More than 99.9% of peer reviewed studies show that humans are the primary cause of global warming

The position of mainstream science is based on thousands of studies by thousands of scientists from all over the planet and absolute mountains of evidence. The idea that all of them have been acting in perfect coordination for decades fabricating all of these data and studies without a single miss, conflict or confession is clearly insane.
And they are mistaken because they are basing their beliefs on a flawed computer model using datasets selected to confirm their bias instead of honoring actual empirical climate data.
And they are mistaken because they are basing their beliefs on a flawed computer model
Are you claiming that 99+% of the world's climate scientists are basing their conclusions on nothing but a single computer model? A model apparently in use for the last several decades?
using datasets selected
Selected by whom?
to confirm their bias
So, you believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists had a preexisting bias to believe AGW?
instead of honoring actual empirical climate data.
"Honoring"? That's an odd word choice. So, you think 99+% of the world's climate scientists are ignoring empirical data? That would include temperature, CO2 levels, the CO2 absorption spectrum, the spectrum of downwelling IR, precipitation data, wind data, storm characteristics, sea surface temperature, deep ocean temperatures, salinity, ice extents, polar ice mass balance, ice core data and a hundred other observations? You think they are making no use of those data?

Are you ever going to identify the point in time you've mentioned dozens of times when it was 2C warmer with 120 ppm less CO2? And if not, WHY?
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doesnt it suck though that not one scientist living or dead has been able to PROVE that global warming is man made...damn and that little greta bitch keeps on lying about it
can you believe they have a non scientist as a role model? hahahahahhahahahaha sixteen year old at that. And they got rid of the other non scientist Al Gore for her. stop yourselves.

And except for this one...........

This redefinition of “climate change” to refer only to human-caused changes to the atmospheric composition has effectively eliminated natural climate change from the public discussion.

The result is that the common parlance refers to “climate change,” with no mention of natural climate variability. Any change that is observed over the past century is now implicitly assumed to be caused by human emissions to the atmosphere. This assumption leads to connecting every unusual weather or climate event to human-caused climate change from fossil fuel emissions. Having acknowledged that climate change is the “norm” throughout the Earth’s 4.6-billion-year history, Curry understands that this politicized attribution of all climate change to humans burning hydrocarbon fuels is nonsense.
In his book The Essence of Chaos, Lorenz also demonstrated that small differences in initial measurements can produce dramatic differences in climate model outcomes. So, a butterfly flapping wings in China might affect tornados developing in Kansas, but sometimes when a butterfly flaps its wings in China, there is no effect on tornados in Kansas. The flapping of wings is a small difference in an initial measurement that can cause a huge effect on climate outcomes. But the fact that the wings flapping in China does not always cause a tornado in Kansas is because the equations ruling climate are nonlinear, so sometimes the butterfly causes a tornado, and sometimes it does not.


In other words, weather is not predictable, nor can we determine with precision the precise amount of global warming, if any, that will result from a given increase in atmospheric CO2. This is why Curry abandoned the hope that climate can be modeled deterministically by a computer and, instead, insists that the uncertainties inherent in climate mean that, at best, our weather and climate predictions are uncertain, measurable only by probability theory.

The position of mainstream science is based on thousands of studies by thousands of scientists from all over the planet and absolute mountains of evidence. The idea that all of them have been acting in perfect coordination for decades fabricating all of these data and studies without a single miss, conflict or confession is clearly insane.

Except when they are not.....and the lead scientists order to push their agenda.....

Remember Climategate...where we found out the scientists lied, and tried to punish people who didn't buy into their lies?

With the 2023 publication of Climate Uncertainty and Risk: Rethinking Our Response, geoscientist Judith A. Curry, Ph.D., acknowledges that, in 2007, she “joined the consensus” in supporting the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report as “authoritative.” What changed her perspective was Climategate, the 2009 hacking and unauthorized release of emails from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. The email exchanges between climate scientists and IPCC authors confirmed her “concerns and suspicions” that “politics and personal agendas” had encroached on the IPCC assessment process.




