Most Hollywood Films Are Filmed Outside the US to Avoid Paying Taxes

There is nothing wrong with following the tax code.

If the Dems don't like the tax code, they should chage it, but if you don't want to pay more in taxes than you legally owe, how can that be "bad"?

If you think you should pay more, you can pay whatever you like. There is no maximum tax, only a minimum tax.

False argument. The problem with america is that no one wants to pay taxes, everyone wants someone else to pay taxes for them.
I wrecked his stupid position and you fly to the rescue by changing subjects.


You didn't wreck anything. California has about a fifth of all corporations headquartered in it's state. California has a lot to offer business.

California is a good example. It is a state burdened with a high tax rate, significant regulation and extreme housing costs. It is the type of place that you would think would lose business. But instead, California is winning at creating public companies. This may be because it already has a significant base of growth companies attracting yet more people to feed off the infrastructure and then create yet more new, big companies. Similar arguments can be made about Massachusetts and the natural network that its biotechnology companies and universities create.

Alabama can't compete.
Your post ignores the point of this thread. Congrats on your newfound idiotdom

It does? The point of this thread is trying to say that California's taxes are too high and using the film industry as an example. My article disproves that.

You act as if movies are not made in other states lol. The point of the thread is they leave THE COUNTRY too much. Sometimes it's obviously necessary for the movie but more often than not it isn't necessary to the story so it becomes a financial decision.

Now spin another good yarn

They are made in other states. Often states cut their taxes to court the film industry and California has done the same. What percentage does that have to do with the need to shoot on location? I don't know, you don't seem to know. So, I'll go with the larger argument that California actually attracts business and has the right environment to create new business. Much more than other states.

If there is one thing California is not doing it is hurting for business.

I think he knows full well he was bested here.
There is nothing wrong with following the tax code.

If the Dems don't like the tax code, they should chage it, but if you don't want to pay more in taxes than you legally owe, how can that be "bad"?

If you think you should pay more, you can pay whatever you like. There is no maximum tax, only a minimum tax.

False argument. The problem with america is that no one wants to pay taxes, everyone wants someone else to pay taxes for them.

Derp. Nope.

Hillary says the rich should pay their fair share. Trump is being villified for not paying more in taxes than he was legally obliged to do.

Hillary can pay her fair share, she is rich. She should follow her own lead.
There is nothing wrong with following the tax code.

If the Dems don't like the tax code, they should chage it, but if you don't want to pay more in taxes than you legally owe, how can that be "bad"?

If you think you should pay more, you can pay whatever you like. There is no maximum tax, only a minimum tax.

False argument. The problem with america is that no one wants to pay taxes, everyone wants someone else to pay taxes for them.

Derp. Nope.

Hillary says the rich should pay their fair share. Trump is being villified for not paying more in taxes than he was legally obliged to do.

Hillary can pay her fair share, she is rich. She should follow her own lead.

Sure son, that slant is about as old as the "love-it-r-leave-it" tripe whenever someone points out a societal issue. The american economy is rigged, unsustainable as is, and everyone knows it. You can take your partisanshit somewhere else, it's the entire system.
And many States, including leftist Calif, offer huge tax breaks for those that are filmed here.

When will the Hollywood elite start paying their fair share?

First of all, if what you say about California is true, then your thread makes no sense.

Second, if your claim is that "most" U.S. films are shot elsewhere, I'm sure you can provide the source of your information.

It's true.

Incentives - California Film Commission

Tax breaks does not mean tax free.

Oh, I knew about the tax breaks. Given what a huge segment of the economy the studios comprise, that only makes sense.

What's making me smile is the disconnect between that and the claim that "most movies are shot somewhere else to avoid taxes."

First of all, Weatherman needs to back his claim about "most" with actual data. He undoubtedly can't, because he doesn't even know that the main reason films and TV are shot in places like Vancouver are to avoid paying U.S. unions...something one would thing the Tighty Righties would be dancing with joy about. But they're so desperate to cover up for Precious Donny that they're flailing around for anything they think comprises an example.

This isn't it.
Lol yeah right!

This is something that's been going on for years. I don't appreciate rich people getting away with not paying their fair share of taxes, regardless of how socially liberal they are.
You could solve that problem by making the taxes, you know, competitive with the rest of the modern world. Or continue whining about tax dodgers.
One will net you an influx of cash while the other will net you a pacifier

Maybe we can get into a healthcare system, you know, competitive with the rest of the modern world as well.
I wrecked his stupid position and you fly to the rescue by changing subjects.


You didn't wreck anything. California has about a fifth of all corporations headquartered in it's state. California has a lot to offer business.

California is a good example. It is a state burdened with a high tax rate, significant regulation and extreme housing costs. It is the type of place that you would think would lose business. But instead, California is winning at creating public companies. This may be because it already has a significant base of growth companies attracting yet more people to feed off the infrastructure and then create yet more new, big companies. Similar arguments can be made about Massachusetts and the natural network that its biotechnology companies and universities create.

Alabama can't compete.
Unemployment is 5.50, it's 4.90 nationwide.
And many States, including leftist Calif, offer huge tax breaks for those that are filmed here.

When will the Hollywood elite start paying their fair share?

First of all, if what you say about California is true, then your thread makes no sense.

Second, if your claim is that "most" U.S. films are shot elsewhere, I'm sure you can provide the source of your information.

It's true.

Incentives - California Film Commission

Tax breaks does not mean tax free.

