My thoughts on transgenderism, gender fluidity. See what you think.

"Hey billy, its ok to suck on little johnnys wee wee.....and then you can chop it off later and pretend you're a woman and identify as a goat".

And then we wonder why they're coming back in 5-10 years and shooting up schools.

Too bad you are incapable of making a clear coherent concise point. But it’s not surprising.

What, precisely, in the OP do you not find coherent? Please quote me, and explain what is not specific. But you are the one being vague, evidence of that fact is that I have to ask that question.

BackAgain, that's a cop out. There is no obligation on debate forums to articulate with razor precision. Moreover, it's what debating is about, to hash out stuff, whether it's specific, or not. If something isn't specific, that's a debate point. You could always take the courteous route and ask for clarification on a point you feel is vague, but I suppose that is too much to ask of you.

But a cop out is poor excuse to not engage.

Oh, is that too vague for you?

the OP, is in fact, quite specific. Methinks you didn't read it. Oh, that's right, you're a TLDR-er.

Well, I will say many of my threads aren't for those with attention deficits. My view is that if the forum allows the post within the character limits, the forum finds the length acceptable, and I'll go by forum policy, not yours.

Now, if you have something to contribute to the thread, please do.

If there is more there in the OP for you to handle, pick just one point, or........

Otherwise, move along.
You have every right to your opinion and to speak your opinion.

The real question is your intent.

Are you such a stickler for expressing your truth that you tell a woman how ugly she is in the morning? Tell the cops at the donut shop they'd be better off at the salad bar across the street? Tell the parents of a downs child to get their moron home where it belongs?
Are you a heterosexual male? Let me ask you a question, would you date a transfemale?

Are you heterosexual female? Let me ask you a question, would you date a transmale?

If you would, then you have more bisexuality in you than most males or females I know.

Most males I know wouldn't and they are not trying to harm anyone, it's just that they are not gay. the truth is in there, all one has to do is acknowledge objective reality.

I think there is a difference between subjective disparagement, and embracing objective reality.

Telling a woman she's ugly is not an objective fact. it is subjective, and to call her ugly, a subjective reality, mine, perhap no one else's, serves no useful purpose. Same goes for 'moron' or 'salad bar', these are subjective, and harping on the subjective serves no useful purpose.

But, if she were clearly caucasian, had straight hair, or at least not kinky like that of an African's, and told me she was African American, I'd think that, if she had it in her DNA, she might be able to make that claim, but normally a light skinned Africa American, well, their hair gives them away, and so, if she looked clearly caucasian, and after querying, she told me he had no African in her DNA, would it be to her benefit to perpetuate her delusion? or would it be to her benefit to politely, with kid gloves, lead her to a place to acknowledge reality, that her fantasy is just that, and that it is better to accept what, in fact, what one is, better for one's mental and spiritual health, to acknowledge reality, than to live in a fantasy. Now, if the person was on her deathbed, that would be one thing, but I mean in normal circumstances.

Is it about speaking your truth by denying theirs or using your right to speak to hurt someone who's never harmed you.

In either case you're acting purposefully with te intent to harm another person.

Working, diplomatically, courteously, with affection and love, to steer a person, from away from delusion is the opposite of harming them. What IS harming them is to perpetuate a delusion. After they are 18, it is nobody's business, unless they ask someone, such as myself, what my opinion is, and I'm not about to perpetuate, what I honestly believe is the objective fact of their delusion, given the simple fact that if they were claiming they were a dog, or Chinese on that score, you wouldn't have a problem. If that were the case, would you defend such a delusion? In my view, you'd be doing them harm if you did. how is it any different for sex?

I do NOt buy the 'gender and sex are not the same thing' claim. That, to me, is delusion.

Boys are not girls, and girls are not boys, and this is an objective fact. It is okay to be an effeminate male, and okay to be a masculine woman. Acknowledging reality is the best approach for mental and spiritual health. My approach to the subject is nuanced, as I described in the OP. I do believe there are legitimate cases of transgender, and the transgendered person I will accept their pronouns, but their are limits. I would never walk right up to a transfemale and tell her 'you're not a woman'. I would only say what I believe is true if asked, not a minute sooner. But I would be as diplomatic, courteous and friendly as I could about it. If she were truly convincing, I would go a little bit farther, and say 'I believe you inwardly a true woman, but biologically you are a male, though an effeminate one'. I say that because that is the truth, and the truth is what it is. However, if you look like a man in drag, and your voice is lower than mine, sorry, my eyes see what they see, and I'm not into lying about it, unless you are changing the subject about disparaging terms of subjective reality, which isn't the same thing, it's a false comparison.

