Morning Morphs Into Midnight

America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?
germans did regret allowing nazis to spread their lies through the means of media, under the pretense of "freedom of speech"...

we all know how that played out in history...

calls for violence are NOT "freedom of speech"...
So you imagine that calls for violence are the only things being censored?

So you think democracies should censor people the government doesn't approve of?

You're a fucking fascist, you realize.

i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) but nobody censoring anything here...

it is a company kicking a user out of its platform because he is violating company terms and conditions...

just like how they have the right and obligation to kick anyone soliciting child pornography out of the system,
they have the right and obligation to kick trump and his fascist gang bang out of the system...

trump needs to code his own app if he really wants to spread his snuff porno...

"i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

Democrat outlets Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., censored and silenced the facts about the bribes the Bidens took from Communist China.

As a result, 17% of Democrat voters claimed they would not have voted for Biden had they known.

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

while we are at it;
lets talk about how trump tried to spread his election lies through these platforms...
obvious violation of the terms and conditions...
hence he got kicked out...
fair and square innit...


"while we are at it; ..."

We're not "at" anything.......

I simply destroyed your lie, your posting this: "i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

"... how trump tried to spread his election lies...."

There were no 'election lies' by Trump, only by Democrats.

But if you'd like to see the worst of lies....

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

Did you post about either of those blatant and serious lies?

so your source works only when it fits your narrative ha...

I forced you to attempt to change the subject.

Must mean you know exactly how wrong you are.
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...
13. Now the, Democrats are about jailing Trump....

"As an ex-president, Trump could disclose the secrets he learned while in office, current and former officials fear
The Espionage Act has been successfully used to convict current and former government officials who disclose information that damages U.S. national security. It has never been used against a former president. But as of Jan. 20, 2021, Trump becomes a private citizen, and the immunity he enjoys from criminal prosecution vanishes."

14. Who uses the Espionage Act against political adversaries???
The Obama-Biden Administration.......some ten times against government employees who spoke to the press.

"....Obama, in fact, set a record for any president with his number of prosecutions against leakers using the Espionage Act. Some observers fear that Obama’s crackdown on leaks paved the way for Trump to do the same. "
Before Trump's crackdown on leaks, Obama went after 10 leakers, journalists

As president, Barack Obama prosecuted leaks at record levels under the Espionage Act.

Jail for political opponents.......the guillotine if they could.
germans did regret allowing nazis to spread their lies through the means of media, under the pretense of "freedom of speech"...

we all know how that played out in history...

calls for violence are NOT "freedom of speech"...
So you imagine that calls for violence are the only things being censored?

So you think democracies should censor people the government doesn't approve of?

You're a fucking fascist, you realize.

i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) but nobody censoring anything here...

it is a company kicking a user out of its platform because he is violating company terms and conditions...

just like how they have the right and obligation to kick anyone soliciting child pornography out of the system,
they have the right and obligation to kick trump and his fascist gang bang out of the system...

trump needs to code his own app if he really wants to spread his snuff porno...

"i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

Democrat outlets Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., censored and silenced the facts about the bribes the Bidens took from Communist China.

As a result, 17% of Democrat voters claimed they would not have voted for Biden had they known.

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

while we are at it;
lets talk about how trump tried to spread his election lies through these platforms...
obvious violation of the terms and conditions...
hence he got kicked out...
fair and square innit...


"while we are at it; ..."

We're not "at" anything.......

I simply destroyed your lie, your posting this: "i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

"... how trump tried to spread his election lies...."

There were no 'election lies' by Trump, only by Democrats.

But if you'd like to see the worst of lies....

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

Did you post about either of those blatant and serious lies?

so your source works only when it fits your narrative ha...

I forced you to attempt to change the subject.

Must mean you know exactly how wrong you are.

the subject is obvious...
you are a zombie...
you have a set mind and look around only to find patterns that support your narrative...

thats why the social media platforms have rules and regulations to prevent fabricated patterns to spread and infect folks like you...

hence why you see them acting on trump and his gang...
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...

What lies?
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...

What lies?

that the election was fraudulent...
thats what all of this is about, fyi...
germans did regret allowing nazis to spread their lies through the means of media, under the pretense of "freedom of speech"...

we all know how that played out in history...

calls for violence are NOT "freedom of speech"...
So you imagine that calls for violence are the only things being censored?

So you think democracies should censor people the government doesn't approve of?

You're a fucking fascist, you realize.

i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) but nobody censoring anything here...

it is a company kicking a user out of its platform because he is violating company terms and conditions...

just like how they have the right and obligation to kick anyone soliciting child pornography out of the system,
they have the right and obligation to kick trump and his fascist gang bang out of the system...

trump needs to code his own app if he really wants to spread his snuff porno...