Oh, I knew about the tax breaks. Given what a huge segment of the economy the studios comprise, that only makes sense.

What's making me smile is the disconnect between that and the claim that "most movies are shot somewhere else to avoid taxes."

First of all, Weatherman needs to back his claim about "most" with actual data. He undoubtedly can't, because he doesn't even know that the main reason films and TV are shot in places like Vancouver are to avoid paying U.S. unions...something one would thing the Tighty Righties would be dancing with joy about. But they're so desperate to cover up for Precious Donny that they're flailing around for anything they think comprises an example.

This isn't it.
This is 2012, even more now.
The highest-grossing movies worldwide tend to be those produced in the United States, which are increasingly being filmed in locations outside the US. Movies that are produced in the US are mainly filmed in the Los Angeles or New York City areas, but half of the 50 most popular US movies in 2012 were filmed at least partly in other countries.

Where Are Most Movies Filmed?
This is something that's been going on for years. I don't appreciate rich people getting away with not paying their fair share of taxes, regardless of how socially liberal they are.
You could solve that problem by making the taxes, you know, competitive with the rest of the modern world. Or continue whining about tax dodgers.
One will net you an influx of cash while the other will net you a pacifier

Maybe we can get into a healthcare system, you know, competitive with the rest of the modern world as well.
I wrecked his stupid position and you fly to the rescue by changing subjects.


You didn't wreck anything. California has about a fifth of all corporations headquartered in it's state. California has a lot to offer business.

California is a good example. It is a state burdened with a high tax rate, significant regulation and extreme housing costs. It is the type of place that you would think would lose business. But instead, California is winning at creating public companies. This may be because it already has a significant base of growth companies attracting yet more people to feed off the infrastructure and then create yet more new, big companies. Similar arguments can be made about Massachusetts and the natural network that its biotechnology companies and universities create.

Alabama can't compete.
Unemployment is 5.50, it's 4.90 nationwide.

California was hit really hard in the recession and has the most ground to catch up. Last year the state is created more jobs than any other state, a lot more jobs. Let's also not forget that California is the 6th largest global economy and a cash cow for the country. Without California the country as a whole would be worse off. California offers technology, manufacturing, culture, agriculture and tourism. No state even comes close to everything California offers.

California Makes America's Economy Great

California last year created the most jobs of any state, 483,000, more than the second- and third-most-populous states Florida and Texas combined (they added 257,900 and 175,700) and at a faster rate than any of the world's developed economies. The pace of employment growth was almost triple the rate of job creation for the 19 countries that make up the euro zone and more than 3.5 times that of Japan, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The high taxes and ubiquitous regulation critics cite when assailing Golden State government are proving no impediment to business and investment. They may even be a benefit, as public policy and people's preferences converge. Four of the world's 10 largest companies are based in California. Two of them -- Alphabet and Facebook -- were conceived in the past 18 years. San Francisco-based Wells Fargo, the world's largest bank by market capitalization, routinely outperforms any of its peers from Wall Street.
And many States, including leftist Calif, offer huge tax breaks for those that are filmed here.

When will the Hollywood elite start paying their fair share?

First of all, if what you say about California is true, then your thread makes no sense.

Second, if your claim is that "most" U.S. films are shot elsewhere, I'm sure you can provide the source of your information.

It's true.

Incentives - California Film Commission

Tax breaks does not mean tax free.

Oh, I knew about the tax breaks. Given what a huge segment of the economy the studios comprise, that only makes sense.

What's making me smile is the disconnect between that and the claim that "most movies are shot somewhere else to avoid taxes."

First of all, Weatherman needs to back his claim about "most" with actual data. He undoubtedly can't, because he doesn't even know that the main reason films and TV are shot in places like Vancouver are to avoid paying U.S. unions...something one would thing the Tighty Righties would be dancing with joy about. But they're so desperate to cover up for Precious Donny that they're flailing around for anything they think comprises an example.

This isn't it.
This is 2012, even more now.
The highest-grossing movies worldwide tend to be those produced in the United States, which are increasingly being filmed in locations outside the US. Movies that are produced in the US are mainly filmed in the Los Angeles or New York City areas, but half of the 50 most popular US movies in 2012 were filmed at least partly in other countries.

Where Are Most Movies Filmed?

Brilliant. Yes, Indian films tend to be shot in India. With a population of 1.5+ billion, they have a bigger market for films than any other nation. So, no, it's not American films being shot in India; it's Indian films being shot in India.

As for location shoots, were you under the impression that they were a recent invention? Think again: Location shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or maybe think, period.

As a matter of fact, within a generation most films will probably be CGI. No need for locations or sound stages. You can shoot the next Transformers movie in your garage...if you get the investors.

Amazing how gullible some people are.
Brilliant. Yes, Indian films tend to be shot in India.
Proof? Links?
With a population of 1.5+ billion, they have a bigger market for films than any other nation.
You continue to make the most outrageous claims without a single link to back up your posts. Just because they have a large population doesn't mean that population has any interest in films. Show us some proof, chump. Links?
So, no, it's not American films being shot in India; it's Indian films being shot in India.
Proof? That's quite a claim and yet we don't see any links from you. Gee...I wonder why that is. Because you literally make up 99.999% of the stuff you say.
And many States, including leftist Calif, offer huge tax breaks for those that are filmed here.

When will the Hollywood elite start paying their fair share?
The Jungle Book was filmed entirely inside a Hollywood soundstage.


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