While controls over the Earth's climate system have undergone rigorous hypothesis-testing since the 1800s, questions over the scientific consensus of the role of human activities in modern climate change continue to arise in public settings. We update previous efforts to quantify the scientific consensus on climate change by searching the recent literature for papers sceptical of anthropogenic-caused global warming. From a dataset of 88125 climate-related papers published since 2012, when this question was last addressed comprehensively, we examine a randomized subset of 3000 such publications. We also use a second sample-weighted approach that was specifically biased with keywords to help identify any sceptical peer-reviewed papers in the whole dataset. We identify four sceptical papers out of the sub-set of 3000, as evidenced by abstracts that were rated as implicitly or explicitly sceptical of human-caused global warming. In our sample utilizing pre-identified sceptical keywords we found 28 papers that were implicitly or explicitly sceptical. We conclude with high statistical confidence that the scientific consensus on human-caused contemporary climate change—expressed as a proportion of the total publications—exceeds 99% in the peer reviewed scientific literature.

The consensus means something. For all practical purposes, there is no longer ANY scientific debate on the primary cause of global warming.

They show that the temperature and the CO2 concentrations are rising together.... They do not prove causation.
Are you claiming that 99+% of the world's climate scientists are basing their conclusions on nothing but a single computer model? A model apparently in use for the last several decades?

Selected by whom?

So, you believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists had a preexisting bias to believe AGW?

"Honoring"? That's an odd word choice. So, you think 99+% of the world's climate scientists are ignoring empirical data? That would include temperature, CO2 levels, the CO2 absorption spectrum, the spectrum of downwelling IR, precipitation data, wind data, storm characteristics, sea surface temperature, deep ocean temperatures, salinity, ice extents, polar ice mass balance, ice core data and a hundred other observations? You think they are making no use of those data?

Are you ever going to identify the point in time you've mentioned dozens of times when it was 2C warmer with 120 ppm less CO2? And if not, WHY?
I couldn’t have been clearer on what I said. As far as I am concerned this is your religion and you are a hypocrite. Your carbon footprint is not materially different than mine.
And they are mistaken because they are basing their beliefs on a flawed computer model using datasets selected to confirm their bias instead of honoring actual empirical climate data.
I couldn’t have been clearer on what I said. As far as I am concerned this is your religion and you are a hypocrite. Your carbon footprint is not materially different than mine.

So you do believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single computer model that was apparently created decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single dataset, selected by some unidentified person or organization, apparently decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists completely ignore empirical data on global temperature, CO2 levels, the CO2 absorption spectrum, the spectrum of downwelling IR, precipitation data, wind data, storm characteristics, sea surface temperature, deep ocean temperatures, salinity, ice extents, polar ice mass balance, ice core data and a hundred other observations.

As to your religion and footprint comments, I don't give two shits what you think.

You're as stupid as a fucking rock and your grasp on reality is getting tenuous in the extreme.
So you do believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single computer model that was apparently created decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single dataset, selected by some unidentified person or organization, apparently decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists completely ignore empirical data on global temperature, CO2 levels, the CO2 absorption spectrum, the spectrum of downwelling IR, precipitation data, wind data, storm characteristics, sea surface temperature, deep ocean temperatures, salinity, ice extents, polar ice mass balance, ice core data and a hundred other observations.

As to your religion and footprint comments, I don't give two shits what you think.

You're as stupid as a fucking rock and your grasp on reality is getting tenuous in the extreme.

showed us how compromised these scientists are



While controls over the Earth's climate system have undergone rigorous hypothesis-testing since the 1800s, questions over the scientific consensus of the role of human activities in modern climate change continue to arise in public settings. We update previous efforts to quantify the scientific consensus on climate change by searching the recent literature for papers sceptical of anthropogenic-caused global warming. From a dataset of 88125 climate-related papers published since 2012, when this question was last addressed comprehensively, we examine a randomized subset of 3000 such publications. We also use a second sample-weighted approach that was specifically biased with keywords to help identify any sceptical peer-reviewed papers in the whole dataset. We identify four sceptical papers out of the sub-set of 3000, as evidenced by abstracts that were rated as implicitly or explicitly sceptical of human-caused global warming. In our sample utilizing pre-identified sceptical keywords we found 28 papers that were implicitly or explicitly sceptical. We conclude with high statistical confidence that the scientific consensus on human-caused contemporary climate change—expressed as a proportion of the total publications—exceeds 99% in the peer reviewed scientific literature.

The consensus means something. For all practical purposes, there is no longer ANY scientific debate on the primary cause of global warming.

