Muslims Gone Wild! San Bernardino Edition

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It's not a "version" its the true one. But you wouldn't know it since you're an ignoramus.

They are the ones that declared war on the West and Christianity. Keep up.
And you are the one perfectly willing to give them what you want. Since most Muslims see ISIS as nonsense, it's hardly true Islam. It's reactionary Islam and we have plenty of reactionaries around, like most here.
'Reactionary Islam'. What a quaint phrase. And so inoccous.
Was that an example of you 'criticising' Islam?
Yes. How sweet and thoughtful of them.
And what a wonderful inheritance for the child.
Considering what they just did, I'd say that's dead on. It will now be raised by far less radical people I hope.
Great. The parents of the butchering psycho Islamist, probably.
Nope. Babies know only what insanity you teach them, usually, so, don't. Religion is that insanity, liberalism is the cure.
The child's grandparents are religious, they are Muslim and they raised a butchering psycho. How do we cure the grandparents with liberalism? Can you take us through the process? Thanks.
They raised a guy who turned deeply religious and blew his fucking top, for reasons we still don't understand. If you want to fix this shit, more liberalism and fewer guns.
Oh, I think we understand.
You don't denounce the evil that comes out of Islam. You jump into threads as an Islam defender. Liar.
The fuck I don't but ISIS isn't my problem here, the American Taliban and you are.
Right, the nitwit has imaginary enemies as well. :cuckoo:
My enemies are not imaginary, and ISIS is well down on the list.
Well of course, you are a terrorist sympathizer why would ISIS be your enemy?
ISIS hates liberalism, like you.
All Muslim extremists adore liberalism. They cannot believe their luck nor the liberals' utter stupidity. You make their lives so much easier and they laugh at you.
The fuck I don't but ISIS isn't my problem here, the American Taliban and you are.
Right, the nitwit has imaginary enemies as well. :cuckoo:
My enemies are not imaginary, and ISIS is well down on the list.
Well of course, you are a terrorist sympathizer why would ISIS be your enemy?
ISIS hates liberalism, like you.
wrong, they love liberalism they feed off it. They know where ever there is liberalism they can succeed in killing innocent people.
Exactly. Profiling will help security. No, no, no, Muslims won't like that. It will offend them. Best not.
The child's grandparents are religious, they are Muslim and they raised a butchering psycho. How do we cure the grandparents with liberalism? Can you take us through the process? Thanks.
They raised a guy who turned deeply religious and blew his fucking top, for reasons we still don't understand. If you want to fix this shit, more liberalism and fewer guns.
liberalism gave us this shit, no thanks keep your stupid to yourself.
Liberalism had nothing at all to with this. Islam gave them the Caliphate, Bush and Cheney gave them the space to try.
liberalism is this shit. it is the stupid of the world. It failed in every country that tried to implement it. EVERYWHERE. so again, you keep your stupid.
Liberalism is what founded this nation so, get the fuck out of my country as you are an American in name only.
Stop pretending to be proud of the country you endlessly slag off, it's silly.
The child's grandparents are religious, they are Muslim and they raised a butchering psycho. How do we cure the grandparents with liberalism? Can you take us through the process? Thanks.
They raised a guy who turned deeply religious and blew his fucking top, for reasons we still don't understand. If you want to fix this shit, more liberalism and fewer guns.
liberalism gave us this shit, no thanks keep your stupid to yourself.
Liberalism had nothing at all to with this. Islam gave them the Caliphate, Bush and Cheney gave them the space to try.
liberalism is this shit. it is the stupid of the world. It failed in every country that tried to implement it. EVERYWHERE. so again, you keep your stupid.
Liberalism is what founded this nation so, get the fuck out of my country as you are an American in name only.
Lets ignore the 160 million murdered in the name of atheism in the past century. Left and communism go hand in hand.
Nope, they are entirely unrelated however Christianity, as practiced, and slaughter are very related.
Of course you only attack Christianity. It simply validates the one true religion standing against evildoers.
I attack all religion, dumbfuck.
You don't attack Islam, not even extremist Islam.
The fuck I don't. Grow up, and learn what liberalism is versus reactionary Islam. They are nothing at all alike.
Isis and terrorism itself feeds off liberalism
Right, the nitwit has imaginary enemies as well. :cuckoo:
My enemies are not imaginary, and ISIS is well down on the list.
Well of course, you are a terrorist sympathizer why would ISIS be your enemy?
ISIS hates liberalism, like you.
wrong, they love liberalism they feed off it. They know where ever there is liberalism they can succeed in killing innocent people.
Exactly. Profiling will help security. No, no, no, Muslims won't like that. It will offend them. Best not.
Just like the neighbors not reporting the suspicious activity at their house. Liberal pc is winning
It's not a "version" its the true one. But you wouldn't know it since you're an ignoramus.

