My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.
At least I understand why bloods and crips are so angry and violent. What I don’t understand is why middle class whites join the kkk.
... Unkotare strikes me as the same caliber of guy - he'd tire himself out just trying to beat his meat. ....

You struck out. I told you to stop guessing.

I never have to guess about you.
Then why do you keep guessing, and being completely wrong?
So you say.
Because I know. Think about it. Even you can’t this stupid.
... You don't strike me as a family man. ...
Something else you know nothing about.
I’ve studied families. You don’t have to have a family to know about families just like you didn’t have to live through the Jap internment camps to know all about them.

you cry about Japanese internment camps. What do you know about those? Have you ever been in an internment camp? We’re you alive back then? Yet you claim to be an expert on internment camps. You claim to be a know it all. Correct?

If you weren’t around back then Then they are something you know nothing about.

Based on your logic anyways.

Ive seen lots of good family men to know one when I meet one. You aren’t one. You’ve never seen an internment camp and weren’t around back then so how do you know about them?
... Unkotare strikes me as the same caliber of guy - he'd tire himself out just trying to beat his meat. ....

You struck out. I told you to stop guessing.

I never have to guess about you.
Then why do you keep guessing, and being completely wrong?
So you say.
Because I know. Think about it. Even you can’t this stupid.
If you were telling the truth but no one believes you except some of the worst people on usmb like politicalchic. She’s horrible. Birds of a feather
...You need some new material....
Do you think that ".you call me names you would never call me to my face" is 'fresh' material, badass?

... It's been established that you are gutless, spineless and dishonest. ...
You are confusing “established” with “what I want to believe.”

Try to get your emotions under control.

Quit talking to yourself
Btw, I grew up within spitting distance of NASA, and there are people still alive and around here who were present at that place and time...... and they called bullshit on that fairy tale.
And the people who work at Microsoft in the cafeteria, the company store, keeping the campus clean and well maintained, etc. can truthfully state that they work for Microsoft but for most people that's not what comes to mind when someone states they "came" from Microsoft.

These people you know, do they have clearances and worked on the space program with Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan, the women whose lives the story was based on?

I honestly don't understand why you automatically default to a negative perspective when it comes to black people. Even if you strip away the movie, these were extraordinary women who acomplished what they did during a time when legal segregation was the law of the land. Why are you so resistent to the fact that there are plenty of outstanding and intelligent and kind African Americans? Why does that thought bother you so much that you have to deny everything that is said by anyone (or at least me) who tries to enlighten you?
But he says his wife is black.
So are more than half my uncles and most of my cousins.
So what?
Do you have any bi-racial children?
Yes...... but again, so what?
Because you seem hostile to black people.

I understand that your wife and children are special to you, as they should be, but it says something that you are so negative in your attitude towards African Americans that I can't help but wonder if it spills over and colors the way you interact with your own family.

And I'm truly not trying to insult you, I just don't understand why all of the animosity towards people who have personally caused you no harm.
Blatant attempts to guilt, shame and manipulate piss me off.
As do people who are apologists for the ones who act that way.

And if you ain't one of my tribe then I owe you nothing.
No one asked you for anything, and I think you're leaving something out.

Who do you think is trying to guilt, shame and/or manipulate you or anyone else and manipulate into doing what exactly?

There are several conversations going on at the same time and I thought that the reason you didn't like the debate we held over the weekend is because you thought I was lying and being dishonest when I stated that the U.S. was based on the premise of white supremacy. Because of your reaction I got the impression that you had never seen the writings from the state of Texas which clearly outlined the opinion of those speaking on behalf of the white race that it was superior to the black race and the only role the black race had according to God was in subservience to the white race. And all of the other truly appalling things they had to say about black people.

All of that which was written is documented history and while you feel that "someone" is trying guilt, shame and/or manipulate others how do you think it feels to have people continuously saying negative things about your or your people that they KNOW is untrue? You're talking about feelings that pertain to things that haven't been done to you or yours (I'm not sure if your wife and children are black how exactly they escaped) while we're talking about things that have actually occured to us and ours.

