My Little White Girl Not So White

Because it was during the period of time Blacks were enslaved. Of course it could have just as easily been a sexual relationship between a slave and a white woman I agree.
Regardless of which ancestor, male or female, carried the Irish DNA.

It could have just as easily been a romance, and not a rape.

So now you can participate in the Saint Patrick's Day celebrations with a clear conscience. .... :cool:
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I rationalize it. The time period suggests the Irish DNA was the result of some slave driver raping one of my female ancestors Nothing I can do about that except not observe St Pattys day.
Why do you assume your female ancestor was raped?

There were many secret romances between the races during that time period. ... :cool:

It appears to be one more of the Harlequin fantasies that Asmodeus wishes to live by.
Be kind.
He has nothing else.
Because it was during the period of time Blacks were enslaved. Of course it could have just as easily been a sexual relationship between a slave and a white woman I agree.
Regardless of which ancestor, male or female, carried the Irish DNA.

It could have just as easily been a romance, and not a rape.

So now you can participate in the Saint Patricks Day celebrations with a clear conscience. .... :cool:
Pretty sure the odds are in favor of some vile smelling drunk slave driver raping a Black female slave. Way more rapes occurred back then than consensual liaisons.

I have no use for Paddys day. I dont consider myself Irish nor do I drink.
Pretty sure the odds are in favor of some vile smelling drunk slave driver raping a Black female slave. Way more rapes occurred back then than consensual liaisons.
I have no use for Paddys day. I dont consider myself Irish nor do I drink.
You have zero evidence that your ancestor was raped. So why not look upon the glass as half full instead of half empty? ... :dunno:

I don't drink either, but I like participating in the festivities, mainly the food. ... :cool:
Pretty sure the odds are in favor of some vile smelling drunk slave driver raping a Black female slave. Way more rapes occurred back then than consensual liaisons.
I have no use for Paddys day. I dont consider myself Irish nor do I drink.
You have zero evidence that your ancestor was raped. So why not look upon the glass as half full instead of half empty? ... :dunno:

I don't drink either, but I like participating in the festivities, mainly the food. ... :cool:
I have mountains of evidence it was rape. I dont do the half full have empty thing. I just fill it up with facts.
I have mountains of evidence it was rape. I dont do the half full have empty thing. I just fill it up with facts.
In this instance you have no facts, nor do you have any concrete evidence.

So you "choose" to believe the worst.

That is your standard MO ..... :cool:
I have facts and I have evidence. Sorry you are ignorant of those facts and evidence. :)
You all are just feeding his racism.

We have an adopted Chinese girl, we don't see Chinese we see a beautiful girl we're proud to call our daughter.

Anyone feeding a child what he's doing probably shouldn't be raising children.
I have mountains of evidence it was rape. I dont do the half full have empty thing. I just fill it up with facts.
You stated earlier on the thread, that your black female ancestor must have been raped by a slave driver. Then later you speculated that maybe the Irish DNA was the result of a slave having relations with a white woman.

In essence, you have no facts or evidence concerning the circumstances of how you acquired Irish DNA. ..... :cool:
I have mountains of evidence it was rape. I dont do the half full have empty thing. I just fill it up with facts.
You stated earlier on the thread, that your black female ancestor must have been raped by a slave driver. Then later you speculated that maybe the Irish DNA was the result of a slave having relations with a white woman.

In essence, you have no facts or evidence concerning the circumstances of how you acquired Irish DNA. ..... :cool:
Actually I have do have facts. Just because I was rubbing your face in it doesnt change anything. :)
IOW you cant answer my question. Gotcha. :)

You get very little.
You are among the most racist people on this board. And there are some extremely racist people here.
The difference between them and you, is they play their cards right up front. They have no problem admitting it.
You, on the other hand, try to pass yourself off as anti-racist. Which to anyone here with an IQ above 90 can see right through you.
You come here and you troll white people. It's what you do.
And probably do it in real life to. And in real life that means everyone around you thinks your an asshole. And their right.
IOW you cant answer my question. Gotcha. :)

You get very little.
You are among the most racist people on this board. And there are some extremely racist people here.
The difference between them and you, is they play their cards right up front. They have no problem admitting it.
You, on the other hand, try to pass yourself off as anti-racist. Which to anyone here with an IQ above 90 can see right through you.
You come here and you troll white people. It's what you do.
And probably do it in real life to. And in real life that means everyone around you thinks your an asshole. And their right.
Youre still deflecting instead of answering my question but dont worry. I knew you couldnt point what was racist. :)

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