They are the ones that declared war on the West and Christianity. Keep up.
And you are the one perfectly willing to give them what you want. Since most Muslims see ISIS as nonsense, it's hardly true Islam. It's reactionary Islam and we have plenty of reactionaries around, like most here.
Interesting. And how do you know what most Muslims think?
Maybe he is one?
It's not a "version" its the true one. But you wouldn't know it since you're an ignoramus.

They are the ones that declared war on the West and Christianity. Keep up.
And you are the one perfectly willing to give them what you want. Since most Muslims see ISIS as nonsense, it's hardly true Islam. It's reactionary Islam and we have plenty of reactionaries around, like most here.
'Reactionary Islam'. What a quaint phrase. And so inoccous.
Was that an example of you 'criticising' Islam?
Yep. AKA Militant Fundamentalism, a very dangerous thing for all faiths, and nearly all faiths have some of these assholes, like you.
They raised a guy who turned deeply religious and blew his fucking top, for reasons we still don't understand. If you want to fix this shit, more liberalism and fewer guns.
liberalism gave us this shit, no thanks keep your stupid to yourself.
Liberalism had nothing at all to with this. Islam gave them the Caliphate, Bush and Cheney gave them the space to try.
liberalism is this shit. it is the stupid of the world. It failed in every country that tried to implement it. EVERYWHERE. so again, you keep your stupid.
Liberalism is what founded this nation so, get the fuck out of my country as you are an American in name only.
Stop pretending to be proud of the country you endlessly slag off, it's silly.
I'm not proud of America, in most cases there is nothing to be proud of. She does a hell of a lot of bad shit and is peopled with very stupid people.
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"Muslims Gone Wild! San Bernardino Edition"


Conservatives gone wild – they contrive and propagate the lie that 'all Muslims' are 'terrorists,' and Islam a 'terrorist religion,' along with the lie that the president is somehow 'responsible.'
"Muslims Gone Wild! San Bernardino Edition"


Conservatives gone wild – they contrive and propagate the lie that 'all Muslims' are 'terrorists,' and Islam a 'terrorist religion,' along with the lie that the president is somehow 'responsible.'

Like you on the left blame Bush for 9/11?
It's not a "version" its the true one. But you wouldn't know it since you're an ignoramus.

They are the ones that declared war on the West and Christianity. Keep up.
And you are the one perfectly willing to give them what you want. Since most Muslims see ISIS as nonsense, it's hardly true Islam. It's reactionary Islam and we have plenty of reactionaries around, like most here.
'Reactionary Islam'. What a quaint phrase. And so inoccous.
Was that an example of you 'criticising' Islam?
Yep. AKA Militant Fundamentalism, a very dangerous thing for all faiths, and nearly all faiths have some of these assholes, like you.
Why thank you. Now, Is there any chance at all of you confining just one answer to unequivocally denouncing Islamism - without all the relativism? Without mention of any other faiths? Just once? Actually ....Say ....the..... Words?
It's not a "version" its the true one. But you wouldn't know it since you're an ignoramus.

They are the ones that declared war on the West and Christianity. Keep up.
And you are the one perfectly willing to give them what you want. Since most Muslims see ISIS as nonsense, it's hardly true Islam. It's reactionary Islam and we have plenty of reactionaries around, like most here.
'Reactionary Islam'. What a quaint phrase. And so inoccous.
Was that an example of you 'criticising' Islam?
Yep. AKA Militant Fundamentalism, a very dangerous thing for all faiths, and nearly all faiths have some of these assholes, like you.
Nearly all faiths? Which are you suggesting don't?
liberalism gave us this shit, no thanks keep your stupid to yourself.
Liberalism had nothing at all to with this. Islam gave them the Caliphate, Bush and Cheney gave them the space to try.
liberalism is this shit. it is the stupid of the world. It failed in every country that tried to implement it. EVERYWHERE. so again, you keep your stupid.
Liberalism is what founded this nation so, get the fuck out of my country as you are an American in name only.
Stop pretending to be proud of the country you endlessly slag off, it's silly.
I'm not proud of America, in most cases there is nothing to be proud of. She does a hell of a lot of bad shit and is peopled with very stupid people.
I'm sorry you feel that way about your country and its people. That's sad.
Christian goes mad with a gun - mental problems, work problems etc
Muslim goes mad with a gun - terrorism.
It depends on what is discovered to be the motivation. If a Christian goes mad with a gun and says he did for Jesus or God, I guess the fact he's Christain becomes relevant. Most Islamist butchers scream Alahu Akbar, leaving us in no doubt they believe they are doing their stuff in the name of Islam. When Muslims go on the rampage, this is commonly the case, so people make assumptions. To be expected really.

But then just because a Muslim shouts Allah Akbar, doesn't mean that the main reason is because they're a fundamentalist Muslim.

If a Christian American gets pissed at the US govt and wants to take revenge, what will they do? They'll probably go shoot some people up, they won't shout religious slogans. They going against the US govt.