All of your typing is worthless. A woman got punched in the balls. Let’s start with how fucking stupid this is.

You appear to be responding to my OP, but that link, nor is that content, in my OP. Who were you responding to? Well, they didn't receive it.
Are you a heterosexual male? Let me ask you a question, would you date a transfemale?

Are you heterosexual female? Let me ask you a question, would you date a transmale?

If you would, then you have more bisexuality in you than most males or females I know.

Most males I know wouldn't and they are not trying to harm anyone, it's just that they are not gay. the truth is in there, all one has to do is acknowledge objective reality.

I think there is a difference between subjective disparagement, and embracing objective reality.

Telling a woman she's ugly is not an objective fact. it is subjective, and to call her ugly, a subjective reality, mine, perhap no one else's, serves no useful purpose. Same goes for 'moron' or 'salad bar', these are subjective, and harping on the subjective serves no useful purpose.

But, if she were clearly caucasian, had straight hair, or at least not kinky like that of an African's, and told me she was African American, I'd think that, if she had it in her DNA, she might be able to make that claim, but normally a light skinned Africa American, well, their hair gives them away, and so, if she looked clearly caucasian, and after querying, she told me he had no African in her DNA, would it be to her benefit to perpetuate her delusion? or would it be to her benefit to politely, with kid gloves, lead her to a place to acknowledge reality, that her fantasy is just that, and that it is better to accept what, in fact, what one is, better for one's mental and spiritual health, to acknowledge reality, than to live in a fantasy. Now, if the person was on her deathbed, that would be one thing, but I mean in normal circumstances.

Working, diplomatically, courteously, with affection and love, to steer a person, from away from delusion is the opposite of harming them. What IS harming them is to perpetuate a delusion. After they are 18, it is nobody's business, unless they ask someone, such as myself, what my opinion is, and I'm not about to perpetuate, what I honestly believe is the objective fact of their delusion, given the simple fact that if they were claiming they were a dog, or Chinese on that score, you wouldn't have a problem. If that were the case, would you defend such a delusion? In my view, you'd be doing them harm if you did. how is it any different for sex?

I do NOt buy the 'gender and sex are not the same thing' claim. That, to me, is delusion.

Boys are not girls, and girls are not boys, and this is an objective fact. It is okay to be an effeminate male, and okay to be a masculine woman. Acknowledging reality is the best approach for mental and spiritual health. My approach to the subject is nuanced, as I described in the OP. I do believe there are legitimate cases of transgender, and the transgendered person I will accept their pronouns, but their are limits. I would never walk right up to a transfemale and tell her 'you're not a woman'. I would only say what I believe is true if asked, not a minute sooner. But I would be as diplomatic, courteous and friendly as I could about it. If she were truly convincing, I would go a little bit farther, and say 'I believe you inwardly a true woman, but biologically you are a male, though an effeminate one'. I say that because that is the truth, and the truth is what it is. However, if you look like a man in drag, and your voice is lower than mine, sorry, my eyes see what they see, and I'm not into lying about it, unless you are changing the subject about disparaging terms of subjective reality, which isn't the same thing, it's a false comparison.
So your intent is to be cruel. To harm a person who has never harmed you.

Sadism is a treatable mental condition.
I read the first 5 to 10 words in each of the paragraphs in the OP ... all I needed in view of the comments that followed ... a fine example of "when all is said and done, more will be said that done" ...

My tale starts with her leaving me with three little ones, two in diapers ... a time when a man must learn how to be a mother ... I just simply switch genders and my self-indentity was female ... the best part was being a nasty bitch on the construction site a few days a month ... menstrating lead carpenters are an evil lot for the crew ... poor suckers ...

Today I get to be Mother-in-Law-from-Hell extrodinare ... still a man where that counts ... "If a son can't take his own mother into a titty bar for a beer means he's not getting enough at home" ...