"i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

Democrat outlets Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., censored and silenced the facts about the bribes the Bidens took from Communist China.

As a result, 17% of Democrat voters claimed they would not have voted for Biden had they known.

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

while we are at it;
lets talk about how trump tried to spread his election lies through these platforms...
obvious violation of the terms and conditions...
hence he got kicked out...
fair and square innit...


"while we are at it; ..."

We're not "at" anything.......

I simply destroyed your lie, your posting this: "i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

"... how trump tried to spread his election lies...."

There were no 'election lies' by Trump, only by Democrats.

But if you'd like to see the worst of lies....

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

Did you post about either of those blatant and serious lies?

so your source works only when it fits your narrative ha...

I forced you to attempt to change the subject.

Must mean you know exactly how wrong you are.

the subject is obvious...
you are a zombie...
you have a set mind and look around only to find patterns that support your narrative...

thats why the social media platforms have rules and regulations to prevent fabricated patterns to spread and infect folks like you...

hence why you see them acting on trump and his gang...

The 'subject' is the Fascist behavior of the Democrat Party.

'Social media' is protected via section 230, based on its promise not to censor political speech.

"Section 230 protects Big Tech from lawsuits. But it was never supposed to be bulletproof.
Big Tech controls the flow of information in America. Arguing that these are merely private companies exercising First Amendment rights is simplistic."

The social media lies for the Democrats.....just as you do.
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...

What lies?

that the election was fraudulent...
thats what all of this is about, fyi...

It was fraudulent.

“Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden A team of data scientists testifying before a state Senate panel in Georgia earlier this week said thousands of votes were switched from President Donald Trump to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden during balloting last month.” Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden

Georgia Recount Worker Describes “Pristine” Batch of Ballots – 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a “pristine” batch of ballots that were marked “98%” of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgia’s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots could’ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a “selective” fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.”

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

germans did regret allowing nazis to spread their lies through the means of media, under the pretense of "freedom of speech"...

we all know how that played out in history...

calls for violence are NOT "freedom of speech"...
So you imagine that calls for violence are the only things being censored?

So you think democracies should censor people the government doesn't approve of?

You're a fucking fascist, you realize.

i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) but nobody censoring anything here...

it is a company kicking a user out of its platform because he is violating company terms and conditions...

just like how they have the right and obligation to kick anyone soliciting child pornography out of the system,
they have the right and obligation to kick trump and his fascist gang bang out of the system...

trump needs to code his own app if he really wants to spread his snuff porno...

"i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

Democrat outlets Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., censored and silenced the facts about the bribes the Bidens took from Communist China.

As a result, 17% of Democrat voters claimed they would not have voted for Biden had they known.

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

while we are at it;
lets talk about how trump tried to spread his election lies through these platforms...
obvious violation of the terms and conditions...
hence he got kicked out...
fair and square innit...


"while we are at it; ..."

We're not "at" anything.......

I simply destroyed your lie, your posting this: "i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

"... how trump tried to spread his election lies...."

There were no 'election lies' by Trump, only by Democrats.

But if you'd like to see the worst of lies....

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

Did you post about either of those blatant and serious lies?

so your source works only when it fits your narrative ha...

I forced you to attempt to change the subject.

Must mean you know exactly how wrong you are.

the subject is obvious...
you are a zombie...
you have a set mind and look around only to find patterns that support your narrative...

thats why the social media platforms have rules and regulations to prevent fabricated patterns to spread and infect folks like you...

hence why you see them acting on trump and his gang...

The 'subject' is the Fascist behavior of the Democrat Party.

'Social media' is protected via section 230, based on its promise not to censor political speech.

"Section 230 protects Big Tech from lawsuits. But it was never supposed to be bulletproof.
Big Tech controls the flow of information in America. Arguing that these are merely private companies exercising First Amendment rights is simplistic."

The social media lies for the Democrats.....just as you do.

the law doesnt cover fabricated lies that is designed to end democracy...
thats no political speech...
thats fascist propaganda...
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...

What lies?

that the election was fraudulent...
thats what all of this is about, fyi...

It was fraudulent.

“Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden A team of data scientists testifying before a state Senate panel in Georgia earlier this week said thousands of votes were switched from President Donald Trump to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden during balloting last month.” Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden

Georgia Recount Worker Describes “Pristine” Batch of Ballots – 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a “pristine” batch of ballots that were marked “98%” of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgia’s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots could’ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a “selective” fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.”

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

no it is not...
thats a lie...
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...

What lies?
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...

What lies?

its ^^^ there...
germans did regret allowing nazis to spread their lies through the means of media, under the pretense of "freedom of speech"...

we all know how that played out in history...

calls for violence are NOT "freedom of speech"...
So you imagine that calls for violence are the only things being censored?

So you think democracies should censor people the government doesn't approve of?