If a Muslim American gets pissed at the US govt and wants to take revenge, what will they do? Seeing as Bush kind of declared war against Muslims, showing why they're angry at the US, for the war in Iraq, the vilifying of Muslims, for all of that, you're going to declare you're a Muslim and make some kind of religious noise.

But what's the difference? Perhaps they why they got angry is different, a Christian is probably less likely to get angry over foreign policy, and more over internal policy, but still, it's anger at the govt.

If a Christian shoots up an abortion clinic and doesn't make religious noises, does that mean religion wasn't an issue? Doubtful, religion is an issue, however it's a simple case of Christians just not doing that, not shouting God is Great when they go kill people for their religious beliefs.
Christian goes mad with a gun - mental problems, work problems etc
Muslim goes mad with a gun - terrorism.
It depends on what is discovered to be the motivation. If a Christian goes mad with a gun and says he did for Jesus or God, I guess the fact he's Christain becomes relevant. Most Islamist butchers scream Alahu Akbar, leaving us in no doubt they believe they are doing their stuff in the name of Islam. When Muslims go on the rampage, this is commonly the case, so people make assumptions. To be expected really.

But then just because a Muslim shouts Allah Akbar, doesn't mean that the main reason is because they're a fundamentalist Muslim.

If a Christian American gets pissed at the US govt and wants to take revenge, what will they do? They'll probably go shoot some people up, they won't shout religious slogans. They going against the US govt.

If a Muslim American gets pissed at the US govt and wants to take revenge, what will they do? Seeing as Bush kind of declared war against Muslims, showing why they're angry at the US, for the war in Iraq, the vilifying of Muslims, for all of that, you're going to declare you're a Muslim and make some kind of religious noise.

But what's the difference? Perhaps they why they got angry is different, a Christian is probably less likely to get angry over foreign policy, and more over internal policy, but still, it's anger at the govt.

If a Christian shoots up an abortion clinic and doesn't make religious noises, does that mean religion wasn't an issue? Doubtful, religion is an issue, however it's a simple case of Christians just not doing that, not shouting God is Great when they go kill people for their religious beliefs.
One day you will wake up from these delusions; but that day is apparently not today.
Christian goes mad with a gun - mental problems, work problems etc
Muslim goes mad with a gun - terrorism.

Blacks are thugs and animals, sub human creatures when they kill
White men, have mental issues, societal issues or simply just having a bad day.
Muslim's we're talking ISIS, Al Queda, Jehad bullshit, 9/11 on steroids, the second coming of christ shit....God forbid, they're rendered as some sorry mf's who are just evil as hell, like niggas and rednecks that kill for sport.

Muslims kill. Yeah, sure they do. But how much? How much is it the media overhyping Muslims killing?

Christians don't kill?

I mean, in the US there's a 14,000 murder rate every year.

Go to Africa, Christians kill like crazy, the murder rates in southern Africa are through the roof. I was in Mozambique last year, you couldn't go from the south to the north of the country, there was an armed insurgency going on and people were getting killed. You probably didn't hear about this, Mozambique doesn't have enough oil for the media to give a shit.

What about the DRC? Burundi? All these countries where shit is happening and no one cares?

Regional mediation key to preventing Burundi war - U.S. envoy

"Burundi is on the brink of civil war "

Seems Christian Africans killing each other isn't very interesting. When oil is involved it becomes interesting and the Arabs happen to have a lot more oil than the people of southern Africa.
Christian goes mad with a gun - mental problems, work problems etc
Muslim goes mad with a gun - terrorism.
It depends on what is discovered to be the motivation. If a Christian goes mad with a gun and says he did for Jesus or God, I guess the fact he's Christain becomes relevant. Most Islamist butchers scream Alahu Akbar, leaving us in no doubt they believe they are doing their stuff in the name of Islam. When Muslims go on the rampage, this is commonly the case, so people make assumptions. To be expected really.

But then just because a Muslim shouts Allah Akbar, doesn't mean that the main reason is because they're a fundamentalist Muslim.

If a Christian American gets pissed at the US govt and wants to take revenge, what will they do? They'll probably go shoot some people up, they won't shout religious slogans. They going against the US govt.

If a Muslim American gets pissed at the US govt and wants to take revenge, what will they do? Seeing as Bush kind of declared war against Muslims, showing why they're angry at the US, for the war in Iraq, the vilifying of Muslims, for all of that, you're going to declare you're a Muslim and make some kind of religious noise.

But what's the difference? Perhaps they why they got angry is different, a Christian is probably less likely to get angry over foreign policy, and more over internal policy, but still, it's anger at the govt.

If a Christian shoots up an abortion clinic and doesn't make religious noises, does that mean religion wasn't an issue? Doubtful, religion is an issue, however it's a simple case of Christians just not doing that, not shouting God is Great when they go kill people for their religious beliefs.
One day you will wake up from these delusions; but that day is apparently not today.

Well, it's simple to make a comment, it's harder to back it up.

So why don't you go explain your little soundbite.
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