Morning Morphs Into Midnight

you are a zombie...
I swear, dead serious: The last few days, I've found myself starting to think this is all a big joke. They've gotta be kidding.

But then I remember what happened Wednesday.

So I just sit there, and I don't have words.
How is converting our country into a one party state where any criticism of the government is censored "a joke?"
germans did regret allowing nazis to spread their lies through the means of media, under the pretense of "freedom of speech"...

we all know how that played out in history...

calls for violence are NOT "freedom of speech"...
So full of Bs and manipulation----the german people didn't allow the propaganda---the socialist nazis like the dem nazis took over the media claiming that everyone else the bad guys while they had their brown shirts racist hustler blm and violent criminals,drunks and druggies anti fa terrorize the nation with riots and burning while the liberal socialist media spewed lies and spun stories trying to smear all who stood up to them like their previous leader did then and Trump did now. We've seen this shit before----------the question is the american people going cave like the german people did as they cattle car one group after another to the gas chambers or are we going to rise up and fight back knowing there is a price to pay for freedom.
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

Young people ARE preparing, I assume.

Try to delete anything on the Internet that can be traced when applying for a job. Otherwise, you can be canceled.

At school & work always smile humbly and bow slightly to anyone who you suspect is a liberal.

Always cheerfully sign any liberal-inspired petition and be ready to give a generous "donation."

If a BLM supporter assaults you, do not report him (or her) to the cops, who will be afraid to help you anyway.

And maybe like some disgusted people in Georgia, don't bother to vote. It's all rigged anyway.

The Inauguration of Mr. (I cannot stomach calling him "President") Biden means that we officially follow other nations that have become dictatorships.

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

Who would have ever anticipated the tech giants, essentially acting as state censors and preventing the electorate from the knowledge that the Biden Cartel was on the payroll of Communist China.

Government school grads, kept ignorant of how Democrat governance mirrors earlier Leftist administration, never knew about this:

“General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Russian: Главное управление по охране государственных тайн в печати при СМ СССР) was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union.

The censorship agency was established in 1922 under the name "Main Administration for Literary and Publishing Affairs at the RSFSR Narkompros", abbreviated as Glavlit (Главлит). The latter term was in semiofficial use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since the word "Glavlit" hints at "literature", the organization is often confused with Goskomizdat, which performed another type of censorship: it controlled the political content in fiction, poetry, etc.”
General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press - Wikipedia

Real Americans are left with the same way of providing truth as Soviet hostages, their citizens, were:


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.”
Samizdat - Wikipedia

This is no longer ‘it could happen,’ or ‘it will happen,’… did happen.

Reagan rescued the Russian people.

Who will rescue us?

I never thought I'd ever see this sort of thing in America.

you ever thought thousands of people infected with lies would invade the capitol building going after democratically elected law makers to murder them to end the democratic system?...

What lies?

that the election was fraudulent...
thats what all of this is about, fyi...

That's not a lie.
germans did regret allowing nazis to spread their lies through the means of media, under the pretense of "freedom of speech"...

we all know how that played out in history...

calls for violence are NOT "freedom of speech"...
So full of Bs and manipulation----the german people didn't allow the propaganda---the socialist nazis like the dem nazis took over the media claiming that everyone else the bad guys while they had their brown shirts racist hustler blm and violent criminals,drunks and druggies anti fa terrorize the nation with riots and burning while the liberal socialist media spewed lies and spun stories trying to smear all who stood up to them like their previous leader did then and Trump did now. We've seen this shit before----------the question is the american people going cave like the german people did as they cattle car one group after another to the gas chambers or are we going to rise up and fight back knowing there is a price to pay for freedom.

August 19th 1934: Some 90 percent of German voters approved a referendum that made Adolf Hitler “Führer und Reichskanzler” (“leader and chancellor”).

On March 12, 1938, Hitler’s troops rolled over the border from Germany, into Austria. This was the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria into Greater Germany. Three days later, Hitler entered Vienna, greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of up to one million people. A plebiscite was held in less than a month, 10 April 1938, and 99.7% of Austrians voted to join the Third Reich.

