Nancy Pelosi Too Busy To Meet Angel Mom About Her Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out W/Chef Jose Andres

Whats brave about telling some broad her childs death is meaningless. Its rude and unnecessary to tell her that. And stop saying angel mom. For all you know the child could be the devils spawn or a future mass murderer.

So you're admitting you don't have the guts to make your comments to the ANGEL MOM'S face. No I will NOT stop using that term, nor will other conservatives. Does that chafe your woman parts? Good.
Hell no I wouldnt say that to a grieving mom. Not my place. That doesnt change the point no matter how badly you want it.

That's all you've been saying here you moronic pos. No it doesn't change the point that the woman is an ANGEL MOM no matter how badly you want it to. The hole you're in is about 10 feet deep now. You may want to stop digging.
Prove to me that this woman gave birth to an angel. If you cant you have nothing.

That's just a desperate grasp for anything. Prove the child was a criminal. You should be able to easily show arrest records and such right? If you can't then you have nothing. As usual you pathetic pos.
You dont have to be a criminal to not be an angel. The fact he existed on this planet proves he was no angel. Angels dont kick dogs.
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres

Good for Nancy. She cant do shit about this womans dead son but she can help with government workers.

Of course she can. She can get the House to approve the money for the wall so we don't have any more Angel Moms.

Oh and she is one asshole of a POS.
Thats a retarded suggestion. Building a wall wont keep an illegal immigrant from killing anyone. WTF is an angel mom anyway? Pretty sure her son was no angel.

The womans son died. No reason to call her an asshole.
How does stupid bitch work for ya?
Just because she calls herself an angel mom doesnt mean she is stupid and she never worked for me.
Nobody works for you. Including you.
And, the Angel moms will be Trump’s guests at the SOTUA. Tell Nancy to go to the restroom.
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


Ohhh look at me ! My kid was killed ! Like that’s the only person killed in America.

How many are killed every day because of shitty gun laws ? Do those victims get an audience with trump ?
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


This exploitation of the parents of children killed by illegal immigrants is the most partisan,venally corrupt and misleading exploitation of grieving parents since the GOP paraded the families of some of those killed in Benghazi at the RNC and used them to promote the idea that Hillary Clinton was to blame for their deaths.

From threatening to throw her in jail if she didn't recant her sworn affidavit that Bill Clinton had never assaulted or raped her, and bullying Anita Broaddrick into recanting that affidavit by threatening to throw her into jail if she didn't, to causing Monica Lewinsky to consider suicide, the GOP has continuously demonstrated that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to in order to smear the opposition. They attacked Anita Hill and humilated her, and called Dr. Ford a liar, and a paid shill for the Democratic Party.

Now they're using grieving parents, of which there are far fewer than there are the parents of school children killed in gun assaults, deaths they routinely ignore, and all of this focus on the handful of people who are killed by illegal immigrants, most of whom died in traffic accidents. Why do these people's children matter more than the children who died in gun violence, at the hands of white, right wing terrorists?
Last edited:
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


Ohhh look at me ! My kid was killed ! Like that’s the only person killed in America.

How many are killed every day because of shitty gun laws ? Do those victims get an audience with trump ?
And you turdknockers made such a big deal about the five star Muslim mom! Pick a lane and stay in it asswipe!
And, the Angel moms will be Trump’s guests at the SOTUA. Tell Nancy to go to the restroom.
I'd expect Drumpf to resort to exploitation to get his agenda across. For thinking people we wont be swayed by him using a grieving mom.
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


Ohhh look at me ! My kid was killed ! Like that’s the only person killed in America.

How many are killed every day because of shitty gun laws ? Do those victims get an audience with trump ?
And you turdknockers made such a big deal about the five star Muslim mom! Pick a lane and stay in it asswipe!
You mean the one where Drumpf called her son a terrorist?
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


This exploitation of the parents of children killed by illegal immigrants is the most partisan,venally corrupt and misleading exploitation of grieving parents since the GOP paraded the families of some of those killed in Benghazi at the RNC and used them to promote the idea that Hillary Clinton was to blame for their deaths.

From threatening to throw her in jail if she didn't recant her sworn affidavit that Bill Clinton had never assaulted or raped her, and bullying Anita Broaddrick into recanting that affidavit by threatening to throw her into jail if she didn't, to causing Monica Lewinsky to consider suicide, the GOP has continuously demonstrated that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to in order to smear the opposition.
No one gives a shit what you think. You aren’t American and haven’t lost a kid to an illegal alien. Dumbass!
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


Ohhh look at me ! My kid was killed ! Like that’s the only person killed in America.

How many are killed every day because of shitty gun laws ? Do those victims get an audience with trump ?
And you turdknockers made such a big deal about the five star Muslim mom! Pick a lane and stay in it asswipe!
You mean the one where Drumpf called her son a terrorist?
No! You are a liar! As well as a pos!
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


Ohhh look at me ! My kid was killed ! Like that’s the only person killed in America.

How many are killed every day because of shitty gun laws ? Do those victims get an audience with trump ?
And you turdknockers made such a big deal about the five star Muslim mom! Pick a lane and stay in it asswipe!
You mean the one where Drumpf called her son a terrorist?
No! You are a liar! As well as a pos!
Yeah ok. :rolleyes:

Donald Trump Criticizes Muslim Family of Slain U.S. Soldier, Drawing Ire
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


This exploitation of the parents of children killed by illegal immigrants is the most partisan,venally corrupt and misleading exploitation of grieving parents since the GOP paraded the families of some of those killed in Benghazi at the RNC and used them to promote the idea that Hillary Clinton was to blame for their deaths.

