Zone1 Mormons who have apostatized or stopped going to Church

No, I don't reject anything in Scripture. I reject your error and twisted perversion of Scriptures. Tell me how Jesus and Satan are brothers.
Satan was once an archangel, known as the light bearer or Lucifer. He was a holy angel, beautiful and powerful, alongside Michael and Gabriel, among others not mentioned in the Biblical texts we have today. So what's your issue? What's your problem? You like creating unnecessary issues and problems, because you're a disingenuous ax-grinder and quarreler, creating issues where there aren't any.

Do you think I'm taking my precious time and energy to respond to your posts for your sake? I know you're gone, completely reprobate when it comes to the truth. I do it for others, not you. I'm not trying to convince you of anything or get your approval. My response is directed at the truth seekers, those who are genuinely interested in the truth.
Agree. The early church had the OT scriptures. Paul and other apostles preached Jesus from the OT. If that's good enough for that church, it's good enough for me. Not buying your fairy tale.
The OT supports LDS and so does the NT in general. Following your line of reasoning, everything in the NT is illegitimate because supposedly the OT is the "true and only" divine revelation. The non-believing Jews who reject Jesus Christ as Messiah, say that Christians believe in a fairy tale. You're behaving like them, when it comes to the restoration, new covenant gospel revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith. After years of corruption, Christianity needed an overhaul and it got just that, in a true reformation through the prophet Joseph Smith and the restoration of the apostleship and prophethood.

You can poopoo that and say it's a fairy tale, but that's what the enemies of Jesus and His Church, said about the Christian NT as well. You're in their company, you belong to them.
Satan was once an archangel, known as the light bearer or Lucifer. He was a holy angel, beautiful and powerful, alongside Michael and Gabriel, among others not mentioned in the Biblical texts we have today. So what's your issue? What's your problem? You like creating unnecessary issues and problems, because you're a disingenuous ax-grinder and quarreler, creating issues where there aren't any.

Do you think I'm taking my precious time and energy to respond to your posts for your sake? I know you're gone, completely reprobate when it comes to the truth. I do it for others, not you. I'm not trying to convince you of anything or get your approval. My response is directed at the truth seekers, those who are genuinely interested in the truth.
You didn't answer my question. How are Satan and Jesus brothers?
The OT supports LDS and so does the NT in general. Following your line of reasoning, everything in the NT is illegitimate because supposedly the OT is the "true and only" divine revelation. The non-believing Jews who reject Jesus Christ as Messiah, say that Christians believe in a fairy tale. You're behaving like them, when it comes to the restoration, new covenant gospel revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith. After years of corruption, Christianity needed an overhaul and it got just that, in a true reformation through the prophet Joseph Smith and the restoration of the apostleship and prophethood.

You can poopoo that and say it's a fairy tale, but that's what the enemies of Jesus and His Church, said about the Christian NT as well. You're in their company, you belong to them.
There is no restoration and Joseph Smith wasn't a prophet. You're evil.
You didn't answer my question. How are Satan and Jesus brothers?
I did answer it, but you're just being pedantic and dishonest. No answer will satisfy you. Why do I or you have to know exactly how Jesus and Lucifer/Satan are spirit-brothers? They are at the top of the angelic-spirit hierarchy and order, and Satan before he became the arch-adversary was in heaven with the firstborn, being part of that family of angels (i.e. holy spirits/heavenly angels). Yeah? What's your issue with that?
There is no restoration and Joseph Smith wasn't a prophet. You're evil.
Yes, there was and you're the one who is evil and lost. Then you can respond by saying "No no, you're evil and lost!", then I can counter with "You're a confused, wicked miscreant devil!" and then you say "No, you're a demon-possessed charlatan foaming from the mouth" and then I counter-punch by saying "You're projecting your own demonic, spastic, foam spewing nature on me, when you know it's you who's driveling devil spittle spattle from your mouth on everybody else" and then you respond by...etc. Do you really want to continue playing this silly game?
I did answer it, but you're just being pedantic and dishonest. No answer will satisfy you. Why do I or you have to know exactly how Jesus and Lucifer/Satan are spirit-brothers? They are at the top of the angelic-spirit hierarchy and order, and Satan before he became the arch-adversary was in heaven with the firstborn, being part of that family of angels (i.e. holy spirits/heavenly angels). Yeah? What's your issue with that?
Where is the Scripture saying Jesus and Satan are "spirit-brothers?
Yes, there was and you're the one who is evil and lost. Then you can respond by saying "No no, you're evil and lost!", then I can counter with "You're a confused, wicked miscreant devil!" and then you say "No, you're a demon-possessed charlatan foaming from the mouth" and then I counter-punch by saying "You're projecting your own demonic, spastic, foam spewing nature on me, when you know it's you who's driveling devil spittle spattle from your mouth on everybody else" and then you respond by...etc. Do you really want to continue playing this silly game?
That's up to you. I'm fine.
Where is the Scripture saying Jesus and Satan are "spirit-brothers?
Not everything is explicitly stated in the Bible, in the Book of Mormon, or any of the other books of scripture. One can easily infer from what we do have that Satan was a powerful, heavenly angel, perhaps at the same level as Michael and Gabriel. They are spirit brethren of the same angelic order of life. I don't have to know more than that.

You can't explain all of your mumbo-jumbo about the Messiah or your false conception of a divine trinity, using the Hebrew Bible alone. That's why most Jews laugh at you when you try to "prove" that Jesus is the Messiah or Almighty God incarnate. Your conception of the Messiah and God isn't explicitly stated or supported in the Hebrew Bible and arguably, not even in the NT. So If I believe in a "fairy tale", for being a Mormon Christian, so do you. Your beliefs are just as ridiculous as mine. Welcome to the club.
Not everything is explicitly stated in the Bible in the Book of Mormon or any of the other books of scripture. One can easily infer from what we do have that Satan was a powerful, heavenly angel, perhaps at the same level as Michael and Gabriel. They are spirit brethren of the same angelic order of life. I don't have to know more than that.

You can't explain all of your mumbo-jumbo about the Messiah or your false conception of a divine trinity, using the Hebrew Bible alone. That's why most Jews laugh at you when you try to "prove" that Jesus is the Messiah or Almighty God incarnate. Your conception of the Messiah and God isn't explicitly stated or supported in the Hebrew Bible and arguably, not even in the NT. So If I believe in a "fairy tale", for being a Mormon Christian, so do you. Your beliefs are just as ridiculous as mine. Welcome to the club.
So you don't believe Jesus is the Messiah?
So the BOM is Scripture. Correct?
How many times to you have to be told that it is another testament of Jesus Christ, just like the Bible. In fact, a companion to the Bible. It's the stick of Joseph one in our hands with the stick of Judah (the Bible). It's the work the Lord had with the people in the Americas. The Bible is the work the Lord had in the area of where Israel is and the surroundings.
Yep. I'm the Christian your elders warned you about.
I am an Elder. And, I have no problem with debating with you. The problem is, you are unable to debate. You can't comprehend what people write. So, it make sense you wouldn't be able to comprehend the Bible either. :popcorn:

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