Mueller's Indictments Lead Straight To The Podesta...and Bill and Hillary - The Bottom Line

Trump is busy defending Russia of course:

A member of President Trump’s personal legal team argued today that a Trump campaign adviser’s guilty plea of lying to the FBI about his communications with Russian nationals does not imply there was collusion between the 2016 campaign and Russia.

“There's no crime of collusion,” Jay Sekulow said on “Good Morning America” of George Papadopoulos, who admitted to making false statements and material omissions in January to investigators probing Russian interference in the 2016 election.

From March to August 2016, Papadopoulos, an adviser on foreign policy, had attempted to arrange a meeting between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.

A "campaign supervisor" encouraged Papadopoulos in August 2016 to make the trip himself for a meeting with Russian officials "if it is feasible,” according to the indictment document.
Where there's smoke, there's fire. Just a matter of time, so it seems.
for which indictment are you referring?
If you can't be bothered to read what the Grand Jury handed down, I can't help you.
I did, I want you to highlight the one that backs your shit. tick tock sweetie, what you got liar?
I have what the Grand Jury handed down, and the Trump advisor now working with the FBI. That is making the White House more than a little concerned.

Trump is busy defending the accused and convicted but Papadopoulos said a lot in his plea and the acts in indictment do NOT end "years ago" as Trump declares:

The indictment, however, stated that Manafort’s illegal acts lasted into early 2017.
Dude, really, take a breather. You aren't helping Trump.
This thread isn't about helping Trump. It is about pointing out the existing evidence that exposes the REAL Collusion and crimes committed by the Podestas, the Clintons, and even Mueller himself. An added benefit is exposing you as a troll attempting to hijack the htread with your continued unsubstantiated lies about non-existent Trump Collusion.

Take a breather? STFU - stop trying to hijack the thread with your lies. Put up or shut up. Considering Mueller has proven he has nothing - no evidence - after 1 year of multiple investigations, dozens of meetings, hundreds of man-hours, thousands of pages of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted - NOTHING.

The only evidence of criminal activity and collusion that exists is evidence against 'Fat Tony', John Podesta, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Eric holder, James Comey, Barak Oama, and Mueller himself.

Unless you provide any evidence to support your lies, consider yourself 'ignored'.
Your desperation to protect Trump by pointing the finger at others isn't helping. The others are in the clear so far while Trump is the Fat Orange target at the end of the Grand Jury shooting range. Whether he gets hit only time will tell. Now, breath.
again ghoul, what indictment implicates trump? you keep making this post and you have bumkis. Please stop wasting space on the board with your continued lies.
Where there's smoke, there's fire. Just a matter of time, so it seems.
for which indictment are you referring?
If you can't be bothered to read what the Grand Jury handed down, I can't help you.
I did, I want you to highlight the one that backs your shit. tick tock sweetie, what you got liar?
I have what the Grand Jury handed down, and the Trump advisor now working with the FBI. That is making the White House more than a little concerned.

Trump is busy defending the accused and convicted but Papadopoulos said a lot in his plea and the acts in indictment do NOT end "years ago" as Trump declares:

The indictment, however, stated that Manafort’s illegal acts lasted into early 2017.
huh? LOL wow, what book are you reading from?
for which indictment are you referring?
If you can't be bothered to read what the Grand Jury handed down, I can't help you.
I did, I want you to highlight the one that backs your shit. tick tock sweetie, what you got liar?
I have what the Grand Jury handed down, and the Trump advisor now working with the FBI. That is making the White House more than a little concerned.
and what the grand jury handed down does not implicate trump it instead implicates fat tony and his brother John. hmmmmm seems you got nothing. the other dude, wasn't part of the trump campaign. he wasn't on payroll. you should do a better job of research before typing on a message board. badda bing bitch.
Manafort didn't work for them he hired them, and several other PR firms. And then he hid the cash he made from the deals from the IRS. A very naughty boy and a friend of the Cheeto from Hell.
hahahahaahhahaaha which one is trump's?
Where there's smoke, there's fire. Just a matter of time, so it seems.
for which indictment are you referring?
If you can't be bothered to read what the Grand Jury handed down, I can't help you.
I did, I want you to highlight the one that backs your shit. tick tock sweetie, what you got liar?
I have what the Grand Jury handed down, and the Trump advisor now working with the FBI. That is making the White House more than a little concerned.

