Nearly 80% of Americans say Biden won White House, ignoring Trump's refusal to concede: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Refreshing to see that most people accept the truth
More polling?? Lol
when fox cuts away from ninny the propaganda spreader spewing her fake news, then you know it's over.

LOL...FUX is now left wing.
Thats why their rating have plummeted.
Well let’s see...
You have a network that is despised by the left due to being “republican”. Due to that, leftists don’t watch.
Conservatives and independents watched because despite being shitty at time, they weren’t the absolute propagandist liars that you find at CNN, MSLSD, ABC, etc.
Then what do they do over the past 3-4 years?? Start sliding left. Hiring more and more left wingers. Hiring people with zero integrity like Donna brazile??? Are you kidding? Start cutting people off for criticizing Soros, that was an eye opener for many viewers and they started questioning fox more seriously.
Then the election comes around, and what do they do? They show they have decided to leave behind any notion of “fair and balanced” and Pull their bullshit.

Well done. You have now caused your conservative audience to give you the CNN treatment and tell you to fuck off. Independents are leaving as well.

Works for me. I want newsmax and OAN to blow up. Hopefully one of them snags tucker, hannity, etc.
Kiss my ass fox.
when fox cuts away from ninny the propaganda spreader spewing her fake news, then you know it's over.

LOL...FUX is now left wing.
Thats why their rating have plummeted.

you mean the fox circle jerking is now shooting all blanks?

must be OANN, newsmax, & RT are swallowing all the die hard echo chamber MAGATs.


when fox cuts away from ninny the propaganda spreader spewing her fake news, then you know it's over.

LOL...FUX is now left wing.
Thats why their rating have plummeted.
Well let’s see...
You have a network that is despised by the left due to being “republican”. Due to that, leftists don’t watch.
Conservatives and independents watched because despite being shitty at time, they weren’t the absolute propagandist liars that you find at CNN, MSLSD, ABC, etc.
Then what do they do over the past 3-4 years?? Start sliding left. Hiring more and more left wingers. Hiring people with zero integrity like Donna brazile??? Are you kidding? Start cutting people off for criticizing Soros, that was an eye opener for many viewers and they started questioning fox more seriously.
Then the election comes around, and what do they do? They show they have decided to leave behind any notion of “fair and balanced” and Pull their bullshit.

Well done. You have now caused your conservative audience to give you the CNN treatment and tell you to fuck off. Independents are leaving as well.

Works for me. I want newsmax and OAN to blow up. Hopefully one of them snags tucker, hannity, etc.
Kiss my ass fox.

don't hit yer head on the way down!
when fox cuts away from ninny the propaganda spreader spewing her fake news, then you know it's over.

LOL...FUX is now left wing.
Thats why their rating have plummeted.
Well let’s see...
You have a network that is despised by the left due to being “republican”. Due to that, leftists don’t watch.
Conservatives and independents watched because despite being shitty at time, they weren’t the absolute propagandist liars that you find at CNN, MSLSD, ABC, etc.
Then what do they do over the past 3-4 years?? Start sliding left. Hiring more and more left wingers. Hiring people with zero integrity like Donna brazile??? Are you kidding? Start cutting people off for criticizing Soros, that was an eye opener for many viewers and they started questioning fox more seriously.
Then the election comes around, and what do they do? They show they have decided to leave behind any notion of “fair and balanced” and Pull their bullshit.

Well done. You have now caused your conservative audience to give you the CNN treatment and tell you to fuck off. Independents are leaving as well.

Works for me. I want newsmax and OAN to blow up. Hopefully one of them snags tucker, hannity, etc.
Kiss my ass fox.

don't hit yer head on the way down!
Do you work for fox?
If not, then why are you saying bye?
And FYI, reading your message out loud you sound like a little girl.
when fox cuts away from ninny the propaganda spreader spewing her fake news, then you know it's over.

LOL...FUX is now left wing.
Thats why their rating have plummeted.

you mean the fox circle jerking is now shooting all blanks?

must be OANN, newsmax, & RT are swallowing all the die hard echo chamber MAGATs.


View attachment 414624

Why are all you lefties so ill informed?
FUX has been on a downhill slide for the last four years.
when fox cuts away from ninny the propaganda spreader spewing her fake news, then you know it's over.

LOL...FUX is now left wing.
Thats why their rating have plummeted.
Well let’s see...
You have a network that is despised by the left due to being “republican”. Due to that, leftists don’t watch.
Conservatives and independents watched because despite being shitty at time, they weren’t the absolute propagandist liars that you find at CNN, MSLSD, ABC, etc.
Then what do they do over the past 3-4 years?? Start sliding left. Hiring more and more left wingers. Hiring people with zero integrity like Donna brazile??? Are you kidding? Start cutting people off for criticizing Soros, that was an eye opener for many viewers and they started questioning fox more seriously.
Then the election comes around, and what do they do? They show they have decided to leave behind any notion of “fair and balanced” and Pull their bullshit.

Well done. You have now caused your conservative audience to give you the CNN treatment and tell you to fuck off. Independents are leaving as well.