Nov 12, 1933 93.5% of German electorate (43,000,000) voted in favor of Nazi policies.

Based on history, I don't believe the Nazis had to rig their election, as the modern Nazis did this one.
you are a zombie...
I swear, dead serious: The last few days, I've found myself starting to think this is all a big joke. They've gotta be kidding.

But then I remember what happened Wednesday.

So I just sit there, and I don't have words.

this is where the music stops i guess... :)

You took quite a beating in this thread.....I hope you learned a lesson about honesty.

But you did hook up with another lying windbag, so it wasn't a total loss.
you are a zombie...
I swear, dead serious: The last few days, I've found myself starting to think this is all a big joke. They've gotta be kidding.

But then I remember what happened Wednesday.

So I just sit there, and I don't have words.

this is where the music stops i guess... :)

You took quite a beating in this thread.....I hope you learned a lesson about honesty.

But you did hook up with another lying windbag, so it wasn't a total loss.

only in your wet dreams... :)
A passage from Daniel Silva’s novel, ‘The Unlikely Spy:’ See if it strikes a chord…..

"Hitler changed all of that. Hitler believed in the rule of men, not the rule of law. Within months of taking power he turned Germany's entire judicial system upside down.
Führergewalt. - Führer power- became the absolute law of the land, and Hitler's every maniacal whim was immediately translated into codes and regulations.

Vogel remembered some of the ridiculous maxims coined by the architects of Hitler's legal overhaul of Germany: 'Law is what is useful to the German people! Law must be interpreted through healthy folk emotions!
When the normal judiciary stood in their way the Nazis established their own courts- Volksgerichtshof, the People's Courts. October 1933, when 10,000 lawyers stood on the steps of the Reichsgericht in Leipzig, arms raised in the Nazi salute, and swore 'to follow the course of the Führer to the end of our days.'"

Throughout this thread there have been example of Democrats essentially with "arms raised in the Nazi salute, and swore 'to follow the course of the Führer to the end of our days.'"
you are a zombie...
I swear, dead serious: The last few days, I've found myself starting to think this is all a big joke. They've gotta be kidding.

But then I remember what happened Wednesday.

So I just sit there, and I don't have words.

this is where the music stops i guess... :)

You took quite a beating in this thread.....I hope you learned a lesson about honesty.

But you did hook up with another lying windbag, so it wasn't a total loss.

only in your wet dreams... :)

Let's leave that determination up to readers of our individual posts.
you are a zombie...
I swear, dead serious: The last few days, I've found myself starting to think this is all a big joke. They've gotta be kidding.

But then I remember what happened Wednesday.

So I just sit there, and I don't have words.

this is where the music stops i guess... :)

You took quite a beating in this thread.....I hope you learned a lesson about honesty.

But you did hook up with another lying windbag, so it wasn't a total loss.

only in your wet dreams... :)

Let's leave that determination up to readers of our individual posts.

yes, so they can see pages of your copy paste...
which was boring to be honest...
but at least you werent that rude...
so i give you 3 stars... :)
you are a zombie...
I swear, dead serious: The last few days, I've found myself starting to think this is all a big joke. They've gotta be kidding.

But then I remember what happened Wednesday.

So I just sit there, and I don't have words.

this is where the music stops i guess... :)

You took quite a beating in this thread.....I hope you learned a lesson about honesty.

But you did hook up with another lying windbag, so it wasn't a total loss.

only in your wet dreams... :)

Let's leave that determination up to readers of our individual posts.
He got his ass whipped.
you are a zombie...
I swear, dead serious: The last few days, I've found myself starting to think this is all a big joke. They've gotta be kidding.

But then I remember what happened Wednesday.

So I just sit there, and I don't have words.

this is where the music stops i guess... :)

You took quite a beating in this thread.....I hope you learned a lesson about honesty.