So why all of the animosity? We haven't done anything to you.
Anything except accuse me of being a racist, you mean.

And my animosity is directed at people who piss me off.... the fact that they might be black is important to you, not me.
You descibed them as being black, not me.

Do you at least now believe I was speaking truthfully when I made my introductory statement in our debate on Saturday? Or do you still believe my statements were dishonest and only made to further some unknown agenda?
I think you do have an agenda, whether you realize it or not.
Are you claiming I have a hidden agenda, because I outlined my beliefs in my opening statement. None of you agreed with it and then used that position as justification for not contributing an actual rebuttal to my statements.

Speaking of hidden, did you see the news article from today regarding Mary Jackson NASA's first African American female engineer? We were just discussing this last night:
NASA to name DC headquarters after 'hidden figure' Mary W. Jackson

Last year, Jackson and "Hidden Figures" colleagues Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Christine Darden were awarded Congressional Gold Medals, and Congress voted to rename the street outside NASA's D.C. headquarters Hidden Figures Way.
Do you believe white people are oppressing black people right now, today?
Because it seems to me like you do.
Your agenda seems to be advancing that narrative.
It depends on what you mean by oppress. Do I believe that there are white people who have and are intentionally violating the various civil rights acts today in 2020? I don't simply believe it, there are documented court rulings and EEOC investigations among others that say that this is still occuring.

A Supreme Court justice has ruled that racism in violation of our civil rights legislation is still occuring.
Btw, I grew up within spitting distance of NASA, and there are people still alive and around here who were present at that place and time...... and they called bullshit on that fairy tale.
And the people who work at Microsoft in the cafeteria, the company store, keeping the campus clean and well maintained, etc. can truthfully state that they work for Microsoft but for most people that's not what comes to mind when someone states they "came" from Microsoft.

These people you know, do they have clearances and worked on the space program with Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan, the women whose lives the story was based on?

I honestly don't understand why you automatically default to a negative perspective when it comes to black people. Even if you strip away the movie, these were extraordinary women who acomplished what they did during a time when legal segregation was the law of the land. Why are you so resistent to the fact that there are plenty of outstanding and intelligent and kind African Americans? Why does that thought bother you so much that you have to deny everything that is said by anyone (or at least me) who tries to enlighten you?
But he says his wife is black.
So are more than half my uncles and most of my cousins.
So what?
Do you have any bi-racial children?
Yes...... but again, so what?
Because you seem hostile to black people.

I understand that your wife and children are special to you, as they should be, but it says something that you are so negative in your attitude towards African Americans that I can't help but wonder if it spills over and colors the way you interact with your own family.

And I'm truly not trying to insult you, I just don't understand why all of the animosity towards people who have personally caused you no harm.
Blatant attempts to guilt, shame and manipulate piss me off.
As do people who are apologists for the ones who act that way.

And if you ain't one of my tribe then I owe you nothing.
No one asked you for anything, and I think you're leaving something out.

Who do you think is trying to guilt, shame and/or manipulate you or anyone else and manipulate into doing what exactly?

There are several conversations going on at the same time and I thought that the reason you didn't like the debate we held over the weekend is because you thought I was lying and being dishonest when I stated that the U.S. was based on the premise of white supremacy. Because of your reaction I got the impression that you had never seen the writings from the state of Texas which clearly outlined the opinion of those speaking on behalf of the white race that it was superior to the black race and the only role the black race had according to God was in subservience to the white race. And all of the other truly appalling things they had to say about black people.

All of that which was written is documented history and while you feel that "someone" is trying guilt, shame and/or manipulate others how do you think it feels to have people continuously saying negative things about your or your people that they KNOW is untrue? You're talking about feelings that pertain to things that haven't been done to you or yours (I'm not sure if your wife and children are black how exactly they escaped) while we're talking about things that have actually occured to us and ours.

So why all of the animosity? We haven't done anything to you.
Anything except accuse me of being a racist, you mean.

And my animosity is directed at people who piss me off.... the fact that they might be black is important to you, not me.
You descibed them as being black, not me.

