Must Read Column on Climate Change

Untouched by climate change reality
Untouched by climate change reality


"If the government had not spent any tax dollars trying to mitigate climate change during the last 30 years, how much warmer would it have been and how much higher would the sea level be? The correct answer is, no measurable change"

“The U.S. political and media class have managed to turn people who are heroes into villains. For years, the fact that the United States was dependent on less than savory foreign countries was viewed as costly and dangerous for the national well-being. The problem was solved by oil-men, many with advanced degrees in geology and physics who developed fracking, horizontal drilling and other techniques for producing much more oil and gas at much lower prices, and with lower emissions. Thank goodness for realistic private businessmen rather than government/socialist talking heads who would have left the world dependent on whale oil.”

“For decades, the global Cassandras have been telling us we have only a limited number of years or it ‘will be too late.’ In 1989, the claim was that doomsday was 11 years away. The year 2000 came and went without the ‘required actions,’ and nothing changed. This past week, CNN held a seven-hour forum where the various Democratic candidates for president presented their solutions for the ‘climate crisis.’ Each one had a different cost estimate for their solution, as well as a different number of years before the world comes to the end — again, as you recall it did in 2000. Both the cost numbers and the years to the ‘end’ seem to have been untouched by reality.”

ME: You guys need to read that whole article. The author is not a Trump fan either. So many dopes are scared to death of fossil fuels which have improved the quality of life and the standard of living. They have enabled us to even better clean up the environmental messes with big machinery. Fossil fuels revolutionized the human experience on earth in every which way you can imagine. Now they are painted as evil, destructive...’s ridiculous. It’s embarrassingly dumb. We wasted billions of dollars chasing climate change rainbows, but we’ve also slaughtered thousands of people every year since Congress mandated CAFE standards. Slaughtered thousands of people because of CAFE standards that turned our cars into plastic and aluminum death traps to make them lighter for fuel efficiency.
All we have to do is give up our cars.....stop using HVAC in our homes......give up our cell phones.....kill all of the cattle.....stop farting.....stop using aircraft of any kind.....and wait for China and India to do the same.
Then we'll be just Super
If you have a leftist moron blabbering about climate change, ask the following question....

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other....???

and then smile...
The number one problem with AGW, not a single one of the proposals to solve the problem has ever actually been something that will have real and predictable effects.

Whatever warming is coming is going to require a strong economy because the solution is going to be technological. That is just a fact at this point. We are not going back to mud huts and a world population of a few million.
Want to stop Earth climate change?

It is really easy.

I have never understood why people turn to the media to get their science. It is a fairly new phenomena, something that ties into the rise of hyper-partisanship.

Do you all turn to the media for medical advice?

If you are having car troubles do you read the newspaper to find out what is wrong with your car?

Where else do you get your information from?


Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing (books, peer reviewed papers, and the Internet) regarded collectively.
    "their demands were publicized by the media"

  2. 2.
    plural form of medium.

Are you really this stupid? Sometimes I think it is an act, and then other days I am pretty sure you really are this stupid.

If I want data on science, I turn to science journals and publications and things like TED talks. I do not rely on the news media to accurately report science, that you do says much about you.

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