But you did hook up with another lying windbag, so it wasn't a total loss.

only in your wet dreams... :)

Let's leave that determination up to readers of our individual posts.

yes, so they can see pages of your copy paste...
which was boring to be honest...
but at least you werent that rude...
so i give you 3 stars... :)
Yes, she's always polite, even to turds like you who don't deserve it.
you are a zombie...
I swear, dead serious: The last few days, I've found myself starting to think this is all a big joke. They've gotta be kidding.

But then I remember what happened Wednesday.

So I just sit there, and I don't have words.

this is where the music stops i guess... :)

You took quite a beating in this thread.....I hope you learned a lesson about honesty.

But you did hook up with another lying windbag, so it wasn't a total loss.

only in your wet dreams... :)

Let's leave that determination up to readers of our individual posts.

yes, so they can see pages of your copy paste...
which was boring to be honest...
but at least you werent that rude...
so i give you 3 stars... :)
Yes, she's always polite, even to turds like you who don't deserve it.

and you are a low life chauvinist piece of shit...
you can go as low as using abusive language regarding peoples family members...
i dont know what she would have anything common with you really...
only in your wet dreams...
It's very important to people like this to "feel" like they "beat" you in a conversation.

As if there is some kind of objective scoreboard hanging on the walls of each thread.

It's a self esteem thing. Just look at the self esteem issues of the man they adore.
you are a zombie...
I swear, dead serious: The last few days, I've found myself starting to think this is all a big joke. They've gotta be kidding.

But then I remember what happened Wednesday.

So I just sit there, and I don't have words.

this is where the music stops i guess... :)

You took quite a beating in this thread.....I hope you learned a lesson about honesty.

But you did hook up with another lying windbag, so it wasn't a total loss.

only in your wet dreams... :)

Let's leave that determination up to readers of our individual posts.

yes, so they can see pages of your copy paste...
which was boring to be honest...
but at least you werent that rude...
so i give you 3 stars... :)
Yes, she's always polite, even to turds like you who don't deserve it.

and you are a low life chauvinist piece of shit...
you can go as low as using abusive language regarding peoples family members...
i dont know what she would have anything common with you really...
When did I do that?
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

It won't be dark for long.

The flames will provide plenty of light.
you are a zombie...
I swear, dead serious: The last few days, I've found myself starting to think this is all a big joke. They've gotta be kidding.

But then I remember what happened Wednesday.

So I just sit there, and I don't have words.

this is where the music stops i guess... :)

You took quite a beating in this thread.....I hope you learned a lesson about honesty.

But you did hook up with another lying windbag, so it wasn't a total loss.

only in your wet dreams... :)

Let's leave that determination up to readers of our individual posts.

yes, so they can see pages of your copy paste...
which was boring to be honest...
but at least you werent that rude...
so i give you 3 stars... :)

"Copy and Paste" is the excuse of the less educated who can't document their posts as effortlessly as I do.

The pattern lie, I correct the lies, and you whine 'copy and paste.'
only in your wet dreams...
It's very important to people like this to "feel" like they "beat" you in a conversation.

As if there is some kind of objective scoreboard hanging on the walls of each thread.

It's a self esteem thing. Just look at the self esteem issues of the man they adore.

But I did 'beat' him, just as I do you on a daily basis.
America under the reign of the Brown Shirts.

1.One of the finest and most American political campaigns centered on this “Morning In America” vid:

It was filled with a good, an inspiring, feeling about the future of our nation, and all…..ALL….of our people.

2. The political power today, the Good Germans of the Democrat Party are imposing the political version of ethnic cleansing.

“ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

View attachment 440038

3. While Republican Reagan and Republican Trump served America by advancing prosperity and historically low unemployment for every group, minority and majority, the Democrat mantra is ‘Revenge!!!”

Revenge for having a different political perspective.

4. One party, the best motives for people, the other the same sort found in every totalitarian iteration. The former based on lower taxes and working people keeping more of the fruits of their own labor, the other with it’s hobnail boot on the necks of any who don’t kneel before their pronouncements.

View attachment 440033

We have one party that aims for prosperity, and another that demands conformity.

Prepare for the Dark Ages ahead.

It won't be dark for long.

The flames will provide plenty of light.

That's scary.

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