NAACP Condemns Ferguson State Of Emergency; Compares Rioters, Looters To Boston TEA Party

oh and btw the black/white/whatever is just black.

That is inaccurate. The violent rioters/looters in this ordeal aren't entirely comprised of black people. To say otherwise is dishonest.


Sounds closer to accurate, although we don't have exact numbers.

Not all black people are violent rioters. There are many who are great, upstanding citizens. You simply don't hear of them. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, businessmen, police officers, etc.

quit making excuses for lawlessness.

Yeah! Wait, are we talking about the riots in Ferguson or the Riots called a Party in Boston?
Total insanity coming from these type people. I have a feeling we are about to witness total bloodshed and riots that will dwarf Watts back in the 60's.


NAACP Condemns Ferguson State of Emergency Compares Rioters Looters to Boston Tea Partiers

Why can`t they be like white people and limit their rioting to pumpkin festivals and college football celebrations?
I agree that these rioters (black/white/whatever) are despicable. Racial agitators like the NAACP and Sharpton are, in my opinion, wicked.

That said, not all black people are like that.

and the blacks "that are not like that" are called Uncle Tom's because they are Conservative.

And whites still call them a n*gga so...
If you had a white daughter would you let her date a negro?
You dont have a choice unless you plan on locking her up. I've dated plenty of white girls who fathers were not happy about it.

yes but you aren't a're a white boy playing games.
Correct. I'm a Black man. Your worst nightmare and yes you are a white boy playing games.

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