My modest proposal: Let's end Legal Immigration once and for all.

You do realize that a ā€œmodest proposalā€ has come to mean a proposal that is both ridiculous and impossible and a deliberate attempt to be humorous.

By calling it your modest proposal, youā€™re implying it is stupid and not feasible.
It is clear that our Homeland Secretary has declared the border secure, not open, and everything running smoothly. So it would seem the Democrats have essentially declared 100,000 unknown, undocumented immigrants coming into our country every month is the new norm. So let's just make it official.

Disband the Department of Legal Immigration and redirect the all of those resources to the border to help make our new immigration process run more efficiently. We have all the food, water, shelter, clothing, medical supplies and health care to take care of everyone, apparently. And this would also remove any suspicions that our border policies were "Racist".

And so what if we continue to see thousands of Americans dying from Fentanyl poisoning, and countless children being trafficked by the Cartels for the sex trade. That's a small price to pay to prove to the world how nice we are.

I say we take Switzerlands approach to immigration.

In Switzerland immigrants have to pay 10s of thousands of dollars. They have to demonstrate they can fluently speak the language. They have to demonstrate they understand their customs and societal norms. And it takes quite a long time. Basically the only people they let in are people who are willing to work hard, take a lot of time, pay a lot and show they really love the country and very badly want to conform with their society.

It pretty much eliminates all the riff raff.

But we definitely need to suspend all immigration until we close the border, finish the wall and kick all the illegals out we have now. Then we could resume immigration but under much much stricter rules with no room for deviation.

And anchor babies should not be a thing. That needs to stop.
I still donā€™t see legal immigration as the problem.

I see illegal immigration as the problem.

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