Mr Trump calls on President Putin to release dirt on Mr Biden's son Hunter

Colluding with Putin, while Putin is invading a sovereign country. The classic traitor Trump at it again.

Wrong on both accounts.
The word "colluding" implies criminal conduct, and coordinating, consulting, or cooperating with a foreign is NOT at all illegal.
The main thing that is illegal about meeting with a foreign representative when campaigning, is if one accepts campaign contributions, which did not happen.

And NO, Russia is NOT invading a sovereign nation. Russia is punishing criminal acts by a nation that was created by a 1992 treaty, that the Ukraine violated. Technically then that treaty is void and the Ukraine is no longer independent or sovereign.
Communication isn't illegal, but coordination most certainly is.

The last thing the US people want or need is a President who "owes favours" to a foreign government.

General Flynn tried to convince Trump to return a political leader from Turkey now living in the USA, back to Turkey to face Erdogan's kangaroo court. Why? Because General Flynn was working as an agent for the Turkish government when Trump hired him.

Donald Trump promoted Putin's lie that Russia invaded Afghanistan because of terrorist attacks on Russia being staged from Afghanistan. That was a lie.

This is why no one in US government should be receiving money or "favours" from foreign governments.

Is this what you call "America First"?

No, coordination is not illegal at all, as long as the coordinated acts are not illegal and not harmful to the US.
For example, Reagan getting Iran to not release hostages in return for illegal arms, involved 2 criminal acts.
But Trump asking for Russia to NOT retaliate for illegal economic sanctions by Obama, is not illegal or harmful, but a very good idea to do.

Flynn and the Turkish political leader depends on how it effects the US?

It is also NOT a lie that Afghanistan was staging terrorist attacks on Russia.
These attacks are well known and the Mujahideen publicly took credit.
It was not a lie.

There is nothing wrong with anyone in government receiving foreign favors as long they are public, earned, and not harmful to US interests.
But I agree it is safer for there to be no personal dealings.
Actually, just the opposite. Why doesn't Putin join NATO? Ah yes, because he's a controlling, murderous, dictator thug, and NATO threatens that.

This isn't about being wrong like Trump says, it's about being right. NATO interrupts the authoritarian desires that both of them have. The difference is, one already has it, and the other doesn't. If Trump could align with Putin, they would essentially be free to destroy Democracy totally. That's what this is all about. Only a blind man wouldn't see it.

Totally wrong.
NATO is a mob of the single most corrupt colonial imperialists in the whole world.
That is easily illustrated in how they allowed the USSR to fight Hitler almost entirely alone for years, and then claimed credit for the victory when they came in at the last minute for clean up.
The NATO countries have the most corrupt political history in the world, massacring innocents in India, the Philippines, Algeria, etc.
In contrast, Russia has no such imperialist or colonial history, and is about the single most honest world power.
And don't even get started about "democracy", since the US is about the single LEAST democratic country in the world.
Our election choices have been ridiculously bad.
To the point of our whole election process being incredibly evil.
I mean who could possibly defend Trump and Hillary being our 2 election choices?
That is totally absurd.
Anyone would have been better.
I would vote for Charlie Manson over these 2.

Yes but that eviction of Russian officials was not a good thing.
The DNC hacking was never pinned on anyone, and really could never be pinned on anyone.
And the hacking was a good thing because it revealed a fraud on the part of both Hillary and the DNC, to give out the debate questions ahead of time, but to only 1 of the debate candidates.
It was not illegal to reveal that, but was an incredibly positive civic duty.
Whoever did it should be rewarded.
Well there's a thoughtful and insightful post which displays the entire breadth and depth of your knowledge.

Deny on no evidence.
The truth doesn't need to be verbose. That's why you babble your nonsense incessantly.
A bunch of Trump goons pleading the Fifth, getting arrested and jailed, some in contempt, and many more to be questioned, puts it more on a macro level.

