Most dangerous states

See, someone like you should never own, possess or have in their custody or control a firearm. Telling someone to "go fuck yourself", simply because my thoughtful opinions challenge your emotions, is a sign of pathological anger. When that anger reaches rage, we see the mass murder of strangers.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a mental health problem as can be seen by some of the international gun studies on murder. Until we can figure out how to protect the civil rights of every potential gun owner, a rational policy is to make every person who wants to own, possess, etc. a gun to be licensed, said license to be denied, suspended or revoked for antisocial behaviors (DUI, DV, Battery, Terrorist Threats, Stalking, Rape, Robbery and any civil finding that a person is a danger to themselves or others).

Except we know that won't work.

This guy went through three background checks, his guns were licensed and registered.

He made threats, they were reported to the police, the police even made contact with him.

And that did...(wait for it)...absolutely nothing.

Police KNEW about virgin killer Elliot Rodger's videos before apartment search | Mail Online

One hundred million gun owners will have to jump through hoops, a massive bureaucracy will be created and the gun grabbers get what they always wanted, a national firearm confiscation list.

In exchange for the same results we saw in the California Virgin mass murder.

Thanks but no thanks.

The idea that no solution exists ...

The solution is that we attack the problem. If you commit a violent crime you do the entire sentence.

We had mandatory sentencing for marijuana, and when they got busted they stayed in jail.

But we release violent offenders with alarming regularity.

"The average Illinois murder sentence is 33 years, but the average murderer serves 10.3 years, counting any pre-conviction time spent in jail. The average Illinois sentence for aggravated criminal sexual assault is 11.7 years, but the average person convicted of that crime is released in 4.1 years."
Doing Real Time - Chicago Tribune

According to this PBS article, the average murderer serves 71 months in prison. (71 months = 5.9 years)

You want a solution? Keep the violent predators off our streets. Will it cost money? Sure it will.
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Except we know that won't work.

This guy went through three background checks, his guns were licensed and registered.

He made threats, they were reported to the police, the police even made contact with him.

And that did...(wait for it)...absolutely nothing.

Police KNEW about virgin killer Elliot Rodger's videos before apartment search | Mail Online

One hundred million gun owners will have to jump through hoops, a massive bureaucracy will be created and the gun grabbers get what they always wanted, a national firearm confiscation list.

In exchange for the same results we saw in the California Virgin mass murder.

Thanks but no thanks.

The idea that no solution exists ...

The solution is that we attack the problem. If you commit a violent crime you do the entire sentence.

We had mandatory sentencing for marijuana, and when they got busted they stayed in jail.

But we release violent offenders with alarming regularity.

"The average Illinois murder sentence is 33 years, but the average murderer serves 10.3 years, counting any pre-conviction time spent in jail. The average Illinois sentence for aggravated criminal sexual assault is 11.7 years, but the average person convicted of that crime is released in 4.1 years."
Doing Real Time - Chicago Tribune

According to this PBS article, the average murderer serves 71 months in prison. (71 months = 5.9 years)
Match The Crime To The Time | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS

You want a solution? Keep the violent predators off our streets. Will it cost money? Sure it will.

A single police officer in an urban setting earns plus or minus $80,000 a year and after 30 years receives a retirement of 90% his or her annual salary + medical for life (I know, cause I have such a retirement).

Gee, so when some mentally ill person murders two dozen five year olds we simply let justice work, and if he or she doesn't kill him/her self we put them in prison at taxpayer expense. Great idea. Oh, wait, we do that now, and those committed to the death sentence not only get room, board and medical care for two or more decades, but a court appointed attorney paid $$$$ by the taxpayer too to find a reason for the perp to get a new trial.
The idea that no solution exists ...

The solution is that we attack the problem. If you commit a violent crime you do the entire sentence.

We had mandatory sentencing for marijuana, and when they got busted they stayed in jail.

But we release violent offenders with alarming regularity.

"The average Illinois murder sentence is 33 years, but the average murderer serves 10.3 years, counting any pre-conviction time spent in jail. The average Illinois sentence for aggravated criminal sexual assault is 11.7 years, but the average person convicted of that crime is released in 4.1 years."
Doing Real Time - Chicago Tribune

According to this PBS article, the average murderer serves 71 months in prison. (71 months = 5.9 years)
Match The Crime To The Time | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS

You want a solution? Keep the violent predators off our streets. Will it cost money? Sure it will.

A single police officer in an urban setting earns plus or minus $80,000 a year and after 30 years receives a retirement of 90% his or her annual salary + medical for life (I know, cause I have such a retirement).

Gee, so when some mentally ill person murders two dozen five year olds we simply let justice work, and if he or she doesn't kill him/her self we put them in prison at taxpayer expense. Great idea. Oh, wait, we do that now, and those committed to the death sentence not only get room, board and medical care for two or more decades, but a court appointed attorney paid $$$$ by the taxpayer too to find a reason for the perp to get a new trial.

