Must Read Column on Climate Change

The Anti Cheeseburger Party thinks that running on a platform to increase the cost of energy, take away meat and no more fossil fuels will win them the White House in 2020.
I have never understood why people turn to the media to get their science.
Uh-huh as opposed to the alternative that many pursue, turning to politicians to "get their science"....

It's an opinion piece and one that is pretty well written with a fairly well defended argument, so if you can refute the authors argument, then have at it but you'll probably want to actually read it first.


True, many do get it from politicians, but they are the same people that get it from the media as well.

I will not waste time refuting an opinion.

Why not? Intellectually Lazy ? Not capable of the task?

Why inject your commentary in the first place? just like to hear the sound of your own keyboard?

For your edification the Authors main argument is that a carbon neutral power grid can be achieved in an economically non-destructive way if done over a realistic time period and he lays out a fairly reasonable (if somewhat scant) framework for doing so.

As opposed to the unrealistic, hyper-expensive, utterly vague fantasies about governments ability to control the climate being sold to the sheeple by POLITICIANS pursuant to winning their votes.

That is a fools errand
You're kidding right? what the fuck do you think goes on here if not attempts to refute others opinions? Did you think this was the physics department at Harvard or something?
Untouched by climate change reality
Untouched by climate change reality


"If the government had not spent any tax dollars trying to mitigate climate change during the last 30 years, how much warmer would it have been and how much higher would the sea level be? The correct answer is, no measurable change"

“The U.S. political and media class have managed to turn people who are heroes into villains. For years, the fact that the United States was dependent on less than savory foreign countries was viewed as costly and dangerous for the national well-being. The problem was solved by oil-men, many with advanced degrees in geology and physics who developed fracking, horizontal drilling and other techniques for producing much more oil and gas at much lower prices, and with lower emissions. Thank goodness for realistic private businessmen rather than government/socialist talking heads who would have left the world dependent on whale oil.”

“For decades, the global Cassandras have been telling us we have only a limited number of years or it ‘will be too late.’ In 1989, the claim was that doomsday was 11 years away. The year 2000 came and went without the ‘required actions,’ and nothing changed. This past week, CNN held a seven-hour forum where the various Democratic candidates for president presented their solutions for the ‘climate crisis.’ Each one had a different cost estimate for their solution, as well as a different number of years before the world comes to the end — again, as you recall it did in 2000. Both the cost numbers and the years to the ‘end’ seem to have been untouched by reality.”

ME: You guys need to read that whole article. The author is not a Trump fan either. So many dopes are scared to death of fossil fuels which have improved the quality of life and the standard of living. They have enabled us to even better clean up the environmental messes with big machinery. Fossil fuels revolutionized the human experience on earth in every which way you can imagine. Now they are painted as evil, destructive...’s ridiculous. It’s embarrassingly dumb. We wasted billions of dollars chasing climate change rainbows, but we’ve also slaughtered thousands of people every year since Congress mandated CAFE standards. Slaughtered thousands of people because of CAFE standards that turned our cars into plastic and aluminum death traps to make them lighter for fuel efficiency.

Well Obama did say that the seas stopped rising in 2008.

But I have said this before. I have been going to family land in Florida for fifty years now. The sea level is exactly where it was when my grandfather built his boat pier in the 1950's. Its not something the media can convince me I am wrong on because I look at it every year.
But I have said this before. I have been going to family land in Florida for fifty years now. The sea level is exactly where it was when my grandfather built his boat pier in the 1950's. Its not something the media can convince me I am wrong on because I look at it every year.

There is no tide where you boat pier is?
Meanwhile Canada the left's BFF is the 4th largest oil and gas producer in the world.

Yeah but we're #1, so stick that in your hockey puck and smoke it Canucks... :p

"America, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!" -- Team America
Meanwhile Canada the left's BFF is the 4th largest oil and gas producer in the world.