ETA - Folks are too serious about the matter ... gay means happy ... or have we all became sour pusses ...
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Please reread my comment. It says nothing of the sort.

Non sequitur.
II read your post.
You clearly identify yourself as a sadist.

You reserve the right to be cruel o people who've done you no harm just because you can.

the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others."

If you don't like who you are the better solution is to change rather than deny.
I read the first 5 to 10 words in each of the paragraphs in the OP ... all I needed in view of the comments that followed ... a fine example of "when all is said and done, more will be said that done" ...

My tale starts with her leaving me with three little ones, two in diapers ... a time when a man must learn how to be a mother ... I just simply switch genders and my self-indentity was female ... the best part was being a nasty bitch on the construction site a few days a month ... menstrating lead carpenters are an evil lot for the crew ... poor suckers ...

Today I get to be Mother-in-Law-from-Hell extrodinare ... still a man where that counts ... "If a son can't take his own mother into a titty bar for a beer means he's not getting enough at home" ...

ETA - Folks are too serious about the matter ... gay means happy ... or have we all became sour pusses ...

Are you claiming you are actually transsexual? Or are you just speaking metaphorically? Whichever is the case, that is fine, either way, I respect your choice.

However, if there are any specific points I raise in the OP with which you take issue, feel free to offer them.

0.5% of the US population is transgender. From all of the hoopla that I'm hearing, I would've guessed 50%.
0.5% of the US population is transgender. From all of the hoopla that I'm hearing, I would've guessed 50%.

I want to know what percent of that is actually a tranny vs the ones that are a tranny purely because it's what their are influenced to be on social media and by adults.

But you can thank their seemingly in the millions numbers because of politicians and companies that try to appeal to them for dollars and votes and esg scores. And to media outlets trying to attract viewers. And social media users trying to get more subscribers. There seems to be so many of them because they are being treated like a fetish to others for their own selfish needs. The "surge in trannies" wouldn't even exist if it weren't for social media and people's desires to exploit them for one reason or another.

Course most of them wouldn't exist if the previous generation that's now the current generations parents were soft and weak willed pansies. There is a reason why trannies are either almost all young and old because the young ones were raised by shitty parents and the old ones do it for a sexual thrill they can't get any other way. There are very few middle aged trannies for that reason.
I want to know what percent of that is actually a tranny vs the ones that are a tranny purely because it's what their are influenced to be on social media and by adults.

But you can thank their seemingly in the millions numbers because of politicians and companies that try to appeal to them for dollars and votes and esg scores. And to media outlets trying to attract viewers. And social media users trying to get more subscribers. There seems to be so many of them because they are being treated like a fetish to others for their own selfish needs. The "surge in trannies" wouldn't even exist if it weren't for social media and people's desires to exploit them for one reason or another.

Course most of them wouldn't exist if the previous generation that's now the current generations parents were soft and weak willed pansies. There is a reason why trannies are either almost all young and old because the young ones were raised by shitty parents and the old ones do it for a sexual thrill they can't get any other way. There are very few middle aged trannies for that reason.
They do call some people 'influencers' on social media. I'm too senior to be influenced by tatted misunderstood youth. Are you trying to tell me that social media can convince someone to change their sex, just because it's trending? You'll never convince me of that.
They do call some people 'influencers' on social media. I'm too senior to be influenced by tatted misunderstood youth. Are you trying to tell me that social media can convince someone to change their sex, just because it's trending? You'll never convince me of that.
To those that are depressed, anxious, unhappy with their lives it's the answer. This will fix you they are told. By the time they figure out that changing sex is not the answer it's too late.
You should have read it. It is not that hard except if you are illiterate.
Nah. I know the source and I’m not interested in his unduly verbose wall o’ words. If you want to spend your time reading tons of bullshit, you go right ahead.
You have every right to your opinion and to speak your opinion.

The real question is your intent.
his post
Are you such a stickler for expressing your truth that you tell a woman how ugly she is in the morning? Tell the cops at the donut shop they'd be better off at the salad bar across the street? Tell the parents of a downs child to get their moron home where it belongs?

Is it about speaking your truth by denying theirs or using your right to speak to hurt someone who's never harmed you.

In either case you're acting purposefully with te intent to harm another person.
I don't recall seeing any of that in his post.

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