You want absolute safety? You want guarantees that there will be no murders? Good luck with that. A free society is never going to be 100% safe.

And do you really believe that you can disarm the entire population? Really? So you think the criminals will turn in their guns? Or just the people you didn't need tow orry about anyway?
The idea that no solution to gun violence exists, and in this lies their strength.

Who benefits ? Follow the money!

WE THE PEOPLE benefit when we can shoot back at Mayor Daleys leg breakers and other Dimbocraps shylocks.

Go fuck yourself

See, someone like you should never own, possess or have in their custody or control a firearm.

And the fascist asserts that he should be able to simply suspend my Constitutional rights.

If you don't like it why don't you move to North Korea and live a life of perfect safety, fucking liar?
See, someone like you should never own, possess or have in their custody or control a firearm. Telling someone to "go fuck yourself", simply because my thoughtful opinions challenge your emotions, is a sign of pathological anger. When that anger reaches rage, we see the mass murder of strangers.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a mental health problem as can be seen by some of the international gun studies on murder. Until we can figure out how to protect the civil rights of every potential gun owner, a rational policy is to make every person who wants to own, possess, etc. a gun to be licensed, said license to be denied, suspended or revoked for antisocial behaviors (DUI, DV, Battery, Terrorist Threats, Stalking, Rape, Robbery and any civil finding that a person is a danger to themselves or others).

Except we know that won't work.

This guy went through three background checks, his guns were licensed and registered.

He made threats, they were reported to the police, the police even made contact with him.

And that did...(wait for it)...absolutely nothing.

Police KNEW about virgin killer Elliot Rodger's videos before apartment search | Mail Online

One hundred million gun owners will have to jump through hoops, a massive bureaucracy will be created and the gun grabbers get what they always wanted, a national firearm confiscation list.

In exchange for the same results we saw in the California Virgin mass murder.

Thanks but no thanks.

The idea that no solution exists ...

A solution exists; you cock sucking fascists need to mind you own god damned business, you fucking Nazi.

Every 'solution' you fascists come up with either increases government power or diminishes our freedoms or BOTH.

There was one school shooting in the 60's, 28 or so in the 80's and over 50 in 90's. In the 60's every kid had easy access to a gun and discharged them with regularity. What changed?

Your premise seems to be offered sans any evidence. What evidence do you have that, " In the 60's every kid had easy access to a gun and discharged them with regularity."?

Since I was born in 1947, I was a kid until 1965 and my experience is very much different. I ran with a number of different groups - jocks, surfers, musicians, greasers and never saw a gun in any setting other than at the shooting range at Sharps Park.

And that is exactly the point! Of course you didn't see guys running around with guns. It didn't become an issue until society started breaking down at the family level, but a lot of folks had them at home.
Which Is the Most Dangerous State? An Interactive Map | Rolling Stone

Interactive map of the US, showing where the most shootings are as opposed to gun laws.


Nice try.....Here's a math lesson for you......If a state with 600,000 population (Wyoming or Vermont has 10 murders by firearm in a year, that is 16 murders by gun for every 100,000 people.....If a state such as New Jersey with a population of 8.4 million has 100 murders TEN times more, that only 11.7 per 100,000 population......
So to compare a small state with a large state is impossible. The parameters are not the same. The survey is therefore invalid....Everyone with more than two brain cells that work knows most deaths by gun are committed in urban centers. So if a state such as Pennsylvania or Texas which are majority rural has a high murder rate, there is a strong likelihood that but for the existence of those urban population centers, that states murder rate would be MUCH lower..
You can cut the bullshit now.....Your attempt to prove a point worked...You proved that you are a superficial reactionary individual who does do a whole bunch of thinking.


Gun laws make no difference...

One data point and you make such a broad conclusion? You're kidding, right?

Please elaborate on your perception of strict gun laws laws and the results said laws would produce.
Use you OWN words. Do not post links to statistics. Do not post links to opinion pieces....
The purpose of this query is to elicit a response of your making.
This fixation with mass shootings amazes me.

They account for around 1% of the murders every year, and yet they are the focus of most of the gun control attempts.

Why? Because these shootings get the white-bread wealthy people and make ordinary citizens feel unsafe. Can't have that.

As long as the sheeple think they are safe if they stay out of the ghettos, no gun control legislation will pass. That is why they ignore 99% of the gun related murders.

But let the masses think that going to the mall or a movie theater is dangerous and the 2nd Amendment goes out the window.

If you take the annual averages of 11k gun murders and 19k gun suicides, the 100 mass shootings doesn't seem so bad.

Since January 2009 there have been around 60,000 gun related murders.