You're a fucking fascist, you realize.

i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) but nobody censoring anything here...

it is a company kicking a user out of its platform because he is violating company terms and conditions...

just like how they have the right and obligation to kick anyone soliciting child pornography out of the system,
they have the right and obligation to kick trump and his fascist gang bang out of the system...

trump needs to code his own app if he really wants to spread his snuff porno...

"i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

Democrat outlets Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., censored and silenced the facts about the bribes the Bidens took from Communist China.

As a result, 17% of Democrat voters claimed they would not have voted for Biden had they known.

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

while we are at it;
lets talk about how trump tried to spread his election lies through these platforms...
obvious violation of the terms and conditions...
hence he got kicked out...
fair and square innit...


"while we are at it; ..."

We're not "at" anything.......

I simply destroyed your lie, your posting this: "i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

"... how trump tried to spread his election lies...."

There were no 'election lies' by Trump, only by Democrats.

But if you'd like to see the worst of lies....

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

Did you post about either of those blatant and serious lies?

so your source works only when it fits your narrative ha...

I forced you to attempt to change the subject.

Must mean you know exactly how wrong you are.

the subject is obvious...
you are a zombie...
you have a set mind and look around only to find patterns that support your narrative...

thats why the social media platforms have rules and regulations to prevent fabricated patterns to spread and infect folks like you...

hence why you see them acting on trump and his gang...

The 'subject' is the Fascist behavior of the Democrat Party.

'Social media' is protected via section 230, based on its promise not to censor political speech.

"Section 230 protects Big Tech from lawsuits. But it was never supposed to be bulletproof.
Big Tech controls the flow of information in America. Arguing that these are merely private companies exercising First Amendment rights is simplistic."

The social media lies for the Democrats.....just as you do.

the law doesnt cover fabricated lies that is designed to end democracy...
thats no political speech...
thats fascist propaganda...
Yes, it actually does, shit for brains. Furthermore, progs are the only ones telling such lies. In fact, they have already ended this democracy.

Your speech is fascist propaganda.
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...

What lies?

its ^^^ there...

Name them, asshole.
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

The shit that the Democrat Party is about to unleash on us will be very alarming to anyone with half a brain.
Then there's the folks that think it's hilarious.

This is what happens when history isn't taught in our schools. Its astounding at how stupid this country has become and how it yearns to be enslaved.
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...

What lies?

its ^^^ there...

Name them, asshole.

fuck you sucker...

I knew you couldn't name any.
germans did regret allowing nazis to spread their lies through the means of media, under the pretense of "freedom of speech"...

we all know how that played out in history...

calls for violence are NOT "freedom of speech"...
So you imagine that calls for violence are the only things being censored?

So you think democracies should censor people the government doesn't approve of?

You're a fucking fascist, you realize.

i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) but nobody censoring anything here...

it is a company kicking a user out of its platform because he is violating company terms and conditions...

just like how they have the right and obligation to kick anyone soliciting child pornography out of the system,
they have the right and obligation to kick trump and his fascist gang bang out of the system...

trump needs to code his own app if he really wants to spread his snuff porno...

"i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

Democrat outlets Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., censored and silenced the facts about the bribes the Bidens took from Communist China.

As a result, 17% of Democrat voters claimed they would not have voted for Biden had they known.

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

while we are at it;
lets talk about how trump tried to spread his election lies through these platforms...
obvious violation of the terms and conditions...
hence he got kicked out...
fair and square innit...


"while we are at it; ..."

We're not "at" anything.......

I simply destroyed your lie, your posting this: "i dont know how a democracy can censor anything(whatever that means) "

"... how trump tried to spread his election lies...."

There were no 'election lies' by Trump, only by Democrats.

But if you'd like to see the worst of lies....

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

Did you post about either of those blatant and serious lies?

so your source works only when it fits your narrative ha...

I forced you to attempt to change the subject.

Must mean you know exactly how wrong you are.

the subject is obvious...
you are a zombie...
you have a set mind and look around only to find patterns that support your narrative...

thats why the social media platforms have rules and regulations to prevent fabricated patterns to spread and infect folks like you...

hence why you see them acting on trump and his gang...

You're lying again.

Seems I have to call out your lies in every post.

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.

The 'subject' is the Fascist behavior of the Democrat Party.

'Social media' is protected via section 230, based on its promise not to censor political speech.

"Section 230 protects Big Tech from lawsuits. But it was never supposed to be bulletproof.
Big Tech controls the flow of information in America. Arguing that these are merely private companies exercising First Amendment rights is simplistic."

The social media lies for the Democrats.....just as you do.

the law doesnt cover fabricated lies that is designed to end democracy...
thats no political speech...
thats fascist propaganda...
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...

What lies?

its ^^^ there...

The only lies have been yours.

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