Works for me. I want newsmax and OAN to blow up. Hopefully one of them snags tucker, hannity, etc.
Kiss my ass fox.

don't hit yer head on the way down!
Do you work for fox?
If not, then why are you saying bye?
And FYI, reading your message out loud you sound like a little girl.

^ ' Do you work for fox?'


' If not, then why are you saying bye? '

uh - it's for all the MAGATs jumping down the echo chamber hole; do try to follow along.

' And FYI reading your message out loud you sound like a little girl. '

well, since i am female & barely 5'2", that makes you one of them thar rare astute MAGATs! :spinner:
when fox cuts away from ninny the propaganda spreader spewing her fake news, then you know it's over.

LOL...FUX is now left wing.
Thats why their rating have plummeted.

you mean the fox circle jerking is now shooting all blanks?

must be OANN, newsmax, & RT are swallowing all the die hard echo chamber MAGATs.


View attachment 414624

Why are all you lefties so ill informed?
FUX has been on a downhill slide for the last four years.

if you say so, basket dweller.... the way deplorables on this little message board blather on about how FOX beats everyone with their ratings, i guess it was silly to believe 'em then, 'eh?
Well, since i am female & barely 5'2", that makes you one of them thar rare astute MAGATs! :spinner:
Hhmmm... I've always had a thing for shorties... But you might have too much spunk. And likely watches way too much daytime TV.
Well, since i am female & barely 5'2", that makes you one of them thar rare astute MAGATs! :spinner:
Hhmmm... I've always had a thing for shorties... But you might have too much spunk. And likely watches way too much daytime TV.

lol ... no female can ever have too much spunk - & no, i don't watch daytime TV at all. it usually doesn't even go on 'till after supper.
when fox cuts away from ninny the propaganda spreader spewing her fake news, then you know it's over.

LOL...FUX is now left wing.
Thats why their rating have plummeted.

Yes, it appears Rupert Murdoch’s daughter in law let the cat out of the bag. They seem to be part of the commit media now too, just not quite as propagandized as CNN and MSNBC.

Lemmings do what lemmings do and continue to follow right along with left-wing talking points and “news”. The US is dying right in front of our very eyes and the lefties are completely oblivious to it. At this point, they could announce a universal income for everyone and the left would agree. It is complete mind-meld.

Refreshing to see that most people accept the truth
According to Yahoo????

Are you fucking serious????

Does Russian Collusion ring a bell????

Refreshing to see that most people accept the truth
According to Yahoo????

Are you fucking serious????

Does Russian Collusion ring a bell????

The MO of you wingnuts needs to change, you can't quote and then turn around and criticize somebody's sources as biased when yahoo has never knowingly doctored nor edited videos to give distorted views.
Everybody just wants to move on at this point. It's just the true believing wingnuts holding on to hope...and bullshit claims of fraud.

Nope. It is the media pushing a false narrative hoping that lemmings like you will "just want to move on" and ignore the improprieties.

On one hand, the media reports any shred of hearsay and leaks involving Russian collusion which were all proven to be false and on the other they won't accept any evidence of voter fraud including sworn eye witness testimonies. Astoundingly hypocritical.

That they are. Michigan has 253 signed affidavits and is already doing its own recount. There are loads of other signed affidavits out there as well. Should be very interesting.
The fact that such a poll would even be taken demonstrates how badly this buffoon in the White House has debased America. just proves how sick you leftists are.
It's not a reflection on Trump.....because Trump is just the latest in a long line of Progressive victims.
Many of the victims have attempted to recover their reputations by sucking up to the Deep State and some have not:

  • George W. Bush
  • John McCain
  • Mitt Romney
  • Sarah Palin
  • Justice Kavanaugh
  • Justice Clarence Thomas
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Justice Scalia
  • Newt Gingrich
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Charlton Heston
  • Ann Coulter
  • Ted Nugent
  • Sean Hannity
  • Michael Savage
  • Gen Michael Flynn
  • Kid Rock
  • Jon Voight
  • Andrew Breitbart
  • John Wayne
  • Mel Gibson
  • Tim Tebow
  • Joe Paterno
  • Curt Schilling
  • Mark McGuire
  • Ron Silver
  • Bob Knight
  • Mark Levin
  • Oliver North
Everybody just wants to move on at this point. It's just the true believing wingnuts holding on to hope...and bullshit claims of fraud.

Nope. It is the media pushing a false narrative hoping that lemmings like you will "just want to move on" and ignore the improprieties.

On one hand, the media reports any shred of hearsay and leaks involving Russian collusion which were all proven to be false and on the other they won't accept any evidence of voter fraud including sworn eye witness testimonies. Astoundingly hypocritical.

That they are. Michigan has 253 signed affidavits and is already doing its own recount. There are loads of other signed affidavits out there as well. Should be very interesting.

Feel free to be interested. The only people it may get interesting for are the people who signed those affidavits. If they are found to be baseless, they should go to prison. There is no credible evidence of voter fraud.
Like this guy. He's in for a whole world of hurt.

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