From threatening to throw her in jail if she didn't recant her sworn affidavit that Bill Clinton had never assaulted or raped her, and bullying Anita Broaddrick into recanting that affidavit by threatening to throw her into jail if she didn't, to causing Monica Lewinsky to consider suicide, the GOP has continuously demonstrated that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to in order to smear the opposition.
No one gives a shit what you think. You aren’t American and haven’t lost a kid to an illegal alien. Dumbass!

Immigration status doesn’t kill people , people kill people .

Sound familiar?
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres

Good for Nancy. She cant do shit about this womans dead son but she can help with government workers.

Of course she can. She can get the House to approve the money for the wall so we don't have any more Angel Moms.

Oh and she is one asshole of a POS.
Thats a retarded suggestion. Building a wall wont keep an illegal immigrant from killing anyone. WTF is an angel mom anyway? Pretty sure her son was no angel.

The womans son died. No reason to call her an asshole.
How does stupid bitch work for ya?
Just because she calls herself an angel mom doesnt mean she is stupid and she never worked for me.

"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres

Good for Nancy. She cant do shit about this womans dead son but she can help with government workers.

Of course she can. She can get the House to approve the money for the wall so we don't have any more Angel Moms.

Oh and she is one asshole of a POS.
Thats a retarded suggestion. Building a wall wont keep an illegal immigrant from killing anyone. WTF is an angel mom anyway? Pretty sure her son was no angel.

The womans son died. No reason to call her an asshole.
How does stupid bitch work for ya?
Just because she calls herself an angel mom doesnt mean she is stupid and she never worked for me.
Your reading comprehension is worse than I thought. That could explain why you’re always posting stupid stuff.
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


This exploitation of the parents of children killed by illegal immigrants is the most partisan,venally corrupt and misleading exploitation of grieving parents since the GOP paraded the families of some of those killed in Benghazi at the RNC and used them to promote the idea that Hillary Clinton was to blame for their deaths.

From threatening to throw her in jail if she didn't recant her sworn affidavit that Bill Clinton had never assaulted or raped her, and bullying Anita Broaddrick into recanting that affidavit by threatening to throw her into jail if she didn't, to causing Monica Lewinsky to consider suicide, the GOP has continuously demonstrated that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to in order to smear the opposition.
No one gives a shit what you think. You aren’t American and haven’t lost a kid to an illegal alien. Dumbass!

Immigration status doesn’t kill people , people kill people .

Sound familiar?
Illegals are people, no one ever claimed they were not! Are ewe fucking stupid?
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


Ohhh look at me ! My kid was killed ! Like that’s the only person killed in America.

How many are killed every day because of shitty gun laws ? Do those victims get an audience with trump ?
And you turdknockers made such a big deal about the five star Muslim mom! Pick a lane and stay in it asswipe!
You mean the one where Drumpf called her son a terrorist?
No! You are a liar! As well as a pos!
Yeah ok. :rolleyes:

Donald Trump Criticizes Muslim Family of Slain U.S. Soldier, Drawing Ire
Could you quote the part where Trump called the son a terrorist you lying pos?
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres

Good for Nancy. She cant do shit about this womans dead son but she can help with government workers.

Of course she can. She can get the House to approve the money for the wall so we don't have any more Angel Moms.

Oh and she is one asshole of a POS.

How is tRumps plan to go after employers knowingly hiring illegals? Oh yeah, he's not. He shut the government down causing an $11B hit to the economy.
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres

Good for Nancy. She cant do shit about this womans dead son but she can help with government workers.

Of course she can. She can get the House to approve the money for the wall so we don't have any more Angel Moms.

Oh and she is one asshole of a POS.

How is tRumps plan to go after employers knowingly hiring illegals? Oh yeah, he's not. He shut the government down causing an $11B hit to the economy.
If he really meant to go after employers that hired illegals he would have had to put himself in prison. Hell one of them is asking for protection from Congress.

Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


This exploitation of the parents of children killed by illegal immigrants is the most partisan,venally corrupt and misleading exploitation of grieving parents since the GOP paraded the families of some of those killed in Benghazi at the RNC and used them to promote the idea that Hillary Clinton was to blame for their deaths.

From threatening to throw her in jail if she didn't recant her sworn affidavit that Bill Clinton had never assaulted or raped her, and bullying Anita Broaddrick into recanting that affidavit by threatening to throw her into jail if she didn't, to causing Monica Lewinsky to consider suicide, the GOP has continuously demonstrated that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to in order to smear the opposition.
No one gives a shit what you think. You aren’t American and haven’t lost a kid to an illegal alien. Dumbass!

Pot, kettle, black. You're not American either, and you haven't even met an illegal alien. Lying bitch!
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres


This exploitation of the parents of children killed by illegal immigrants is the most partisan,venally corrupt and misleading exploitation of grieving parents since the GOP paraded the families of some of those killed in Benghazi at the RNC and used them to promote the idea that Hillary Clinton was to blame for their deaths.

From threatening to throw her in jail if she didn't recant her sworn affidavit that Bill Clinton had never assaulted or raped her, and bullying Anita Broaddrick into recanting that affidavit by threatening to throw her into jail if she didn't, to causing Monica Lewinsky to consider suicide, the GOP has continuously demonstrated that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to in order to smear the opposition.
No one gives a shit what you think. You aren’t American and haven’t lost a kid to an illegal alien. Dumbass!

Pot, kettle, black. You're not American either, and you haven't even met an illegal alien. Lying bitch!
I am very much an American. You are just a wannabe big mouth!
"As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?"


OPINION: Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres

I hate people who show up without an appointment and expect to get a meeting on the drop of a hat.

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