That is not appropriate.
When a fake legal issue is used to get people to have to testify on record, over private political negotiations, that is criminal extortion.
The whole FBI case against Flynn was that sort of extortion.
In fact, the FBI claiming it is illegal to lie to the FBI is in itself illegal.
Of course you can lie.
The 5th amendment ensures that.
If you committed a crime, you have the right against self incrimination.
If you have not committed a crime, you have the right of privacy.
The FBI is just one of the most criminal organizations since the Gestapo, Stasi, Tonton Macqoutes, etc.
Trump as PRESIDENT talked to Putin for hours without witnesses DUMBASS DUPE....Awful but lawful is the Trump way....mobbed up Manhattan Real Estate SCUMBAG DUH....You Trump Murdoch Putin Rogan are pure scum... politically in your case, dupe. Try reality
Cram it you commie clown
You forget also that they hated Zelinsky when he refused to lie about Trump when asked if any quid pro quo occurred, and he said no.

These lying SOBs are fickle.
Not too many Movies use the word " fickle " in their script.
I remember one in particular.
- Rivers Edge - { 1986 }.With a noteworthy role by Dennis Hopper.
He plays a recluse who lives in a cruddy wooden house who the locals
know can be bribed to sell some of his weed { Maijuana } stash.
He also likes to make love to a blow-up doll.The movie is disturbing
on many levels.When a fellow student is found at the Rivers edge ... Dead.
The bunch of high schoolers who found him are all pot heads and
look for ways to play hooky.They are so numbed they cannot act civilly
when confronted with a corpse.They just let it remain.
One of the kids likes to visit the corpse when getting high.
Hopper as the character - Feck - who makes an impression while
wielding his revolver and talks about killing a girl,once.
Plus he prefers his Beer in a Bottle.I think he used the word
Feckless and also Fickle a couple of times.
This was the same year he also portrayed the nasty bully
Frank Booth in - Blue Velvet -. Hopper had an impressive art collection.
Never be another like him.
Like can ya Dig it Man.
Totally wrong.
NATO is a mob of the single most corrupt colonial imperialists in the whole world.
That is easily illustrated in how they allowed the USSR to fight Hitler almost entirely alone for years, and then claimed credit for the victory when they came in at the last minute for clean up.
The NATO countries have the most corrupt political history in the world, massacring innocents in India, the Philippines, Algeria, etc.
In contrast, Russia has no such imperialist or colonial history, and is about the single most honest world power.
And don't even get started about "democracy", since the US is about the single LEAST democratic country in the world.
Our election choices have been ridiculously bad.
To the point of our whole election process being incredibly evil.
I mean who could possibly defend Trump and Hillary being our 2 election choices?
That is totally absurd.
Anyone would have been better.
I would vote for Charlie Manson over these 2.
You completely forgot the US and British were occupied with Japan and came on line in North Africa and Europe fairly early in the war. Russia did not assist against the Japanese until shortly before Japan surrendered.
You completely forgot the US and British were occupied with Japan and came on line in North Africa and Europe fairly early in the war. Russia did not assist against the Japanese until shortly before Japan surrendered.

I don't think the British did much of anything, and the US in the Pacific was mostly just the Navey, to gain control over the air. Then the Japanese ships could not get to the Japanese soldiers on islands, so the islands turned into effective POW camps. Why we went island hopping, is beyond me?

I don't think North Africa was very significant. And the US did not commit to it until it was also almost over.
The Battle of Kasserine Pass was a battle of the Tunisia Campaign of World War II that took place in February 1943. Kasserine Pass is a 2-mile-wide (3.2 km) gap in the Grand Dorsal chain of the Atlas Mountains in west central Tunisia.
like i said…after he said “cut it out” when he knew they were hacking and might have aided in the release of the emails highlighting the clinton camp and dnc corruption

sadly he did nothing when they invaded ukraine.

Zero evidence of any Russian involvement in the DNC hacking.
And whomever did it should get a medal.
Same with the Ukraine, in that the Russians should be applauded for punishing the crimes committed by the Ukraine.

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