Since January 2009 there have been around 104,500 gun related suicides.

Also, I noticed that the link used mostly percentages to make their point. "63% more deaths!" So the numbers could actually be low, compared to other violent crimes, but the 63% increase sounds ominous. If a city had 5 murders one year, and 8 the next, that is a 60% increase. But for a large city it is a ridiculously low number.

Most of those suicides are white guys in Red States. I've posted those statistics before. Perhaps they realize what their party has done to the country and how it ruined their lives. No one kills themselves for fun.

lol, libtards just cannot avoid bringing race into EVERY discussion, roflmao

libtards are racists to the core of their psyche

You don't seriously think it's Democrats writing the endless "blacks are inferior" threads at the USMB do you. No one is that stupid.
The solution is that we attack the problem. If you commit a violent crime you do the entire sentence.

We had mandatory sentencing for marijuana, and when they got busted they stayed in jail.

But we release violent offenders with alarming regularity.

"The average Illinois murder sentence is 33 years, but the average murderer serves 10.3 years, counting any pre-conviction time spent in jail. The average Illinois sentence for aggravated criminal sexual assault is 11.7 years, but the average person convicted of that crime is released in 4.1 years."
Doing Real Time - Chicago Tribune

According to this PBS article, the average murderer serves 71 months in prison. (71 months = 5.9 years)
Match The Crime To The Time | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS

You want a solution? Keep the violent predators off our streets. Will it cost money? Sure it will.

A single police officer in an urban setting earns plus or minus $80,000 a year and after 30 years receives a retirement of 90% his or her annual salary + medical for life (I know, cause I have such a retirement).

Gee, so when some mentally ill person murders two dozen five year olds we simply let justice work, and if he or she doesn't kill him/her self we put them in prison at taxpayer expense. Great idea. Oh, wait, we do that now, and those committed to the death sentence not only get room, board and medical care for two or more decades, but a court appointed attorney paid $$$$ by the taxpayer too to find a reason for the perp to get a new trial.

You want absolute safety? You want guarantees that there will be no murders? Good luck with that. A free society is never going to be 100% safe.

And do you really believe that you can disarm the entire population? Really? So you think the criminals will turn in their guns? Or just the people you didn't need tow orry about anyway?

Never did I suggest I wanted absolute safety or a guarantee there will be no murders; I know a free society is never going to be 100% safe. I also recognize a straw man argument when I read one.

Nor do I advocate the disarmament of an entire population, again you offer another logical fallacy! I don't think criminals will turn in their guns, and I do know criminals can acquire guns easily in 21st C. America.

I want an open dialogue seeking solutions to the problem of gun violence in our country - I have no other agenda.
A single police officer in an urban setting earns plus or minus $80,000 a year and after 30 years receives a retirement of 90% his or her annual salary + medical for life (I know, cause I have such a retirement).

Gee, so when some mentally ill person murders two dozen five year olds we simply let justice work, and if he or she doesn't kill him/her self we put them in prison at taxpayer expense. Great idea. Oh, wait, we do that now, and those committed to the death sentence not only get room, board and medical care for two or more decades, but a court appointed attorney paid $$$$ by the taxpayer too to find a reason for the perp to get a new trial.

You want absolute safety? You want guarantees that there will be no murders? Good luck with that. A free society is never going to be 100% safe.

And do you really believe that you can disarm the entire population? Really? So you think the criminals will turn in their guns? Or just the people you didn't need tow orry about anyway?

Never did I suggest I wanted absolute safety or a guarantee there will be no murders; I know a free society is never going to be 100% safe. I also recognize a straw man argument when I read one.

Nor do I advocate the disarmament of an entire population, again you offer another logical fallacy! I don't think criminals will turn in their guns, and I do know criminals can acquire guns easily in 21st C. America.

I want an open dialogue seeking solutions to the problem of gun violence in our country - I have no other agenda.

Who cant love when the California guy chimes in on this topic? 90% of the state is a Jonestown.:D:D:2up: The socialist experiment state.......and hows that turning out??!!!:fu::fu:
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Which Is the Most Dangerous State? An Interactive Map | Rolling Stone

Interactive map of the US, showing where the most shootings are as opposed to gun laws.


Nice try.....Here's a math lesson for you......If a state with 600,000 population (Wyoming or Vermont has 10 murders by firearm in a year, that is 16 murders by gun for every 100,000 people.....If a state such as New Jersey with a population of 8.4 million has 100 murders TEN times more, that only 11.7 per 100,000 population......
So to compare a small state with a large state is impossible. The parameters are not the same. The survey is therefore invalid....Everyone with more than two brain cells that work knows most deaths by gun are committed in urban centers. So if a state such as Pennsylvania or Texas which are majority rural has a high murder rate, there is a strong likelihood that but for the existence of those urban population centers, that states murder rate would be MUCH lower..
You can cut the bullshit now.....Your attempt to prove a point worked...You proved that you are a superficial reactionary individual who does do a whole bunch of thinking.