Trump is busy defending the accused and convicted but Papadopoulos said a lot in his plea and the acts in indictment do NOT end "years ago" as Trump declares:

The indictment, however, stated that Manafort’s illegal acts lasted into early 2017.
He's also getting kind of busy paying for all the legal bills. The lawyers are going to be able to retire on Trump's dime. Karma I guess.
Imagine if you will the following - The year is 1972 and G Gordon Liddy and his fellow thugs carry out the Watergate break in. The following year it becomes evident that the planning of this begins to point at none other than Richard Milhouse Nixon.

Nixon promptly blames it on his defeated political opponent George McGovern. "George paid the plumbers!" Nixon bellows as the noose tightens. Now imagine if his supporters had actually believed that and the conservative media bought into the talking point hook line and sinker.

Wouldn't have happened right? And if it had, even the most ardent Nixonians would never have attempted to float that turd. Wouldn't have happened because conservatives were smarter then. Intellectual conservatism has been rejected by fearful conspiracy theorist Bannonites. Trump is not a real conservative and neither are his disciples. They are unthinking Goobers who will follow this man straight over the cliff.

To Trump, truth is what you can get away with. And 20% or so of America is letting him. Sad

for which indictment are you referring?
If you can't be bothered to read what the Grand Jury handed down, I can't help you.
I did, I want you to highlight the one that backs your shit. tick tock sweetie, what you got liar?
I have what the Grand Jury handed down, and the Trump advisor now working with the FBI. That is making the White House more than a little concerned.

Trump is busy defending the accused and convicted but Papadopoulos said a lot in his plea and the acts in indictment do NOT end "years ago" as Trump declares:

The indictment, however, stated that Manafort’s illegal acts lasted into early 2017.
He's also getting kind of busy paying for all the legal bills. The lawyers are going to be able to retire on Trump's dime. Karma I guess.
and again, which indictment implicates trump? pandora is still waiting.
Imagine if you will the following - The year is 1972 and G Gordon Liddy and his fellow thugs carry out the Watergate break in. The following year it becomes evident that the planning of this begins to point at none other than Richard Milhouse Nixon.

Nixon promptly blames it on his defeated political opponent George McGovern. "George paid the plumbers!" Nixon bellows as the noose tightens. Now imagine if his supporters had actually believed that and the conservative media bought into the talking point hook line and sinker.

Wouldn't have happened right? And if it had, even the most ardent Nixonians would never have attempted to float that turd. Wouldn't have happened because conservatives were smarter then. Intellectual conservatism has been rejected by fearful conspiracy theorist Bannonites. Trump is not a real conservative and neither are his disciples. They are unthinking Goobers who will follow this man straight over the cliff.

To Trump, truth is what you can get away with. And 20% or so of America is letting him. Sad

hahahaahahahahaha I can't wait. dude, which indictment implicates trump? I'll sit back and wait to which you will never post it. Now that's fking funny!!!!! Nixon is closer to the hitlery, can you say fat tony?
If you can't be bothered to read what the Grand Jury handed down, I can't help you.
I did, I want you to highlight the one that backs your shit. tick tock sweetie, what you got liar?
I have what the Grand Jury handed down, and the Trump advisor now working with the FBI. That is making the White House more than a little concerned.

Trump is busy defending the accused and convicted but Papadopoulos said a lot in his plea and the acts in indictment do NOT end "years ago" as Trump declares:

The indictment, however, stated that Manafort’s illegal acts lasted into early 2017.
He's also getting kind of busy paying for all the legal bills. The lawyers are going to be able to retire on Trump's dime. Karma I guess.
and again, which indictment implicates trump? pandora is still waiting.
How many times must you be told there isn't one, yet?
To Trump, truth is what you can get away with. And 20% or so of America is letting him. Sad
Pushing 30% and you are dead on. Its post-truth world in Trumpland.
still waiting bumkis? what you got? are you afraid to post it? why is that, cause you got.....wait for it.... bumkis? Smart ass posts makes you what? a smart ass. there you go.
Hillary donates 10% of her income to charity.
What Charity?
The Clinton Foundation which has about a 95% overhead cost.

....... it's amaaaaaazing LOL
I did, I want you to highlight the one that backs your shit. tick tock sweetie, what you got liar?
I have what the Grand Jury handed down, and the Trump advisor now working with the FBI. That is making the White House more than a little concerned.

Trump is busy defending the accused and convicted but Papadopoulos said a lot in his plea and the acts in indictment do NOT end "years ago" as Trump declares:

The indictment, however, stated that Manafort’s illegal acts lasted into early 2017.
He's also getting kind of busy paying for all the legal bills. The lawyers are going to be able to retire on Trump's dime. Karma I guess.
and again, which indictment implicates trump? pandora is still waiting.
How many times must you be told there isn't one, yet?
there isn't? then why did you say there was? which is it?
I have what the Grand Jury handed down, and the Trump advisor now working with the FBI. That is making the White House more than a little concerned.

