romney/Ryan. Keeping the country safe from terrorists (foreign and domestic), peace in our time, the rescue of Detroit auto, the restoration of America's reputation from Bush's colonialism.

Lots of accomplishment despite Republican 24/7/365 propaganda.

He'll be regarded by history as a modern day Lincoln. You as a modern day political John Wilkes Booth.
Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

There's an abundance of evidence for it. The Climategate I and Climategate II files were profoundly incriminating. But it's not a conspiracy in the traditional sense. It doesn't require the participants to get together and hatch some convoluted scheme. It only requires that the participants act in their self interest. When they all see a propaganda meme for increasing their power and income, they all latch onto it independently.

I have to marvel at the way AGW cult members scoff at the idea of a conspiracy among themselves, but they are always quick on the draw to accuse skeptics of participating in some sinister conspiracy orchestrated by the fossil fuel industry.

Warmist nutburgers are constantly undermining their own arguments because they lack the ability to commit logic.

Here we go again. The same crap slogans over and over again.
Now it`s back to the "conspiracy theory" thing, a term that never even existed until there was that Hollywood movie with that title and in reality there is no such thing as a "conspiracy theory".
What we have instead is the herd instinct at play. They are not intelligent enough to pull off a real conspiracy else the IPCC would not have been caught that easily and so many times.
Ever notice when one libtard wordsmith comes up with some new buzzword the rest of the herd re-blokes it just like a bunch of dumb sheep.
Remember how the word "gravitas" was used for months by every democrat over and over again.
Their entire vocabulary seems to be "centrally planned" by a few spin doctors and the rest of them are simply too dumb to express themselves without it.

Says one of the completely interchangeable enemies of America all latched to a Fox News teat.
Yep, it's only a matter of time until the IPCC and the AGW cult are totally exposed and discredited.

Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

There's an abundance of evidence for it. The Climategate I and Climategate II files were profoundly incriminating. But it's not a conspiracy in the traditional sense. It doesn't require the participants to get together and hatch some convoluted scheme. It only requires that the participants act in their self interest. When they all see a propaganda meme for increasing their power and income, they all latch onto it independently.

I have to marvel at the way AGW cult members scoff at the idea of a conspiracy among themselves, but they are always quick on the draw to accuse skeptics of participating in some sinister conspiracy orchestrated by the fossil fuel industry.

Warmist nutburgers are constantly undermining their own arguments because they lack the ability to commit logic.

I guess that when you have no science, in a scientific debate, this is the best that you can do.
Yep, it's only a matter of time until the IPCC and the AGW cult are totally exposed and discredited.

Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

There's an abundance of evidence for it. The Climategate I and Climategate II files were profoundly incriminating. But it's not a conspiracy in the traditional sense. It doesn't require the participants to get together and hatch some convoluted scheme. It only requires that the participants act in their self interest. When they all see a propaganda meme for increasing their power and income, they all latch onto it independently.

I have to marvel at the way AGW cult members scoff at the idea of a conspiracy among themselves, but they are always quick on the draw to accuse skeptics of participating in some sinister conspiracy orchestrated by the fossil fuel industry.

Warmist nutburgers are constantly undermining their own arguments because they lack the ability to commit logic.

You are sorely mistaken, but keep on telling this to yourself.

Anytime you are actually ready to learn something, let me know.
If Der Spiegel is not a "legitimate" media then what is?

A semi-tabloid.

Law of averages. If you run enough crap from mysterious sources, some of it will turn out to be correct. But a lot of it will be crap.

The biggest problem of our times was the move of media from a honorable, ethical profession to a business. Pretty pervasive.

Hard to see a solution.

Typically when the profit motive makes things worse rather than better, the solution is to make them a government service, but the nature of government and ''news'' prevents that solution from being applicable in this case.

Yep, it's only a matter of time until the IPCC and the AGW cult are totally exposed and discredited.

Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

Unfortunately the only cure for ignorance is education and denialists seem to have spent their lives avoiding that. Great examples why adult ignorance is mostly incurable.
So why don`t you take your own advice and get some.
All it takes is one look at the democrat main support base which supplied the bulk of the votes. They lined up around city blocks in the "projects"...not exactly where supposedly educated people choose to live.
Then let`s examine how "educated" their beloved leader is...but we can`t.
There is a snag:

I wonder who else would give somebody who declines to show his school records a job, let alone a top management job....except the kind of "educated" part of America`s population which lives in ghettos or is stuck with a low skill job.
The same goes for "team Obama".
Not exactly the brightest bunch either:
Obamas Präsidenten-Limousine in Israel falsch betankt - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Oh yeah I know already how much you hate Der Spiegel and their relentless fact checking machine:
Obamas Limousine falsch betankt: Das Biest hat sich verschluckt

As it turns out they were too dumb to know the difference between diesel and gasoline and trashed the presidential limo.
And before that they hung up another one of Obama`s limos on a speed bump in Ireland when they got lost.
But then again what else could you expect from a political party where an African American/gay/ lesbian or "minority group" member has better career chances than an educated "redneck" who still "lives in the past" thinking that jobs are still awarded according to merit.
Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

Unfortunately the only cure for ignorance is education and denialists seem to have spent their lives avoiding that. Great examples why adult ignorance is mostly incurable.
So why don`t you take your own advice and get some.
All it takes is one look at the democrat main support base which supplied the bulk of the votes. They lined up around city blocks in the "projects"...not exactly where supposedly educated people choose to live.
Then let`s examine how "educated" their beloved leader is...but we can`t.
There is a snag:

I wonder who else would give somebody who declines to show his school records a job, let alone a top management job....except the kind of "educated" part of America`s population which lives in ghettos or is stuck with a low skill job.
The same goes for "team Obama".
Not exactly the brightest bunch either:
Obamas Präsidenten-Limousine in Israel falsch betankt - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Oh yeah I know already how much you hate Der Spiegel and their relentless fact checking machine:
Obamas Limousine falsch betankt: Das Biest hat sich verschluckt

As it turns out they were too dumb to know the difference between diesel and gasoline and trashed the presidential limo.
And before that they hung up another one of Obama`s limos on a speed bump in Ireland when they got lost.
But then again what else could you expect from a political party where an African American/gay/ lesbian or "minority group" member has better career chances than an educated "redneck" who still "lives in the past" thinking that jobs are still awarded according to merit.

I'm not big on following the crowd. Never found it useful.

I do what the evidence of my senses, and the analysis of my mind, lead me to as responsible and correct. If there ends up to be a crowd there, great. Democracy at work. If not, I wonder if I missed something. If I conclude that I haven't, I assume that the crowd has.

Your minority crowd has missed lots due to nursing 24/7/365 on propaganda from the party of failure.

Can't explain why.
Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

Unfortunately the only cure for ignorance is education and denialists seem to have spent their lives avoiding that. Great examples why adult ignorance is mostly incurable.
So why don`t you take your own advice and get some.
All it takes is one look at the democrat main support base which supplied the bulk of the votes. They lined up around city blocks in the "projects"...not exactly where supposedly educated people choose to live.
Then let`s examine how "educated" their beloved leader is...but we can`t.
There is a snag:

I wonder who else would give somebody who declines to show his school records a job, let alone a top management job....except the kind of "educated" part of America`s population which lives in ghettos or is stuck with a low skill job.
The same goes for "team Obama".
Not exactly the brightest bunch either:
Obamas Präsidenten-Limousine in Israel falsch betankt - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Oh yeah I know already how much you hate Der Spiegel and their relentless fact checking machine:
Obamas Limousine falsch betankt: Das Biest hat sich verschluckt

As it turns out they were too dumb to know the difference between diesel and gasoline and trashed the presidential limo.
And before that they hung up another one of Obama`s limos on a speed bump in Ireland when they got lost.
But then again what else could you expect from a political party where an African American/gay/ lesbian or "minority group" member has better career chances than an educated "redneck" who still "lives in the past" thinking that jobs are still awarded according to merit.

And all that has what to do with climate change?
Yep, it's only a matter of time until the IPCC and the AGW cult are totally exposed and discredited.

Flat earthers say the same about the round earth theory. So good luck with that.

At least you've properly set up your conspiracy theory so that the lack of any evidence for it proves the coverup must exist. Thus, your conspiracy can never be disproven. Which makes it pseudoscience, but we all knew that. The point is that you'll be crazy for the rest of your life, no one can stop you, hence we'll just laugh instead.

Unfortunately the only cure for ignorance is education and denialists seem to have spent their lives avoiding that. Great examples why adult ignorance is mostly incurable.

Unfortunately the only cure for ignorance is education

Still waiting for you to cure my ignorance about drastic European budget cuts.
I'm not sure if you were lying or just repeating the lies you heard.....
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