Do you at least now believe I was speaking truthfully when I made my introductory statement in our debate on Saturday? Or do you still believe my statements were dishonest and only made to further some unknown agenda?
I think you do have an agenda, whether you realize it or not.
Are you claiming I have a hidden agenda, because I outlined my beliefs in my opening statement. None of you agreed with it and then used that position as justification for not contributing an actual rebuttal to my statements.

Speaking of hidden, did you see the news article from today regarding Mary Jackson NASA's first African American female engineer? We were just discussing this last night:
NASA to name DC headquarters after 'hidden figure' Mary W. Jackson

Last year, Jackson and "Hidden Figures" colleagues Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Christine Darden were awarded Congressional Gold Medals, and Congress voted to rename the street outside NASA's D.C. headquarters Hidden Figures Way.
Do you believe white people are oppressing black people right now, today?
Because it seems to me like you do.
Your agenda seems to be advancing that narrative.
What you call an agenda is simply intel gathering. Some of us were taught by others who needed to protect themselves and their rights, how to go about documenting violations so that the evidence gathered would stand up in a court of law.

I happen to know for a fact (because it's documented evidence) that in the 55 years since the passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 which effectively ended the legality of racial discrimination and segregation if not the practice itself, that many, many individuals, companies, government agencies, etc. have continued to violate the civil rights laws. There are various ways to keep track of the violations and the EEOC investigative files contain much insight into the nature of the acts and allegations as well as other information that can be used to create statistical reports.

Also the Supreme Court has ruled that institutional discrimination still exists and continues to be a problem in modern day America. I can't remember the case but I do have a link which discusses the case a bit and maybe you can derive the information from there if you feel so inclined.

Institutional racism - Wikipedia
Supreme Court [2017]: Institutional Racism is Real
Sure, some white people will do bad shit to black people because they're black..... and vice versa.
Do you think that whites, as a people, are oppressing blacks, as a people, right now, today?
There are no blacks creating policies such as stand your ground purposefully made to give blacks the ability to kill whites because they feared for their lives. Most of us do not practice the teflon theory of history. Laws have been made that whites are not following. That means the oppression continues. There is no vice versa and we are not talking about "bad things."

It's getting mighty deep with left wing manure in here
...You need some new material....
Do you think that ".you call me names you would never call me to my face" is 'fresh' material, badass?

... It's been established that you are gutless, spineless and dishonest. ...
You are confusing “established” with “what I want to believe.”

Try to get your emotions under control.

Quit talking to yourself

I’m not. Are you confused about something else?
Btw, I grew up within spitting distance of NASA, and there are people still alive and around here who were present at that place and time...... and they called bullshit on that fairy tale.
And the people who work at Microsoft in the cafeteria, the company store, keeping the campus clean and well maintained, etc. can truthfully state that they work for Microsoft but for most people that's not what comes to mind when someone states they "came" from Microsoft.

These people you know, do they have clearances and worked on the space program with Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan, the women whose lives the story was based on?

I honestly don't understand why you automatically default to a negative perspective when it comes to black people. Even if you strip away the movie, these were extraordinary women who acomplished what they did during a time when legal segregation was the law of the land. Why are you so resistent to the fact that there are plenty of outstanding and intelligent and kind African Americans? Why does that thought bother you so much that you have to deny everything that is said by anyone (or at least me) who tries to enlighten you?
But he says his wife is black.
So are more than half my uncles and most of my cousins.
So what?
Do you have any bi-racial children?
Yes...... but again, so what?
Because you seem hostile to black people.

I understand that your wife and children are special to you, as they should be, but it says something that you are so negative in your attitude towards African Americans that I can't help but wonder if it spills over and colors the way you interact with your own family.

And I'm truly not trying to insult you, I just don't understand why all of the animosity towards people who have personally caused you no harm.
Blatant attempts to guilt, shame and manipulate piss me off.
As do people who are apologists for the ones who act that way.

And if you ain't one of my tribe then I owe you nothing.
No one asked you for anything, and I think you're leaving something out.

