More than 99.9% of peer reviewed studies show that humans are the primary cause of global warming


I will add that to my collection. You're about the 27th denier to make death wishes to people advocating for mainstream science.
"Mainstream" science like trans men are still men? Or mainstream science that says that paper or cloth masks don't stop viruses? That science?

Why don't you take a look at all the accomplished scientist who prove that the "climate change" hoax is just that ... a hoax? Have you read their findings yet? I didn't think so.
"Mainstream" science like trans men are still men? Or mainstream science that says that paper or cloth masks don't stop viruses? That science?

Why don't you take a look at all the accomplished scientist who prove that the "climate change" hoax is just that ... a hoax? Have you read their findings yet? I didn't think so.
There are no accomplished scientists who are actually working in the field who call it a hoax. None, zippo, nix…..
Ha ha
you just proved my point. None of them are active climate science workers who are actually working in the field. Like retired military personell who are once required to follow the constitution, be honest and work only with accepted evidence, once retired they are free to work with conservative think tanks and make up shit using their names.

You can’t come up with just one institute or scientist who works in them , IN THE ENTIRE world where hundreds of scientist collaborate on climate science, that are deniers. None. NO gov agency , NO ACCREDITED UNIVERSITY No related corporation, all where real scientist work. None, nada.

You ‘re a hilarious fraud.
"Mainstream" science like trans men are still men? Or mainstream science that says that paper or cloth masks don't stop viruses? That science?

Why don't you take a look at all the accomplished scientist who prove that the "climate change" hoax is just that ... a hoax? Have you read their findings yet? I didn't think so.
So you’re not Mainstream than ? So you’re admitting that you frauds are in the minority conspiracy theorists. Heaven forbid you show any interest in education or accepted evidence based practices.
So you’re not Mainstream than ? So you’re admitting that you frauds are in the minority conspiracy theorists. Heaven forbid you show any interest in education or accepted evidence based practices.
Here's "mainstream" these days:


I'd rather be the dude with the camera!!!
There are no accomplished scientists who are actually working in the field who call it a hoax. None, zippo, nix…..
dude, I just gave you the petition of the 31,000 who don't believe. you have no memory cells I see.
Ha ha
you just proved my point. None of them are active climate science workers who are actually working in the field. Like retired military personell who are once required to follow the constitution, be honest and work only with accepted evidence, once retired they are free to work with conservative think tanks and make up shit using their names.

You can’t come up with just one institute or scientist who works in them , IN THE ENTIRE world where hundreds of scientist collaborate on climate science, that are deniers. None. NO gov agency , NO ACCREDITED UNIVERSITY No related corporation, all where real scientist work. None, nada.

You ‘re a hilarious fraud.
dude, it's all you do, request data then dump on the data provided. I'm still waiting for your list that still hasn't been posted. tic toc
So you’re not Mainstream than ? So you’re admitting that you frauds are in the minority conspiracy theorists. Heaven forbid you show any interest in education or accepted evidence based practices.
what is meant by mainstream? define it.
1) Freeman Dyson: (Deceased 28 Feb 2020 at age 96) Brilliant theoretical Physicist and mathematician. Famously contrarian
2) Bjorn Lomborg: MA and PhD in Political Science. No training in climate science.
3) Myron Ebell: BA in Philosophy and MA in Political Theory. His only work re climate science has been as a PR hack for fossil fuels
4) Kiminori Itoh: PhD Industrial Chemistry. No training or work experience in climate science
5) Ivar Gieaever: Born 04/05/1929, age 94. Electron tunneling in superconductors then biophysics. No training or work experience in climate science
6) Will Happer: Born 07/27/1939, Age 83. PhD in Physics. "Not a climate scientist". No training or work experience in climate science.
7) Ian Plimer: BSc in Mining Engineering, PhD in Geology. No training or work experience in climate science
8) Michael Crichton: (Deceased 04 Nov 2008) Author. BSc in Biological Anthropology. No training or work experience in climate science
9) Alan Carlin: BSc in Physics, PhD in Economics. Cato Institute claimed suppression of Carlin report on CO2 endangerment, investigated by Inhofe, dropped.
10) Patrick Michaels: BS and MS in Biology and PhD in Ecological Climatology. Worked with Fred Singer. "Obamunism"

A quick review of the best you've got.