Trump is busy defending the accused and convicted but Papadopoulos said a lot in his plea and the acts in indictment do NOT end "years ago" as Trump declares:

The indictment, however, stated that Manafort’s illegal acts lasted into early 2017.
He's also getting kind of busy paying for all the legal bills. The lawyers are going to be able to retire on Trump's dime. Karma I guess.
and again, which indictment implicates trump? pandora is still waiting.
How many times must you be told there isn't one, yet?
there isn't? then why did you say there was? which is it?
I didn't.
Manafort didn't work for them he hired them...
You're such a PROVEN liar!

John Podesta co-founded the Podesta Group - as proven by evidence provided.

'Fat Tony' ran the Podesta Group, until yesterday, worked for the KGB Bank as an unregistered foreign agent, and he worked for the Russia Spy Ageny, as proven by evidence provided.

Manafort worked FOR the Podesta group, for Fat Tony and John. as evidence proves.

You still offer nothing but LIES and opinion.

Damn, you have absolutely NO SHAME and have PROVEN you can lie all day long to protect the real criminal colluders.
Manafort leads to 'Fat Tony P' Podesta
'Fat Tony P' Podesta leads to John Podesta
John Podesta leads to Bill and Hillary


Manafort and Richard Gates worked for 'Fat Tony P' as part of the Podesta Group.

The Lobbying firm is / was (until yesterday) was run by 'Fat Tony P'.

John Podesta co-founded the Podsta Group, a Washington Lobbying Firm...

John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager


It was known that 'Fat Tony P' was working for the KGB Bank, which so happens to have been the leading financier for the Russians' effort to buy Uranium One. 'Fat Tony' was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.
-- 'Fat Tony' just stepped down from his position as head of the Podesta group when it was reported Mueller was looking into his 'intimate' relationship with the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency.
-- 'Fat Tony P' was also illegally working as an UN-registered foreign agent for the KGB bank...while they were engaged in a widespread crime spree in the US leading up to the Uranium One sale, bribing, extorting, intimidating, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the uranium market which included buying Uranium One.

(Evidence that Mueller, as acting Director of the FBI, knew about this but never shared it with the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale. US AG Holder, sitting on the committee, also knew and never brought it up. Instead they let the sale go through.)

(Interesting how snowflakes froth at the mouth at the news 'Trump and his associates TALKED to Russians [which is not illegal] but don't bat an eyelash when it is reported 'Fat Tony' was working FOR the Russian KGB and their Spy Agency.)

Podesta Group Plays Key Role In Manafort Indictment
You’ll be saying the exact same thing two years from now, then 5 years from now. Your Clinton Derangement Syndrome is a life long endeavor.
Manafort didn't work for them he hired them...
You're such a PROVEN liar!

John Podesta co-founded the Podesta Group - as proven by evidence provided.

'Fat Tony' ran the Podesta Group, until yesterday, worked for the KGB Bank as an unregistered foreign agent, and he worked for the Russia Spy Ageny, as proven by evidence provided.

Manafort worked FOR the Podesta group, for Fat Tony and John. as evidence proves.

You still offer nothing but LIES and opinion.

Damn, you have absolutely NO SHAME and have PROVEN you can lie all day long to protect the real criminal colluders.
Manafort didn't work for them, they worked for him. He was the client.

Podesta Group one of the companies mentioned in Manafort indictment: report
Trump is busy defending the accused and convicted but Papadopoulos said a lot in his plea and the acts in indictment do NOT end "years ago" as Trump declares:

The indictment, however, stated that Manafort’s illegal acts lasted into early 2017.
He's also getting kind of busy paying for all the legal bills. The lawyers are going to be able to retire on Trump's dime. Karma I guess.
and again, which indictment implicates trump? pandora is still waiting.
How many times must you be told there isn't one, yet?
there isn't? then why did you say there was? which is it?
I didn't.
sure you did right here bumkis.

Your desperation must be exhausting. I think you need a safe space to recover before you need medical attention.
My kicking your ass with undeniable facts is what's exhausting for you.

Your continuing tirade of BS OPINION and inability to produce any actual evidence to support your lies is what is exhausting to you.

Either present evidence to support your lies or go away, troll.
The evidence is - Trump is in a panic because the Grand Jury just nailed two people formerly very close to him. And whoever this Gates fellow is.

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