That doesn't mean they're right.
It doesn't mean they're astronomers... because, quite frankly, they're ignoring space and the impact it has on climate change.
Also, had they been around 120,000 years ago, they'd probably have blamed humans then too. Even though it was hotter back then than now.
So you do believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single computer model that was apparently created decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single dataset, selected by some unidentified person or organization, apparently decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists completely ignore empirical data on global temperature, CO2 levels, the CO2 absorption spectrum, the spectrum of downwelling IR, precipitation data, wind data, storm characteristics, sea surface temperature, deep ocean temperatures, salinity, ice extents, polar ice mass balance, ice core data and a hundred other observations.

As to your religion and footprint comments, I don't give two shits what you think.

You're as stupid as a fucking rock and your grasp on reality is getting tenuous in the extreme.

What do climate scientists study?

You've just called someone "as stupid as a fucking rock", which... isn't very good for a debate. Whereas you could have disprove what he was saying. But you didn't.


Here's a chart that shows the temperatures as we think they were in the past.

320,000 years ago, temperatures were HOT. Man made global warming? Did man do this?

240,000 years ago, temperatures were HOT. Man made global warming? Did man do this?

130,000 years ago, temperatures were HOT. Man made global warming? Did man do this?

This is the first thing anyone needs to be thinking about. What should temperatures be right now? If humans didn't exist on planet Earth, how hot would it be?
It's a very difficult thing to answer. Because we don't know. We don't know why temperatures were hotter 320,000 years ago than 240,000 years ago. Or why they were hotter 130,000 years ago, than 240,000 years ago.

Or even whether this data isn't the accurate, or what it means.

But to call someone "stupid" because they question something which this chart itself says "hang on, man made global warming might not be the biggest issue here"

Do you now the Milankovich Cycles? Of course you do, otherwise that'd make you "as ignorant as a fucking rock", so tell us how the Milankovich Cycles work....
So you do believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single computer model that was apparently created decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single dataset, selected by some unidentified person or organization, apparently decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists completely ignore empirical data on global temperature, CO2 levels, the CO2 absorption spectrum, the spectrum of downwelling IR, precipitation data, wind data, storm characteristics, sea surface temperature, deep ocean temperatures, salinity, ice extents, polar ice mass balance, ice core data and a hundred other observations.

As to your religion and footprint comments, I don't give two shits what you think.

You're as stupid as a fucking rock and your grasp on reality is getting tenuous in the extreme.
/——-/ “You're as stupid as a fucking rock”
Anyone who dares question your religion of global warming is as stupid as a fucking rock. Yeah, that’s gonna convert folks to your way of thinking.
So you do believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single computer model that was apparently created decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single dataset, selected by some unidentified person or organization, apparently decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists completely ignore empirical data on global temperature, CO2 levels, the CO2 absorption spectrum, the spectrum of downwelling IR, precipitation data, wind data, storm characteristics, sea surface temperature, deep ocean temperatures, salinity, ice extents, polar ice mass balance, ice core data and a hundred other observations.

As to your religion and footprint comments, I don't give two shits what you think.

You're as stupid as a fucking rock and your grasp on reality is getting tenuous in the extreme.
/----/ You should do this dance every morning to cool the Earth. Now hop to it.
So you do believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single computer model that was apparently created decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists based their conclusions solely on a single dataset, selected by some unidentified person or organization, apparently decades ago.
You also believe that 99+% of the world's climate scientists completely ignore empirical data on global temperature, CO2 levels, the CO2 absorption spectrum, the spectrum of downwelling IR, precipitation data, wind data, storm characteristics, sea surface temperature, deep ocean temperatures, salinity, ice extents, polar ice mass balance, ice core data and a hundred other observations.

As to your religion and footprint comments, I don't give two shits what you think.

You're as stupid as a fucking rock and your grasp on reality is getting tenuous in the extreme.
I don't see them discussing the empirical paleoclimate data and what that data tells us.
I don't see them discussing the empirical paleoclimate data and what that data tells us.

Might I ask where you've been looking?

That doesn't mean they're right.
It doesn't mean they're astronomers... because, quite frankly, they're ignoring space and the impact it has on climate change.
Also, had they been around 120,000 years ago, they'd probably have blamed humans then too. Even though it was hotter back then than now.
and it isn't 99.+%. It might be 25% at best. but old Crick likes his lies. His broken bit that he constantly repeats in here. Like he believes the number of times he posts it will make it right!!!!! hahahahahahahahahaha. It was a lie the first time and fking every time after. Ask him for how many scientists the 99.+% make up!

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