While controls over the Earth's climate system have undergone rigorous hypothesis-testing since the 1800s, questions over the scientific consensus of the role of human activities in modern climate change continue to arise in public settings. We update previous efforts to quantify the scientific consensus on climate change by searching the recent literature for papers sceptical of anthropogenic-caused global warming. From a dataset of 88125 climate-related papers published since 2012, when this question was last addressed comprehensively, we examine a randomized subset of 3000 such publications. We also use a second sample-weighted approach that was specifically biased with keywords to help identify any sceptical peer-reviewed papers in the whole dataset. We identify four sceptical papers out of the sub-set of 3000, as evidenced by abstracts that were rated as implicitly or explicitly sceptical of human-caused global warming. In our sample utilizing pre-identified sceptical keywords we found 28 papers that were implicitly or explicitly sceptical. We conclude with high statistical confidence that the scientific consensus on human-caused contemporary climate change—expressed as a proportion of the total publications—exceeds 99% in the peer reviewed scientific literature.

The consensus means something. For all practical purposes, there is no longer ANY scientific debate on the primary cause of global warming.
"Peer review" in the environmental wacko community???? That is a fucking joke seeing how those shitheads admitted to lying and cherry picking the data.
"Peer review" in the environmental wacko community???? That is a fucking joke seeing how those shitheads admitted to lying and cherry picking the data.
Show us such an admission
1) Freeman Dyson: (Deceased 28 Feb 2020 at age 96) Brilliant theoretical Physicist and mathematician. Famously contrarian
2) Bjorn Lomborg: MA and PhD in Political Science. No training in climate science.
3) Myron Ebell: BA in Philosophy and MA in Political Theory. His only work re climate science has been as a PR hack for fossil fuels
4) Kiminori Itoh: PhD Industrial Chemistry. No training or work experience in climate science
5) Ivar Gieaever: Born 04/05/1929, age 94. Electron tunneling in superconductors then biophysics. No training or work experience in climate science
6) Will Happer: Born 07/27/1939, Age 83. PhD in Physics. "Not a climate scientist". No training or work experience in climate science.
7) Ian Plimer: BSc in Mining Engineering, PhD in Geology. No training or work experience in climate science
8) Michael Crichton: (Deceased 04 Nov 2008) Author. BSc in Biological Anthropology. No training or work experience in climate science
9) Alan Carlin: BSc in Physics, PhD in Economics. Cato Institute claimed suppression of Carlin report on CO2 endangerment, investigated by Inhofe, dropped.
10) Patrick Michaels: BS and MS in Biology and PhD in Ecological Climatology. Worked with Fred Singer. "Obamunism"

A quick review of the best you've got.

It's no skin off of my chin if you want to be led by the nose by your Globalist, fearmongering puppetmasters. As long as all those extra taxes that are supposed to cool the planet come out of your pocket and not mine.
It's no skin off of my chin if you want to be led by the nose by your Globalist, fearmongering puppets. As long as all those extra taxes that are supposed to cool the planet come out of your pocket and not mine.
You know full well that it will come out of all our pockets. What you and your brethren seem to have never learned is that the longer we put off properly addressing the problem the MORE will have to come out of all our pockets.
You know full well that it will come out of all our pockets. What you and your brethren seem to have never learned is that the longer we put off properly addressing the problem the MORE will have to come out of all our pockets.
It's a complete nothing burger dreamt up by schemers, power-grabbers, and lovers of money. It's a control mechanism designed to coral populations and keep them in chains. Folks like you literally WANT to be controlled. And you've put your full trust and faith in government, which has proven time and again to be completely untrustworthy.
It's a complete nothing burger dreamt up by schemers, power-grabbers, and lovers of money. It's a control mechanism designed to coral populations and keep them in chains. Folks like you literally WANT to be controlled. And you've put your full trust and faith in government, which has proven time and again to be completely untrustworthy.
So, 99+% of the world's climate scientists are schemers, power-grabbers and lovers of money?
It's a complete nothing burger dreamt up by schemers, power-grabbers, and lovers of money. It's a control mechanism designed to coral populations and keep them in chains. Folks like you literally WANT to be controlled. And you've put your full trust and faith in government, which has proven time and again to be completely untrustworthy.
It’s called a CON

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