Who do you think is trying to guilt, shame and/or manipulate you or anyone else and manipulate into doing what exactly?

There are several conversations going on at the same time and I thought that the reason you didn't like the debate we held over the weekend is because you thought I was lying and being dishonest when I stated that the U.S. was based on the premise of white supremacy. Because of your reaction I got the impression that you had never seen the writings from the state of Texas which clearly outlined the opinion of those speaking on behalf of the white race that it was superior to the black race and the only role the black race had according to God was in subservience to the white race. And all of the other truly appalling things they had to say about black people.

All of that which was written is documented history and while you feel that "someone" is trying guilt, shame and/or manipulate others how do you think it feels to have people continuously saying negative things about your or your people that they KNOW is untrue? You're talking about feelings that pertain to things that haven't been done to you or yours (I'm not sure if your wife and children are black how exactly they escaped) while we're talking about things that have actually occured to us and ours.

So why all of the animosity? We haven't done anything to you.
Anything except accuse me of being a racist, you mean.

And my animosity is directed at people who piss me off.... the fact that they might be black is important to you, not me.
You descibed them as being black, not me.

Do you at least now believe I was speaking truthfully when I made my introductory statement in our debate on Saturday? Or do you still believe my statements were dishonest and only made to further some unknown agenda?
I think you do have an agenda, whether you realize it or not.
Are you claiming I have a hidden agenda, because I outlined my beliefs in my opening statement. None of you agreed with it and then used that position as justification for not contributing an actual rebuttal to my statements.

Speaking of hidden, did you see the news article from today regarding Mary Jackson NASA's first African American female engineer? We were just discussing this last night:
NASA to name DC headquarters after 'hidden figure' Mary W. Jackson

Last year, Jackson and "Hidden Figures" colleagues Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Christine Darden were awarded Congressional Gold Medals, and Congress voted to rename the street outside NASA's D.C. headquarters Hidden Figures Way.
Do you believe white people are oppressing black people right now, today?
Because it seems to me like you do.
Your agenda seems to be advancing that narrative.
It depends on what you mean by oppress. Do I believe that there are white people who have and are intentionally violating the various civil rights acts today in 2020? I don't simply believe it, there are documented court rulings and EEOC investigations among others that say that this is still occuring.

A Supreme Court justice has ruled that racism in violation of our civil rights legislation is still occuring.
Btw, I grew up within spitting distance of NASA, and there are people still alive and around here who were present at that place and time...... and they called bullshit on that fairy tale.
And the people who work at Microsoft in the cafeteria, the company store, keeping the campus clean and well maintained, etc. can truthfully state that they work for Microsoft but for most people that's not what comes to mind when someone states they "came" from Microsoft.

These people you know, do they have clearances and worked on the space program with Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan, the women whose lives the story was based on?

I honestly don't understand why you automatically default to a negative perspective when it comes to black people. Even if you strip away the movie, these were extraordinary women who acomplished what they did during a time when legal segregation was the law of the land. Why are you so resistent to the fact that there are plenty of outstanding and intelligent and kind African Americans? Why does that thought bother you so much that you have to deny everything that is said by anyone (or at least me) who tries to enlighten you?
But he says his wife is black.
So are more than half my uncles and most of my cousins.
So what?
Do you have any bi-racial children?
Yes...... but again, so what?
Because you seem hostile to black people.

I understand that your wife and children are special to you, as they should be, but it says something that you are so negative in your attitude towards African Americans that I can't help but wonder if it spills over and colors the way you interact with your own family.

And I'm truly not trying to insult you, I just don't understand why all of the animosity towards people who have personally caused you no harm.
Blatant attempts to guilt, shame and manipulate piss me off.
As do people who are apologists for the ones who act that way.

And if you ain't one of my tribe then I owe you nothing.
No one asked you for anything, and I think you're leaving something out.

Who do you think is trying to guilt, shame and/or manipulate you or anyone else and manipulate into doing what exactly?

