Musk: "Woke Virus Killed My Son"


Gold Member

I admire his courage to oppposse that garbage. Well done Elon Musk.

this can happen to any of us or our children what happened to Musk and his son, that is horrifying

I admire his courage to oppposse that garbage. Well done Elon Musk.

this can happen to any of us or our children what happened to Musk and his son, that is horrifying

So Elon Musk can't deal with his transgender daughter, that's why he bought up X and turned it into a Nazi Sewer?
So Elon Musk can't deal with his transgender daughter, that's why he bought up X and turned it into a Nazi Sewer?
"you want a sex change? well time you start acting like it. your chores are now doubled and your allowance is cut in half."
This seems to be for you more about "hurting the normies" than anything else.

How are you normies hurt by a transgender person?

I'm 62 years old, I've met one transgender person in my life (that I know of) and at the time, she wasn't out. (This person was the cousin of IL's current governor, who was in the IL-ARNG at the same time I was.)
How are you normies hurt by a transgender person?

I'm 62 years old, I've met one transgender person in my life (that I know of) and at the time, she wasn't out. (This person was the cousin of IL's current governor, who was in the IL-ARNG at the same time I was.)

Society is hurt by mutilating and drugging youth trying to give them something they can never have. It's just another example of the descent of our society into a clusterfuck.

I've known of several, and all of them had mental issues beyond and above thinking they are the wrong sex.

And you don't even have to know one, look at that Jazz kid, who's now an adult. It's sad and pathetic.
Elon's toxicity killed his relationship with his son.
There are many well to do Progs who have had "toxicity" with their children. Musk's only crime is that he is not far left enough. This is why your party is not the Democratic Party anymore.
There are many well to do Progs who have had "toxicity" with their children. Musk's only crime is that he is not far left enough. This is why your party is not the Democratic Party anymore.
My parties have drugs, sex, and rock-n-roll, not boring stuffed-shirted squares..
Just as you are manipulated by the rightwing echo chamber of hate.

No hate here, just pity.

This should be the LAST resort after everything else has been tried, but since Trans are now a class, and the class needs more people in it, it's being pushed as the FIRST resort.

That's wrong.
No hate here, just pity.

This should be the LAST resort after everything else has been tried, but since Trans are now a class, and the class needs more people in it, it's being pushed as the FIRST resort.

That's wrong.
Last I looked it was an act of voluntary transition, no one made them do it.
Society is hurt by mutilating and drugging youth trying to give them something they can never have. It's just another example of the descent of our society into a clusterfuck.

I've known of several, and all of them had mental issues beyond and above thinking they are the wrong sex.

And you don't even have to know one, look at that Jazz kid, who's now an adult. It's sad and pathetic.

How is society "hurt"? Because the bigots can't have their way? That's like saying society was hurt when they let the darkies drink out of the same water fountains. It upset the social order, dammit!!!

It sounds like the other mental issues were the problem, not the transgender part. 18% of people suffer from some kind of mental health challenge.

I looked up where Jazz Jennings is today. Other than struggling with weight issues successfully, she seems to be fine.
They are being sold a false bill of goods, and are usually beset with mental issues above and beyond their gender issues.

Except most are fine with their decision. only 3% of transgender go back, and most of them because of social pressure.

So if 97% of the time a procedure is a success, that sounds pretty good. Most therapies don't have that kind of success rate.

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