Yeah but we're #1, so stick that in your hockey puck and smoke it Canucks... :p

"America, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!" -- Team America

I was mocking the climate changers. In fact many of their best friends around the world are major oil and gas producers and fund their government with the revenue. Funny how the fake news never mentions this.
Meanwhile Canada the left's BFF is the 4th largest oil and gas producer in the world.

Yeah but we're #1, so stick that in your hockey puck and smoke it Canucks... :p

"America, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!" -- Team America

I was mocking the climate changers. In fact many of their best friends around the world are major oil and gas producers and fund their government with the revenue. Funny how the fake news never mentions this.

You are correct
The Anti Cheeseburger Party thinks that running on a platform to increase the cost of energy, take away meat and no more fossil fuels will win them the White House in 2020.

LOL. Right?

Terri, they are dead serious. All the Moon Bat clown candidates said so in their Environmental Wacko town hall meeting on CNN last week.
The US is only about 15% of the global warming cause. So even if we went to zero the problem would still remain. I can see tweaking the US economy to be more environmentally friendly, but I can't see anything as stupid as the "Green New Deal" as being practical. The pain isn't worth the gain.

First of all remember that there is still no solid evidence that any climate change is a result of anything's just a hunch at best.
And yes.....let's assume that we are impacting the would be correct according to the Warmists numbers....we account for a very small part of that so called theoretical impact. If we stopped producing all co2 tomorrow even exhaling into co2 capture wouldn't make a spit's worth of difference to anthropocentric co2 contributions.

With the Progs you can see gasoline going to 10 dollars a gallon and electricity rates doubling and tripling.
And the poor and elderly dieing by freezing and starving to death.. But that wont affect the demoncrat elitists. They will have their mansions , food, and fossil fuel heat..
The US is only about 15% of the global warming cause. So even if we went to zero the problem would still remain. I can see tweaking the US economy to be more environmentally friendly, but I can't see anything as stupid as the "Green New Deal" as being practical. The pain isn't worth the gain.

First of all remember that there is still no solid evidence that any climate change is a result of anything's just a hunch at best.
And yes.....let's assume that we are impacting the would be correct according to the Warmists numbers....we account for a very small part of that so called theoretical impact. If we stopped producing all co2 tomorrow even exhaling into co2 capture wouldn't make a spit's worth of difference to anthropocentric co2 contributions.


The pathetic thing is that the Environmental Wacko Moon Bats are willing to destroy the economy of the US for nothing.
Man Made Climate Change is a wealth, and more importantly INCOME redistribution scheme. Most middle income earners only have what they earn from working each month. The taxes, fees, surcharges, etc., on fossil fuels and petroleum that goes into plastics will be devastating to them. Everything will be more expensive, and these taxes will just create another SLUSH FUND for politicians to use and buy votes.

The greatest thing we can do for our standard of living and quality of life is to IGNORE man made climate change. It is a hoax and a scam.
Man Made Climate Change is a wealth, and more importantly INCOME redistribution scheme.........

Of course it is. And also: Between climate change and healthcare, those two things allow socialists to utterly control how you live your life.

And the poor and elderly dieing by freezing and starving to death.. But that wont affect the demoncrat elitists. They will have their mansions , food, and fossil fuel heat..

Thats a fact.
Scott Adams: A Message For Children About Climate Change. “Adults sometimes like to use children to carry their messages because it makes it hard for the other side to criticize them without seeming like monsters. If adults have encouraged you to panic about climate change without telling you what I am telling you here, they do not have your best interests at heart. They are using you.”
When the LEFT has so little in regards to truth and facts that they have to hide behind kids.... game over.

Whether it is gun control or Co2 based climate change, truth is not on the Dem side here.

Gun control is a fascist tool.

Co2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change.
I have never understood why people turn to the media to get their science. It is a fairly new phenomena, something that ties into the rise of hyper-partisanship.

Do you all turn to the media for medical advice?

If you are having car troubles do you read the newspaper to find out what is wrong with your car?

Where else do you get your information from?



Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing (books, peer reviewed papers, and the Internet) regarded collectively.
    "their demands were publicized by the media"

  2. 2.
    plural form of medium.

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