There are several conversations going on at the same time and I thought that the reason you didn't like the debate we held over the weekend is because you thought I was lying and being dishonest when I stated that the U.S. was based on the premise of white supremacy. Because of your reaction I got the impression that you had never seen the writings from the state of Texas which clearly outlined the opinion of those speaking on behalf of the white race that it was superior to the black race and the only role the black race had according to God was in subservience to the white race. And all of the other truly appalling things they had to say about black people.

All of that which was written is documented history and while you feel that "someone" is trying guilt, shame and/or manipulate others how do you think it feels to have people continuously saying negative things about your or your people that they KNOW is untrue? You're talking about feelings that pertain to things that haven't been done to you or yours (I'm not sure if your wife and children are black how exactly they escaped) while we're talking about things that have actually occured to us and ours.

So why all of the animosity? We haven't done anything to you.
Anything except accuse me of being a racist, you mean.

And my animosity is directed at people who piss me off.... the fact that they might be black is important to you, not me.
You descibed them as being black, not me.

Do you at least now believe I was speaking truthfully when I made my introductory statement in our debate on Saturday? Or do you still believe my statements were dishonest and only made to further some unknown agenda?
I think you do have an agenda, whether you realize it or not.
Are you claiming I have a hidden agenda, because I outlined my beliefs in my opening statement. None of you agreed with it and then used that position as justification for not contributing an actual rebuttal to my statements.

Speaking of hidden, did you see the news article from today regarding Mary Jackson NASA's first African American female engineer? We were just discussing this last night:
NASA to name DC headquarters after 'hidden figure' Mary W. Jackson

Last year, Jackson and "Hidden Figures" colleagues Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Christine Darden were awarded Congressional Gold Medals, and Congress voted to rename the street outside NASA's D.C. headquarters Hidden Figures Way.
Do you believe white people are oppressing black people right now, today?
Because it seems to me like you do.
Your agenda seems to be advancing that narrative.
What you call an agenda is simply intel gathering. Some of us were taught by others who needed to protect themselves and their rights, how to go about documenting violations so that the evidence gathered would stand up in a court of law.

I happen to know for a fact (because it's documented evidence) that in the 55 years since the passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 which effectively ended the legality of racial discrimination and segregation if not the practice itself, that many, many individuals, companies, government agencies, etc. have continued to violate the civil rights laws. There are various ways to keep track of the violations and the EEOC investigative files contain much insight into the nature of the acts and allegations as well as other information that can be used to create statistical reports.

Also the Supreme Court has ruled that institutional discrimination still exists and continues to be a problem in modern day America. I can't remember the case but I do have a link which discusses the case a bit and maybe you can derive the information from there if you feel so inclined.

Institutional racism - Wikipedia
Supreme Court [2017]: Institutional Racism is Real
Sure, some white people will do bad shit to black people because they're black..... and vice versa.
Do you think that whites, as a people, are oppressing blacks, as a people, right now, today?
There are no blacks creating policies such as stand your ground purposefully made to give blacks the ability to kill whites because they feared for their lives. Most of us do not practice the teflon theory of history. Laws have been made that whites are not following. That means the oppression continues. There is no vice versa and we are not talking about "bad things."
"There are no blacks whites creating policies such as stand your ground purposefully made to give blacks whites the ability to kill whites whoever because they feared for their lives."
There..... fixed it for you.

So, you're not going to talk about this subject with any honesty or acknowledgement of reality at all then, is what you're saying?
I kind of figured that.

Are you fucking politicalchic?
Are you fucking stupid?

Would you like to attack someone else personally who is not participating in this thread? Would you like to make some more offensive references to family? Would you like to make any other allusions to crimes that are prohibited by the TOS?

Time to harvest that other brain cell, loser.

Are you fucking politicalchic?
Are you fucking stupid?

Would you like to attack someone else personally who is not participating in this thread? Would you like to make some more offensive references to family? Would you like to make any other allusions to crimes that are prohibited by the TOS?

Time to harvest that other brain cell, loser.
If I told you what I want to say you'd tell on me and I'd get banned. No thanks Dennis.
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