Wow, someone seriously called Ludley a reactionary.

My head is still spinning.
Most of those suicides are white guys in Red States. I've posted those statistics before. Perhaps they realize what their party has done to the country and how it ruined their lives. No one kills themselves for fun.

lol, libtards just cannot avoid bringing race into EVERY discussion, roflmao

libtards are racists to the core of their psyche

You don't seriously think it's Democrats writing the endless "blacks are inferior" threads at the USMB do you. No one is that stupid.

Libtards are that stupid, they sure as hell are, as demonstrated by the fact that so many of them refuse to admit to a single HYPOTHETICAL situation that Obama could be impeached. Not even treason, taking bribes and targeting opposition leaders with wiretaps.

Yes, libtards have a long history of pretending to be conservatives, or Tea Party members and spouting the most vile racism. A racism that demonstrate yourself by pointlessly bringing race into an unrelated topic, you fucking cretin.
A single police officer in an urban setting earns plus or minus $80,000 a year and after 30 years receives a retirement of 90% his or her annual salary + medical for life (I know, cause I have such a retirement).

Gee, so when some mentally ill person murders two dozen five year olds we simply let justice work, and if he or she doesn't kill him/her self we put them in prison at taxpayer expense. Great idea. Oh, wait, we do that now, and those committed to the death sentence not only get room, board and medical care for two or more decades, but a court appointed attorney paid $$$$ by the taxpayer too to find a reason for the perp to get a new trial.

You want absolute safety? You want guarantees that there will be no murders? Good luck with that. A free society is never going to be 100% safe.

And do you really believe that you can disarm the entire population? Really? So you think the criminals will turn in their guns? Or just the people you didn't need tow orry about anyway?

Never did I suggest I wanted absolute safety or a guarantee there will be no murders; I know a free society is never going to be 100% safe. I also recognize a straw man argument when I read one.

Yeah, but what a shame you cant recognize a Stupid Ass Argument when YOU make one.

lol, libtards just cannot avoid bringing race into EVERY discussion, roflmao

libtards are racists to the core of their psyche

You don't seriously think it's Democrats writing the endless "blacks are inferior" threads at the USMB do you. No one is that stupid.

Libtards are that stupid, they sure as hell are, as demonstrated by the fact that so many of them refuse to admit to a single HYPOTHETICAL situation that Obama could be impeached. Not even treason, taking bribes and targeting opposition leaders with wiretaps.

Yes, libtards have a long history of pretending to be conservatives, or Tea Party members and spouting the most vile racism. A racism that demonstrate yourself by pointlessly bringing race into an unrelated topic, you fucking cretin.

Treason? Wire Taps? Taking Bribes? What the fuck are you talking about?
You don't seriously think it's Democrats writing the endless "blacks are inferior" threads at the USMB do you. No one is that stupid.

Libtards are that stupid, they sure as hell are, as demonstrated by the fact that so many of them refuse to admit to a single HYPOTHETICAL situation that Obama could be impeached. Not even treason, taking bribes and targeting opposition leaders with wiretaps.

Yes, libtards have a long history of pretending to be conservatives, or Tea Party members and spouting the most vile racism. A racism that demonstrate yourself by pointlessly bringing race into an unrelated topic, you fucking cretin.

Treason? Wire Taps? Taking Bribes? What the fuck are you talking about?

Lol, can't you read?

Talking about HYPOTHETICAL situations.

Even these would not be enough to get some libtards to vote to impeach Obama; he's your dictator and that makes him a good dictator.
Most of those suicides are white guys in Red States. I've posted those statistics before. Perhaps they realize what their party has done to the country and how it ruined their lives. No one kills themselves for fun.

lol, libtards just cannot avoid bringing race into EVERY discussion, roflmao

libtards are racists to the core of their psyche

You don't seriously think it's Democrats writing the endless "blacks are inferior" threads at the USMB do you. No one is that stupid.

I think hes referring to the endless "white people are racist" threads. Liberals love calling white people racist. Youre one of those fucktards, coincidentally.
Oh brother, Rolling Stone is being cited. Freaking terrific.

Sure, you can isolate one variable and relate it to another but the more interesting question is to look at multiple variables and find the best predictor of homicide rates.

Here are 6 factors. Notice that gun ownership rate is the first one they look at. Also included is wealth inequality (after gun ownership rates, this is the 2nd most popular go-to explanation that liberals love to glom onto). Look though at the factor that is highlighted. Compare to the other factors.

So if you're an outsider to a community and you want to get a handle on the risk of firearm death that you're going to face, there is one factor which stands above others that you should really consider before you buy your house in that city.


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